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[[Category:Game Help]][[Category:Sims 3]]
[[Category:Game Help]][[Category:Sims 3]]

Latest revision as of 21:42, 17 October 2009

Sims 3 Game Help Categories:

Custom Content  | Installation  | Gameplay Guides  | Technical & Graphics Issues  | Miscellaneous Issues

MTS Help Q&A Forums

All the FAQs, all in one place. For easier browsability you can choose one of the links in the "Game Help Categories" listing above.

Install What to do if you're having trouble installing the game.

    Sims 3 Custom Content

    ... How to get all that cool custom content working in your game...
Installing Package Files How to install files that are in the .package format
Installing Sims How to get downloaded sims working in your game.
Installing Lots How to get downloaded lots and houses working in your game.
Uninstalling TS3 Content How to remove custom content from your game.


    ... Helpful information regarding the aspects and gameplay of The Sims 3


Cheats The game's cheats, with instructions and descriptions on how to use them.
Tricks Tricks and bugs that make the game more fun!


Aging Age durations and whatnot.
Ambrosia The dish of life!
Books All the books in the game and what to do with them.
Bug Collecting Beetles and butterflies!
Careers Career levels, options, pay levels, and skills.
Cooking & Recipes The foods your sims can cook, with ingredients, cooking skill, etc.
Death Flower The Death Flower and its plant.
Fishing Fish, baits, and so forth.
Gardening Plants, fertilizers, and seeds. Where to find them and what benefits they grant.
Gems & Cuts The different types of gems you can collect and the cuts you can get.
Ghosts Info on what happens after your Sim kicks the bucket.
Guitar Guitar Songs, Skills and More.
Handiness & Upgrades A list of what available upgrades there are, and information on the Handiness skill.
Investments How and why to invest in local businesses.
Life Fruit So what's this life fruit thing and what does it do?
Lifetime Rewards What happens when your Sim splurges on that upgrade to their life.
Logic The logic skill and its use.
Moodlets Your sims moodlets, and what causes them.
Mysterious Mr. Gnome Careful... he's mysterious!
NPCs A list of all the NPCs who make our Sim's life a little easier and the ones we could do without!
Omni Plant The plant that can grow lobsters!
Ores What are those gold and silver lumps you find good for?
Opportunities Opportunities to increase skill level, job performance, and earn extra cash.
Painting Painting and the painting skill.
Pregnancy, Baby Gender & Fertility Help on what to expect when your sim is expecting.
Rabbit Holes & Community Lots What the heck is a rabbit hole, and what are the different types? Plus, community lots!
Traits A list of all the game's traits, with descriptions.
Toddlers What to do once they're out of the crib and eating their socks.
Writing A guide to writing a best selling novel.

    Technical & Graphics Issues

    ... Information on various technical and graphics related issues.


Graphics Cards Everything you'll ever need to know about graphics cards, and associated problems.
Windowed Mode Run the game in a window, so you can do other things while you play.
Onboard/Integrated Graphics Issues How to play the game using onboard graphics without blurry textures, crashes, and damaged motherboards.


Game Crashes For help with addressing crashing problems during the the game.
Loading Crashes For help with addressing crashing problems that occur during the loading screen.

    Technical Information

Finding Your License Key How to find the serial key for your game if you've lost the booklet.
Installing Package Files How to install files that are in the .package format (Also see: Installing Custom Content)
Patching Your Game Everything you need to know about patching your game.
System Specifications How to find out about all the bits and pieces inside your computer, no screwdrivers required.
System Requirements What your computer needs to have in order to run The Sims 3.

Sims 3 Game Help Categories:

Custom Content  | Installation  | Gameplay Guides  | Technical & Graphics Issues  | Miscellaneous Issues

MTS Help Q&A Forums
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