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{{OldWikiEntry}} ====ContentRegistry Resource====
{{Resource tgi
|short = CREG
|long = Content Registry
This resource is found in the "ContentRegistry" file, which is a DBPF package, without an extension, found in the TSData/Res folder of the game data folder, and if you have installed any "sims2pack" files, especially those from Maxis, you should have one in your user data folder. The package contains two instances of the resource, one being in Group 0x00000001, and the other in 0x00000002. The resources appear to vary between the two groups.
This resource is found in the "ContentRegistry" file, a DBPF package, found in the TSData/Res folder of the game data folder, if you've installed official Maxis custom content. It also appears in most (excluding earlier ones) official Maxis custom content packages.
__==Group 0x00000001 Format==__
DWORD - Version (1)
===Version 1===
DWORD - GroupID (Hashed, IE either objects, or sounds, etc.)
DWORD - Instance (should be, or two WORDS of unknown if its not)
:Group ID
:Instance (possibly)
__==Group 0x00000002 Format==__
===Version 2===
:Entries count
;''for each entry''
;16 bytes
:[[CRC]] (According to MaxoidTom, it's four 32bit numbers, but he failed to say how they were derived)
:Length P
;P bytes
:Normalized file path
__==8 Byte Header==__
4 Bytes - Version
The strings contained within the game's data folder's "ContentRegistry" file appear to list the file names of all of the package files in the game, some other data files which could not be located, and some without names at all. This is possibly how the game determine "custom" content from "non-custom" content.
4 Bytes - Number of Entries
__==xx Byte Entry==__
Downloading "official" Maxis objects, in the *.sims2pack format, will create a "ContentRegistry" file in the user directory as well. This file can be removed. Its possible that this resource (when found in downloaded packages) is used by the game to verify the package when downloaded from within the game and make sure it wasn't corrupted in transit.
Each entry is variable length, starting with a 16 byte data header.
for each "Number Of Entries":
-16 Bytes - CRC consisting of 4 32 bit numbers.
-4 Bytes - String Length
-x Bytes - String of Length Specified by the previous 4 bytes. Is a Normalized file Path.
end for each
[[Category:Sims 2 Modding]]
The strings contained within the game's data folder's "ContentRegistry" file, appear to match with the file names of all of the package files in the game, plus some other data files which I could not locate, and some without names at all. This is how the game may determine "custom" content from "non-custom" content. Also, downloading "official" Maxis objects, in the *.sims2pack format, will create "ContentRegistry" file in the user directory as well. So that's there. The 16 bytes is a CRC with an unknown derivation. According to MaxoidTom, it's four 32bit numbers, but he failed to say how they were derived. [[Category:Modding]]

Latest revision as of 20:37, 17 September 2012

Short name: CREG
Long name: Content Registry

This resource is found in the "ContentRegistry" file, a DBPF package, found in the TSData/Res folder of the game data folder, if you've installed official Maxis custom content. It also appears in most (excluding earlier ones) official Maxis custom content packages.


[edit] Format


[edit] Version 1

Group ID
Instance (possibly)

[edit] Version 2

Entries count
for each entry
16 bytes
CRC (According to MaxoidTom, it's four 32bit numbers, but he failed to say how they were derived)
Length P
P bytes
Normalized file path

[edit] Notes

The strings contained within the game's data folder's "ContentRegistry" file appear to list the file names of all of the package files in the game, some other data files which could not be located, and some without names at all. This is possibly how the game determine "custom" content from "non-custom" content.

Downloading "official" Maxis objects, in the *.sims2pack format, will create a "ContentRegistry" file in the user directory as well. This file can be removed. Its possible that this resource (when found in downloaded packages) is used by the game to verify the package when downloaded from within the game and make sure it wasn't corrupted in transit.

This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. It's original page, with comments, can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/CDB467B8 This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. It's original page, with comments, can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/CREG

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