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wrapcaption bool  Specifies weather the control caption is wrapped.
wrapcaption bool  Specifies weather the control caption is wrapped.
Format: yes|no
Format: yes|no
winflag_? bool  Defines sp ... \n
winflag_? bool  Defines specific flags that affect the control.
Format: yes|no. See winflag section below.
font  string  Specifies the font to use for the control text.
autosize bool  Specifies weather the control should be auto-
sized. Format: yes|no
sizable  bool  Specifies weather the control is sizable.
Format: yes|no
movable  bool  Specifies weather the control is movable.
Format: yes|no
tips  bool  Specifies weather the control has tooltips.
Format: yes|no
tipsdelay number  Defines the popup timeout for the controls
tooltip. Format: milliseconds
tipstimeout number  Defines the dissapear timeout for the controls
tooltip. Format: milliseconds
tipsflag hex   Controls flag values in a 4 byte hex number related to the tips. Only 1 Defined.
0x01000000 Flag type 1. Just means is a standard tip
tipsoffset position  Defines the offset the tip text appears at
Format: (x,y)
tipsres  hex   defines the group and instance of the text for this tip. (hex gid,hex iid)
tipstext string  Defines the controls tooltip text.
opaque  bool  Specifies weather the control is opaque.
Format: yes|no
btnclicksnd hex  Defines the group and instance id of the sound
to play when the control is clicked. Format:
{hex gid,hex iid}
image  hex  Defines the group and instance id of the image
to use for this control. Format: {hex gid,hex iid}
colorfont? color  The colorfont? lines define colors used for
alternate font styles. Format: (r,g,b)
toggle bool  Defines weather the control is toggleable.
Format: on|off
triggerondown bool  Defines weather the control executes when pressed.
Format: on|off
defaultkeys bool   For a window, controls whether default control keys (such as escape to close) can be used.
closevisible bool   Is the close button visible?
gobackvisible bool   Is the back button visible beside close? (Revert to last state)
minmaxvisible bool   Is the minimize or maximize button visible?
minmaxvalue number Defines the minimum and maximum values of a slider. Format (min,max)
blttype  enum  Blitting type Format: tiled|normal|edge (streached?)
userdata bool   An XML control used in UI windows for persisting data across multiple window sessions
closedisabled bool  is the close button disabled?
gobackdisabled bool  is the back button disabled?
minmaxdisabled bool  are the min/max buttons disabled?
titlebar bool   Window has a titlebar?
outline  bool   Window has an outline?
paint  bool   Draw the main window background? Format: Yes|No
sidebar  bool Does the window have a sidebar down left side? Format: Yes|No (extension of titlebar)
imagerect rectangle  Defines the rectangle that a bitmap may be used within. Format: (x,y,width,height)
notify  bool   Notify other controls for this window of control information
transparentbkg bool   Defines whether the background of a control is transparent (mainly for bitmap controls)
edgeimage bool   For an image, repeat and stretch the image to the boundry areas?
allowinsert bool   For textedits Is inserting data allowed? Format: Yes|No
allowundo bool   Is Undo'ing/Cancelling allowed for input? Format: Yes|No
singleline bool   Is the data a single line only? Format: Yes|No
initvalue value The Initial value of a control. Format: number or "value"
highlightcolor color  Defines color of control highlight. Format: (r,g,b)
buttongutter value Defines the reserved space around the drop button of a combo box inside the control
outlinecolor color  Defines color of control outline. Format: (r,g,b)
maxtext  number  Defines the max number of text chars allowed for control
overwrite bool   Overwrite Existing text (IE as Insert key Mode)? Format: Yes|No
insertindex value   For text edit controls, an unused control for directions on where in an array to
insert data (not confirmed)
insertpos number  unknown (textedit)
notifyonreturn  bool For Textedit, notify other controls in this window of textedit contents when return pressed
notifyonchange  bool For Textedit, notify other controls in this window of contents when contents are changed
enableclipboard bool For Textedits, are clipboard functions enabled, IE Cutting
caretperiod number time in ms between cycles of the caret (blinking text insert cursor)
caretcolor color Color of the text insert caret (cursor)
maxundo  number  Maximum number of undo'able chars for the control (ctrl+Z)
wrapped  bool   Is the text wrapped? (for noneditable text) Format Yes|No
textoffsets position  The position offset of the text on the control
Format (x,y)
editable bool   Is the Text Editable?
hscrollbar bool   Has a horizontal scrollbar (format: yes|No)
vscrollbar bool   Has a vertical scrollbar. Format: Yes|No
selrule  number  grid cell selection rules. Enum: 0 - select whole column, 1 - select row, 2 select cell
maxselcount number  max number of selectable areas, ex: grid cells
olinecolor color  Defines an outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
dcolwidth number  Defines a column width.
drowheight number  Defines a column height.
colhdrsz number  Defines the size of the column header
rowhdrsz number  Defines the size of the row header
textalign value Grid text alignment. Format: (#) - Grid standard for Vis basic is 0=left,1=right,
2=centre, 3 Default/General (text left, num right)
textwrapping value Do grid text other than cells support wrapping or are they single line? 0,1=false,true
fnone  bool   is having an empty entry for a grid legal? (as notNull function in programming)
fedit  bool   Is the grid data editable
fhscroll bool   Does the grid have a horizontal scroll
fvscroll bool   Does the grid have a vertical scroll
fcolheading bool   Does the grid have a column heading
frowheading bool   Does the grid have a row heading
fcolgrid bool   Is the column grid visible?
frowgrid bool   Is the row grid visible?
finsmode bool   Is insert mode used with data? IE overwrite data with data entering
fopqbkgnd bool   Is the grid background opaque?
fdoutline bool   Draw the main Outline for grid controls?
fcellwrap bool   wrap grid cell data?
fallownosel bool   Allow no selection of a grid entry?
ffixcolcnt bool   Fixed Column count
ffixrowcnt bool   Fixed Row count
fdpastlastcol bool   Draw grid past last column
fdpastlastrow bool   Draw grid past last row
fcelloverlap bool   Grid cell data can overlap into other cells?
fdrpdnmenu bool Data has drop down menu's
fhlcelldata bool   Highlight Cell data on hover?
fdefault bool   Obey grid defaults, or use manual settings
fall  bool   Include all standard grid controls, IE scrollbars
colgridclr color  Grid column color. Format: (r,g,b)
rowgridclr color  Grid row color. Format: (r,g,b)
wingridcol values Define Grid Column.
Format : "columnorder,creationcount,columnwidth"
btnupsnd hex  Defines group and instance id of a sound
played when a button is released.
Format: {hex gid, hex iid}
autonumber bool   For spinners not connected to a textedit, controls whether the field is
an incremental integer field. A setting of no disables the spinner
autonumbercomma bool   For spinners not connected to a textedit, add commas to large values
autonumbercurrency bool For spinners not connected to a textedit, add $ to current values
coloroutlineb color  Defines a spinner bottom outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
coloroutliner color  Defines a spinner right outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
digits  as align  For spinners not connected to a text, determines the side of the spinners that text is on
minmax number minimum and maximum values of a spinner. format: (min,max)
coloroutlinet color  Defines a spinner top outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
coloroutlinel color  Defines a spinner left outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
coloroutline color Defines a spinner outline color.
stepsize number  for spinners like taxes, incremental value of next step in either direction
colorright color   for rectangles, the color of the right side
colorbottom color   for rectangles, the color of the bottom side
colortop color   for rectangles, the color of the top side
colorleft color   for rectangles, the color of the left side
