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This thread is for the mirror shader comparisons between different versions based on the base game and EPs.
This thread is for the Mirror shader comparisons between different versions based on the base game and EPs.
Please keep this thread and only edit for posting the not posted EP version(s).  Preview-check before save.
Please keep this thread and only edit for the latest version based on EP.  Preview-check before save.
How to use?
How to use?
The version was first saved from TS2 the base game one up to the Pets one, so the versions are in the release order but skipping EP1-UNI.  I've not extracted the UNI one.
The version was first saved from TS2 the base game one up to the Seasons one, and the versions are listed as summaries.
Just choose the desired versions at the "history" tab for comparison.
Just choose the desired versions at the "history" tab after loading the "article" tab page for comparison. (coz there are histories for both the article and talk.)
Individual version can be found from the "date" links in the history page.
Individual version can be found from the summaries in the history page.
EP0 =/= EP1 =/= EP2 == EP3 == EP5(incompetent) =/= EP4 == EP5
EP0 =/= EP1 =/= EP2 == EP3 =/= EP4 == EP5 =/= EP6 == EP7 == EP8 == MG
Note: For some reasons, the mirror layer 6 was set to 16 in EP4-Pets but then reverted back to 6 in EP5-SS. (sorry, this false due to the following cause :apologies:)
"==" means identical/equivalent; "=/=" means not identical/equivalent
"EP0" means the base game TS2 version, and the rests are self-explanatory.
Sorry: I guess the first copy of SS is "corrupted" or "incompetent" coz it doesn't match another SS copy or the trend of changes in matshad!
1. viewerRenderType struct upadte
2. + mirrorColor
EP1 VS EP2/3:
[[User:Niol|niol]] 03:12, 5 March 2007 (CST)
1. + DetermineHardwareSupport()
2. + if ($useSWVertexShaderPath)
3. + if (not varExists(isContentViewer))
EP2/3 VS EP4/5:
layer 6 <--> layer 16
Here's th UNI version
EP4/5 VS EP6:
+ BlankMirrorMaterial for kRenderTypePoolReflection & kRenderTypeOceanReflection
# reflection
version 4
Teko's transparent variant is based on the version EP0TS2 by adding alpha-blending.
# Shaders for mirror reflections.
[http://www.sims2wiki.info/index.php?title=ShaderMirror&action=history click here], and choose the two versions of the same shader for comparisons or shader comprehension.
# Note: These materials assume that the reflection camera uses the same handed coordinate system as
# the main camera, with the x axis flipped. Therefore, when marking out the area in the stencil buffer
[[User:Niol|niol]] 03:12, 5 March 2007 (CST)
# to be filled in the with the reflection view, the x clip coordinate of the mirror vertices is
# negated.
# The layer numbers for the mirror pre- and post-reflection render materials (+/-99998) are referenced
# from C++ code for the censor-in-mirror render.
set reflectionRenderTarget "ScreenReflection"
#beginshader SimpleMirrorReflection
#description Assign this material to the mirror quad to make it reflective.
#description The mirror quad needs to be centered over the origin in its local space,
#description facing positive Y. You can use a transform bone to orient the mirror
#description however you need.
set mvAspect 1
setv4 thumbnailMirrorColor (0.5,0.6,0.75, 1)
setv4 impostorMirrorColor (0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1)
setv4 reflectionsOffMirrorColor (0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 1)
define SimpleMirrorReflection()
      if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeShadow)
        create StandardShaderShadow()
        if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeThumbnail)
            create BlankMirrorMaterial(viewerRenderType $thumbnailMirrorColor)
        elseif (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeImposter)
            create BlankMirrorMaterial(viewerRenderType $impostorMirrorColor)
            if (not $mirrorReflectionsEnabled)
              set currentType (viewerRenderType)
              create BlankMirrorMaterial($currentType $reflectionsOffMirrorColor)
              create MirrorReflectionMaterial()
define BlankMirrorMaterial(renderType mirrorColor)
      # mirror shader for thumbnails. Output a single flat color.
        validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType  &renderType
            shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble
              bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4
                  dcl_position v0
                  m4x4 oPos, v0, c0
            colorScalar &mirrorColor
              textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(colorScalar)
# shader to prep stencil buffer on the rendertarget for the mirror reflection view.
# When objects are rendered from the viewpoint of the reflection camera after this shader runs, they will
# render only to the area of the rendertarget marked out in the stencil buffer by this shader. 
define MirrorReflectionMaterial()
      # write depth into the depth buffer as seen from the main camera. Write stencil = 1
      # if this is the mirror we are rendering the reflection for, and 0 otherwise.
      shader -layer -9998  # this material must render first
        validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType $kRenderTypeMirror  # reflection render
        # write stencil in area occupied by mirror
        pass -renderEachFrame
            renderTarget $reflectionRenderTarget -setViewport viewportFromParentRenderContext
            # test and write depth (as seen from the main camera)
            depthTest true -enableDepthWrite true
            # This material script command means the following:
            # if (renderableIsTargetBounded)
            #    set stencil test to write 1 when depth test passes
            # else
            #    set stencil test to write 0 when depth test passes
            # do not write color
            #colorWriteEnable -red false -green false -blue false -alpha false
            alphaBlend srcFactor(zero) add dstFactor(one)
            # since we are negating clip space x below we need to prevent this quad from being culled
            cullmode none
            # vertex program
            shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble           
              bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClipFromParentView -constantCount 4 # set the matrices from the parent (i.e. the main view) so that the stencil is written to the right place
                  dcl_position v0
                  ; color output for debugging
                  def c5, 1,0,0,1
                  ; project vertex to clip coords
                  m4x4 r0,  v0,  c0
                  ; flip the x coordinate so the stencil is marked in the right place
                  mov oPos.x,  -r0
                  mov oPos.yzw, r0                 
        end # pass
      end # shader
      # render of the mirror from the main camera. This samples from the reflection render target texture.
      shader -layer 6  # this must be after all opaque objects (especially Sims), but before transparent objects and the censor compositing pass
        validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType $kRenderTypeNormal
        pass -modifiedEachFrameHint  # we want the mirrors to be rendered every frame even in dirty rect mode
            shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble           
              bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4
              bindConstants 4 -bindingID clipToViewTarget -constantCount 4
                  dcl_position v0
                  def c8,    -0.5, -0.5, 1, 1
                  def c9,    0.5,  0.5, 0, 0
                  def c10,    0.25, 0.25, 0, 0
