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{{Resource tgi
{{Resource tgi
|short = 3DARY
|short = 3DARY
|long = 3D array
|long = 3D Array
As specified in [[WDB]].
; DWORD : Block ID (2A51171B)
; DWORD : Block version (only known version is 1)
; [[7BITSTR]] : Block name (c3DArray)
===Data Section===
; DWORD : Count X
; DWORD : Count Y
; DWORD : Count Z
; variable : Array[Z,X,Y] (see below)
;Array format
:Array[Z,X,Y] is a 3-dimensional array *of Objects* with depth Z, height X, and width Y. The type of data contained within the Object varies by Instance ID. Z is the outer loop, X is the middle loop, and Y is the inner loop, ie:
:Repeat Z times
::Repeat X times
:::Repeat Y times
===Instance ID 0x00===
* It is for the location of floor tiles, including road tiles.
:Block ID
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Block Version
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Block name
:Count X
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
Repeat Z times
:Repeat X times
::Repeat Y times
::::West quarter tile reference number
::::North quarter tile reference number
::::East quarter tile reference number
::::South quarter tile reference number
* Notes:
*# Floor tile reference number found in String Map [[SMAP]] [[CAC4FC40]] instance 0x0E
*# 0x0000 means no floor tile.
===Instance ID 0x01===
Array contains the elevation of the grid points for each level on the lot.
:Count Y
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = [n1 x 10] + 1)
:(number of grid point along the Width)
:Count Z
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = [n2 x 10] + 1)
:(number of grid point along the Height)
:Array[X,Y,Z] (see below)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
===Array format===
Repeat Z times
Array[X,Y,Z] is a 3-dimensional array *of Objects* with height X, width Y, and depth Z. The type of data contained within the Object varies by the Instance ID of the file.
:Repeat X times
::Repeat Y times
:::;Float (in singles)
::::Elevation of the grid point
===Instance ID 0x00, 0x09, 0x0A, or 0x0B===
# The elevation of each grid point is relative to the Z-Value of the [[LDEF]] Lot Description in the neighborhood package.
# The standard elevation for the ground level and roads is 0.
# The standard elevation for each level is 3.0 more than the previous level, or 16-click-high/16-step-high.  In other words, each click (in terms of elevation tools)/step (in terms of modular stairs) is 0.1875 in singles.
# The height of walls is determined by the difference in elevations from one level to the next.
# A basement is built at ground level, which is why the ground slopes down when creating a basement.
# A negative elevation means that the grid point is lower than the standard elevation of the lot (usually the elevation of the road).  For example, creating a basement will usually move the ground level below the road, so the elevation of those grid points will be negative.
# There is an optional underground level. To determine whether this level exists, check the minimum level of the lot in the [[WGRA]] Wall Graph.  The only known underground level is the swimming pool; but an underground level can continue to exist even after the swimming pool has been removed.
#* If the underground level exists, then:
#** The minimum level specified in [[WGRA]] will be -1
#** Depth = 0 of the Array will contain the elevations of the underground level
#** Depth = 1 of the Array will contain the elevations of the ground level
#* Otherwise (default):
#** The minimum level specified in [[WGRA]] will be 0
#** Depth = 0 of the Array will contain the elevations of the ground level