displayroot bool   For Tree View controls, view root item?
displaynodeicons bool For Tree View controls, display icons for tree nodes
displaytreelines bool For Tree View controls, display the tree lines (branches)
multiselect bool Specifies if multiple selections are allowed.
icongutter number  for tree views, the pixel reserved space area around the items icons on the view
rowheight number  Defines a rows height.
roottext string  text of the root item in a tree view when its displayed (in "" brackets)
rootcolorforeground colour colour of the text for the root item in a tree view
rootcolorbackground colour colour of the background for the root item in a tree view
rootforegrounghilited colour colour of root item text for tree views when its selected
rootbackgroundhilited colour colour of root item background for tree views when its selected
rootexpanded bool   for tree views, is the root expanded by default
rootselected bool   for tree views, is the root item selected by default
rootfont enum   for tree views, the font of the root item if it is displayed
rooticon hex For a treeview display root icon?
minmaxboxsize number for tree views, the size of the plus,minus icons for expansion of items.
backgroundcolor color for tree views, the background colour of the control surface
highlightcolor color for tree views, the highlighted colour of selected items
direction enum   Direction of a slider. Format: horizontal|vertical
initselection number  For a control with selectable entries, the selected entry when it appears.
combodownarrowrect number Location of the combobox down arrow rectangle Format : (hor1,vert1,hor2,vert2)
combodowncolor colour  Colour of the combo box down/open control
sunken  bool   For a list box, is the appearance sunken (recessed 3d)
scrollbargutters number For listbox's, the reserved space around the scrollbars. Format (hor,vert)
shiftcaption unknown unknown (button)
sort  bool   Sort list items alphabetically?
drop  bool   For listbox, drop edges in colour for 3d framed or layered look
colordark colour   For outlines, the colour of an outline if it is not ontop of another control
colorlight colour   For outlines, the colour of an outline if it is ontop of another control
node  number For outlines, designates a node or end point for a line in an outline (hor,vert)
comments string  Earlier form of tips for controls. Comments on the control
commentslmd String  Same as above. Comments on Left mouse button Down
commentsrmd String  Same as above. Comments on Right mouse button Down
commentslmu String  Same as above. Comments on Left mouse button Up
commentsrmu String  Same as above. Comments on Right mouse button Up
commentsmm String  Same as above. Comments on Middle Mouse button
commentsku String  Same as above. Comments on Keyboard up button
commentskd String  Same as above. Comments on Keyboard Down button
pagesize number  Defines the amount the scrollbar moves when you click on the bar (not the thumb or arrows)
direction enum   for scrollbars, the scrollbar type, vertical or horizontal
linesize number  Defines the amount the scrollbar moves when you click on the arrow (not the thumb or bar)
linepagecount number  Defines # of Lines per page and tot Page count for scrollbars. Format : (#oflines,#ofpages)
listelements string list an element in a combo box, can be used multiple times, ie "1" etc
style  enum   The visual style of the control. Format: see table
gutters  number  reserved space around a control to make everything look cleaner.
Format: (hor,vert,hor1,vert1) in pix. First set are for top and left I believe
Second set should be for bottom and right. Second set are optional but used for buttons.
autofit solo Autofit the control elements. No format. Used in texts
maincaption     Bool   For an option group, show the main group caption?
itemcaption    bool         For an option group, show the caption for each option?
drawfill     bool   For an option group, colour fill the interior of the group edges?
labelfontcolornormal colour   For an option group, the colour of the main group caption
labelfontcolordisabled colour  For an option group, the colour of the main group caption if the group is disabled
buttonfontcolornormal colour   For an option group, the colour of the radial and label if not hovered over
buttonfontcolorhilited colour  For an option group, the colour of the radial and label if hovered over
buttonfontcolordisabled colour  For an option group, the colour of the radial and label if the option is disabled
outlinecolor    colour   For an option group, the colour of each side of the groups outline from top clockwise
option     settings   Settings for an option in an option group, Format "Option#:Label:unk:unk:unk"
optionmoveto    settings   For an option, distance in pixels from the top left of the group, Format" "Opt#:(hor,vert)"
optionsetsize  settings   For an option, the size of said option and its labels area, Format" "Option#:(hor,vert)"
autofilltype    enum (option, manual or automatic)
== NASA Announces Undersea Exploration Mission ==
An international team of aquanauts will travel again to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean to simulate a visit to an asteroid in the 16th expedition of NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO).
--Added controls from August 27th 2004
[[http://goodvillenews.com/NASA-Announces-Undersea-Exploration-Mission-9Shwm3.html NASA Announces Undersea Exploration Mission]]
fillcolor colour Defines the filled colour of the control window
pos hex defines the x,y position of the Control window onscreen
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
message string The ticker message for a text ticker. A resource id could be used in place.
frequency number The frequency of the text ticking across the screen for text tickers
speed number Speed of moving text for a text ticker
== Awakening Our Collaborative Spirit ==
dbgdrawarea hex Defines the visible draw area of the text much like Photoshop creating a text box.
defcolor colour Defines the text colour
The physicist, David Bohm, while researching the lives of Einstein, Heisenberg, Pauli and Bohr, made a remarkable observation. Bohm noticed that their incredible breakthroughs took place through simple, open and honest conversation. He observed, for instance, that Einstein and his colleagues spent years freely meeting and conversing with each other.
passwordmode bool Enable hiding of characters in text edit as for passwords, "*" etc.  
notifyonlostfocus bool Notify textedit control on the user focusing on another control with a click
vscrollimagerect rectangle Defines the image rectangle for a textedits vertical scrollbar image
vscrollimage hex defines the group and instance of vertical scrollbar image for a textedit
hscrollimagerect rectangle Defines the image rectangle for a textedits horizontal scrollbar image
hscrollimage hex Defines the group and instance of a horizontal scrollbar image for a textedit
caretcolor colour Defines the colour of the Caret (the thing that shows where the typing cursor is). textedit
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Awakening-Our-Collaborative-Spirit-AjXaD8.html Awakening Our Collaborative Spirit]]
setlineontop bool
setlinevisible bool
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
combodownarrowrectimage hex defines a combo boxes custom down arrow image. (gid,iid)
== 9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work ==
alpha bool Older bitmap control value specifying whether an alpha can be used or not.
[Flow means] being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. --Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
thumbimage hex defines
containerimage hex Defines the contain
arrowsimage hex defines the image of the movement arrows (TID,GID,IID)
increment value the increment of movement from moving the scrollbar based off the min max values etc
pageoverlap value when scrolling page by page, the overlap based on visible range from the last page
visiblerange value using the min and max values, the definition of a visible page from those values
maxvalue value defines the maximum value of the scrollbar. How far it can go
minvalue value defines the minimum value of the scrollbar
value value the starting value or default value
