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# Combined wallpaper and wall mask material used by the engine to | # Combined wallpaper and wall mask material used by the engine to |
Revision as of 10:53, 14 April 2007
EP5-SS(Eu) 0xCD7FE87A 0x1C0532FA 0x6CAEA0D2 0xFFBE8C1E # wall # # Shaders for Sims 2 walls # seti wallLayer 0 seti wallMaskLayer -16 setb tsMirrorWallMask false setb tsCausticsPass false seti tsRenderStyle 0 set wallpaperTextureParam "" set wallMaskTextureParam "" setb wallHighlightOn false setc wallHighlightIntensity (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0) # adjust brightness of wall highlight texture setb debugShowWallIncidence false setb debugShowWallLightmap false setb debugShowWallNormalMap false setb debugWallLighting false include PixelShaderWalls.matshad ########### # WALL TOPS are rendered with WallpaperAndMask! All wall top material defs are removed from this file since they were dead code. ########### # common stuff to collapse into a single check. define SetupCommonWallFlags() if (varExists(wallNormalMappingEnabled) = false) setb wallNormalMappingEnabled false endif # some defaults setb wallBumps false setb caustics false setb lightMapping false # Notes: # Highlights turn off ALL detail, lightmaps and normal maps and caustics. # Global bumpmapping must be on to get wall bumpmapping. # Wht? ...these rules reduce all rendering to a single pass. setb groovyHW false if ($useHWShader2Path or $useHWShader1Path) setb groovyHW true endif setb wallMaskOK false if (varExists(wallMaskTextureName)) setb wallMaskOK true endif if ($tsCausticsPass and $wallHighlightOn = false and $groovyHW) setb caustics true endif if (varExists(page) and $wallHighlightOn = false) setb lightMapping true endif if (varExists(wallpaperNormalMapTextureEnabled)) if ($bumpMapping and $wallHighlightOn = false) # check global 'do bumpmaps' flag, no bumps when highlighting. setb wallBumps true endif endif if ($wallNormalMappingEnabled = false) setb wallBumps false endif enddef #beginshader Wallpaper #description Material for wall define Wallpaper() #trace "Wallpaper : $currentMaterialName" material create WallTextureShaders() end enddef #endshader Wallpaper # Note: bump mapping is now controlled directly by stdMatNormalMapTextureEnabled, # same as with StandardMaterial, so WallpaperBump is identical to Wallpaper, and # exists only for legacy reasons. #beginshader WallpaperBump #description Wall shader with diffuse color texture and normal map (LEGACY: you can just use Wallpaper for this) define WallpaperBump() #trace "WallpaperBump : $currentMaterialName" material create WallTextureShaders() end enddef #endshader WallpaperBump #beginshader WallMask #description Material for wall cutout for windows and doors #extraparam bool tsMirrorWallMask 0 ; set to true to mirror the texture in U define WallMask() #trace "WallMask : $currentMaterialName" material if ($stdMatLightingDebug) create LightingDebugStandardMaterialOverrides() endif create WallMaskShaders($tsMirrorWallMask) end enddef #endshader WallMask #beginshader WallpaperPool #description Material for wall #extraparam bool tsCausticsPass 1 ; set to true to add water caustics. define WallpaperPool() #trace "WallpaperPool : $currentMaterialName" material if ($stdMatLightingDebug) create LightingDebugStandardMaterialOverrides() endif create WallTextureShaders() end enddef #endshader Wallpaper # Combined wallpaper and wall mask material used by the engine to # optimize wall rendering when not in Build Mode. Selected parameters # are sucked out of the original separate wallpaper and mask materials, # and combined into this material. define WallpaperAndMask() material if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeShadowMap) create ShadowMapVS_PS() else #trace "$currentMaterialName" if (strstr("$currentMaterialName", "PoolWall") != 0 or strcmp("${wallpaperTextureName}", "wall-poolroundedlipblue-base") = 0) setb tsCausticsPass 1 endif if ($stdMatLightingDebug) create LightingDebugStandardMaterialOverrides() endif create WallpaperAndMaskShaders() endif end enddef # --- WallTextureShaders ------------------------------------------------------------------------- define WallTextureShaders() #trace "WallTextureShaders: $currentMaterialName" create DetermineHardwareSupport() create SetupCommonWallFlags() if ($useFixedFunctionPath or $useSWVertexShaderPath) create FixedFunctionWallTextureShader() else create PixelShaderWallTextureShader() endif enddef #only used in thumbnails as far as I can tell. define FixedFunctionWallTextureShader() shader -layer $wallLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 2 required pass -fixedFunction create AttenuatedMatCoef(0.5) create LightingStates() # what were these states for? # alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) # alphaTest true 0 # alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater # depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false # depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual depthTestFunction accept fillmode $stdMatFillMode # include light map stage if present. if (varExists(page)) stage create SelectWallLightMap() # add the light map lighting to any direct lights. # the light map has been prescaled by 0.5 textureBlend add(texture diffuse) select(texture) end endif stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiplyScale2(texture outRegister) select(outRegister) end end end enddef # --- WallMaskShaders ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # doesn't seem to be used anywhere, except in the thumbnails??, but there it isn't needed, so a null shader saves a pass define WallMaskShaders(tsMirrorWallMask) shader end enddef # --- WallpaperAndMaskShaders ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main workhorse... all walls, with cutout or not (window, door) will go through this path. define WallpaperAndMaskShaders() #trace "WallPaperAndMask: $currentMaterialName" create DetermineHardwareSupport() create SetupCommonWallFlags() if ($debugShowWallIncidence or $debugShowWallLightmap or $debugShowWallNormalMap or $debugWallLighting) create DebugPixelShaderWalls() endif if ($useHWShader1Path) create PS1WallRendering($wallBumps) else if ($useHWShader2Path) create PS2WallRendering($wallBumps) else create FixedFunctionMaskedWallRendering() endif endif # ultimate fallback. enddef define ShadowMapVS() shaderProgram -target vertexProgram -method compile -version 1_1 bindConstants 0 -bindingID geomToClip -constantCount 4 shaderSource float4x4 clipSpaceMatrix : register(c0); struct InputVertex { float3 position: POSITION0; }; struct OutputVertex { float4 clipPosition : POSITION; float2 depth : TEXCOORD1; }; OutputVertex VertexMain( InputVertex i) { OutputVertex o; o.clipPosition = mul(float4(i.position, 1), clipSpaceMatrix); o.depth = o.clipPosition.zw; return o; } endShaderSource end # end shader program enddef define ShadowMapVS_PS() shader -layer 0 pass create ShadowMapVS() create ShadowMapPS() end end enddef define ShadowMapPS() shaderProgram -target pixelProgram -method compile -version 2_0 shaderSource struct cInputPixel { float2 depth : TEXCOORD1; }; float4 PixelMain(cInputPixel pi) : COLOR { float4 depth; depth.x = pi.depth.x / pi.depth.y; depth.y = depth.x * depth.x; depth.z = depth.x * depth.y; return depth.xyzx; } endShaderSource end # end shader program enddef define FixedFunctionMaskedWallRendering() shader -layer $wallLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required #validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 1 required validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType viewerRenderType setb maskedWall false # first pass, write the wall, but drop pixels that fail the masking. # only attempt wall masking if the variable was set by the app (apparently, it doesn't always get set) if ($wallMaskOK) # do the mask pass ONLY if it's a masked area! if (strcmp("${wallMaskTextureName}", "wallsolid-mask") != 0) if ($caustics) pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint else pass -fixedFunction endif #create LightingStatesNoStdLights() # we write only to the depth buffer, and only where the mask is white #alphaBlend srcFactor(zero) add dstFactor(one) alphaTest true 127 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater fillmode $stdMatFillMode depthTest true -enableDepthWrite true stage texture $wallMaskTextureName ${wallMaskTextureParam} # needs to clamp in both directions: in U because walls can vary in length # in order to close gaps between wall segments, in V because really tall # levels should not evince a repeat of the cutout. textureAddressing clamp clamp if ($wallMaskMirrorFlag) textureTransformType vector2 # translate tex coords so that after the negative scale in U, # the former (0,1) still maps in the range (0,1) ffTextureMatrix -scalev (-1, 1) -trans (1, 0) endif # Wall system uses the second set of texture coordinates for the wall masks. ffTextureCoordsSource 1 textureBlend select(texture) select(texture) end end setb maskedWall true endif endif if ($caustics) pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint else pass -fixedFunction endif #create AttenuatedMatCoef(0.5) #create LightingStates() #alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) #alphaTest true 127 #alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater if ($maskedWall) depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual endif fillmode $stdMatFillMode colorScalar (1, 1, 1) 1 # for lightmapping: # light map * base color if (varExists(page)) stage create SelectWallLightMap() # add the light map lighting to any direct lights. # the light map has been prescaled by 0.5 textureBlend select(texture) select(colorScalar) end stage texture $wallpaperTextureName ${wallpaperTextureParam} if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeThumbnail) textureAddressing tile tile else textureAddressing clamp tile endif ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiplyScale2(outRegister texture) select(outRegister) end else # no light map, single texture case. stage texture $wallpaperTextureName ${wallpaperTextureParam} if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeThumbnail) textureAddressing tile tile else textureAddressing clamp tile endif ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture) select(colorScalar) end endif end create WallHighlightPass() end enddef define SelectWallLightMap() texture "wallLightMap_${page}" ffTextureCoordsSource 2 enddef define SelectWallIncidenceMap() texture "wallIncidenceMap_${page}" ffTextureCoordsSource 2 enddef define WallHighlightPass() if ($wallHighlightOn) # first pass for the additive part of the highlight texture if ($caustics) pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint else pass -fixedFunction endif create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(one) alphaTest true 0 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual fillmode $stdMatFillMode colorScalar ($wallHighlightIntensity) stage texture "wall_selection_colors" # the mask coordinates are the closest to the one-texture-unit-per-tile mapping we want ffTextureCoordsSource 1 textureAddressing clamp clamp textureBlend multiplyAdd(texture colorScalar diffuse) select(texture) end end # second pass for the subtractive part of the highlight texture if ($caustics) pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint else pass -fixedFunction endif create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) sub dstFactor(one) alphaTest true 0 alphaTestFunction acceptIfEqual depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false depthTestFunction acceptIfEqual fillmode $stdMatFillMode colorScalar ($wallHighlightIntensity) stage texture "wall_selection_colors" # the mask coordinates are the closest to the one-texture-unit-per-tile mapping we want ffTextureCoordsSource 1 textureAddressing clamp clamp textureBlend multiplyAdd(texture colorScalar diffuse) select(texture) end end endif enddef materialDefinition wallthumbnailmat setDefinition StandardMaterial addParam stdMatSpecPower 0 addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.8, 0.8, 1.0) addParam stdMatBaseTextureName wall-wallBoard addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true addParam stdMatBaseTextureAddressingU tile addParam stdMatBaseTextureAddressingV tile end