Difference between revisions of "Game Help:World Routing Lags/Where"

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Line 77: Line 77:
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_riverview.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Riverview</center>
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_riverview.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Riverview</center>
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_barnaclebay.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Barnacle Bay</center>
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_hiddensprings.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Hidden Springs</center>
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_lunarlakes.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Lunar Lakes</center>
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_luckypalms.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Lucky Palms</center>
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_sunlittides.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Sunlit Tides</center>  
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:world_sunlittides.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Sunlit Tides</center>  
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:World montevista.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Monte Vista</center>  
| width="202px" height="202px" | [[File:World montevista.png|center|156px]]<center><small>'''World Name:'''</small> Monte Vista</center>  

Revision as of 16:43, 12 December 2013

Sims 3 Game Help Categories:

Custom Content  | Installation  | Gameplay Guides  | Technical & Graphics Issues  | Miscellaneous Issues

MTS Help Q&A Forums
World Routing Lags

The What  | The Why  | The Where  | The Downloads  | The How  | Guide:DIY in CAW  | Guide:Edit with s3pe  | Guide:Download .world file  | The Conclusion

The Where

Install Paths

PC Windows Default PC Windows Origin PC Windows Steam MAC OSX Default

<Default prefix path>\Electronic Arts\

<Default prefix path>\Origin Games\

<Default prefix path>)\steam\steamapps\common\

/Applications/The Sims 3.localized/The Sims3.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Electronic Arts/

Default prefix path :

  • 32bit: C:\Program Files\
  • 64bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\

Default Worlds File Location

<install path above>/<game name>/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds/<world name>.world
World sunsetvalley.png
Game Name: The Sims 3
World Name: Sunset Valley
World china.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 World Adventures
World Name: China
World france.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 World Adventures
World Name: France
World egypt.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 World Adventures
World Name: Egypt
World twinbrook.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 Ambitions
World Name: Twinbrook
World bridgeport.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 Late Night
World Name: Bridgeport
World appaloosaplains.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 Pets
World Name: Appaloosa Plains
World starlightshores.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 Showtime
World Name: Starlight Shores
World moonlightfalls.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 Supernatural
World Name: Moonlight Falls
World islaparadiso.png
Game Name: The Sims 3 Island Paradise
World Name: Isla Paradiso

Store Worlds Install Location

<user name>/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/InstalledWorlds/<world name>.world
World riverview.png
World Name: Riverview
World sunlittides.png
World Name: Sunlit Tides
World montevista.png
World Name: Monte Vista

Map Gallery of Fixed Worlds

Each map has different color denoting different fixes, as it depended on the background color of the map for better contrast, please see what each color means on the Resource thread of the respective worlds. I usually mention the key mapping there, if not, let me know.
World Name: SunsetValley
World Name: China
World Name: France
World Name: Egypt
World Name: Twinbrook
World Name: Bridgeport
World Name: Appaloosa Plains
StarlightShoresMapDotted v1.png
World Name: Starlight Shores
World Name: Moonlight Falls
World Name: Riverview
World Name: Isla Paradiso
World Name: Sunlit Tides
World Name: Monte Vista

World Routing Lags

The What  | The Why  | The Where  | The Downloads  | The How  | Guide:DIY in CAW  | Guide:Edit with s3pe  | Guide:Download .world file  | The Conclusion

Sims 3 Game Help Categories:

Custom Content  | Installation  | Gameplay Guides  | Technical & Graphics Issues  | Miscellaneous Issues

MTS Help Q&A Forums
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