Difference between revisions of "Game Help:Sims 3 Moodlets"

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Line 924: Line 924:
! Notes
! Notes
| [[Image:Fired.jpg]]
| [[Image:Fired.jpg|44x44px]]
| class="shaded" |Fired
| class="shaded" |Fired
| -30 Mood
| -30 Mood
Line 943: Line 943:
| class="shaded" |Missing Work
| class="shaded" |Missing Work
| -30 Mood
| -30 Mood
| Until workday ends or sim goes to work
| -
| Missing work
| Missing work
| Workaholics don't get stressed from working, but from not working.
| Workaholics don't get stressed from working, but from not working.
Line 951: Line 951:
| class="shaded" |Likes Work
| class="shaded" |Likes Work
| +10 Mood
| +10 Mood
| -
| From work
| Work
| Work isn't quite the daily grind for everyone.  Bring on the overtime!
| Work isn't quite the daily grind for everyone.  Bring on the overtime!
| Workaholic Trait
| Workaholic Trait
| [[Image:Embarassed.jpg]]
| class="shaded" |Embarassed
| -20 Mood
| 3 Hours
| Work
| Situations like this should be avouided at all cost... They're hard to live down.
| Sometimes sims do something stupid at work and they get embarrased (seems random).

Revision as of 18:58, 18 July 2009

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What are moodlets?

Moodlets relate to the mood the sim is in. Different events and happenings in a sim's life can give them positive, negative, or neutral moodlets which will affect their mood. Once you reach a certain mood threshhold, your sim will get lots of lifetime reward points, which they can later use to buy special boosts, traits, and items.

Negative need-related moodlets (such as Tired or Has to Pee) can be clicked on in the moodlets panel to automatically queue an action that will remove the negative moodlet - you don't have to click on the bed or the toilet, just tell the sim to take care of the problem.