orientation enum The direction of the scrollbar. horizontal or vertical
[[http://goodvillenews.com/9-Steps-to-Achieving-Flow-and-Happiness-at-Work-LFdIya.html 9 Steps to Achieving Flow (and Happiness) at Work]]
charlimit value character limit for the input control
caretpos hex x,y position of the caret (blinking position marker)
fillalphahilite hex
fillcolorhilite hex
colorrbinside colour colour of the right and bottom inside of a lineinput
colorltinside colour colour of the left and top inside of a lineinput
colorrb colour colour of the right and bottom outline of a lineinput
colorlt colour colour of the left and top outline of a lineinput
filled bool Is the lineinput control filled (visible background) or not
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
divider bool an old form control no longer used that adds a divider to a control window
bluebar bool an old form control no longer used that adds a blue bar to the control window side
== Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight ==
filter hex Filter (par1,par2)
backgroundtransparent bool Is background transparent?
backgroundimage enum Background image?
backgroundcolor color Colour of browser background
backdirtext value Text for the backdir button (..) normally
highlightcolorbackground colour color of background when item highlighted
highlightcolorforeground colour color of foreground item text when item highlighted
columngridcolor colour color of main column grid
columngridenabled bool enable column grid
linegridcolor colour color of line grid
linegridenabled bool enable line grid for browser
rowheight value height of each item row
extensioncolumnwidth value width of the column that displays file extensions
iconcolumnwidth value width of the column that displays item icons.
drivenamealignment enum Enumeration for the type of alignment of the drive names on the browser
drivenamebackgroundcolorhilited colour Drivename background color for hilgithed
drivenameforegroundcolorhilited colour Drivename Item Foreground colour for hilighted items
drivenamebackgroundcolordisabled colour Drivename background colour for when a drivename is disabled
drivenameforegroundcolordisabled colour Drivename foreground colour for when a drivename is disabled
drivenamebackgroundcolor colour drivename background colour normal
drivenameforegroundcolor colour drivename foreground colour normal
drivenamefont enum Font to use for drivenames
fileextensionalignment enum Enumeration for the type of alignment of the file extensions on the browser
fileextensionbackgroundcolorhilited colour fileextension background color for hilgithed
fileextensionforegroundcolorhilited colour fileextension Item Foreground colour for hilighted items
fileextensionbackgroundcolordisabled colour fileextension background colour for when a drivename is disabled
fileextensionforegroundcolordisabled colour fileextension foreground colour for when a drivename is disabled
fileextensionbackgroundcolor colour fileextension background colour normal
fileextensionforegroundcolor colour fileextension foreground colour normal
fileextensionfont enum Font to use for fileextensions
filenamealignment enum Enumeration for the type of alignment of the file names on the browser
filenamebackgroundcolorhilited colour filename background color for hilgithed
filenameforegroundcolorhilited colour filename Item Foreground colour for hilighted items
filenamebackgroundcolordisabled colour filename background colour for when a drivename is disabled
filenameforegroundcolordisabled colour filename foreground colour for when a drivename is disabled
filenamebackgroundcolor colour filename background colour normal
filenameforegroundcolor colour filename foreground colour normal
filenamefont enum Font to use for filenames
column#data value Sets the containing data for filebrowsers for a column. sub # for col # and values are below
directorysort enum Sets directory sorting type. enums below
filesortsecondary enum Sets secondary sorting type. enums below
filesortprimary enum Sets primary sorting type. enums below
defaultselectionextension value the default file extension selected
defaultselectionname value the default selected item name
defaultselectiontype value the default selection type. Select files, directories, or the back icon
defaultpath value Default file browsing path
There is a vitally important shift underway in how we think about progress. Growing numbers of economists, political leaders and expert commentators are calling for better measures of how well society is doing; measures that track not just our economic standard of living, but our overall quality of life. We too can benefit from a shift in priorities and a recognition that real happiness is less about what we earn or own and more about our relationships and state of mind;
autofillsize    value
backimage hex Option background image resource (gid,iid)
captiontextresid hex Main Option caption text resource id (gid,iid)
buttonfont enum For option groups, set individual button fonts.
labelfont enum For option groups, set group label font
root bool
sorted enum Sort Suboptions in specific way? If so, which?
[[http://goodvillenews.com/Happiness-Getting-Our-Priorities-Straight-yQCEpG.html Happiness: Getting Our Priorities Straight]]
wingridrow values Define Grid Row.  
Format : "roworder,creationcount,rowheight"
fdgridoutline bool draw grid outlining?
enablehdr bool Enable grid header?
fontcolor colour Colour of the grid font
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
== The Power of Words and Emotional Bonding! ==
Window Flags
Following are all the window flag attributes. These allways are bool values, with possible
values of yes or no. They are mostly self explanitory, and augment the behaviour of a control.
If you become steadfast in your abstentions of thoughts of harm directed toward others, all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence. PatanjaliWords have power, incredible power, and this power lies in each and every one of us. Of course, its up to us to use this power for the greater good of all or not.
winflag_visible - window is enabled/visible?
winflag_enabled - window function is enabled?
winflag_acceptfocus - control accepts mouse focus by click
winflag_ignoremouse - ignore mouse commands
winflag_pbuff - Pixel Buffer control? yes|no
winflag_pbufftrans - Pixel Buffer Transfer. Write to a secondary buffer for flipping into place of current buffer as needed
winflag_pbufferase - Erase Pixel Buffer before writing? yes|no
winflag_pbuffvid - activate pixel buffering of video into memory for this control
winflag_alphablend - blend alpha layer into control - for transparent controls
winflag_delayedplot - delay plotting of controls in the control window until after opening.
winflag_premulalpha - premultiply alpha for control window
[[http://goodvillenews.com/The-Power-of-Words-and-Emotional-Bonding-2wgncv.html The Power of Words and Emotional Bonding!]]
The Following Properties are in Sims2 only
wparam values Sets values for a button property. Format:
winflag_container -
winflag_fadeeffects - Use fading effects for popup and close.
maxglyphs value Max representable strings. A glyph example would be. Glyph 97 = Amanda, Amanda = A,
Printing 97 on Screen would then show A as the screen text.
[[http://goodvillenews.com/wk.html GoodvilleNews.com - good, positive news, inspirational stories, articles]]
Alternate Font Attributes
Following are all the possible alternate font color attributes. These are always color values.
Known Enumerations
Some attributes have values that can be taken from an enumeration. An enumeration is a list of nonstandard values (i.e. standard values are string, number, hex)
Align Enumeration
Blit Type Enumeration
Style Enumeration
Possible Bool Values
LISTS OF STANDARD CONTROL PARTS THAT SHOULD BE CREATED WITH EACH CONTROL TYPE - Excluding clsid,iid,id,area,fillcolor and winflags which are standard. Caption goes before winflags where applicable.
colorfonthilitedbkg, toggle, triggerondown,showcaption,fill,autosize,wrapcaption,shiftcaption,tips,
font,fill,editable,outlinecolor,initselection,combodownarrowrect,combodowncolor,buttongutter,gutters,listelement (usually multiples)
colordark,colorlight,style,node (multiples usually)
grid 2, textedit 3, button 1, opt 5, winflag 3, win 2, lbox 2, sb2 2, lineinput 3, browse 2