                  # project vertex to clip coords
                  m4x4 r0,  v0,  c0
                  mov oPos, r0
                  # multiply 0.5 * w so homogenous divide will make it 0.5 again
                  mul r2, c9, r0.w
                  # scale projected xy by .5 and re-center so it's in 0-w range
                  mad r4, r0, c8, r2
                  # Try to get an exact texel to pixel mapping by shifting texture coordinates
                  # slightly.
                  # A texture coordinate of 0 must map to 1/2*(texture dimension) and a
                  # coordinate of 1 must map to (1 - 1/2*(texture dimension)).
                  # Note: This does not seem to eliminate the wobble on the mirror
                  # reflection entirely.
                  rcp r3.x, c4.x  ;# 2/width                                   
                  rcp r3.y, c5.y  ;# 2/height
                  mov r3.zw, c9.zw ;# r3 = (2/width, 2/height, 0, 0)
                  mul r3, r3, c10  ;# r3 = (1/2*width, 1/2*height, 0, 0)
                  mad r6, r0, r3, r4
                  mov oT0, r6.xyww ;# move w into z so we can divide by z in the texture stage; some cards don't handle division by w correctly
              textureTransformType vector3 homogeneous # divide the xy components of the texture coordinate by z
              textureAddressing clamp clamp
              texture $reflectionRenderTarget
              textureBlend select(texture) select(texture)
            end # stage
        end # pass
      end # shader
      # this shader is in case the above case fails. This does projection per vertex.
      shader -layer 6     
        validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType $kRenderTypeNormal     
        pass -modifiedEachFrameHint  # we want the mirrors to be rendered every frame even in dirty rect mode
            shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble           
              bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4
              bindConstants 4 -bindingID clipToViewTarget -constantCount 4
                  dcl_position v0
                  def c8,    -0.5, -0.5, 1, 1
                  def c9,    0.5,  0.5, 0, 0
                  def c10,    0.25, 0.25, 0, 0
                  # project vertex to clip coords
                  m4x4 r0,  v0,  c0
                  mov oPos, r0
                  # multiply 0.5 * w so homogenous divide will make it 0.5 again
                  mul r2, c9, r0.w
                  # scale projected xy by .5 and re-center so it's in 0-w range
                  mad r4, r0, c8, r2
                  # Try to get an exact texel to pixel mapping by shifting texture coordinates
                  # slightly.
                  # A texture coordinate of 0 must map to 1/2*(texture dimension) and a
                  # coordinate of 1 must map to (1 - 1/2*(texture dimension)).
                  # Note: This does not seem to eliminate the wobble on the mirror
                  # reflection entirely.
                  rcp r3.x, c4.x  ;# 2/width                                   
                  rcp r3.y, c5.y  ;# 2/height
                  mov r3.zw, c9.zw ;# r3 = (2/width, 2/height, 0, 0)
                  mul r3, r3, c10  ;# r3 = (1/2*width, 1/2*height, 0, 0)
                  mad r1, r0, r3, r4  ; write to a temp instead of output texcoord (as above)
                  rcp r1.w, r1.w    ; calc 1/w
                  mul oT0.xy, r1.w, r1.xy  ; project per vertex since the intel HW (and maybe others) can't do it per pixel.
            end    #shader
              textureAddressing clamp clamp
              texture $reflectionRenderTarget
              textureBlend select(texture) select(texture)
            end # stage   
        end # pass
      end #shader 
# material to clear stencil buffer and set depth buffer to "correct" value on rendertarget.
# The depth value is the depth as seen from the main camera.
define MirrorBackClearStencilAndSetDepth()
      # AV TODO: this material doesn't do anything now, so it should be removed (from go2sco as well)
      shader -layer 9998
      end # shader
  end # material
# used by the mirror render. Sets z to the specified value on the entire reflection render target.
define SetSpecifiedZOnMirrorRTT(zValue)
            renderTarget $reflectionRenderTarget -setViewport fullRenderTargetViewport           
            # turn off stencil test
            stencil false
            # depth test accept always, write depth
            depthTest true -enableDepthWrite true
            depthTestFunction accept
            # do not write color
            alphaBlend srcFactor(zero) add dstFactor(one)
            # vertex program
            shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1
              bindConstants 0 -bindingID immediateData -data (0,0,&zValue, 0)
                  float4 zValue : register(c0);
                  void VertexMain(float4 position : POSITION, out float4 oPosition : POSITION)
                    oPosition = position;
                    oPosition.z = zValue.z;    // set specified z value
        end # pass
      end # shader
  end # material
# used by the mirror camera for dirty rect rendering
define SetNearZOnMirrorRTT()
  create SetSpecifiedZOnMirrorRTT(0)
# used by the mirror camera for non-dirty rect rendering
define SetFarZOnMirrorRTT()
  create SetSpecifiedZOnMirrorRTT(1)
# used by the censor render in the mirror. Sets stencil on the entire censor render target to 1.
define SetStencilOnCensorRTT()
            # set stencil to 1 everywhere
            stencil true
            stencilFunction accept -refValue 1
            stencilOperation -onPass writeRef
            # depth test accept, do not write depth
            depthTest false -enableDepthWrite false
            depthTestFunction accept
            # do not write color
            alphaBlend srcFactor(zero) add dstFactor(one)
            shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method assemble
                  dcl_position v0
                  mov oPos, v0
              textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(colorScalar)
        end # pass
      end # shader
  end # material
# common state for all objects rendered with the reflection camera
defaultState $kRenderTypeMirror # reflection render
  # stencil test passes only in the areas where the reference value has been written
  stencil true
  stencilFunction acceptIfEqual -refValue 1
  stencilOperation -onPass noWrite
# only render where the stencil is zero in turbo rect mode
defaultState $kRenderTypeNormal # Stencil
  stencil true
  stencilFunction acceptIfEqual -refValue 0
  stencilOperation -onPass noWrite
# Material instances bound to reflective surfaces.
# Note: The following material instances are bound to exported resources and accessed
# by runtime code. They CANNOT be deleted without changing the export program.
materialDefinition simple_mirror_reflection
  setDefinition SimpleMirrorReflection
materialDefinition MirrorBackPostReflectionRenderMaterial
  setDefinition MirrorBackClearStencilAndSetDepth
# bound to the bounding mesh around the mirror plane that prevents the mirror from being
# undesirably culled
materialDefinition MirrorBoundingBoxMaterial
  setDefinition Null
# used to clear the mirror render target to z = 0 wherever the stencil has been set to 1
materialDefinition ZClearToNearPlaneMaterial
  setDefinition SetNearZOnMirrorRTT
# used to clear the mirror render target to z = 0 wherever the stencil has been set to 1
materialDefinition ZClearToFarPlaneMaterial
  setDefinition SetFarZOnMirrorRTT
# bound to a compositing pass geometry that preps the stencil buffer for rendering into
# the censor render target from the mirror view
materialDefinition CensorInMirrorStencilPrepMaterial
  setDefinition SetStencilOnCensorRTT