===Instance ID 0x01===
===Instance ID 0x03===
===Instance ID 0x03===
Array contains information about locked road tiles on the lot.
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
Repeat Z times
:Repeat X times
::Repeat Y times
::::Locking information
::::0 is unlocked
===Instance ID 0x09, 0x0A, or 0x0B===
* Room ID from [[WGRA]] Array B
* They are related to a closed room as data are added into them upon formation of a closed room.  Values for room (light, load, place)[ [http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=204112 Ref.: @ build mode, press the buttons "shift" & "alt"... an info window pops up ] ] matches values in instances 0x0B, 0x0A  and 0x09 respectively.  Not all three will be used or marked when a given closed room is made.  The raise in numeric value is accumulative dependent on how many times one is used along the history of undeleted closed rooms in a lot.
** for instance, a wall1 room was made first, it happened all three were employed, then (1,1,1) resulted inside such room.  Thirdly, a foundation block was made, (2,2,2) resulted for the inside of the foundation.  Fourthly, a room of screen deck was made, (3,3,0) resulted inside the screen room.
Fifthly, a room of column deck was formed, (0,4,0) resulted inside it.  Sixthly, a roof room was built , (4,0,3) resulted inside the attic room.  Seventhly, a wall1 room was built, (5,5,4) resulted inside the room.  Note, the unclosed rooms and the "outside" had (0,0,0) for the three of "room".
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
;Data storage format:
** repeat count = 2^3 x W x H
*** eg1 = 7200(0x00) for empty unbuilt lots of Width=30 & Height=30
*** eg2 = 9600(0x00) for empty unbuilt lots of Width=40 & Height=30
*** eg3 = 12800(0x00) for empty unbuilt lots of Width=40 & Height=40
*** eg4 = 14400(0x00) for empty built lots of Width=30 & Height=30 with the only ground wall deleted
===Instance ID 0x0C===
===Instance ID 0x0C===
* It is for the location of objects. Unlike floor tile, it stores the instance numbers of object ([[ObjT]]) files instead of object IDs or lot-individually assigned reference numbers.
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
:Count n
:Count n
Line 49: Line 150:
;Data storage format:
::Known "values"
:: 0x00000001
:: 0x00000002
:: 0x00000003
:: 0x00000004
:: 0x00000005
:: 0x00000006
:: 0x00000007
:: 0x00000008
:: 0x0000008c (140)
:Array format
: length = 3636 offsets for a 3x2 empty lot
: length = 3648 offsets for a 3x2 lot with 4 extra singly-tiled objects
===Instance ID 0x14===
===Instance ID 0x14===
* This may be an occupancy array between story/levels and between grid lines, probably used for room occupancy.  It seems to have West, North, East and South respectively as in the case of floor tile.  This is also one of the differences between levelroom foundation wall and unlocked foundation wall; unlocked foundation wall caused no alteration on value in this file while levelroom foundation wall caused certain values to become "0x00000000" from "0xFFFFFFFF".  Swim-pool caused "0x00000003" instead of "0x00000000" from "0xFFFFFFFF".  levelroom foundation blocks also caused "0x00000000" from "0xFFFFFFFF".  So far, it may explain why levelroom foundation wall still can have some bits of blockage property and tiling oddities.
* If the data format is not Dword, Word would be the next potential format and NW, NE, SE and SW may be present.
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories - 1)
;Data storage format:
;16 bytes
;16 bytes
:Array format
