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{{OldWikiEntry}} '''SimPe Handbook: How to use SimPe to edit Sims2 characters and other files'''
{{Infobox Software
| name = SimPE
| logo=[[Image:SimPE.jpg|48px|]]
| developer = Quaxi
| latest_release_version = 0.72 Alpha
| latest_release_date = [[September 24]], [[2008]]
| operating_system = [[Microsoft Windows|Windows]]
| genre = Modding Tools
| license = Open Source
| website = [http://sims.ambertation.de sims.ambertation.de] |
Written by '''Carrigon'''  
'''SimPE''' is a modding tool designed for use with [[The Sims 2]] and is often regarded as the most widely used program of its kind in the community.  It has grown rapidly in the two years since the release of the game, seeing its feature set grow and its interface improve drastically in that same timeframe.  Its main contributor is [[Quaxi]], who has become somewhat of a celebrity in the community for his work on the program.
'''What is SimPe?'''  
The current version of SimPE as of September 24, 2008 is Version 0.72 Alpha for EP's up to Apartment Life.
SimPe is a Sims2 editing program written by '''Quaxi'''.  
SimPE's usage in Sims 2 modding is broad.  The program has the ability at current to make modifications to nearly all or portions of the game, from simple editing of Sim traits to more complicated editing of [[BHAV]] and objects.  Most authors who design or create content for the game use SimPE in some fashion, whether just for the creation of their package file at the end of development or for the majority of their development cycle.
'''Where can I download SimPe?'''
===Main Features===
* Edit Sim traits: Family Ties, Interest, Turn Ons/Turn Offs, Age, Wants/Fears, Careers, Job, Monetary Value, Romantic Interests, Personality Traits, Aspirations, etc.
* Modify objects: recoloring (through the [[CEP]]), interactions, animations, functions, and appearance.
* Edit neighborhoods: terrain, lots, decorations, etc.
* Maintain your downloads folder through scanners, with the possibility of fixing bad files.
* An extensive plugin system which allows advanced users to implement their own functionality within the program without modifying it's base code.
* An object recolor and creation wizard that eases the creation of content for less advanced users.  Authors who use this feature are able to create content with only five clicks.
First, you will need .NET Framework 1.1, get it through Windows Update if
you don't have it, or go to Microsoft's site and look up .NET Framework. You will know if the file is already on your pc if you look in your add/remove programs and see it listed there. If it's not, you need it.  
SimPE is regularly updated with bug fixes and improvements to the code. The program is most notable for being updated for compatibility with a future expansion often before the expansion is officially released in stores, allowing authors to begin working on means of making existing content compatible before a mass audience receives the update.
Next, download SimPe from:
Work is being done on migrating SimPE to Microsoft's .NET 2.0 framework. Development has been ongoing while the transition takes place, so that when the next version is released (version 0.60 Alpha), there will be a slew of new features, bug fixes and the like in addition to .NET 2.x compatibility. The main reasons cited for the migration were to ease the compatibility transition with the release of Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system (which will come with .NET 2.0) in early 2007 and to improve development with the more streamlined coding environment in Visual Studio 2005.
==Community Response==
SimPE has seen an exceptional response in the community since its release, with many users regarding it as the ultimate tool for its defined purpose.
Now, backup your documents/EAgames/Sims2 folder, particularly your
Neighborhood folder. If you do not listen and backup your files, you will not be able to restore them if you mess them up.  
Many users have offered criticism of SimPE's relatively slow loading time and while the interface has seen drastic changes to improve usability since it was released, many users still often cite this as one of the program's few shortcomings.
'''What is a RAR file?'''
It's another form of zip. You will need something like WinRAR to unRAR SimPe.  
* [[Tutorials:SimPE - Installation Guide|Installation Guide]]
How do I install SimPe?  
* [[Tutorials:SimPE - From The Ground Up|SimPE From The Ground Up]]
Simply unRAR it into a folder, that's enough.
* [[Tutorials:SimPE Handbook: Cloning and Recolouring options|SimPE Handbook: Cloning and Recolouring options]]
* [http://www.simswiki.info/wiki.php?title=SimPE_Resource_Editing#Instance SimPE Resource Editing]
* [[Clothing recolor using SimPE]]
'''How do I edit my sim's character file with SimPe?'''
==External Links==
First, BACKUP YOUR FILES. If you do not do this and you do something wrong, no one can help you.  
* [http://sims.ambertation.de Official SimPE Website]
Open the SimPe program.  
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SimPE Wikipedia entry for SimPE]
Click, file, open, browse to the neighborhood folder it's in documents/eagames/sims2/, choose which
[[Category:Sims 2]]
neighborhood package number you want to open, N002_neighborhood.package is
Strangetown, if you want to open another neighborhood, simply go to that
number folder and open that package file.
Now, click on Plugin View, the tab in the middle of your screen. You won't
see anything yet, just leave it there.
Look to your left at the list of what's in your file. Click on Sim
Description. You will now see the list of your characters at the right. Your
recently made characters tend to be at the bottom of the list, so scroll to
the bottom and start there. Find a character you would like to edit by
clicking on the list until one with your sim's pic shows up in the plugin
view. Now, you'll see something familiar, you can see the character's
skills, interests, personality, age, job, relationships. To edit them, just click on the bars.
