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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/Relations
This file contains a list of all the relations of the SC4 Filetypes as currently known. This will exclude the Savegame formats as their parents are the exe, and their children are any number of files that it decides to pull in as it wants to. Building exemplars for the building file and so forth. It shows the parents of each file, IE the file which is responsible for the filetype opening, and the children, which are things it causes to open.

Format for FileType Relations:

Format -- 0xGID - Groupid 0xAAAABBBB (optional) - For GroupIDs with multiple section types, the format for that group type

		Children - Things loaded as a result of this file.

Relations (name, kind,propertyidifavailable) Parent - Things that caused this file to be loaded Relations (name, kind,propertyidifavailable) Dependant (optional) - Dependant relations. A file contains details that are carried out by another file Relations (name, kind, propertyidifavailable) 0xGID -Group IDs for this format, next group. etc.

End of Sample

To show different variations of Instances inside a GID that may have different children and parents, instance format codes like used in the GIID spec may be seen in the usual 0xAAAABBBB type format.

The 'kind' part of a relation may be dropped if the file is being called by the exe in order for a full description. No Relations of either type are marked by a NONE designation. Filetypes of which I don't think all relations are marked for are listed at the end of the document.

This Document may not be complete. Things may be assumed to be complete until shown otherwise, for which corrections would then be made to whatever part is missing data.

Spec Follows

AB -- 8a5971c5 - UDI Sounds Children Parent Vehicle Exemplar, Exemplar Prop, 0xAC08657C

AE -- 8a5971c5 - UDI Data Children Parent

ATC -- 2a2458f9 - Props Animation Collections Children AVP, One AVP per designated IID Parent Lot Configs, Property, Value 13+ for Type 0x1 lines Exemplars, Resource Key, 0xC96E6806 group exemplars may call these animations 49a593e7 - Non-prop Animation Collections Children AVP, One AVP per designated IID Parent EXE, Automata Placement Routine Exemplars, Resource Key, 0xC96E6806 group exemplars may call these animations

AVP -- 2a2458f9 - Props Single Animation Children FSH, Instance ID, FSH has same instance as AVP. Plane of FSH is in each frame Parent ATC, Resource Key, One AVP per Zoom as listed in ATC 49a593e7 - Non-Prop Single Animation Children FSH, Instance ID, FSH has same instance as AVP. Plane of FSH is in each frame Parent ATC, Resource Key, One AVP per Zoom as listed in ATC

BMP -- 0x6A1EED2C - Region tile layout bitmaps Children NONE Parent EXE, these bitmaps represent existant maxis region layouts and are called as needed. 0x1d6962cf - SC4 Vanilla Internal Tool Bitmaps Children NONE Parent EXE, Called when using Maxis Tools in an uncompiled version programming mode <gen> - Computer specific BAT generated overlay picture (small) Children NONE Parent EXE, Created and used by the Building tool suite to create ingame representative images

Cohort -- 0x07BDDF1C - Civic and Park Building Parents 0xABBBBCCC (Automata Layer Cohorts) Children Parent 0x0000000A (Main Usage Cohorts) Children Parent 0x096E6739 - Vehicle Type Parents 0x0000000A (Main Vehicle Cohorts) Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC (Automata Layer Cohorts) Children Parent 096e6817 - Watercraft Parents Children Parent 296e680f - Aircraft Parents Children Parent 47bddf12 - Zonable Commercial Building Parents Children Parent 67bddf0c - Zonable Residential Building Parents Children Parent 690f693f - Dataview Parents Children Parent 6a297266 - MySim Parent Children Parent 7a4a8458 - Clouds Parent Children Parent a7bddf17 - Zonable Industrial Building Parents Children Parent a8fbd372 - Building Foundations Children Parent c96e6806 - Crime Simulator 0x0000000A (Main Sim Affectors) Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC (Sim Cohorts) Children Parent ca25875d - Ambience Layer Children Parent ca386e22 - Landmark Parent Children Parent

Cursor -- 0x00000001 - Black & White Cursors Children NONE Parent EXE, call, Called directly as needed in game dependant on colour quality 0x00000004 - 4bit Cursors Children NONE Parent EXE, call, Called directly as needed in game dependant on colour quality 0x00000008 - 8bit Cursors Children NONE Parent EXE, call, Called directly as needed in game dependant on colour quality 0x00000032 - 32bit Cursors Children NONE Parent EXE, call, Called directly as needed in game dependant on colour quality

