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Intro Here....
All of these tutorials will teach you how to edit parts of your game to create new things, interactions, gameplay, etc. We advise that when you attempt a tutorial, make sure you backup the files you are editing first to avoid a loss of important data (we promise it won't blow your game up *cough* )
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!<h2 style="margin:0;background-color:#cef2e0;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold;border:1px solid #a3bfb1;text-align:left;color:#000;padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Modding Tutorial Categories:</h2>
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==What will i need?==
===[[Tutorials:TS3_GeneralModding|General Modding]]===
I want to change the way my Sim does .... So what do I do first?
List here....
===[[Tutorials:TS3_CustomCareers|Custom Careers]]===
Tired of standard careers?  Create your own!
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Want to create custom animations and make your Sims perform like they never thought they could?
====General CAS Tutorials====
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=345670 How to Make a Simple Texture Replacement by ThomasRiordan]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=351328 Creating Default Replacement Skintones for TS3 by Aikea Guinea]
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=353861 Default Replacement Eyes, Plus Changing The Whites by Aikea Guinea]
* [http://www.sims2wiki.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorial:Sims_3_Hair_Basics Sims 3 Hair Basics by HystericalParoxysm]
====CTU Tutorials====
===[[Tutorials:TS3_ModdingTools|Modding Tools]]===
* [http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15481.0.html Quick and Dirty Guide to the CAS Unitool by Hanlon Razor]
Tools to create and modify your game.
* [http://www.sims2wiki.info/wiki.php?title=Sims_3:Creating_Custom_Clothing_Stencils Creating Custom Clothing Stencils by daluved1]
* [http://www.sims2wiki.info/wiki.php?title=Sims_3:Adding_Custom_Stencils Adding Custom Clothing Stencils by daluved1]
* [http://www.sims2wiki.info/Sims_3:Creating_A_New_Base_Texture Creating A New Base Texture by daluved1]
* [http://www.sims2wiki.info/index.php?title=Sims_3:Replacing_Textures Replacing Textures by daluved1]
* [http://www.sims2wiki.info/wiki.php?title=Sims_3:Basic_Mask_Editing Basic Mask Editing by daluved1]
====TSR Workshop Tutorials====
*[http://www.thesimsresource.com/workshop/articles/view-post/post/12348/In%20Depth%20Clothing%20Re-Texturing%20Tutorial%20for%20the%20TSR%20Workshop In-Depth Clothing Re-Texturing Tutorial by Sinastra]
*[http://www.thesimsresource.com/workshop/articles/view-post/post/12462/Creating%20a%20New%20Clothing%20Mesh%20with%20the%20TSR%20Workshop Creating a New Clothing Mesh by by sww_sww_sww]
*[http://www.thesimsresource.com/workshop/articles/view-post/post/12617/Understanding%20Complates Understanding Complates (Advanced) by Murano]
*[http://www.thesimsresource.com/workshop/articles/view-post/post/12615/Adding%20Logos%20to%20Clothing%20-%20A%20Beginners%20Tutorial Adding Logos to Clothing by kittyispretty69]
==CAS Tools==
====Blender GEOM Mesh Plug-In====
By Morgade.  Work in progress.
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=355471 GEOM Mesh Plug-In]
====Delphy's CTU====
Allows creation of non-replacement clothing, etc. - stencils, retextures, and new meshes.  Includes 3D preview.
* [http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=348082 Delphy's CAS Texture Unitool]
====Delphy's Acronym Bending Original Output Barber Shop (aka DABOOBS)====
Creates non-replacement custom hair mesh packages.
* [http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?&t=358682 DABOOBS]
====TSR Workshop====
Create non-replacement clothing, hair, make-up and accessories in sims3pack format. Also allows mesh editing.  Includes live 3D preview.
*[http://www.thesimsresource.com/workshop/downloads TSR Workshop Download]
*[http://forums.thesimsresource.com/forumdisplay.php?f=660 TSR Workshop Discussion Forums]

Latest revision as of 23:14, 27 November 2011

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns | Objects | Building | Worlds | Modding | Modding Reference 

[edit] Introduction

All of these tutorials will teach you how to edit parts of your game to create new things, interactions, gameplay, etc. We advise that when you attempt a tutorial, make sure you backup the files you are editing first to avoid a loss of important data (we promise it won't blow your game up *cough* )

Modding Tutorial Categories:

Icon TS3Modding.png

[edit] General Modding

I want to change the way my Sim does .... So what do I do first?

Icon TS3Careers.png

[edit] Custom Careers

Tired of standard careers? Create your own!

Icon TS3Anim.png

[edit] Animation

Want to create custom animations and make your Sims perform like they never thought they could?


[edit] Modding Tools

Tools to create and modify your game.

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns | Objects | Building | Worlds | Modding | Modding Reference 

Personal tools

game select