When you are done, click Commit. Then go to file, save. Wait for it to save.
That's it. Exit and load up your game. Always remember that you must click on commit first to save what you just did, but then you must click on File, Save to permanently save the changes to the file.
'''Can I make my sim Platinum with SimPe?'''
Yes, but the effect is only temporary. Look at the life line area, you'll see a bar that can be "blitz'd", max that. When you get back to the game, your sim will be platinum, but it only lasts a very short time. If you are fast, you can get your sim into the energizer to max all your motives.
'''How can I get lots of aspiration points to buy aspiration rewards?'''
Beneath the life line is the amount of aspiration points. You can edit the amount. If your sim only has 13000 or so, you can add a whole lot more.
'''How do I edit a relationship with SimPe?'''
When you click on the relationships tab, on the left you'll see a list of the people your sim knows. You can click on each one and on the right you'll see how the relationship is doing, how much your sim likes this person and how much that sim likes your sim. To max the relationship, change all the values to 100. To make them best friends, check off both friends and buddies. If you want a crush, check off crush. And so on.
'''How can I make my sim gay or straight?'''
You can now adjust how gay your sim is. In the latest version 9F, open your neighborhood file, click on sim description. Find the sim you want to edit by looking in plugin view. Newer sims tend to be toward the bottom of the list. Click the interests tab. You'll see two bars there for man or woman. You can adjust how much your sim likes either sex
'''Why are some sims listed as Unknowns?'''
Some are townies, some are ghosts. You can edit them, but the ghost editing would still be experimental and it really isn't recommended.
Why are all my sims listed as 'Unknown Unknown'?
From Loco830:
For the 'Unknown Unknown' problem - in the Extra menu, is 'No Meta Information' checked? If so, uncheck it.
'''Bringing Dead Sims Back to Life'''
By sailorjune
I retraced all the steps I used to successfully bring a sim back into a small family. The short version of the
tutorial is to make changes on five screens:
Neighborhood/Memory - delete dead sim's death memories; delete death and ghost memories for each family member
Family Information - add the dead sim back in
Family Ties - check/change for the dead sim and each family member
Relations tab - check/change for the dead sim
Character tab - Uncheck all ghost boxes for the dead sim
The long version of the tutorial:
1. Back up the neighborhood. Choose Plugins>Neighborhood Browser, select the neighborhood, then click on Create
2. Open the neighborhood file. After the backup has been made, select the neighborhood in the browser window and
click on Open.
Remove the death and ghost memories
1. In the Filetypes window, select Neighborhood/Memory.
2. In the Packed Files window, select the Neighborhood/Memory line.
3. Thumbnails of sims will load into the window in the lower part of the screen.
4. For the dead sim, and for each member of the dead sim's family:
a) Select the sim's thumbnail.
b) Scroll through the Memories list for memories marked with a tombstone or ghost. My sim had two tombstone
memories, Got Sick and I Am Dead. I deleted both. I also deleted ghost sightings for the sims in her family.
c) Select each tombstone and ghost memory and click on Delete.
d) Click on Commit.
Change the dead sim's relationship data
1. Open the sim's file. Choose Plugins>Sim Browser. Select the dead sim in the browser window. Click on Open.
2. Check the sim's relations. Click on the Relations tab. There are three things to check for each sim in the dead
sim's family: a) relationship scores, b) relationship type, and c) check boxes.
a) Relationship score. If necessary, edit the relationship scores ("How this sim likes.../How ... likes this sim")
to be realistic. For example, in a family where the mother died with a teenager and a baby, I was returning her to
the family after the baby had become a teenager. So I raised the teenager's very low relationship score with his
mother to the same score as the older brother had with his mother when she died. Fortunately this family was
self-contained (no relatives outside the house).
b) Relationship type. This is the drop-down menu under each set of relationship scores. If it says "Not defined or
unknown," change it to show the appropriate relationship type.
c) Check boxes. For children of the dead sim, make sure Friends, Buddies, Known Sim, and Family are selected. For
the spouse of the dead sim, make sure Married is checked. (For family members outside the house (cousin,
grandparent, etc.), check a different extended sim family to see how the check boxes are set up.)
For each tabbed page that you edit, click on commit relation to save the changes.
It appears that editing the dead sim's information is enough; you don't need to use the sim browser to select all
the other sims in the family and repeat these steps.
3. Uncheck the ghost boxes. Click on the Character tab. Uncheck all the boxes under "Ghost."
Commit the changes.
Add the dead sim back to the family
Change the Family Information. Go back to the upper part of the window. In the upper left of the window is the
Filetypes selection box.
a) Select Family Information.
b) In the Packed Files window, select one of the Family Information lines until the dead sim's family is displayed
in the lower part of the window. The family members will be listed in a window. The dead sim will not be listed.
c) Add the dead sim back to the family. Use the pull-down menu next to the Family Members list to select the dead
sim. Then click on Add Sim. Click on Commit to save this change.
Edit the Family Ties
The Family Ties Editor repeats the information from the relationship type you edited earlier. For each sim in the
dead sim's family, check to make sure the dead sim is included and the relationship type is correct.