DBPF -- 6a5b7b57 - DBPF Data files Children NONE Parent LUA, tutorial_file_guids[#], defines an IID for a DBPF file for use in that tutorial where # is the tutorial number as set

DIR -- e86b1eef - Compressed File Directory Children NONE, However has a list of all Compressed files in the dat. Parent DBPF Files (external), Load, File loaded at DBPF load to expedite the processing

Effect Dir -- ea5118b1 - Effect Resource Tree Children FSH, ResourceKey, In section 1 the effect may call itself a texture by instance S3D, ResourceKeys, In section 1 a list of resource keys may call random S3D files FSH, Resourcekey, In Section 2 terrain dependant FSH file Exemplar, ResourceKey, In section 5 terrain brush exemplar LUA, String, Section 6 string links to a representative string in LUA generators/attractors/repulsors by var. EXE, CID, Section 7 U4 property almost certainly links to the exe by classid TRK, ResourceKey, Section 9 resource Key links to a track def for sounds. EXE, String, Section 10 strings almost certainly link to the EXE for train vars EXE, CID, U4 in section 12 probably links to the exe by classid Parent EXE, CID, the exe may call an effect in 13,14,15 by instance or CID EXE, String, the exe may call a string in the effdir directories 13,14,15 by name Exemplar, property, 0x4a08c700 property calls an effect name for use by exemplars (often disasters) Exemplar, property, 0xc98204b8 property calls an effect name for use in an effect exemplar by string Exemplar, property, 0xc98204b9 property calls an effect name for use in an effect exemplar by string Exemplar, property, in absence of the 0xc98204b8/9 property Exemplar name of gid 0xc977c536 calls an effect by string S3D, name, the effect name in the REGP section of an S3d May spawn an effect by directory name in the Effdir LUA, , fx, the fx command allows to reference an effect inside the effect dir from an LUA

Exemplar -- 0x07BDDF1C - Exemplar - Civic and Park Buildings 0xAAAABBBB - Civic Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Park Children Parent 0x084344E0 - Exemplar - Network Placement Tuning Parameters Children Parent 0x088E1962 - Exemplar - Power Poles Children Parent 0x096E6739 - Exemplar - Land Vehicle Types 0xAAAABBBB - Vehicles Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC (rarely used. backup format) Children Parent 0x096E6817 - Exemplar - Water Vehicle Types 0xAAAABBBB - Vehicle Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC (rarely used. backup format) Children Parent 0x2821ED93 - Exemplar - Bridge Pieces Network Part Assignment 0xAAAABBBB - Bridges, and Lightmaps Children Parent 0x296E680F - Exemplar - Air Vehicle Types 0xAAAABBBB - Vehicles Children Parent 0xAAAAAAAA (test exemplar) Children Parent 0x2989FD57 - Construction Properties Children Parent 0x29B6C670 - Exemplar - Disasters 0x0000000A - Disasters Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC (RH Disasters) Children Parent 0x2A3858E4 - Exemplar - Menu Items 0x00000AAA Children Parent 0xAAAABBBB (Intersections) Children Parent 0x2B79DFFB - Exemplar - Light Rail Pieces 0xAAAAAAAA (test exemplar format) Children Parent 0xAABBCCDE - 3d Networks Children Parent 0x47BDDF12 - Developer: Commercial Children Parent 0x67BDDF0C - Developer: Residential Children Parent 0x67CD5FA1 - Exemplar - Building Behavior Simulators 0xABBBBCCC (rarely used. backup format) Children Parent 0x0000AABB - Building Behavior Children Parent 0x690F693F - Exemplar - Dataview and UDrive-It Interfaces Children Parent 0x6A01FC2A - Exemplar - God Mode Terrain Tools Children Parent 0x6A297266 - Exemplar - MySims Children Parent 0x7A4A8458 - Exemplar - Tuning Parameters/Background Loaders Children Parent 0x88CD66E9 - Exemplar - Fluid Dynamics Properties Children Parent 0x8974F80F - Exemplar - Supports Children Parent 0x89AC5643 - Exemplar - Transit Pieces (minus light rail) Children Parent 0x89C2A517 - Exemplar - Textures Children Parent 0x8A3858D8 - Exemplar - Rewards Children Parent 0xA7BDDF17 - Developer: Industrial 0xAAAABBBB - Buildings Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Fields Children Parent 0xA82CA30F - Exemplar - Bridge Pieces Main Definition Children Parent 0xA8434037 - Exemplar - Highway Pieces Definitions Children Parent 0xA8FBD372 - Exemplar - Building Lots 0xAAAABBBB - Lots Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Lots Format2 Children Parent 0xA9189CF0 - Lighting Exemplar Children Parent 0xA998D30B - Automata Tuning Exemplar Children Parent 0xA9C2C209 - Exemplar - Ordinances Children Parent 0xC7BB4816 - Exemplar - Demand Simulator Children Parent 0xC8DBCCBA - Exemplar - Utility Buildings Children Parent 0xC96E6806 - Exemplar - Animated Props 0xAABB0000 - Props Children Parent 0xAAABBB00 - Non-Settable Props Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Sims Children Parent 0xC977C536 - Exemplar - Props 0xAAAABCCC - Lods and Effects Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Props Children Parent 0xCA25875D - Exemplar - Ambience Layer Functionality Children Parent 0xCA386E22 - Exemplar - Landmarks Children Parent 0xCA4AD545 - Exemplar - Graphs Children Parent 0xCB730FAC - Exemplar - Avenue Bridge Pieces Resources Children Parent 0xCBE084CB - Exemplar - One way Network Intersections & Road Tunnel Children Parent 0xE7E2C2DB - Exemplar - Simulators Children Parent 0xE8347989 - Exemplar - Rail & Highway Bridge Pieces Resources & Rail Tunnel Children Parent 0xE83E0437 - Exemplar - Trees Children Parent 0xEA12F32C - Exemplar - Crimes Children Parent 0xEBE084C2 - Exemplar - 3D Transportation Pieces - Monorail/LightRail Children Parent 0xEBE084d1 - Exemplar - 3D Transportation Pieces - Ground Highway Children Parent <gen> - Computer specific Plugin Manager generated groupid (same as lots) Children Parent