The following moodlets relate to the basic core needs of a sim.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
Sleepy.jpg Sleepy No mood effect 3 Hours Low Energy need Get (name) to bed soon, to avoid the wrath of the truly tired. After the 3 hours, if the sim doesn't sleep s/he will become tired.
Tired.jpg Tired -40 Mood 3 Hours Low Energy need When sims get too tired, their mood begins to go south. After the 3 hours, if the sim doesn't sleep s/he will become exhausted.
Exhausted.jpg Exhausted -50 Mood Until sleep Critical energy need At this level of sleep deprivation, even the floor looks like a good bed to this Sim. Sim may fall to the floor asleep.
BadNightsSleep.jpg Bad Night's Sleep -15 Mood 6 Hours Cheap bed Sleeping on a cheap bed would make any sim grumpy.
HadaNiceNap.jpg Had a Nice Nap +10 Mood 5 Hours From Napping Having a great, refreshing nap may be just enough to hold back the onset of sleep.
WellRested.jpg Well Rested +20 Mood 10 Hours High Energy need It's easy to wake up on the right side of the bed when you got plenty of time in the bed.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
NeedToPee.jpg Has To Pee No mood effect 2 hours Low bladder need Your sim needs to go. Like "go."
ReallyHasToPee.jpg Really Has To Pee -30 Mood Until sim pees Critically low bladder need The bladder situation really has only gone from bad to worse, find a bathroom soon!
Embarassed.jpg Embarassed -20 Mood 3 hours Peeing self, Walking in on sim, Invasion of privacy Situations like this should be avoided at all cost... they're hard to live down.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
Strained.jpg Strained -15 Mood Max 2 days Low fun level (Name) could stand a few hours of fun to iron the stress. After it reaches 24h, 2d will appear instantly. And after that it will change to "Stressed Out".
StressedOut.jpg Stressed Out -40 Mood Until fun is raised Critical fun need (Name) is in desperate need of some entertainment. The daily grind has ground the enjoyment of life to a halt! When sim starts having fun it will go back to strained.
Entertained.jpg Entertained +25 Mood Max 6 Hours Relatively high fun need (Name) is having quite a good time and is keeping stress down. After it reaches 6h it will change to "Having a Blast".
HavingaBlast.jpg Having a Blast +40 Mood Max 8 Hours High Fun need (Name) is having so much fun, it's almost criminal.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
Stuffed.jpg Stuffed - 3 Hours Overeating Forcing sims to eat when they are not hungry may lead to a loss of appetite and weight gain.
Hungry.jpg Hungry No mood effect 3 Hours Low Hunger need Your sim's a wee bit peckish. The stomach growling isn't far behind. After the 3 hours it wil l change to "Very Hungry".
VeryHungry.jpg Very Hungry -40 Mood 24 Hours Really Low Hunger need Gnawing hunger is not a good feeling for sims. Feed regularly to avoid. Shorter time period for Babies and possbily Toddlers and Children.
Starving.jpg Starving -80 mood 24 Hours Not eating Allowing Sims to starve is quite cruel! Get Sim some food immediately to avoid an unnecessary death. After the 24 Hours sim will day immediately from starvation.
TastesLikeFridge.jpg Tastes Like Fridge -10 Mood Leftovers in cheap fridge Every bite shouldn't contain flavors from everything else in the fridge. Quality fridges never have this problem!
UnevenCooking.jpg Uneven Cooking -10 Mood Eating Food Cooked on Cheap Stove At least the left-most portion was cooked correctly... right? Maybe a nicer stove would burn better.
GoodMeal.jpg Good Meal +15-20 Mood 8 Hours Eating Yummy Food Yummy! (Name) enjoyed that meal more than the standard fare.
GreatMeal.jpg Great Meal +25 Mood 8 Hours Eating Yummy Food Great meals can be rare, but when a Sim dines upon such a delicious feast, it will be remembered for some time.
AmazingMeal.jpg Amazing Meal +40 Mood 8 Hours Eating Yummy Food That meal was awesome! The explosion of flavor will be hard to forget
DivineMeal.jpg Divine Meal +75 Mood 7 Days Restaurant or Ambrosia (Name) has experienced a meal so exquisite, so divine, that it defies description. Can be found sometimes while eating at the bistro. Also appears when a sim eats Ambrosia.
Nauseous.jpg Nauseous -25 Mood 2 Hours Disgusting Food (Name) isn't feeling so hot. You may want to keep him/her around a bathroom. After the two hours sim will go to the bathroom and drop out.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
ColdShower.jpg Cold Shower -10 Mood 3 hours Cheap Shower Freezing jets of water will dull any mood. Perhaps it's time to upgrade the shower. Cheap shower gives it sometimes
ExhilaratingShower.jpg Exhilarating Shower +20 Mood 4 hours Nice shower It makes sense that if a sim uses quality plumbing, they get quality showers. Expensive shower always gives it.
Grungy.jpg Grungy -5 Mood 4 hours Low Hygiene need Yuck! That layer of grime growing might mean it's time for a bath or shower.
Smelly.jpg Smelly -10 Mood Until shower Extremely Low Hygiene need Sims don't like to stink. More importantly, sims don't like other sims that stink.
MintyBreath.jpg Minty Breath +5 Mood 4 hours Brushing Teeth Sims love to be around those with Minty Breath. It sure beats the alternative.
SqueakyClean.jpg Squeaky Clean +40 Mood 8 hours High Hygiene need Experience the clean sensation of practicing personal hygiene!
DuckTime.jpg Duck Time +15 Mood 5 hours Rubber Ducky Rubber Duckies make hygienic cleansing fun! Buy a "Ducksworth of Bathington" in the grocery shop, place it on tub, take bath (not shower).