** empty3x2= Width=30 & Height=30; LO = Lot Origin; @ = at; F = Front; B = Back; R = Right; L = Left
*** eg1 = empty3x2-LO@FR [(nil/null)]
*** eg2 = empty3x2-LO@BR [(nil/null)]
: Test 1 {lot origin is at the lot's back right as the shadow suggests. There were 4 stories/levels}
* offset ranges 1:
** 1485-1515 ; 2 x {4(3 0 0 0)} and
** 1805-1836 ; 2 x {4(3 0 0 0)} for the swim-pool block shown in [[Image:3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-pooltiles.jpg]]
* offset ranges 2:
** 3629-3660 ; 4(256)4{0}4(0)4(256) -- 4(256)4(256)4{0}4(0) and
** 3949-3980 ; 4{0}4(0)4(256)4(256) -- 4{0}4(256)4(256)4(0) for the levelroom foundation wall
* offset ranges 3:
** 5629-5660 ; 8(4(0)) for the 2 consecutive levelroom foundation blocks.
===Instance ID 0x15===
===Instance ID 0x15===
* This may be an array for the presentation of the horizontal plane(s) for the lot imposter, and it appears to affect non-levelroom partition-dependent build tools like wall and fence tools.
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
;Data storage format:
;4 bytes
;4 bytes
:unknown (Unlikely Singles)
: from empty lot, 4x (0x01)
:Array format
* 4(Width x Height)
** empty3x2= Width=30 & Height=30; LO = Lot Origin; @ = at; F = Front; B = Back; R = Right; L = Left
*** eg1 = empty3x2-LO@FR [Nt(0x01)](Nt = 3600 = 30 x 30 x 1 x 4)
*** eg2 = empty3x2-LO@BR [Nt(0x01)](Nt = 3600 = 30 x 30 x 1 x 4)
*** eg3 = 1x1 lot 2level [Nt(0x01)](Nt = 3600 = 20 x 10 x 2 x 4)
: Testing:
* all 0x01 --> 0x00 in base game ; the levelroom foundation wall was built before such testing as a control.
** [[Image:3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00.jpg]]
** [[Image:3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-noFenceAnywhere.jpg]]
** [[Image:3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-noWallAnywhere.jpg]]
** [[Image:[email protected]]]
** [[Image:3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-pooltiles.jpg]]
* Observations:
* Buildable
*** foundations
*** swim-pool
*** modular stairs
*** plant objects
*** roof-tool-based roofs
* Unbuildable
*** partitions including fences, fence-arch, wall 1 (default wall), unlocked walls of foundation wall, screen wall, attic wall; yet, Partitions like walls and fences can form as long as a ending side is at the pool border whether the cheat "moveobjects on" is used.  Previously made walls remained.
*** floor tiles unbuildable or unpresented?
* The cheat "moveobjects on" can initiate the presentation of grids on the road side.
* Any newly introduced array values will remain 0x01; for example, those added by a swim-pool or an extra story/level.
===Instance ID 0x1B===
Array contains information about locked road tiles on the lot.
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
;Data storage format:
;8 bytes
: from empty lot, 8x (0xFF)
*** eg1 = 40 x 10 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0xFF)](Nt = 6400 = 40 x 10 x 2 x 8)
*** eg2 = 20 x 60 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0xFF)](Nt = 19200 = 20 x 60 x 2 x 8)
===Instance ID 0x20===
Array contains information about locked road tiles on the lot.
:Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
:Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
:Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
;Data storage format:
;2 bytes
: from empty lot, 2x (0x11)
*** eg1 = 40 x 10 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0x11)](Nt = 1600 = 40 x 10 x 2 x 2)
*** eg2 = 20 x 60 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0x11)](Nt = 4800 = 20 x 60 x 2 x 2)
Note: page @ matshad/txmt == Storey/story @ UI == level/grid layer @ build mode
=See Also=
=See Also=
Line 63: Line 295:
[[Category:Sims 2 Modding]]