FSH -- 0x0986135E - FSH - Base and Overlay Textures Children Parent 0x1ABE787D - FSH - Building Textures/Bridge Textures/Misc Textures/Network Textures 0xAABBCCDE - Network Textures Children Parent 0xAAAABCDE - LODs (Buildings, Props etc.) Children Parent 0xAAAABCD0 - Flora Children Parent 0xAAAA000B - Grafitti (1dc##### in sc2.dat) Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Sim & Automata & Fauna & Masks & Clouds Children Parent 0xAAAAB00C - Construction & Materials Textures Children Parent 0x2A2458F9 - FSH - Animation Sprites for Props Children Parent 0x2BC2759A - FSH - Transit Piece Masks Children Parent 0x49A593E7 - FSH - Animation Sprites non Props Children Parent 0x891B0E1A - FSH - Terrain & Foundation Textures/Masks/Effect Textures 0x0000AAAA - Terrain Children Parent 0xABBBBCCC - Masks & Effects Children Parent 0xAAAA000B - Foundations Children Parent cb6b7bd9 - LE Arrow Images Children Parent 0x46A006B0 - FSH - User Interface Images Children Parent <gen> - Computer specific BAT generated Texture groupid Children Parent

HIT -- ca4d19e3 - HIT Audio Track Data Children Parent INI, Resource, In the sound INI file [trackdatablocks] area each HIT file is defined

HLS -- 9dbdbf74 - Sound Hitlists Children TRK, IID, TRKs can be rereferenced if needed by IID XA, IID, XAs of any type can be referenced in this way by IID WAV, IID, Custom WAVs instead of XA can be referenced in this way Parent TRK, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered

INI -- 4a87bfe8 - Font INI Children MXF, name, calls to font.mxf files done by the first assigned property of each font assignment line Parent EXE, instance, direct call to the font ini file by the exe UI, property, any font property may make a direct call to one of the font lines in this INI 8a5971c5 - Terrain Mapping, Sound, and Features INI Children HIT, Resource, In the sound INI file [trackdatablocks] area each HIT file is defined FSH, Instance key, Partial instances are presented in the terrain.ini that link to FSH textures in table form via moisture levl. EXE, CIDs, In the sound INI file classids for the exe are defined for various sound bits Parent EXE, Instance, Direct call to sound ini as needed by instance EXE, Instance, direct call to the terrain ini as needed by the exe

JFIF/JPEG -- ca133ecb - Jpeg Art Children NONE Parent UI, image, called as a resource key by the image property during design phases, this represented placeholders <gen> - Computer specific BAT generated overlay picture (large) Children NONE Parent EXE, Created and used by the Building tool suite to create ingame representative images

KEYCFG -- 6a231eaa - Accellerator Tables Children Exemplar, IID, Extra data in the keyconfigs links to lot exemplars Parent EXE, loaded at start

