File list
This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.
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Name | Thumbnail | Size | User | Description | Versions |
22:14, 17 January 2010 | AddChangeActionStringInstructionWizard.JPG (file) | 26 KB | MogHughson | (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Add/Change the Action String Primitive [0x0032]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
16:14, 17 January 2010 | Multi-Tile Map.JPG (file) | 6 KB | MogHughson | (Pictorial representation of the in-game coordinate system) | 1 | |
22:42, 29 December 2009 | Fitness.JPG (file) | 2 KB | MogHughson | (In game shot showing the Fitness/Fatness meter.) | 1 | |
22:31, 29 December 2009 | Motives.JPG (file) | 11 KB | MogHughson | (In game picture to indicate what motives are.) | 1 | |
21:23, 29 December 2009 | ObjectAttributes.JPG (file) | 34 KB | MogHughson | (Showing the cross reference between the attribute strings and their use in the Expression Instruction Wizard in SimPE. Example screenshot taken in SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
17:26, 26 December 2009 | ArrayOperationInstructionWizard.JPG (file) | 20 KB | MogHughson | (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Array Operation Primitive [0x0024]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
16:58, 26 December 2009 | Array.png (file) | ![]() | 5 KB | MogHughson | 1 | |
18:05, 24 December 2009 | DialogInstructionWizard.JPG (file) | 32 KB | MogHughson | (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Dialog Primitive [0x0024]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
20:56, 13 December 2009 | ManageInventoryInstructionWizard.JPG (file) | 37 KB | MogHughson | (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Manage Inventory Primitive [0x0033]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
22:39, 27 October 2009 | SetToNext-ObjOnSameTile.JPG (file) | 35 KB | MogHughson | (Example BHAV code in SimPE for Set to Next Primitive [0x001F] using "obj on same tile". Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
18:26, 3 October 2009 | BHAVoperands.JPG (file) | 9 KB | MogHughson | (Operand entry for BHAVs annotated with the numbers used to refer to these operands in the wiki pages that include this picture. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
15:52, 3 October 2009 | RandomNumberInstructionWizard.JPG (file) | 15 KB | MogHughson | (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Random Number Primitive [0x0008]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
18:46, 30 August 2009 | CTSSCrossRef.JPG (file) | 30 KB | MogHughson | (Tying up the CTSS instance ID in the Resource cross-refs. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
18:43, 30 August 2009 | CTSSInSimPE.JPG (file) | 56 KB | MogHughson | (The Catalog Description plug-in view with overlay of what is shown in Buy Mode. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
18:30, 30 August 2009 | TPRPinSimPE.JPG (file) | 54 KB | MogHughson | (BHAV labels (TPRP resource) in SimPE. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
16:53, 30 August 2009 | TTAB FlagsInSimPE.JPG (file) | 37 KB | MogHughson | (TTAB Flags in SimPE. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
16:27, 30 August 2009 | TTABInSimPE.JPG (file) | 61 KB | MogHughson | (TTAB editor in SimPE. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
16:22, 30 August 2009 | Example Pie Menu.JPG (file) | 14 KB | MogHughson | (Example Pie Menu from Sims 2 Game.) | 1 | |
14:39, 30 August 2009 | RAWData Miscellaneous.JPG (file) | 54 KB | MogHughson | (Miscellaneous RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:36, 30 August 2009 | RAWData MemoriesWants.JPG (file) | 12 KB | MogHughson | (Memories and Wants RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:32, 30 August 2009 | RAWData DataSpace.JPG (file) | 15 KB | MogHughson | (Data Space RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:27, 30 August 2009 | RAWData GUIDs.JPG (file) | 51 KB | MogHughson | (GUIDs RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:22, 30 August 2009 | RAWData ResourceCrossRefs.JPG (file) | 26 KB | MogHughson | (Resource cross-refs RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:14, 30 August 2009 | RAWData MeshGraphics.JPG (file) | 30 KB | MogHughson | (Mesh and Graphics RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:09, 30 August 2009 | RAWData UserPlacement.JPG (file) | 23 KB | MogHughson | (User Placement RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:06, 30 August 2009 | RAWData Catalog Ratings.JPG (file) | 24 KB | MogHughson | (Catalog Ratings RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