Latest revision as of 17:17, 17 September 2012

Short name: 3DARY
Long name: 3D Array


[edit] Format

[edit] Header

As specified in WDB.

Block ID (2A51171B)
Block version (only known version is 1)
Block name (c3DArray)

[edit] Data Section

Count X
Count Y
Count Z
Array[Z,X,Y] (see below)
Array format
Array[Z,X,Y] is a 3-dimensional array *of Objects* with depth Z, height X, and width Y. The type of data contained within the Object varies by Instance ID. Z is the outer loop, X is the middle loop, and Y is the inner loop, ie:
Repeat Z times
Repeat X times
Repeat Y times


[edit] Instance ID 0x00

  • It is for the location of floor tiles, including road tiles.
Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)

Repeat Z times

Repeat X times
Repeat Y times
West quarter tile reference number
North quarter tile reference number
East quarter tile reference number
South quarter tile reference number
  • Notes:
    1. Floor tile reference number found in String Map SMAP CAC4FC40 instance 0x0E
    2. 0x0000 means no floor tile.


[edit] Instance ID 0x01

Array contains the elevation of the grid points for each level on the lot.

Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = [n1 x 10] + 1)
(number of grid point along the Width)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = [n2 x 10] + 1)
(number of grid point along the Height)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)

Repeat Z times

Repeat X times
Repeat Y times
Float (in singles)
Elevation of the grid point


  1. The elevation of each grid point is relative to the Z-Value of the LDEF Lot Description in the neighborhood package.
  2. The standard elevation for the ground level and roads is 0.
  3. The standard elevation for each level is 3.0 more than the previous level, or 16-click-high/16-step-high. In other words, each click (in terms of elevation tools)/step (in terms of modular stairs) is 0.1875 in singles.
  4. The height of walls is determined by the difference in elevations from one level to the next.
  5. A basement is built at ground level, which is why the ground slopes down when creating a basement.
  6. A negative elevation means that the grid point is lower than the standard elevation of the lot (usually the elevation of the road). For example, creating a basement will usually move the ground level below the road, so the elevation of those grid points will be negative.
  7. There is an optional underground level. To determine whether this level exists, check the minimum level of the lot in the WGRA Wall Graph. The only known underground level is the swimming pool; but an underground level can continue to exist even after the swimming pool has been removed.
    • If the underground level exists, then:
      • The minimum level specified in WGRA will be -1
      • Depth = 0 of the Array will contain the elevations of the underground level
      • Depth = 1 of the Array will contain the elevations of the ground level
    • Otherwise (default):
      • The minimum level specified in WGRA will be 0
      • Depth = 0 of the Array will contain the elevations of the ground level

Hex001-lotfile.png Hex001-lot.png

[edit] Instance ID 0x03

Array contains information about locked road tiles on the lot.

Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)

Repeat Z times

Repeat X times
Repeat Y times
Locking information
0 is unlocked

[edit] Instance ID 0x09, 0x0A, or 0x0B

  • Room ID from WGRA Array B
  • They are related to a closed room as data are added into them upon formation of a closed room. Values for room (light, load, place)[ Ref.: @ build mode, press the buttons "shift" & "alt"... an info window pops up ] matches values in instances 0x0B, 0x0A and 0x09 respectively. Not all three will be used or marked when a given closed room is made. The raise in numeric value is accumulative dependent on how many times one is used along the history of undeleted closed rooms in a lot.
    • for instance, a wall1 room was made first, it happened all three were employed, then (1,1,1) resulted inside such room. Thirdly, a foundation block was made, (2,2,2) resulted for the inside of the foundation. Fourthly, a room of screen deck was made, (3,3,0) resulted inside the screen room.

Fifthly, a room of column deck was formed, (0,4,0) resulted inside it. Sixthly, a roof room was built , (4,0,3) resulted inside the attic room. Seventhly, a wall1 room was built, (5,5,4) resulted inside the room. Note, the unclosed rooms and the "outside" had (0,0,0) for the three of "room".

Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
Data storage format
    • repeat count = 2^3 x W x H
      • eg1 = 7200(0x00) for empty unbuilt lots of Width=30 & Height=30
      • eg2 = 9600(0x00) for empty unbuilt lots of Width=40 & Height=30
      • eg3 = 12800(0x00) for empty unbuilt lots of Width=40 & Height=40
      • eg4 = 14400(0x00) for empty built lots of Width=30 & Height=30 with the only ground wall deleted

[edit] Instance ID 0x0C

  • It is for the location of objects. Unlike floor tile, it stores the instance numbers of object (ObjT) files instead of object IDs or lot-individually assigned reference numbers.
Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
:Count n
;''for each entry''
Data storage format
Known "values"
0x0000008c (140)
Array format
length = 3636 offsets for a 3x2 empty lot
length = 3648 offsets for a 3x2 lot with 4 extra singly-tiled objects