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
CheeredUp.jpg Cheered Up +15 Mood 3 Hours Socialization Bobs of sobs are stopped by the kind words of others.
BrightenedDay.jpg Brightened Day +10 Mood 3 Hours Socialization Good sims know exactly what to say to make someone's day better.
Flattered.jpg Flattered +10 Mood Socialization Compliments are quite flattering!
Humiliated.jpg Humiliated -15 Mood 3 Hours Socialization Humiliation tends to rear its ugly head just behind the heap of insulting comments.
Offended.jpg Offended -15 Mood 3 Hours Socialization Offense, when given, will require a healthy dose of time to forgive and forget. Or the dreaded apology.
Lonely.jpg Lonely -15 Mood Low Social need Communication is a must for sims. A quick chat will fix things right away.
Desolate.jpg Desolate -50 Mood Until social interaction Critical social need When Sims get really, really lonely, they need to talk to somebody. Anybody.
RudeGuest.jpg Rude Guest -10 Mood 4 Hours Guest Behaving Inappropriately Sims don't like it when other Sims are rude, especially houseguests!
Mourning.jpg Mourning -50 Mood 2 Days Witnessing Death The death of a loved one affects those closest to them. Sims can mourn at a tombstone or move it to a graveyard to feel more at peace.
BoringConversation.jpg Boring Conversation -5 Mood 3 Hours Socialization, boring tour (theatre, others) Yawn! Will they ever stop talking?
Intrigued.jpg Intrigued +10 Mood 3 Hours From socialization Juicy gossip satisfies eager ears!
Enemy.jpg Enemy! -10 Mood - Enemy The presence of garbage would be preferred to that of a hated enemy!
LetOffSteam.jpg Let Off Steam +10 Mood From socialization Having a friendly ear to complain to helps when you need to vent.
Embarrassed.jpg Embarrassed -20 Mood Walking in on Sim, Invasion of Privacy Situations like this should be avoided at all costs...they're hard to live down.
NewFriend.jpg New Friend +20 Mood 6 Hours Socialization Meeting someone new and hitting it off well enough to call them a friend is spiffy!
LostAFriend.jpg Lost A Friend -25 Mood 24 Hours Neglect, Socialization The loss of a friend hurts, but can be easily rectified by giving them a call and rekindling the friendship.
FirstRomance.jpg First Romance +40 Mood 2 days First romantic interest Love has bloomed for the first time. Could this be the real thing?
MyLove.jpg My Love +20 Mood - Lover Sims in love swoon and flutter about like fool oblivious to the world around them.
HeartBroken.jpg Heart Broken -50 Mood 48 Hours Witnessing Death, Breaking Up A broken heart is an affliction only time and tears can heal.
FirstKiss.jpg First Kiss +40 Mood 24 Hours Kissing for the first time A sim's first kiss can leave them glowing for a long time.
RejectedFirstKiss.jpg Rejected First Kiss -10 Mood 6 Hours Socialization It's sad when a sim gets rejected for a first kiss. Very sad. A rejected sim needs time to cool off before their social skills will be back on track.
GreatKiss.jpg Great Kiss +15 Mood 3 Hours Kissing a Great Kisser Great kissers give amazing smooches. One of the two sims must have the Great Kisser trait.
NewlyEngaged.jpg Newly Engaged +50 Mood 24 Hours Getting Engaged With a ring on the finger, vows and true love aren't far behind.
Rejected Proposal -30 Mood 6 Hours Rejected for a marriage proposal It hurts to propose and be rejected. The good news is that Sims can try again as many times as they like. Of course, each rejection will hurt just as much.
WeddingDay.jpg Wedding Day +40 Mood 24 Hours Wedding Sims love to celebrate this incredibly important day with a party... Just make sure everything goes to plan!
MissedTheWedding.jpg Missed the Wedding -30 Mood 24 Hours Wedding It's a bad, bad, bad idea to miss the wedding. It takes two to tango, and your Sim missed the dance.
JustMarried.jpg Just Married +50 Mood 2 days Socialization Sims always enjoy the joyful period following the marriage. Let's hope the love lasts... Appears after getting married.
Betrayed.jpg Betrayed -50 Mood 24 Hours Romantic Betrayal Being cheated on is tough to move past. Talking it out with the other Sim would speed the healing process.
WitnessedBetrayal.jpg Witnessed Betrayal -20 Mood 6 Hours Romantic Betrayal Witnessing the romantic betrayal of a loved one is quite devastating.
Winner.jpg Winner! +25 Mood 8 Hours Winning Fight Sims never tire of the thrill of victory.



Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
DirtySurroundings.jpg Dirty Surroundings -15 Mood - Dirty objects/puddles Garbage, filth, and grime do not improve one's surroundings.
FilthySurroundings.jpg Filthy Surroundings -30 Mood - Dirty objects/puddles The grime and muck is really starting to pile high. It won't be long before it starts paying rent.
VileSurroundings.jpg Vile Surroundings -40 Mood - Dirty Surroundings This room is so fetid and foul. Sims were not meant to endure such a lax household cleaning philosophy!
TooManyPeople.jpg Too Many People -15 Mood - Being in a crowd Certain sims may not feel too comfortable around large groups Loner trait
UnfinishedRoom.jpg Unfinished Room -10 Mood - Uncovered walls or floors This room needs proper flooring and wall covering of some sort to be considered complete.
Disgusted.jpg Disgusted -5 Mood 10 Minutes Encountering smelly sim, Disgusting food Revolting sights and smells will have this effect on sims, so it's best to move them away. Countdown starts when the disgusting sim leaves or the food is taken out.
PlaguedByNature.jpg Plagued By Nature -20 Mood - Being outside It's often best for Sims that hate the Outdoors to spend as little time out there as possible. Hates the Outdoors trait
ItsDark.jpg It's dark -10 Mood - Darkness A little light would certainly improve things. Perhaps some windows to let natural light in, as well?
BeautifulVista.jpg Beautiful Vista +15 Mood - Beautiful lot This...house…is…incredible! Somebody really knows how to live
Decorated.jpg Decorated +10 Mood - Slightly decorated room Sims enjoy well furnished homes. By the looks of things, this place isn't so bad!
NiceDecorated.jpg Nicely Decorated +25 Mood - Medium decorated room Well designed décor stands out in a good way and tends to make everyone happier.
Beautifullydecorated.jpg Beautifully Decorated +40-50 Mood - Fully decorated room Rooms adorned with the most expensive sculptures and paintings improve life dramatically.
Comfy.jpg Comfy +5-30 Mood - Comfortable object Nothing beats a good seat for comfort except perhaps a better seat.
Cozyfire.jpg Cozy Fire +15 Mood - Warm Fire Sims enjoy the warm cheery glow of their fireplaces...poke them for extra warmth!
Warmed.jpg Warmed +25 Mood 3 Hours Warm Fire There is nothing like the feeling of a warm flame to make a Sim happy.
EnjoyingMusic.jpg Enjoying Music +20-40 Mood - Stereo playing It's hard not to enjoy a beat this solid. +Mood depends on the quality of the speakers and music genre. It can also be obtained by a sim performing with guitar.
EnjoyingSolitude.jpg Enjoying Solitude +15 Mood - Being alone Introverted sims like it best at times when others completely and utterly stay away. Loner Trait
LovelyPool.jpg Lovely Pool +15 Mood - Beautiful Lot The pool is so clean and pristine. Chlorine sure works wonders!
OnewithNature.jpg One with Nature +20 Mood - Being outside Outdoors(wo)men find themselves quite happy when not tucked away indoors. Loves the Outdoors Trait
RudeAwakening.jpg Rude Awakening -10 Mood 30 Minutes Stereo, CryingBaby Loud noises and ruckuses will disturb sleeping sims. Keep those stereos off and the conversations somewhere else, and don't light the bedroom on fire.
CryingBaby.jpg Crying Baby -15 Mood - Crying baby If the baby can't be quieted, it's best to get as far away as possible.
CreepyGraveyard.jpg Creepy Graveyard -5 Mood - Graveyard Graveyards are terrifying places filled with dead bodies, the ghosts of the bodies, and fear. Brave or evil sims do not get this moodlet.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
BabyIsComing.jpg Baby Is Coming! No mood effect Pregnancy Uh oh! The water has broken, contractions have started, and the baby is on its way! Get the mother to a hospital soon or sit tight until the baby arrives!
ItsaBoy.jpg It's a Boy +80 Mood 24 hours New Baby Boy Bouncing baby boys are delightful additions to any family!
ItsAGirl.jpg It's a Girl +80 Mood 24 hours New Baby Girl Gurgling baby girls are delightful additions to any family!
ItsTwins.jpg It's Twins! +80 Mood Two New Babies Wow, your Sims were lucky enough to have twins. Double trouble!
It's Triplets! +80 Mood Three New Babies. Three babies! Hope your Sims wanted a big family.
Nauseous.jpg Nauseous -25 Mood 2 Hours Unknown Causes (Name) isn't feeling so hot. You may want to keep him/her around a bathroom. After the two hours sim will go to the bathroom and drop out.
Back Ache -20 Mood 4 hours, or until a massage is received Pregnancy
Pregnant +20 Mood Pregnancy


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
OnFire.jpg On Fire -200 Mood 1 hour Fire Contrary to popular belief, being on fire is not healthy and can lead to symptoms including panic, burns, and death. Best find some water quickly! Death occurs at end of time period.
Singed.jpg Singed -40 Mood Until bathed/changed clothes Fire Fire burns quickly, but it will burn a Singed sim even faster, so avoid hot situations


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
Had Detention  ?  ? Detention
HonorStudent.jpg Honor Student +25 Mood 24 Hours Good Grades Hard work and a nose to the book pays off with the satisfactory acceptance into the Honor Roll.
Failing -40 Mood 18 Hours Having to Stare at a failing grade on a report card just stings. Homework completion and a good mood will improve marks.