a) Use the pull-down menu to select the dead sim.
b) Check the Ties window. Are all the family ties displayed? In my family, the children were listed, but not the
husband. To add him, I selected "I'm married to" next to Add Tie, then selected the husband's name from the other
pull-down menu. Then click Commit Ties for Current Sim.
c) Repeat these steps for each member of the dead sim's family.
Close SimPE and save when prompted.
Start The Sims.
When you click on the family home, the dead sim will show up in the family description window.
When you open the lot, the formerly dead sim will be at the mailbox walking towards the house.
'''How to make a custom object collection with SimPe (getting home objects onto community lots):'''
To make your own custom collection:
Make a new collection in buy mode from a home lot. Save and exit your game.
Load up SimPe. Find your collection. You can find it by opening the
collections and looking at the text lists in Plugin View. It will show the
name of the collection. Just open the collections until you find yours.
Once you have the right file, click collection, look at it in Plugin View.
Go to the last line. It will say type, dtstring. In the value, change it
to communitylotcollection. Click commit. Go to file, save. That's it.
Exit SimPe. Load up your game. Go to a community lot. Go to buy mode.
Click collections. You new collection should be in there.
'''How to change a residential lot to commmunity lot or vice versa.'''
From zx1111:
You can change residential lot to commmunity lot or vice versa.
This is how to do that. Let's say that the lot name is "ABC Street"
1. Open the Neighborhood file with simPE.
2. Browse Lot Description. You find see familiar "ABC Street" string in text display of Uncompresssed Data View in one of the lot description.
3. Examine byte data in offset 0x0c. This byte should be one of 0x01 or 0x00 -- 0x00 denotes residential lot, 0x01 for community lot.
4. Change the byte as you like 0x00 for residential lot or 0x01 for community lot.
5. save change.
Now your residential lot has been converted into cimmunity lot!
'''To change the GUID of an Object with SimPe:'''
Click on Object Data, plugin view. Look at SimID. That's the Guid. Change it, click commit, click file save. Leave the 0x in front of the GUID, I'd recommend just changing the last two values of it.
'''How to change the Pie Menu of an Object:'''
To change the pie menu, click on pie menu strings. From here you can see the menu, just type in what want in place of words like "chat" "turn on", "send email". Click commit, file save. This is still experimental, but you can make a copy of the alienware pc file and play with it if you like. Remember to change the GUID first, so the game will treat it as a new file.
'''How to change the catalog description of the object.'''
Click on catalog description, plugin view. From here you'll see the object's description and you can change it, click commit, file save.
'''Why do some catalog or pie menu's have duplicate lines?'''
Those are for different languages. If you speak English, there are two because one is for American and one is for UK. The other lines are support for different languages and you can edit those if you like.
'''How to change BCON motive values of an object with SimPe:'''
This is still in the experimental planning stage, but you can click on Behavior Constant and look at the values if you are familiar with Iff Pencil editing. You can up some values there, but you won't be able to change what motive they are using at the time of this writing.
From Inge Jones:
'''How to make a new package file.'''
1) Extract each BHAV or whatever separately to a .simpe file
2) Close the original file
3) I am not sure if this was necessary or whether you can start from scratch, but I actually used an existing .package file from the Beta section here as my base and opened it in SimPe.
4) Get rid of the existing contents of the package
5) Import the new .simpe files
6) Look at each one in Packed File view.
7) In file properties, use the drop-down to change the type.
Type in the group and the instance ID the same as it was in the original file you got it from (unless you are making a brand new object or semi-global).
9) Don't forget to Commit.
10) Then you will be able to open these resources in Plug In view in order to edit them.
'''I still have questions, who do I write to for more SimPe help?'''
Post on the forums at MTS2 and we'll try to answer your questions.
'''How to make a custom painting (originally posted by CyberMike):'''
This isn't SimPe related, but I'm adding it anyway. Your sims can paint anything you like. Here's how:
First, Tell your sim to create a still-life painting. You are asked to take a screenshot of what you want to paint, Hit C to take a screenshot. The game automatically pauses when you hit C.
Alt-Tab and goto My documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Storytelling and edit Snapshot.bmp to whatever you want. I suggest creating a 199 x 345 image beforehand and just copying over snapshot.bmp
Once you've saved the updated snapshot.bmp alt-tab back into the game and unpause, and let the sim get to work painting...
Your sim needs at least a 5 or more in Creative to make custom paintings. To hang the new painting on the wall, go into buy mode and just move it that way.
Submitted by: XLStormyLX
'''The real solution to the "Can only Invite Two Party Guests" problem:'''
Make a backup of the folder or file first.  Use Wordpad to edit your Graphic Rules.sgr in the Program Files/EA games/The SIms 2/TSData/Res/Config by changing the numbers at the end of the lines under options similator controls.  Do whatever you feel your system can handle, if you feel you want 8 make it 8.  You only change the last number on these lines.
option SimulatorControls
setting $High
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
setting $Medium
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 6
setting $Low
intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 6