Revision as of 16:57, 30 July 2012

This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/UI
Short name: UI
Long name: UI data

Maxis User Interfaces

The Following properties were unknown as of the last update.

-- 24 Remaining --
winflag_sortable (common)
winflag_mousetrans (common)
allowinsert (textedits)
insertindex (textedits)
insertpos (textedits)
fnone (grid)
shiftcaption (button)
option (optgrp) - defines this options information
autofilltype (optgrp) - for filling the whole option control
SimCity 4 UI Definition Files - 24 properties missing at last count

SimCity 4 defines all of its user interface elements, or UI elements, through a text-based file similar to XML. SimCity 4 UI's are composed of legacy tags, which contain attributes defining the type of element, its look and behavior, etc. Legacies can have children, which contain more legacy tags defining child elements. SC4 UI files are not valid XML, but are very similar. It is now known that these files also comprise the UI elements of newer maxis games such as The Sims 2.

The differentes between UI files and XML are as follows:
1) In a UI file, a comment is denoted by a # at the beginning of a line. 
In XML, a comment is denoted by a tag, contstruted as so: <!-- comment here -->
2) In a UI file, legacy tags are not properly terminated. They have no closing tag or 
terminating bracket. UI LEGACY tags are simply closed by a >.
In XML, a tag must be terminated in one of the two following ways:


3) In a UI file, there is no root tag. There may be more than one LEGACY tag at the root level:

In XML, you can only have one root element. The above code is invalid in XML, but this code would work:
	 <LEGACY />

4) Attributes in a UI file are never bounded by quotes: <LEGACY clsid=GZWinGen>
In XML, attributes must be bounded by quotes: <LEGACY clsid="GZWinGen">

The differences between XML and UI files poses a bit of a challenge, as a custom parser must be written to handle UI code, or a preparation parser must be written to convert UI code into valid XML. Once an UI file is valid XML, any normal XML parser should be able to generate a DOM in memory out of the UI code.

CHILDREN Tags are used when specifying controls that are inside other controls
IE. You may have a bitmap, and children tags below that which contain controls or trees inside the bitmap ingame.
LEGACY in a UI Is a Base control which contains other controls. If it contains no controls and is an end level class like text edit, it is not a legacy.