LEV and XA (XAs currently in the LEV area) -- 0a5bcda5 - Construction Children XA, GroupID, XA files inside this Groupid linked to parent LEV Parent Exemplar, Property, 0xEA3FBDD7 - Audio:FreshScoreKey 0a627909 - Residential Bad Night Small/Medium Children XA, GroupID, XA files inside this Groupid linked to parent LEV Parent Exemplar, Property, 0xEA3FBDD7 - Audio:FreshScoreKey 2a398e45 - Nature Night SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 2a6278ee - Residential Bad Day Large SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a392cff - Industrial Clean Bad SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a398e40 - Nature Day SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a42c073 - Traffic Midtown/Medium SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a4d1946 (CONTAINS NO LEV, MOVE TO XA)--- SEE XA SECTION 4a54e37f - Pipe View SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a54e387 - Subway View SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a5e6ac5 - High Crime SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a5e7be3 - Farm Buildings SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a60ce67 - Farm Fields SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 4a627900 - Residential Bad Night Large SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 8a398e3c - Industrial Dirty Good SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 8a42b774 - Traffic Downtown SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 8a60ce80 - Traffic Street SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 8a60cf62 - Zoo SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD 8a627912 - Residential Good Day Small/Medium $$$ SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD aa39ba06 - Garbage SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD aa60ce7d - Traffic Road Light SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ca398e36 - Industrial Dirty Bad SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ca398e4a - Wind Zoom 1&2 SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ca62790f - Residential Good Day Small/Medium SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ca88cc85 - Abandoned SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea39ba3e - Water SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea5e6ac2 - Traffic Jam SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea60ce77 - Traffic Highway SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea6278fd - Residential Bad Day Small/Medium SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea62790c - Residential Good Day SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea627915 - Residential Good Night Small/Medium SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea627918 - Zoom 3 City SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea62791b - Wind Zoom 3 SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD ea398e29 - Industrial Clean Good SEE ABOVE. SAME PARENT/CHILD

LogicObject -- ca4d19e3 - Track Logic Object Children Effect dir, effect string, Strings of effects where present Parent TRK, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where applicable.

Lot Data -- 6be74c60 - Exchange Data for Lot Children NONE, however lists required plugin Dats to use this Lot In game. Not actual link. Just theoretical. Parent Exchange, Upload Function, Processed during upload to display information

LTEXT LTEXT files in Plugins have Incremental GIDs to signify the different languages to the exe -- 0xEA5524EB - LTEXT - Misc. Item Names/Descriptions Children Parent 0xEA231E96 - LTEXT - Misc. Texts Children Parent 0xCA554B03 - LTEXT - Popup window HTML texts Children Parent 0x8A635D24 - LTEXT - Audio filename to description texts Children Parent 0x8A5E03EC - LTEXT - Disaster texts Children Parent 0x8A4924F3 - LTEXT - About SC4 window HTML text Children Parent 0x6A554AFD - LTEXT - Misc. Item Names/Descriptions Children Parent 0x6A3FF01C - LTEXT - Game UI Texts Children Parent 0x6A231EAA - LTEXT - Interactivity Feature Texts (MySim, UDriveIt, etc.) Children Parent 0x6A231EA4 - LTEXT - News ticker message texts Children Parent 0x4A5E093C - LTEXT - Terrain tool texts Children Parent 0x4A5CB171 - LTEXT - Funny random city loading message texts Children Parent 0x2A592FD1 - LTEXT - Item plop/draw notification texts Children Parent 0x0A554AF5 - LTEXT - Audio UI Panel texts Children Parent 0x0A554AE8 - LTEXT - General UI texts Children Parent 0x0A554AE0 - LTEXT - Item visible name and description texts Children Parent 0x0A419226 - LTEXT - In game error texts Children Parent 6a4eb3f7 - LTEXT - Population Text Children Parent EAFCB180 - LTEXT - Plugin Install Text Children Parent

De-Localizer (currently in LTEXT) -- 2026960b-6a231eaa-0a6df4df - Text to avoid language localization on Children NONE Parent EXE, Loaded when the EXE processes files containing ltexts.