Latest revision as of 22:53, 9 August 2010

Latest Version0.72 Alpha
Release DateSeptember 24, 2008
TypeModding Tools

SimPE is a modding tool designed for use with The Sims 2 and is often regarded as the most widely used program of its kind in the community. It has grown rapidly in the two years since the release of the game, seeing its feature set grow and its interface improve drastically in that same timeframe. Its main contributor is Quaxi, who has become somewhat of a celebrity in the community for his work on the program.

The current version of SimPE as of September 24, 2008 is Version 0.72 Alpha for EP's up to Apartment Life.


[edit] Usage

SimPE's usage in Sims 2 modding is broad. The program has the ability at current to make modifications to nearly all or portions of the game, from simple editing of Sim traits to more complicated editing of BHAV and objects. Most authors who design or create content for the game use SimPE in some fashion, whether just for the creation of their package file at the end of development or for the majority of their development cycle.

[edit] Main Features

  • Edit Sim traits: Family Ties, Interest, Turn Ons/Turn Offs, Age, Wants/Fears, Careers, Job, Monetary Value, Romantic Interests, Personality Traits, Aspirations, etc.
  • Modify objects: recoloring (through the CEP), interactions, animations, functions, and appearance.
  • Edit neighborhoods: terrain, lots, decorations, etc.
  • Maintain your downloads folder through scanners, with the possibility of fixing bad files.
  • An extensive plugin system which allows advanced users to implement their own functionality within the program without modifying it's base code.
  • An object recolor and creation wizard that eases the creation of content for less advanced users. Authors who use this feature are able to create content with only five clicks.

[edit] Development

SimPE is regularly updated with bug fixes and improvements to the code. The program is most notable for being updated for compatibility with a future expansion often before the expansion is officially released in stores, allowing authors to begin working on means of making existing content compatible before a mass audience receives the update.

Work is being done on migrating SimPE to Microsoft's .NET 2.0 framework. Development has been ongoing while the transition takes place, so that when the next version is released (version 0.60 Alpha), there will be a slew of new features, bug fixes and the like in addition to .NET 2.x compatibility. The main reasons cited for the migration were to ease the compatibility transition with the release of Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system (which will come with .NET 2.0) in early 2007 and to improve development with the more streamlined coding environment in Visual Studio 2005.

[edit] Community Response

SimPE has seen an exceptional response in the community since its release, with many users regarding it as the ultimate tool for its defined purpose.

[edit] Criticism

Many users have offered criticism of SimPE's relatively slow loading time and while the interface has seen drastic changes to improve usability since it was released, many users still often cite this as one of the program's few shortcomings.

[edit] Tutorials

[edit] External Links

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