UI Classes
SC4 UI files define user interface elements. This is done through attributes contained in LEGACY tags. The possible number of attributes is quite large, but not all attributes will always be used. First and foremost are the clsid, iid, and id attributes. These all define what kind of element a LEGACY tag is defining. Below is a list of known class id values for UI elements (this is the class id enumeration):

Class ID Description
--------------- -----------------------------------------------
GZWin		Base Control type which all subtypes inherit from.
GZWinGen 	Defines a UI window. This is a container control.
GZWinText 	Defines a simple text label.
GZWinTextEdit 	Defines a text edit box.
GZWinBtn 	Defines a push button.
GZWinBmp 	Defines a bitmap image.
GZWinCustom 	Defines a custom control.
GZWinGrid 	Defines a grid control.
GZWinFlatRect 	Defines a rectangle.
GZWinSlider 	Defines a slider control. (Like school capacity)
GZWinCombo 	Defines a combobox selection control (like mysim zodiac).
GZWinListBox 	Defines a listbox selection control.
GZWinTreeView 	Defines a treeview control.
GZWinSpinner 	Defines a spinner control. (Like tax adjusters).
GZWinOutline 	Defines an outline.
GZWinScrollbar 	Defines a scrollbar.
GZWinFolders    Defines a Folder control.
GZWinOptGrp     Defines an option Group control.
GZWinTextTicker Defines a Text Ticker Control.
GZWinScrollbar2 Defines a Scrollbar of an image style with different parameters.
GZWinLineInput  Defines an Input control.
GZWinFileBrowserDefines a File Browsing control.
SC3WinGen	Defines a Simcity3000 control window.

UI Attributes
Attribute 	Type  		Description
--------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------
clsid  		hex or enum 	Defines the class of the control. Can be a hex
					number or a class id. Where class ID's are non-hex they specify
				that the control is standard. Where they are hex, as in some WinGen's
				and WinCustom's, they specify that the overall control is specifically
				defined in the EXE like with IDs, Except CLSID works for the control 
				and its sub-elements as opposed to single Elements like text. 
				Generally speaking a Hexid for a Wingen means a different control window
				completely, so all of the sections from wingen onwards should not be displayed
				all at once. IE in one UI file, you may find 5 different budget windows, identified
				by hexid's for their clsid on a wingen.	
iid  		enum  		Defines the interface id for the control. Will
					always be one of the class id enumeration values
					with an I appended to the beginning. This is what
				Defines the type of interface the control is loaded as.
id  		hex  		An id number in hex. This number identifies the data the control
				deals with as defined in the EXE. It can be used as a sequence
				as in 0000010b 20b and 30b to link three controls together, or
				can be used as an id which can be linked to by the Button ID key
				and Menu ID keys in the exemplar files. It can also simply be an ID
				which identifies that control internally to the executable with no real
				other result. ID may be exempted on non-interactive controls, 
				or unused IDs can be created to facilitate new controls
area  		rectangle 	Defines the bounds of a rectangle that defines
					the controls area. Format: (x,y,width,height)
fillcolor 	color  		Defines the default fill color of the control.
   				Format: (r,g,b)
forecolor	color  		Defines the foreground color of the control.
					Format: (r,g,b)
backcolor 	color  		Defines the background color of the control.
					Format: (r,g,b)
bkgcolor	color		Defines the background color of the control.
caption  	string  	Defines the text used for the controls caption.
captionres 	hex  		Defines the instance id of a localizable string
					to be loaded from SimCityLocale.dat (or other 
transparent	bool		is the control transparent? Format Y|N