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
Fired.jpg Fired -30 Mood Variable Being Fired Ouch! Getting thrown out of the workplace never feels good. Time to find a new job.
Overworked.jpg Overworked -15 Mood 12 Hours Working Hard All work and no play makes it so that (Name) needs to lay off putting in all the extra effort. Can be avoided if fun level doesn't get too low.
MissingWork.jpg Missing Work -30 Mood - Missing work Workaholics don't get stressed from working, but from not working. Workaholic trait
LikesWork.jpg Likes Work +10 Mood - Work Work isn't quite the daily grind for everyone. Bring on the overtime! Workaholic Trait
Embarassed.jpg Embarassed -20 Mood 3 Hours Work Situations like this should be avouided at all cost... They're hard to live down. Sometimes sims do something stupid at work and they get embarrased (seems random).


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes
Horrified.jpg Horrified -35 Mood 8 hours Mausoleum Terrible things have been seen underneath the mausoleum. Explorers beware.
MauledByBear.jpg Mauled By Bear -35 Mood 8 hours Exploring Catacombs It seems bears don't like it when others explore their catacombs. The emotional scars, not to mention the huge physical scars, are not so easily forgotten.
Excited.jpg Excited +18 Mood 3 hours Anticipation of Seeing Lover/Friend Excitable sims get, well excited. Excitable Trait
FeelingLucky.jpg Feeling Lucky +5 Mood 24 Hours Lucky Trait (seems random) Today is (name)'s lucky day. Who knows what good will happen? Appears randomly after 4 hours of sleep (only for lucky sims).
Fulfilled.jpg Fulfilled +15 Mood 6 Hours Completed a Promised Wish The satisfaction of having a wish come to fruition feels great!
VeryFulfilled.jpg Very Fulfilled +75-100 Mood 7 days Completing Lifetime Wish Everything is working out perfectly! Your Sim feels extra fulfilled!
NewStuff.jpg New Stuff! +20 Mood 2 Hours New objects Sims love getting new things for their homes!
Educated +10 Mood Taking a class Exploring the local halls of culture and learning may teach even the most studious individual a thing or two.
Impressed +10 Mood Touring an educational community lot touring public places sometimes reveals unexpected and impressive sights.
Heard Theater Music +10 Mood Hearing theater music The music pulsing from the inside of the theater sounds awesome. Perhaps tickets are still available!
StirCrazy.jpg Stir Crazy -15 Mood Until leaves the house Not Leaving Home Sims should leave the house frequently for sanity's sake. Shake well with a community marinade for best results.
BadReception.jpg Bad Reception -10 Mood - Cheap TV Cheap television sets don't always provide the most pristine picture.
PristinePicture.jpg Pristine Picture +15 Mood - Nice TV The pixels are dancing daintily on the television, perfectly within the highest resolutions money can buy.
Charitable.jpg Charitable +10-30 Mood 24 Hours Donating to Charity It feels great to help other Sims, especially when they are in need. Mood bonus depends on how big was the donation.
FiendishlyDelighted.jpg Fiendishly Delighted +15 Mood 6 Hours Forum posting, Donating to Undermine Charity, Watching Sim Suffer Sims of the evil persuation take pleasure in the misfortune of others. Evil or Mean Spirited traits.
Disappointed.jpg Disappointed -15 Mood 24 Hours Forum posting Some sims just hate it when they blow a chance to impress others.
StuffTaken.jpg Stuff Taken -15 Mood 24 Hours Repossesion, Seeing Burglar Sims really like their stuff, and when someone grabs it, they take it quite personally.
ReadaMasterpiece.jpg Read A Masterpiece +20 Mood 24 Hours Reading a Masterpiece Turning the last page of a masterpiece is like falling in love... It's a beautiful thing. When sim finishes reading a masterpiece novel
WastedFood.jpg Wasted Food -5 Mood 2 Hours Throwing Away Perfectly Good Food Don't throw away good food! There are starving children in strangetown!
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