LUA -- 0x4A5E8EF6 - LUA - Missions, Advisors, Advice, Definitions, Tutorials and Packaging files Children LUA, dofile, Dofile commands load a file by hashed name translated to instance LTEXT, Resource Key, text@0x######## tutorial functions define an instance for a GID 0xca554b03 LTEXT LTEXT, Resource Key, text@0x######## mission/advice functions define an instance for a GID 0x6a231ea4 LTEXT DBPF, tutorial_file_guids[#], defines an IID for a DBPF file for use in that tutorial where # is the tutorial number as set S3D, Advisor_anim_types, this variable defines the IID of an S3D file for various types of animations. PNG, sit_constants, PNGs as defined by mission constants by IID Exemplar, ordinance_ids, ordinance ID defines an IID of an ordinance Exemplar LUA, function, functions can be used to indirectly call a LUA and connect them Exemplar, flora_tool_types, this calls the IID of an model exemplar Exemplar, building_group_types, this calls the IID of an model exemplar Exemplar, graph_window_types, this calls the IID of a Group 0xca4ad545 exemplar Exemplar, tuning_constants, this calls the IID of an model exemplar Exemplar, special_buildings, this calls the IID of an model exemplar BMP, Mysim_balloons, This calls a mysim balloon IID of the 0xab7e5421f GroupID TRK, mysim_vox, This calls a mysim TRK IID of the 0xca4d1948 GroupID Parent LUA, dofile, Dofile commands load a file by hashed name translated to instance Itself, ID, At start of file, "--#-package:01234567# -- package signature" the package ID must be unique for all LUA. Itself, rawget, line in following format : [if not rawget(globals(), "_unique_name_here") then _unique_name_here = 1] LUA, function, functions can be used to indirectly call a LUA and connect them EXE, As needed can call directly Dependant LUA, function, A function declared and created in one LUA can be run from another LUA to reference and call. LUA, reward_state, reward states as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, building_conditions, building conditions as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, zone_tool_types, tool types for zones as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, game_trends, game trends as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, zodiac, mysim zodiacs as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, mysim_trip_types, mysim trip types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, game_difficulty_level, difficulties as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, mysim_idle_animation_ids, animation ids for mysims as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, advice_priority, advice text priority as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, camera_zooms, camera zooms as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, ordinance_ids, ordinance ids as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, neighbor_deal_types, neighbour deal types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, disaster_ids, disaster ids as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, game_events, game events container and types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, game_commands, game commands as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, network_types, network types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, button_tool_types, tool types for buttons as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, flora_tool_types, flora tool types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, effects, effects as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, building_group_types, building group types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, budget_window_types, budget window types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, graph_window_types, graph window types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, map_window_types, map window types as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, tuning_constants, ones which are not just a constant as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, special_buildings, special buildings as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, mysim_balloons, mysim thought balloons as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, mysim_vox, mysim audio as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, game_commands, game commands as defined in the main def file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, building_groups, building groups for missions as defined in the constant LUA file LUA, sit_conditions, mission conditions as defined in the constant LUA file LUA, sit_constants, constants for missions as defined in the constant LUA file LUA, tutorial_zone_type, zone types as defined in the main tutorial file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, tutorial_building_type, building types as defined in the main tutorial file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, tutorial_dispatch_type, dispatch types as defined in the main tutorial file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, tutorial_network_type, network types as defined in the main tutorial file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, tutorial_buttons, buttons as defined in the main tutorial file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, tutorial_function_index, functions as defined in the main tutorial file and referenced by other LUAs LUA, automata_groups, automata groups as defined in the constants LUA LUA, automata_states, automata states as defined in the constants LUA LUA, sit_coverage_state, coverage states as defined in the constants LUA LUA,tuning, tuning constant variables link to definitions in another LUA LUA, #link#, a #function# resource type loads that resource from a defining LUA LUA, advice_mood, advice moods are stored in another LUA file and accessed from other LUAs LUA, Advice_type, defined in LUA based off of Advisor IDs from the exe and accessed from LUA LUA, automata, An LUA may declare an automata group from another file be affected by it. LUA, add_tutorial and task_first, These lines define a GUID which links the tutorial def fine to the actual tutorial. EXE, part of the EXe may be called by a classid/guid definition. EXE/LUA, mysim, mysim variables incoming from the game are defined in LUA and accessed from elsewhere. EXE/LUA, game, game variables are stored in the LUA and modified but essentially come direct from the EXE EXE, Advisor_id, this variable is defined elsewhere and accessed from Advisor LUA script EXE, tutorial_zone_type, defined in the EXE and subaccessed from LUA EXE, tutorial_network_type, network types as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, tutorial_dispatch_type, dispatch types as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, tutorial_zone_type, zone types as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, tutorial_buttons, tutorial buttons as defined in C++ by classid and sent to LUA EXE, tutorial_function_index, tutorial function indexes as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, object, Object functions as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, sit_conditions, conditions for missions as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, sit_coverage_state, coverage states as defined in the C++ and sent to LUA EXE, automata_states, automata states as defined in the C++ and sent to the LUA EXE, automata_groups, automata groups as defined in the C++ and sent to LUA EXE, building_groups, building groups defined by 16 bit values in the C++ and sent to LUA EXE, reward_state, reward states as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, building_conditions, buildings conditions as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, zone_tool_types, tool types for zones as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, game_trends, game trends such as HQ as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, zodiac, Mysim zodiacs as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, mysim_trip_types, mysim trip types as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, game_difficulty_level, difficulty as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, mysim_idle_animation_ids, mysim animation ids as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, disaster_ids, disaster ids as defined in C++ and sent to LUA EXE, game_events, game events as defined in C++ EXE, game_commands, game commands as defined in C++ EXE, network_types, network types as defined in C++ EXE, neighbor_deal_types, neighbour deal types as defined in C++ EXE, button_tool_types, button tool types as defined in C++ EXE, effects, effects as defined in C++ EXE, budget_window_types, budget window types as defined in C++ EXE, map_window_types, map window types as defined in C++ 0x4A5E8F3F - LUA - Generators,Attractors,Repulsors, and System LUAs Children LUA, dofile, Dofile commands load a file by hashed name translated to instance TRK, GUID, in SFX tables, TRK instances may be called in from 0xAA4d1930 GID to be used specifically BMP, csi_image, A bitmap instance may be used for specific types of definitions in a controller Exemplar, source_building, an exemplar building may be referenced for use in a controller. LUA, function, functions can be used to indirectly call a LUA and connect them EXE, cmd, the exe may be referenced by a CMD command to perform a call such as a control movement for a vehicle Effect Dir, fx, the fx command allows to reference an effect inside the effect dir from an LUA Parent LUA, dofile, Dofile commands load a file by hashed name translated to instance LUA, function, functions can be used to indirectly call a LUA and connect them Effect Dir, String, Section 6 strings link to repulsors/Attractors/OccupantGroups Itself, ID, At start of file, "--#-package:01234567# -- package signature" the package ID must be unique for all LUA. Itself, rawget, line in following format : [if not rawget(globals(), "_unique_name_here") then _unique_name_here = 1] EXE, As needed can call directly Dependant LUA, function, A function declared and created in one LUA can be run from another LUA to reference and call. LUA, automata, An LUA may declare an automata group from another file be affected by it. LUA, anims, An LUA may declare an animation type from another file be used. LUA, controllers, An LUA may declare a controller(generator,attractor etc) from another LUA be used. EXE, part of the EXe may be called by a classid definition. EXE, effect trigger ID, inside an effect table, an ID may be defined to the exe that can be triggered later.