showcaption 	bool  		Specifies weather the caption is shown for the
					control. Format: yes|no
wrapcaption 	bool  		Specifies weather the control caption is wrapped.
					Format: yes|no
winflag_? 	bool  		Defines specific flags that affect the control.
					Format: yes|no. See winflag section below.
font  		string  	Specifies the font to use for the control text.
autosize 	bool  		Specifies weather the control should be auto-
					sized. Format: yes|no
sizable  	bool  		Specifies weather the control is sizable.
					Format: yes|no
movable  	bool  		Specifies weather the control is movable.
					Format: yes|no
tips  		bool  		Specifies weather the control has tooltips.
					Format: yes|no
tipsdelay 	number  	Defines the popup timeout for the controls 
					tooltip. Format: milliseconds
tipstimeout 	number  	Defines the dissapear timeout for the controls
					tooltip. Format: milliseconds
tipsflag 	hex	  	Controls flag values in a 4 byte hex number related to the tips. Only 1 Defined.
				0x01000000 Flag type 1. Just means is a standard tip
tipsoffset 	position  	Defines the offset the tip text appears at
				Format: (x,y)
tipsres  	hex	  	defines the group and instance of the text for this tip. (hex gid,hex iid)
tipstext 	string  	Defines the controls tooltip text.
opaque  	bool  		Specifies weather the control is opaque.
					Format: yes|no
btnclicksnd 	hex  		Defines the group and instance id of the sound
					to play when the control is clicked. Format:
					{hex gid,hex iid}
image  		hex  		Defines the group and instance id of the image
					to use for this control. Format: {hex gid,hex iid}
colorfont? 	color  		The colorfont? lines define colors used for
					alternate font styles. Format: (r,g,b)
toggle 		bool  		Defines weather the control is toggleable. 
					Format: on|off
triggerondown 	bool  		Defines weather the control executes when pressed.
					Format: on|off
defaultkeys 	bool	  	For a window, controls whether default control keys (such as escape to close) can be used.
closevisible 	bool	  	Is the close button visible?
gobackvisible	bool	  	Is the back button visible beside close? (Revert to last state)
minmaxvisible 	bool	  	Is the minimize or maximize button visible?
minmaxvalue	number		Defines the minimum and maximum values of a slider. Format (min,max)
blttype  	enum  		Blitting type	Format: tiled|normal|edge (streached?)
userdata 	bool	  	An XML control used in UI windows for persisting data across multiple window sessions
closedisabled 	bool  		is the close button disabled?
gobackdisabled 	bool  		is the back button disabled?
minmaxdisabled 	bool  		are the min/max buttons disabled?
titlebar 	bool	  	Window has a titlebar?
outline  	bool	  	Window has an outline?
paint  		bool	  	Draw the main window background? Format: Yes|No
sidebar  	bool	 	Does the window have a sidebar down left side? Format: Yes|No (extension of titlebar)
imagerect 	rectangle  	Defines the rectangle that a bitmap may be used within. Format: (x,y,width,height)
notify  	bool	  	Notify other controls for this window of control information
transparentbkg 	bool	  	Defines whether the background of a control is transparent (mainly for bitmap controls)
edgeimage	bool	  	For an image, repeat and stretch the image to the boundry areas?
allowinsert 	bool	  	For textedits Is inserting data allowed? Format: Yes|No
allowundo 	bool	  	Is Undo'ing/Cancelling allowed for input? Format: Yes|No
singleline 	bool	  	Is the data a single line only? Format: Yes|No
initvalue 	value	 	The Initial value of a control. Format: number or "value"
highlightcolor 	color  		Defines color of control highlight. Format: (r,g,b)
buttongutter	value		Defines the reserved space around the drop button of a combo box inside the control
outlinecolor 	color  		Defines color of control outline. Format: (r,g,b)
maxtext  	number  	Defines the max number of text chars allowed for control
overwrite 	bool	  	Overwrite Existing text (IE as Insert key Mode)? Format: Yes|No
insertindex 	value	  	For text edit controls, an unused control for directions on where in an array to
				insert data (not confirmed)
insertpos 	number  	unknown (textedit)
notifyonreturn  bool		For Textedit, notify other controls in this window of textedit contents when return pressed
notifyonchange  bool		For Textedit, notify other controls in this window of contents when contents are changed
enableclipboard bool		For Textedits, are clipboard functions enabled, IE Cutting
caretperiod 	number		time in ms between cycles of the caret (blinking text insert cursor)
caretcolor	color		Color of the text insert caret (cursor)
maxundo  	number  	Maximum number of undo'able chars for the control (ctrl+Z)
wrapped  	bool	  	Is the text wrapped? (for noneditable text) Format Yes|No
textoffsets 	position  	The position offset of the text on the control
				Format (x,y)
editable 	bool	  	Is the Text Editable?
hscrollbar 	bool	  	Has a horizontal scrollbar (format: yes|No)
vscrollbar 	bool	  	Has a vertical scrollbar. Format: Yes|No
selrule  	number  	grid cell selection rules. Enum: 0 - select whole column, 1 - select row, 2 select cell
maxselcount 	number  	max number of selectable areas, ex: grid cells
olinecolor 	color  		Defines an outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
dcolwidth 	number  	Defines a column width.
drowheight 	number  	Defines a column height.
colhdrsz 	number  	Defines the size of the column header
rowhdrsz 	number  	Defines the size of the row header
textalign	value		Grid text alignment. Format: (#) - Grid standard for Vis basic is 0=left,1=right,
				2=centre, 3 Default/General (text left, num right)
textwrapping	value		Do grid text other than cells support wrapping or are they single line? 0,1=false,true
fnone  		bool	  	is having an empty entry for a grid legal? (as notNull function in programming)
fedit  		bool	  	Is the grid data editable
fhscroll 	bool	  	Does the grid have a horizontal scroll
fvscroll 	bool	  	Does the grid have a vertical scroll
fcolheading 	bool	  	Does the grid have a column heading
frowheading 	bool	  	Does the grid have a row heading
fcolgrid 	bool	  	Is the column grid visible?
frowgrid 	bool	  	Is the row grid visible?
finsmode 	bool	  	Is insert mode used with data? IE overwrite data with data entering
fopqbkgnd 	bool	  	Is the grid background opaque?
fdoutline 	bool	  	Draw the main Outline for grid controls?
fcellwrap 	bool	  	wrap grid cell data?
fallownosel 	bool	  	Allow no selection of a grid entry?
ffixcolcnt 	bool	  	Fixed Column count
ffixrowcnt 	bool	  	Fixed Row count
fdpastlastcol 	bool	  	Draw grid past last column
fdpastlastrow 	bool	  	Draw grid past last row
fcelloverlap 	bool	  	Grid cell data can overlap into other cells?
fdrpdnmenu 	bool		Data has drop down menu's
fhlcelldata 	bool	  	Highlight Cell data on hover?
fdefault 	bool	  	Obey grid defaults, or use manual settings
fall  		bool	  	Include all standard grid controls, IE scrollbars
colgridclr 	color  		Grid column color. Format: (r,g,b)
rowgridclr 	color  		Grid row color. Format: (r,g,b)
wingridcol 	values 		Define Grid Column. 
				Format : "columnorder,creationcount,columnwidth"
btnupsnd 	hex  		Defines group and instance id of a sound
					played when a button is released. 
					Format: {hex gid, hex iid}
autonumber 	bool	  	For spinners not connected to a textedit, controls whether the field is
				an incremental integer field. A setting of no disables the spinner
autonumbercomma bool	  	For spinners not connected to a textedit, add commas to large values
autonumbercurrency bool 	For spinners not connected to a textedit, add $ to current values
coloroutlineb 	color  		Defines a spinner bottom outline color. Format: (r,g,b) 
coloroutliner 	color  		Defines a spinner right outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
digits  	as align  	For spinners not connected to a text, determines the side of the spinners that text is on
minmax		number		minimum and maximum values of a spinner. format: (min,max)
coloroutlinet 	color  		Defines a spinner top outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
coloroutlinel 	color  		Defines a spinner left outline color. Format: (r,g,b)
coloroutline	color		Defines a spinner outline color.
stepsize 	number  	for spinners like taxes, incremental value of next step in either direction
colorright 	color	  	for rectangles, the color of the right side
colorbottom 	color	  	for rectangles, the color of the bottom side
colortop 	color	  	for rectangles, the color of the top side
colorleft 	color	  	for rectangles, the color of the left side
displayroot 	bool	  	For Tree View controls, view root item?
displaynodeicons bool	 	For Tree View controls, display icons for tree nodes
displaytreelines bool	 	For Tree View controls, display the tree lines (branches)
multiselect 	bool 		Specifies if multiple selections are allowed.
icongutter 	number  	for tree views, the pixel reserved space area around the items icons on the view
rowheight 	number  	Defines a rows height.
roottext 	string  	text of the root item in a tree view when its displayed (in "" brackets)
rootcolorforeground colour 	colour of the text for the root item in a tree view
rootcolorbackground colour 	colour of the background for the root item in a tree view
rootforegrounghilited colour 	colour of root item text for tree views when its selected
rootbackgroundhilited colour 	colour of root item background for tree views when its selected
rootexpanded 	bool	  	for tree views, is the root expanded by default
rootselected 	bool	  	for tree views, is the root item selected by default
rootfont 	enum	  	for tree views, the font of the root item if it is displayed
rooticon	hex		For a treeview display root icon?
minmaxboxsize	number		for tree views, the size of the plus,minus icons for expansion of items.
backgroundcolor color		for tree views, the background colour of the control surface
highlightcolor	color		for tree views, the highlighted colour of selected items
direction 	enum	  	Direction of a slider. Format: horizontal|vertical
initselection 	number  	For a control with selectable entries, the selected entry when it appears.
combodownarrowrect number 	Location of the combobox down arrow rectangle Format : (hor1,vert1,hor2,vert2)
combodowncolor 	colour  	Colour of the combo box down/open control
sunken  	bool	  	For a list box, is the appearance sunken (recessed 3d)
scrollbargutters number 	For listbox's, the reserved space around the scrollbars. Format (hor,vert)
shiftcaption	unknown		unknown (button)
sort  		bool	  	Sort list items alphabetically?
drop  		bool	  	For listbox, drop edges in colour for 3d framed or layered look 
colordark 	colour	  	For outlines, the colour of an outline if it is not ontop of another control
colorlight 	colour	  	For outlines, the colour of an outline if it is ontop of another control
node  		number		For outlines, designates a node or end point for a line in an outline (hor,vert)
comments 	string  	Earlier form of tips for controls. Comments on the control
commentslmd 	String  	Same as above. Comments on Left mouse button Down
commentsrmd 	String  	Same as above. Comments on Right mouse button Down
commentslmu 	String  	Same as above. Comments on Left mouse button Up
commentsrmu	String  	Same as above. Comments on Right mouse button Up
commentsmm 	String  	Same as above. Comments on Middle Mouse button
commentsku 	String  	Same as above. Comments on Keyboard up button
commentskd 	String  	Same as above. Comments on Keyboard Down button
pagesize 	number  	Defines the amount the scrollbar moves when you click on the bar (not the thumb or arrows)
direction 	enum	  	for scrollbars, the scrollbar type, vertical or horizontal
linesize 	number  	Defines the amount the scrollbar moves when you click on the arrow (not the thumb or bar)
linepagecount 	number  	Defines # of Lines per page and tot Page count for scrollbars. Format : (#oflines,#ofpages)
listelements	string		list an element in a combo box, can be used multiple times, ie "1" etc 
style  		enum	  	The visual style of the control. Format: see table
gutters  	number  	reserved space around a control to make everything look cleaner.
				Format: (hor,vert,hor1,vert1) in pix. First set are for top and left I believe
				Second set should be for bottom and right. Second set are optional but used for buttons.
autofit		solo		Autofit the control elements. No format. Used in texts
maincaption	    Bool		  For an option group, show the main group caption?
itemcaption     bool	        For an option group, show the caption for each option?
drawfill 	    bool		  For an option group, colour fill the interior of the group edges? 
labelfontcolornormal colour	  For an option group, the colour of the main group caption
labelfontcolordisabled colour   For an option group, the colour of the main group caption if the group is disabled
buttonfontcolornormal colour	  For an option group, the colour of the radial and label if not hovered over
buttonfontcolorhilited colour   For an option group, the colour of the radial and label if hovered over
buttonfontcolordisabled colour  For an option group, the colour of the radial and label if the option is disabled
outlinecolor    colour		  For an option group, the colour of each side of the groups outline from top clockwise
option 	    settings	  Settings for an option in an option group, Format "Option#:Label:unk:unk:unk"
optionmoveto    settings	  For an option, distance in pixels from the top left of the group, Format" "Opt#:(hor,vert)"
optionsetsize   settings	  For an option, the size of said option and its labels area, Format" "Option#:(hor,vert)"
autofilltype    enum		(option, manual or automatic)

