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Farming, barns, barnyards, and agriculture.
Farming, barns, barnyards, and agriculture.
*Barrel Table and Chairs: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2286 blackypanther at Blackys Sims2 Zoo]
* Barrel Table and Chairs: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2286 blackypanther at Blackys Sims2 Zoo]
*Beach Ball: [http://www.meshkiste.de/draussen.html Phelana at Meshkiste]
* Beach Ball: [http://www.meshkiste.de/draussen.html Phelana at Meshkiste]
*Cart: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2219 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo], [http://www.tarox4sims2.de/verschie.html Tarrox]
* Cart: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2219 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo], [http://www.tarox4sims2.de/verschie.html Tarrox]
*Chicken Coop: [http://www.tarox4sims2.de/verschie.html Tarrox]
* Chicken Coop: [http://www.tarox4sims2.de/verschie.html Tarrox]
*Distressed Door and Barn Wood Window: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=38588 CynicalChick at MTS2]
* Distressed Door and Barn Wood Window: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=38588 CynicalChick at MTS2]
*Dog House: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=76346 JWoods at MTS2],  [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2389 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo]
* Dog House: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=76346 JWoods at MTS2],  [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2389 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo]
*Farm Posters: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=126216 bogart61 at MTS2]
* Farm Posters: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=126216 bogart61 at MTS2]
*Farm Set 1: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=170898 roseisred at MTS2], Farm Set 2: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=173906 roseisred at MTS2]
* Farm Set 1: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=170898 roseisred at MTS2], Farm Set 2: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=173906 roseisred at MTS2]
*Farmers' Set (With harvestable crops, electric fence & social scarecrow): [http://www.eternal-echo.net/sims/objects/farmer/ Echo at Echo's SimStuf] and also [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=124003 Echo at MTS2]
* Farmers' Set (With harvestable crops, electric fence & social scarecrow): [http://www.eternal-echo.net/sims/objects/farmer/ Echo at Echo's SimStuf] and also [http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=124003 Echo at MTS2]
*Hay Bale and Pitchfork: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2222 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo]
* Hay Bale and Pitchfork: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2222 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo]
*Pile of Hay, Straw, and Dirt: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=96566 Rythela at MTS2]
* Pile of Hay, Straw, and Dirt: [http://forums.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=96566 Rythela at MTS2]
*Rustic Fence: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2226 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo]
* Rustic Fence: [http://blackypanther.de/include.php?path=content/download.php&contentid=2226 blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo]

Revision as of 09:05, 12 September 2006


Decorating Themes

Different categories of items for your sims, sorted by theme.

See related categories: Fantasy, Ethnic, Historical, Sci-Fi.


Content relating to a day at the beach or a dip in the pool.


Farming, barns, barnyards, and agriculture.


Cutesey girly stuff for your girly girls.


Dark items for your spooky sims.


Shoot 'em up, bang bang.


Decorating items for your masculine males.


Clean lines and geometric forms.


Broken, dirty, nasty junk for your trailer trash sims.

Content Lists by Category

Animals  | Anime and Video Games  | Body Shop Content  | Building and Construction  | Business and Financial  | Celebrity Sims  | Character Sims  | Child-Related Objects | Corrections, Fixes and Tweaks | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service  | Decorating Themes  | Fantasy  | Food  | Hacks and Hacked Objects  | Historical and Ethnic  | Holidays  | Maxis Match  | Medical  | Neighborhoods  | Programs and Utilities  | Religious  | School  | Sci-Fi  | Vehicles  | Weddings and Marriage

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