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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
22:01, 8 July 2009ResourceTab.JPG (file)19 KBMogHughson (The Resource Tab in SimPE)1
22:41, 8 July 2009SimPE-Resources.JPG (file)24 KBMogHughson 3
23:14, 8 July 2009ResourceListContextMenu.JPG (file)7 KBMogHughson (The pop-up (context) menu from the Resource List pane in SimPE)1
00:26, 9 July 2009BCONinSimPE.JPG (file)36 KBMogHughson (Example BCON show in SimPE)1
00:35, 9 July 2009BCONinBHAVinSimPE.JPG (file)23 KBMogHughson (Showing the use of a Const (BCON) in a BHAV in SimPE. Example screenshot taken in SimPE v0.72.1.33855 )1
01:00, 9 July 2009BCONLabelsinSimPE.JPG (file)18 KBMogHughson (BCON labels (TRCN resource) in SimPE. Example screenshot taken in SimPE v0.72.1.33855 )1
22:24, 9 July 2009SetToNextInstructionWizard.JPG (file)17 KBMogHughson (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Set to Next Primitive [0x001F]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
23:08, 9 July 2009ObjectAdjacentToObject.JPG (file)14 KBMogHughson (Demonstration of the locations found by Set to Next (Object Adjacent to object in (local)).)1
23:14, 9 July 2009ObjectWithinOneTile.JPG (file)26 KBMogHughson (Demonstration of the locations found by Set to Next (Object within one tile to object in (local)).)1
11:32, 30 August 2009CatalogSort.JPG (file)20 KBMogHughson (Catalog sort selection. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
11:43, 30 August 2009RAWData OBJd File.JPG (file)10 KBMogHughson (RAW Data - OBJd File section. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
11:46, 30 August 2009RAWData Catalog Price.JPG (file)17 KBMogHughson (Catalog Price RAW Data. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
11:55, 30 August 2009RAWData Catalog Sorting.JPG (file)57 KBMogHughson (Catalog Sorting RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
12:06, 30 August 2009Icon RoomSort.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Room Sort symbol from Buy Mode catalog in Sims 2 game. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
12:10, 30 August 2009Icon BuildMode.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Build Mode symbol from Sims 2 game. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
12:34, 30 August 2009Icon DoorsWindows.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Door and Windows Build mode section symbol from Sims 2 Game)1
13:10, 30 August 2009Icon Garage.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Garages build mode section from Sims 2 Game.)1
13:42, 30 August 2009Icon GardenCenter.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Garden Center build mode section from Sims 2 Game.)1
13:46, 30 August 2009Icon BuildMisc.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Miscellaneous build mode section from Sims 2 Game.)1
13:52, 30 August 2009Icon CommunitySort.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Community Buy Mode catalog symbol in Sims 2 game.)1
13:55, 30 August 2009Icon Food.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Community Buy Mode catalog Food subsort symbol in Sims 2 game.)1
13:57, 30 August 2009Icon Shopping.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Community Buy Mode catalog Shopping subsort symbol in Sims 2 game.)1
13:58, 30 August 2009Icon Outdoor.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Community Buy Mode catalog Outdoor subsort symbol in Sims 2 game. )1
14:01, 30 August 2009Icon Street.JPG (file)1 KBMogHughson (Community Buy Mode catalog Street subsort symbol in Sims 2 game.)1
14:06, 30 August 2009RAWData Catalog Ratings.JPG (file)24 KBMogHughson (Catalog Ratings RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:09, 30 August 2009RAWData UserPlacement.JPG (file)23 KBMogHughson (User Placement RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:14, 30 August 2009RAWData MeshGraphics.JPG (file)30 KBMogHughson (Mesh and Graphics RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:22, 30 August 2009RAWData ResourceCrossRefs.JPG (file)26 KBMogHughson (Resource cross-refs RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:27, 30 August 2009RAWData GUIDs.JPG (file)51 KBMogHughson (GUIDs RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:32, 30 August 2009RAWData DataSpace.JPG (file)15 KBMogHughson (Data Space RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:36, 30 August 2009RAWData MemoriesWants.JPG (file)12 KBMogHughson (Memories and Wants RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
14:39, 30 August 2009RAWData Miscellaneous.JPG (file)54 KBMogHughson (Miscellaneous RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
16:22, 30 August 2009Example Pie Menu.JPG (file)14 KBMogHughson (Example Pie Menu from Sims 2 Game.)1
16:27, 30 August 2009TTABInSimPE.JPG (file)61 KBMogHughson (TTAB editor in SimPE. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
16:53, 30 August 2009TTAB FlagsInSimPE.JPG (file)37 KBMogHughson (TTAB Flags in SimPE. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
18:30, 30 August 2009TPRPinSimPE.JPG (file)54 KBMogHughson (BHAV labels (TPRP resource) in SimPE. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
18:43, 30 August 2009CTSSInSimPE.JPG (file)56 KBMogHughson (The Catalog Description plug-in view with overlay of what is shown in Buy Mode. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
18:46, 30 August 2009CTSSCrossRef.JPG (file)30 KBMogHughson (Tying up the CTSS instance ID in the Resource cross-refs. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
15:52, 3 October 2009RandomNumberInstructionWizard.JPG (file)15 KBMogHughson (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Random Number Primitive [0x0008]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
18:26, 3 October 2009BHAVoperands.JPG (file)9 KBMogHughson (Operand entry for BHAVs annotated with the numbers used to refer to these operands in the wiki pages that include this picture. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
22:39, 27 October 2009SetToNext-ObjOnSameTile.JPG (file)35 KBMogHughson (Example BHAV code in SimPE for Set to Next Primitive [0x001F] using "obj on same tile". Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
20:56, 13 December 2009ManageInventoryInstructionWizard.JPG (file)37 KBMogHughson (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Manage Inventory Primitive [0x0033]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
18:05, 24 December 2009DialogInstructionWizard.JPG (file)32 KBMogHughson (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Dialog Primitive [0x0024]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
16:58, 26 December 2009Array.png (file)5 KBMogHughson 1
17:26, 26 December 2009ArrayOperationInstructionWizard.JPG (file)20 KBMogHughson (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Array Operation Primitive [0x0024]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
21:23, 29 December 2009ObjectAttributes.JPG (file)34 KBMogHughson (Showing the cross reference between the attribute strings and their use in the Expression Instruction Wizard in SimPE. Example screenshot taken in SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1
22:31, 29 December 2009Motives.JPG (file)11 KBMogHughson (In game picture to indicate what motives are.)1
22:42, 29 December 2009Fitness.JPG (file)2 KBMogHughson (In game shot showing the Fitness/Fatness meter.)1
16:14, 17 January 2010Multi-Tile Map.JPG (file)6 KBMogHughson (Pictorial representation of the in-game coordinate system)1
22:14, 17 January 2010AddChangeActionStringInstructionWizard.JPG (file)26 KBMogHughson (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Add/Change the Action String Primitive [0x0032]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855)1

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