--Added controls from August 27th 2004

fillcolor	colour		Defines the filled colour of the control window
pos		hex		defines the x,y position of the Control window onscreen

message		string		The ticker message for a text ticker. A resource id could be used in place.
frequency	number		The frequency of the text ticking across the screen for text tickers
speed		number		Speed of moving text for a text ticker		

dbgdrawarea	hex		Defines the visible draw area of the text much like Photoshop creating a text box.
defcolor	colour		Defines the text colour

passwordmode	bool		Enable hiding of characters in text edit as for passwords, "*" etc. 
notifyonlostfocus bool		Notify textedit control on the user focusing on another control with a click
vscrollimagerect rectangle	Defines the image rectangle for a textedits vertical scrollbar image
vscrollimage	hex		defines the group and instance of vertical scrollbar image for a textedit
hscrollimagerect rectangle	Defines the image rectangle for a textedits horizontal scrollbar image
hscrollimage	hex		Defines the group and instance of a horizontal scrollbar image for a textedit
caretcolor	colour		Defines the colour of the Caret (the thing that shows where the typing cursor is). textedit

setlineontop	bool
setlinevisible	bool

combodownarrowrectimage hex	defines a combo boxes custom down arrow image. (gid,iid)

alpha		bool		Older bitmap control value specifying whether an alpha can be used or not.