Latest revision as of 08:38, 14 June 2009

This thread is for the Mirror shader comparisons between different versions based on the base game and EPs. Please keep this thread and only edit for the latest version based on EP. Preview-check before save.

How to use? The version was first saved from TS2 the base game one up to the Seasons one, and the versions are listed as summaries. Just choose the desired versions at the "history" tab after loading the "article" tab page for comparison. (coz there are histories for both the article and talk.)

Individual version can be found from the summaries in the history page.

EP0 =/= EP1 =/= EP2 == EP3 =/= EP4 == EP5 =/= EP6 == EP7 == EP8 == MG

"==" means identical/equivalent; "=/=" means not identical/equivalent "EP0" means the base game TS2 version, and the rests are self-explanatory.

EP0 VS EP1: 1. viewerRenderType struct upadte 2. + mirrorColor

EP1 VS EP2/3: 1. + DetermineHardwareSupport() 2. + if ($useSWVertexShaderPath) 3. + if (not varExists(isContentViewer))

EP2/3 VS EP4/5: layer 6 <--> layer 16

EP4/5 VS EP6: + BlankMirrorMaterial for kRenderTypePoolReflection & kRenderTypeOceanReflection

Teko's transparent variant is based on the version EP0TS2 by adding alpha-blending.

click here, and choose the two versions of the same shader for comparisons or shader comprehension.

Thanks. niol 03:12, 5 March 2007 (CST)

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