MAD -- 00000001 - Movie Files Children NONE Parent EXE, Loaded by Executable as needed

PNG -- 0x00000001 - PNG - Main Button Images Children NONE Parent EXE, multi-imaged PNGs called by the exe for the main UI buttons and icons. 0x1ABE787D - PNG - User Interface (Button and Menu States, Query edges, States) Children NONE Parent 0x22DEC92D - PNG - Built-In Tools User Interface Children NONE Parent EXE, multi-imaged PNGs called by the exe for the UI Creator 0x46A006B0 - PNG - UI Images (UDI, Main Interface, Mysim) Children NONE Parent 0x4C06F888 - PNG - UDrive Icons Children NONE Parent Exemplar, property, 0x6A1EED2C - Region View City Tiles Children NONE Parent EXE, called by the exe when needed for default tiles 0x6A386D26 - PNG - Menu Building Icons, Bridges, Overlays 0xABBBBCCC - Menu images Children NONE Parent Exemplar, property, 0xAA0000BB - Bridge Icons Children NONE Parent Exemplar, property, 0x0000AAAA - Pinkscreen box overlay Children NONE Parent 8b6b7857 - Lot Editor PNG Images Children NONE Parent Exemplar, property, 0xA9179251 - PNG - Art picture and their Overlay Children NONE Parent 0xAB7E5421 - PNG - MySim Thought Bubbles and Transit Icons Children NONE Parent 0xebdd10a4 Children NONE Parent

RUL -- aa5bcf57 - Network Rules Children FSH, Instance, The second rep in each 0x3 line is an IID of a network FSH file. Exemplar, Instance, The second rep in each 0x3 line is an IID of a network exemplar file. SC4Path, Instance, The second rep in each 0x3 line is an IID of a network SC4path file. Parent EXE, called during each network plop