thumbimage	hex		defines
containerimage	hex		Defines the contain
arrowsimage	hex		defines the image of the movement arrows (TID,GID,IID)
increment	value		the increment of movement from moving the scrollbar based off the min max values etc
pageoverlap	value		when scrolling page by page, the overlap based on visible range from the last page
visiblerange	value		using the min and max values, the definition of a visible page from those values
maxvalue	value		defines the maximum value of the scrollbar. How far it can go
minvalue	value		defines the minimum value of the scrollbar
value		value		the starting value or default value
orientation	enum		The direction of the scrollbar. horizontal or vertical

charlimit	value		character limit for the input control
caretpos	hex		x,y position of the caret (blinking position marker)
fillalphahilite hex
fillcolorhilite hex
colorrbinside	colour		colour of the right and bottom inside of a lineinput
colorltinside	colour		colour of the left and top inside of a lineinput
colorrb		colour		colour of the right and bottom outline of a lineinput
colorlt		colour		colour of the left and top outline of a lineinput
filled		bool		Is the lineinput control filled (visible background) or not

divider		bool		an old form control no longer used that adds a divider to a control window
bluebar		bool		an old form control no longer used that adds a blue bar to the control window side

filter		hex		Filter (par1,par2)
backgroundtransparent bool	Is background transparent?
backgroundimage	enum		Background image?
backgroundcolor	color		Colour of browser background
backdirtext	value		Text for the backdir button (..) normally
highlightcolorbackground colour	color of background when item highlighted
highlightcolorforeground colour	color of foreground item text when item highlighted
columngridcolor	colour		color of main column grid
columngridenabled bool		enable column grid
linegridcolor	colour		color of line grid
linegridenabled bool		enable line grid for browser
rowheight	value		height of each item row
extensioncolumnwidth value	width of the column that displays file extensions
iconcolumnwidth value		width of the column that displays item icons.
drivenamealignment enum		Enumeration for the type of alignment of the drive names on the browser
drivenamebackgroundcolorhilited colour Drivename background color for hilgithed
drivenameforegroundcolorhilited colour Drivename Item Foreground colour for hilighted items
drivenamebackgroundcolordisabled colour Drivename background colour for when a drivename is disabled
drivenameforegroundcolordisabled colour Drivename foreground colour for when a drivename is disabled
drivenamebackgroundcolor colour drivename background colour normal
drivenameforegroundcolor colour drivename foreground colour normal
drivenamefont	enum		Font to use for drivenames
fileextensionalignment enum	Enumeration for the type of alignment of the file extensions on the browser
fileextensionbackgroundcolorhilited colour fileextension background color for hilgithed
fileextensionforegroundcolorhilited colour fileextension Item Foreground colour for hilighted items
fileextensionbackgroundcolordisabled colour fileextension background colour for when a drivename is disabled
fileextensionforegroundcolordisabled colour fileextension foreground colour for when a drivename is disabled
fileextensionbackgroundcolor colour fileextension background colour normal
fileextensionforegroundcolor colour fileextension foreground colour normal
fileextensionfont	enum		Font to use for fileextensions
filenamealignment enum		Enumeration for the type of alignment of the file names on the browser
filenamebackgroundcolorhilited colour filename background color for hilgithed
filenameforegroundcolorhilited colour filename Item Foreground colour for hilighted items
filenamebackgroundcolordisabled colour filename background colour for when a drivename is disabled
filenameforegroundcolordisabled colour filename foreground colour for when a drivename is disabled
filenamebackgroundcolor colour filename background colour normal
filenameforegroundcolor colour filename foreground colour normal
filenamefont	enum		Font to use for filenames
column#data	value	Sets the containing data for filebrowsers for a column. sub # for col # and values are below
directorysort		enum	Sets directory sorting type. enums below
filesortsecondary	enum	Sets secondary sorting type. enums below
filesortprimary		enum	Sets primary sorting type. enums below
defaultselectionextension value	the default file extension selected
defaultselectionname	value	the default selected item name
defaultselectiontype	value	the default selection type. Select files, directories, or the back icon
defaultpath	value		Default file browsing path

autofillsize    value
backimage	hex		Option background image resource (gid,iid)
captiontextresid hex		Main Option caption text resource id (gid,iid)
buttonfont	enum		For option groups, set individual button fonts.
labelfont	enum		For option groups, set group label font
root		bool		
sorted		enum		Sort Suboptions in specific way? If so, which?

wingridrow 	values 		Define Grid Row. 
				Format : "roworder,creationcount,rowheight"
fdgridoutline	bool		draw grid outlining?
enablehdr	bool		Enable grid header?
fontcolor	colour		Colour of the grid font

Window Flags
Following are all the window flag attributes. These allways are bool values, with possible 
values of yes or no. They are mostly self explanitory, and augment the behaviour of a control.

winflag_visible - window is enabled/visible?
winflag_enabled - window function is enabled?
winflag_acceptfocus - control accepts mouse focus by click
winflag_ignoremouse - ignore mouse commands
winflag_pbuff - Pixel Buffer control? yes|no
winflag_pbufftrans - Pixel Buffer Transfer. Write to a secondary buffer for flipping into place of current buffer as needed
winflag_pbufferase - Erase Pixel Buffer before writing? yes|no
winflag_pbuffvid - activate pixel buffering of video into memory for this control
winflag_alphablend - blend alpha layer into control - for transparent controls
winflag_delayedplot - delay plotting of controls in the control window until after opening.
winflag_premulalpha - premultiply alpha for control window

The Following Properties are in Sims2 only
wparam 		values		Sets values for a button property. Format:
winflag_container - 
winflag_fadeeffects - Use fading effects for popup and close.
maxglyphs 	value		Max representable strings. A glyph example would be. Glyph 97 = Amanda, Amanda = A,
				Printing 97 on Screen would then show A as the screen text.

Alternate Font Attributes
Following are all the possible alternate font color attributes. These are always color values.

Known Enumerations
Some attributes have values that can be taken from an enumeration. An enumeration is a list of nonstandard values (i.e. standard values are string, number, hex)

Align Enumeration

Blit Type Enumeration

Style Enumeration

Possible Bool Values

LISTS OF STANDARD CONTROL PARTS THAT SHOULD BE CREATED WITH EACH CONTROL TYPE - Excluding clsid,iid,id,area,fillcolor and winflags which are standard. Caption goes before winflags where applicable.
colorfonthilitedbkg, toggle, triggerondown,showcaption,fill,autosize,wrapcaption,shiftcaption,tips,
font,fill,editable,outlinecolor,initselection,combodownarrowrect,combodowncolor,buttongutter,gutters,listelement (usually multiples)
colordark,colorlight,style,node (multiples usually)

grid 2, textedit 3, button 1, opt 5, winflag 3, win 2, lbox 2, sb2 2, lineinput 3, browse 2 
Personal tools

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