14:01, 30 August 2009 | Icon Street.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Community Buy Mode catalog Street subsort symbol in Sims 2 game.) | 1 | |
13:58, 30 August 2009 | Icon Outdoor.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Community Buy Mode catalog Outdoor subsort symbol in Sims 2 game. ) | 1 | |
13:57, 30 August 2009 | Icon Shopping.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Community Buy Mode catalog Shopping subsort symbol in Sims 2 game.) | 1 | |
13:55, 30 August 2009 | Icon Food.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Community Buy Mode catalog Food subsort symbol in Sims 2 game.) | 1 | |
13:52, 30 August 2009 | Icon CommunitySort.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Community Buy Mode catalog symbol in Sims 2 game.) | 1 | |
13:46, 30 August 2009 | Icon BuildMisc.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Miscellaneous build mode section from Sims 2 Game.) | 1 | |
13:42, 30 August 2009 | Icon GardenCenter.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Garden Center build mode section from Sims 2 Game.) | 1 | |
13:10, 30 August 2009 | Icon Garage.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Garages build mode section from Sims 2 Game.) | 1 | |
12:34, 30 August 2009 | Icon DoorsWindows.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Door and Windows Build mode section symbol from Sims 2 Game) | 1 | |
12:10, 30 August 2009 | Icon BuildMode.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Build Mode symbol from Sims 2 game. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
12:06, 30 August 2009 | Icon RoomSort.JPG (file) | 1 KB | MogHughson | (Room Sort symbol from Buy Mode catalog in Sims 2 game. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
11:55, 30 August 2009 | RAWData Catalog Sorting.JPG (file) | 57 KB | MogHughson | (Catalog Sorting RAW Data Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
11:46, 30 August 2009 | RAWData Catalog Price.JPG (file) | 17 KB | MogHughson | (Catalog Price RAW Data. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
11:43, 30 August 2009 | RAWData OBJd File.JPG (file) | 10 KB | MogHughson | (RAW Data - OBJd File section. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
11:32, 30 August 2009 | CatalogSort.JPG (file) | 20 KB | MogHughson | (Catalog sort selection. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
23:14, 9 July 2009 | ObjectWithinOneTile.JPG (file) | 26 KB | MogHughson | (Demonstration of the locations found by Set to Next (Object within one tile to object in (local)).) | 1 | |
23:08, 9 July 2009 | ObjectAdjacentToObject.JPG (file) | 14 KB | MogHughson | (Demonstration of the locations found by Set to Next (Object Adjacent to object in (local)).) | 1 | |
22:24, 9 July 2009 | SetToNextInstructionWizard.JPG (file) | 17 KB | MogHughson | (Instruction Wizard in SimPE for Set to Next Primitive [0x001F]. Screenshot taken with SimPE v0.72.1.33855) | 1 | |
01:00, 9 July 2009 | BCONLabelsinSimPE.JPG (file) | 18 KB | MogHughson | (BCON labels (TRCN resource) in SimPE. Example screenshot taken in SimPE v0.72.1.33855 ) | 1 | |
00:35, 9 July 2009 | BCONinBHAVinSimPE.JPG (file) | 23 KB | MogHughson | (Showing the use of a Const (BCON) in a BHAV in SimPE. Example screenshot taken in SimPE v0.72.1.33855 ) | 1 | |
00:26, 9 July 2009 | BCONinSimPE.JPG (file) | 36 KB | MogHughson | (Example BCON show in SimPE) | 1 | |
23:14, 8 July 2009 | ResourceListContextMenu.JPG (file) | 7 KB | MogHughson | (The pop-up (context) menu from the Resource List pane in SimPE) | 1 | |
22:41, 8 July 2009 | SimPE-Resources.JPG (file) | 24 KB | MogHughson | 3 | ||
22:01, 8 July 2009 | ResourceTab.JPG (file) | 19 KB | MogHughson | (The Resource Tab in SimPE) | 1 |
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