Complex RUL -- aa5bcf57 - Complex Network Rules Children FSH, Instance, the overrides rules 4 id properties may reference a FSH for a drawn network texture Exemplar, Instance, the overrides rules 4 id properties may reference an exemplar for a 3D network texture. FSH, Instance, the solutions rule references a texture FSH for a network by instance Exemplar, Instance, the solutions rule references a texture exemplar for a 3d network by instance Parent EXE, instance, The overrides file is called by instance ID EXE, instance, The solutions file is called by instance ID EXE, instance, The intersections file is called by instance ID 8a5971c5 - Path remapping Children Parent

S3D -- badb57f1 - Simglide 3D Model 0xAAAABCDE - LOD,Object,Arbitrary Children FSH, Instances, S3D files link to their textures via the material instance ID in the MATS section Effect Dir, String, Effects may be called an attached to a model via the effectname property in the REGP section EXE, prop, S3D files Prop section references the exe for purposes of determining arbitrary properties for moving models Parent Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812820 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812821 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812822 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812823 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812824 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812920 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812921 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812922 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812923 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812924 property Exemplar, property, 0x09c80416 property links to an S3D file by resource key S3D, ResourceKeys, In section 1 a list of resource keys may call random S3D files 0xAABBCCDE - 3d Networks (Highway and El/Light) Children FSH, Instances, S3D files link to their textures via the material instance ID in the MATS section Effect Dir, String, Effects may be called an attached to a model via the effectname property in the REGP section Parent Exemplar, property, 3D network pieces are called via the 0x27812820 property resource key 0xAAAABBCD - Advisors, Fauna Children FSH, Instances, S3D files link to their textures via the material instance ID in the MATS section Effect Dir, String, Effects may be called an attached to a model via the effectname property in the REGP section EXE, prop, S3D files Prop section references the exe for purposes of determining arbitrary properties for moving models Parent LUA, Advisor_anim_types, this variable defines the IID of an S3D file for various types of animations. Exemplar, property, 0x09c80416 property links to an S3D file by resource key 0xAAAABBCC - UDI, disaster, model Children FSH, Instances, S3D files link to their textures via the material instance ID in the MATS section Effect Dir, String, Effects may be called an attached to a model via the effectname property in the REGP section EXE, prop, S3D files Prop section references the exe for purposes of determining arbitrary properties for moving models Parent Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812820 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812821 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812822 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812823 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812824 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812920 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812921 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812922 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812923 property Exemplar, property, models can be referenced by the 0x27812924 property Exemplar, property, 0x09c80416 property links to an S3D file by resource key S3D, ResourceKeys, In section 1 a list of resource keys may call random S3D files <gen> - Computer specific BAT Generated S3D model Children FSH, Instances, S3D files link to their textures via the material instance ID in the MATS section Effect Dir, String, Effects may be called an attached to a model via the effectname property in the REGP section Parent Exemplar, property, BAT generated models are referenced by the 0x27812821 property

SC4Path -- 69668828 - Textured Networks Paths Children NONE Parent Rule, Instance, The second rep in each 0x3 line is an IID of a network SC4path file. a966883f - 3D Networks Paths 0xAABBCCDE Children NONE Parent Rule, Instance, The second rep in each 0x3 line is an IID of a network SC4path file. 0xAAAABCCC (for paths on lots) Children None Parent Exemplar, LotConfig, Property 16 of 0x07 type lotconfig lines where implemented.

