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(Created page with "{|class="nicetable" width=100% !colspan=5|List of Moodlets |- !width=20%|Needs !width=20%|[[Game Help:Sims3 Moodlets/Life Status|Life Status...")
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|Spending the Simoleons and time to enjoy a full spa package will render your Sim completely at ease.
|Spending the Simoleons and time to enjoy a full spa package will render your Sim completely at ease.
|From package service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect.
|From package service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect.
|[[File:Sims3 icon.png|42px]]
|[[File:Moodlet fatigued.png]]
|[[File:Moodlet fatigued.png]]

Revision as of 16:35, 8 August 2013

List of Moodlets
Needs Life Status Activities Surroundings Pet Moodlets



Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet niceNails.png Nice Nails +5, 10, 15 2 Days Spa (Salon) It's foolish not to focus on the nails from time to time. There's nothing quite like crisp cuticles! From salon service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet smoothSkin.png Smooth Skin +10, +20, +30 2 Days Spa (Facial) Fabulous facial clears the pores and brings a glow to the recently smoothed skin that's rather refreshing. From facial service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet relaxed.png Relaxed +25, 50, 75 12 Hours Spa (Massage), Massage Table Sims love the rhythmic pounding of well-trained hands on the overly tense muscles of the body. So relaxing! From massage service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect. Eliminates "Sore" moodlet. Gained from Swedish Massage from the massage table for +50. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet rejuvenated.png Rejuvenated +30, 60, 100 1 Day Spa (Body Treatment) The cost of a body treatment seems to melt away when the relaxing feeling of rejuvenation overwhelms a Sim. From body treatment service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet completelyAtEase.png Completely At Ease +20, 40, 75 Spa (Package) 1 Week Spending the Simoleons and time to enjoy a full spa package will render your Sim completely at ease. From package service at spa. The more Sim pays, the more the mood effect. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet fatigued.png Fatigued N/A 8 Hours Exercise, Performing for Tips Activity of the athletic variety naturally leads to a little muscle fatigue. Cannot work out. Swimming in a pool with this moodlet will cause the Sim to get drowned. After sleeping when having gotten this moodlet, Sims get the sore moodlet. Sims performing for tips in performer profession for a long time will eventually get fatigued. Sims can shorten the time period by relaxing in the hot tub. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet pumped.png Pumped +15 4 Hours Exercise, Skydiving If Sims work out long enough, they get Pumped. Workouts are even more effective while Sims are pumped. Workouts become more effective. Overrides "Sleepy", "Tired", and "Exhausted". Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet oddlyPowerful.png Oddly Powerful +15 5 Hours Opportunity The feeling of power is... intense! Science has bestowed Super Sim capabilities! Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet itchy.png Itchy -15 4 Hours Opportunity There's just no way to scratch the cursed itch! Sims sometimes scratch themselves while idle. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet backache.png Sore -10 6 Hours Exercise Sims may occasionally feel a little pain, but the results are usually worth it. Sometimes a massage can help... Sims receive this moodlet after they get fatigued and sleep. Sims can shorten the time period by relaxing in the hot tub. Getting a massage will eliminate this moodlet. Sims3 icon.png


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP

Water Activities

Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet hydrophobic.png Hydrophobic -20 3 Hours Swimming, Dive Well There's just too much water for (Sim Name) to enjoy this moment. Hydrophobic Sims. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet drowning.png Drowning -40 40 Minutes Swimming Sims breathe air. Anything else gets a little... suffocating. From swimming while fatigued. Death by Drowning when timer expires. Sims3 icon.png


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
Moodlet likesWork.png Likes Work +10 Until Sim stops working Working Work isn't quite the daily grind for everyone. Bring on the overtime! Workaholics only get this moodlet if they work in a rabbit hole career. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet missingWork.png Missing Work -30 Until Sim goes to work Missing Work Workaholics don't get stressed from working, but from not working. Workaholics will get this if they are skipping or missing work. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet anxiousToAdvance.png Anxious To Advance -15 Until Sim gets a promotion or gains a skill Lack of Progress It's been a long time since a promotion has been earned or a skill has been improved... too long! Ambitious Sims will get this moodlet after they haven't advanced on a progress for certain time. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet overWorked.png Overworked -15 12 Hours Working Hard All work and no play makes it so that (Sim Name) needs to lay off putting in all the extra effort. Appears when Sims choose to work hard for when the Fun need is getting low. Sims can't work hard while having this moodlet. Sims3 icon.png
Moodlet fired.png Fired -30 1 Day Losing Job Ouch! Getting thrown out of the workplace never feels good. Time to find a new job. Sims3 icon.png

Celebrity / Performance

Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP


Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP

Magic / Wish

Icon Moodlet Name Effects Time Period From Description Notes EP
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