[edit] Instance ID 0x14

  • This may be an occupancy array between story/levels and between grid lines, probably used for room occupancy. It seems to have West, North, East and South respectively as in the case of floor tile. This is also one of the differences between levelroom foundation wall and unlocked foundation wall; unlocked foundation wall caused no alteration on value in this file while levelroom foundation wall caused certain values to become "0x00000000" from "0xFFFFFFFF". Swim-pool caused "0x00000003" instead of "0x00000000" from "0xFFFFFFFF". levelroom foundation blocks also caused "0x00000000" from "0xFFFFFFFF". So far, it may explain why levelroom foundation wall still can have some bits of blockage property and tiling oddities.
  • If the data format is not Dword, Word would be the next potential format and NW, NE, SE and SW may be present.
Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories - 1)
Data storage format
16 bytes
Array format
    • empty3x2= Width=30 & Height=30; LO = Lot Origin; @ = at; F = Front; B = Back; R = Right; L = Left
      • eg1 = empty3x2-LO@FR [(nil/null)]
      • eg2 = empty3x2-LO@BR [(nil/null)]
Test 1 {lot origin is at the lot's back right as the shadow suggests. There were 4 stories/levels}
  • offset ranges 1:
    • 1485-1515 ; 2 x {4(3 0 0 0)} and
    • 1805-1836 ; 2 x {4(3 0 0 0)} for the swim-pool block shown in 3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-pooltiles.jpg
  • offset ranges 2:
    • 3629-3660 ; 4(256)4{0}4(0)4(256) -- 4(256)4(256)4{0}4(0) and
    • 3949-3980 ; 4{0}4(0)4(256)4(256) -- 4{0}4(256)4(256)4(0) for the levelroom foundation wall
  • offset ranges 3:
    • 5629-5660 ; 8(4(0)) for the 2 consecutive levelroom foundation blocks.

[edit] Instance ID 0x15

  • This may be an array for the presentation of the horizontal plane(s) for the lot imposter, and it appears to affect non-levelroom partition-dependent build tools like wall and fence tools.
Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
Data storage format
4 bytes
unknown (Unlikely Singles)
from empty lot, 4x (0x01)
Array format
  • 4(Width x Height)
    • empty3x2= Width=30 & Height=30; LO = Lot Origin; @ = at; F = Front; B = Back; R = Right; L = Left
      • eg1 = empty3x2-LO@FR [Nt(0x01)](Nt = 3600 = 30 x 30 x 1 x 4)
      • eg2 = empty3x2-LO@BR [Nt(0x01)](Nt = 3600 = 30 x 30 x 1 x 4)
      • eg3 = 1x1 lot 2level [Nt(0x01)](Nt = 3600 = 20 x 10 x 2 x 4)
  • all 0x01 --> 0x00 in base game ; the levelroom foundation wall was built before such testing as a control.
    • 3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00.jpg
    • 3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-noFenceAnywhere.jpg
    • 3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-noWallAnywhere.jpg
    • 3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-partitionsFormed@Pool.jpg
    • 3DArray0x15-0x01to0x00-pooltiles.jpg
  • Observations:
  • Buildable
      • foundations
      • swim-pool
      • modular stairs
      • plant objects
      • roof-tool-based roofs
  • Unbuildable
      • partitions including fences, fence-arch, wall 1 (default wall), unlocked walls of foundation wall, screen wall, attic wall; yet, Partitions like walls and fences can form as long as a ending side is at the pool border whether the cheat "moveobjects on" is used. Previously made walls remained.
      • floor tiles unbuildable or unpresented?
  • The cheat "moveobjects on" can initiate the presentation of grids on the road side.
  • Any newly introduced array values will remain 0x01; for example, those added by a swim-pool or an extra story/level.

[edit] Instance ID 0x1B

Array contains information about locked road tiles on the lot.

Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
Data storage format
8 bytes
from empty lot, 8x (0xFF)
      • eg1 = 40 x 10 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0xFF)](Nt = 6400 = 40 x 10 x 2 x 8)
      • eg2 = 20 x 60 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0xFF)](Nt = 19200 = 20 x 60 x 2 x 8)

[edit] Instance ID 0x20

Array contains information about locked road tiles on the lot.

Count X [offset ranges: 81-84 / 0x51-0x54] (Width = n1 x 10)
Count Y [offset ranges: 85-88 / 0x55-0x58] (Height = n2 x 10)
Count Z [offset ranges: 89-92 / 0x59-0x5C] (number of levels/stories)
Data storage format
2 bytes
from empty lot, 2x (0x11)
      • eg1 = 40 x 10 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0x11)](Nt = 1600 = 40 x 10 x 2 x 2)
      • eg2 = 20 x 60 lot (beach) with 2 pages [Nt(0x11)](Nt = 4800 = 20 x 60 x 2 x 2)

Terminology Note: page @ matshad/txmt == Storey/story @ UI == level/grid layer @ build mode

[edit] See Also

This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. It's original page, with comments, can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/2A51171B

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