TRK -- 2a4d1937 - Disaster, Destruction, Siren, Splash, Low Pitch Ambient Effect Sounds Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track Effect Directory, Resource Key, Section 9 Sound Resource For Effects 2a4d193d - Query Sounds Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent Exemplar, Property, 0xAA1DD397 - SFX:Query Sound HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track aa4d1920 - Activate Sounds & Audio LoopID's & Ambience Decayed & AlarmIDs & HLS Entries Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent Exemplar, Property, 0xABA061F2 - Audio:LoopID HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track Exemplar, Property, 0x0A36AFA2 - SFX:AlarmSoundID Exemplar, Property, 0x4a4c132e - SFX:ActivateSound Exemplar, Property, 0xCA19D7CA - SFX: Ambience Good Sound Exemplar, Property, 0x0a4c13cb - SFX:AmbienceDecayed Sound Exemplar, Property, 0x2a53BE13 - SFX:Alarm Ambience Sound aa4d1930 - ActiveSound & Fireworks, Construction, Sims, UDI, Alien, Crowds, Animals Effects Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track Effect Directory, Resource Key, Section 9 Sound Resource For Effects Exemplar, Property, 0x6c044bb5 - SFX:ActiveSound LUA, GUID, in LUAs of group 0x4A5E8F3F, a TRK of this GID may be called from inside SFX tables by a GUID var. ca4d1943 - UI Button Click & Plop Sounds & Wire,Fire, and Tools Effects Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track Effect Directory, Resource Key, Section 9 Sound Resource For Effects UI, Value, btnclicksnd UI, Value, btnupsnd Exemplar, Property, 0xC9B93A56 - SFX:Default Plop Sound ca4d1948 - Occupant Instance Sounds Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent Exemplar, Property, 0x6a36afac - SFX:Occupant Instance Sound HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track LUA, mysim_vox, a mysim_vox variable makes a call to the IID of a TRK of this group. ea4d192a - Fireworks,Riots, Children, Anger, Demo, Crime,Construction, Jet Effects Children XA, Field, Field 3 of TRK files where entered HLS, Field, Field 15 of TRK files where entered TLO, Field, Field 4 of TRK files where entered Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in a Hitlist may be a track Effect Directory, Resource Key, Section 9 Sound Resource For Effects

Corrupt -- a8fbd372 - Corrupt Building Lot Exemplar Children,Parents as per file.

UI -- 08000600 - Main SC4 Interface Children Parent 96a006b0 - All Game Interfaces Minus the main interface Children Parent 1d6962cf - SC4 Vanilla Internal Tool Interfaces Children Parent EXE, called by the exe as it was an internal tool cb6b7601 - Lot Editor UI's Children Parent

String -- 55555555 - String Texts Children NONE, Test File Parent NONE, Test File

WAV -- 0a4d1926 - SchoolBell & Fire engine Children NONE Parent Effect Dir, Resource Key, Sound resource key for effects in section 9 where filled 6a4d193a - Fire and Obliterate Sounds Children NONE Parent Effect Dir, Resource Key, Sound resource key for effects in section 9 where filled

XA -- 0a4d1926 - Activate Sounds & Audio LoopID Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKS where filled 0a4d192d - Fireworks,Riots, Children, Anger, Demo, Crime,Construction, Jet Effects Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKs where filled Effect Dir, Resource Key, Sound resource key for effects in section 9 where filled 0a627909 - Residential Bad Night Small/Medium Children NONE Parent LEV, GroupID, Connected to Levels File by Groupid 2a4d1940 - Query Sounds Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKs where filled 2a6278ee - Residential Bad Day Large Children NONE Parent LEV, GroupID, Connected to Levels File by Groupid 4a4d1946 - Plop & Button Click & Ambience Decay & Wire,Fire and Tools Effects Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKS where filled UI, Value, btnclicksnd UI, Value, btnupsnd 6a4d193a - Disaster, Destruction, Siren, Splash, Low Pitch Ambient Effect Sounds Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKs where filled Effect Dir, Resource Key, Sound resource key for effects in section 9 where filled 8a627912 - Residential Good Day Small/Medium $$$ Children NONE Parent LEV, GroupID, Connected to Levels File by Groupid aa4d1933 - Fireworks, Construction, Sims, UDI, Alien, Crowds, Animals Effects Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKs where filled Effect Dir, Resource Key, Sound resource key for effects in section 9 where filled aa4d194b - Occupant Instance Sounds Children NONE Parent HLS, Entry, Any entry in an HLS may be an XA or TRK TRK, Field, Field 3 of TRKS where filled

BSPEC -- aa5bcf57 - Bridge Specification Rules Children Exemplar, piece, Bridge specifications define pieces of the bridge by linking to its applicable Exemplar through the piece. Parent EXE, Instance, The EXE calls the BSPEC directly by instance, and then reads optional bridges by # name inside it.

Config -- a9dd6e06-49dd6e08 TG - Simcity Configuration File Children Region, Entry, Tells the EXE the currently loaded region and location Parent EXE, called on load.

XML -- <gen> - Computer specific Lot Description XML file Children NONE, however lists required plugin Dats to use this Lot In game. Not actual link. Just theoretical. Parent EXE, these xml files were created to pass information along between the various parts of the Maxis building tool suite.

MXF -- Children None Parent INI, Assignment, Purpose decided by the Font.ini file. Called directly by the EXE as needed.

INFO -- Children None Parent EXE, Called as the UI for the Album needs it.

Filetypes currently needing relational info--- (10) AB,AE,HIT, complex,ui,ltext,FSH,png exemplar,Cohort,

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