Game Help:Sims 3 Traits

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Sims 3 Traits

This is a list of all the traits your sims can have by default in the game. Each adult sim can have 5 traits.

Additionally, sims who are offspring of certain service type sims can have hidden traits such as Pyromaniac. These hidden traits are not yet listed.

Traits List

Icon Trait Incompatible With Category CAS Description In Game Description Additional Details
Absent-Minded.jpg Absent-Minded Mental Absent-Minded sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what they are doing, or where they are going. Your Sim may find themself standing in a room, wondering how they got there.

Expect your Sim to be a bit forgetful from time to time...

Ambitious.jpg Ambitious Lifestyle Ambitious sims dream big and are more rewarded when their wishes are satisfied in life. They are driven to move up the corporate ladder more quickly, but fall prey to low mood if they don't quickly receive the promotion they desire. Your sim will get promotions and raises faster than other sims.

Your sim may get anxious to advance if it's been a while since they've received a promotion.

Your sim gets more Lifetime Happiness from fulfilling a wish.

Angler.jpg Angler Lifestyle Anglers catch fish better than any other sims. They also enjoy fishing more than anyone else. Your Sim will catch fish faster than other Sims!

Your Sim has fun while fishing!

Your Sim can catch fish even while being Stressed.

Your Sim will want to go on crazy fishing trips!

Artistic.jpg Artistic Can't Stand Art Mental Artistic sims are naturally gifted artists with a paint brush. They also make good writers and musicians! Your Sim gets better at painting faster than other Sims!

Your Sim can learn to write much faster than other Sims.

Your Sim can naturally pick up the Guitar skill much faster than other Sims.

Your Sim enjoys spending time at the Art Gallery.

Athletic.jpg Athletic Couch Potato Physical Athletic sims are the best athletes in town. They push themselves harder and longer than others, and will do so to feel the burn. Your Sim can learn the Atheletic skill faster than other Sims!

Your Sim wont get fatigued as much quickly when working out.

Your Sim enjoys conversing about exercise!

Bookworm.jpg Bookworm Mental Bookworms have a passion for reading that surpasses their other desires. They also tend to become good writers. Your Sim can read faster than other Sims!

Your Sim has more fun reading than other Sims!

Your Sim has the ability to write higher quality novels than some other Sims.

Your Sim can finish homework faster!

Brave.jpg Brave Coward, Loser Physical Brave sims are fearless individuals that will fight fires, wrangle burglars, and work to protect those around them. Your sim will never panic, even in emergencies. Except, they will jump around like idiots whenever a baby is on the way.

Your sim can handle any house fire very easily.

Your sim can handle burglars without needing to rely on the police.

Your sim can do better than others in the Military and Law Enforcement careers.

CantStandArt.jpg Can't Stand Art Artistic Mental Sims that Can't Stand Art will never appreciate the latest materpiece of expensive home decor. They are the anti-connoisseur. Your Sim will detest any kind of art, from paintings to sculptures.

Your Sim may get a Can't Stand Art moodlet when looking at art.

Your Sim prefers living in a home with very little decoration.

Charismatic.jpg Charismatic Loser Social Charismatic sims are skilled socializers, and also love to throw parties! Your Sim gains charisma skill more quickly.

Your Sim is more personable - others are more likely to listen to what your Sim has to say.

You Sim's conversations will never bore other Sims.

Your Sim will make friends faster than other Sims.

Childish.jpg Childish Dislikes Children Lifestyle Childish sims find it difficult to "act their age." They love playing with children's toys, see things through the eyes of a child, and need to be constantly entertained. Your Sim can play with some children's toys and has a great time with them!

Your Sim will want to have fun more often than other Sims.

Your Sim can fish in pools!

Clumsy.jpg Clumsy Physical Clumsy sims muck up both precious and everyday moments in life with shoddy footwork and poor planning. What more is there to say? Your Sim is Clumsy, and not so hot on their feet!
CommitmentIssues.jpg Commitment Issues Hopeless Romantic Social Sims with Commitment Issues don't really want to settle down into a long-term relationship or lifelong career. Marriage is out of the question! Your Sim will need an extraordinarily high relationship with another Sim before they feel comfortable committing to a relationship!

Your Sim may want to change career paths if they feel cooped-up in their current vocation.

ComputerWhiz.jpg Computer Whiz Technophobe Mental Computer Whizzes love spending time on the computer. They are great at tinkering with computers, and can even make money as hackers if they choose. Your Sim can Hack on the computer at night!

Your Sim has tons of fun playing computer games.

Your Sim makes friends more easily over the computer.

Your Sim will improve their logic faster than normal when playing chess on the computer.

CouchPotato.jpg Couch Potato Athletic, Technophobe Physical Couch Potatoes are perfectly happy sitting on the couch to watch TV and eat junk food. They'll need additional prodding to lead active lives. Your sim is very happy while relaxing on a couch.

Your sim gets a lot of fun from watching tv.

Your sim likes to sleep longer

Your sim will resist exercise at all costs.

Coward.jpg Coward Brave, Daredevil Physical Cowards are terrified by everything that can and will go bump in the night. They are scared of the dark and will frequently faint in "dire" situations. Your Sim is afraid of the dark!

Your Sim doesn't like being pushed around by mean Sims.

Your Sim may run away from scary situations...

Daredevil.jpg Daredevil Coward Lifestyle Daredevils seek the extreme side of life, even if it means making an everyday chore extreme. They also love fire. Your Sim performs extreme versions of normal activities!

Daredevils love a good adrenaline rush!

Your Sim loves fire, but can extinguish it quickly in emergencies.

DislikesChildren.jpg Dislikes Children Childish, Family-Oriented Social Sims that Dislike Children do not want to have anything to do with children. No talking, no playing, and certainly no reproduction. Your Sim really doesn't appreciate being around kids.

Your Sim will often reject social interactions from children.

Your Sim will always be able to Shoo children.

EasilyImpressed.jpg Easily Impressed Snob Social Easily Impressed sims are easily astounded by everyday stories and are always pleased with the smallest of accomplishments. Your Sim is impressed by just about everything, especially other Sims!
Evil.jpg Evil Good Lifestyle Evil sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others, and prefer to lead a life of as far away from goodness as possible. Your Sim will get a Fiendishly Delighted moodlet when misfortune strikes other Sims.

Your Sim doesn't mind a lack of light. A dark lair is welcome!

Your Sim will excel in the Criminal career track.

Your Sim will fare well in most fights.

Sims with the Evil trait have many modified menu options. For example, rather than "Take Bubblebath" they have "Take Wicked Bubblebath"; rather than "Have Quick Meal" they get "Have Quick Meal Fiendishly"; and rather than "Sleep" they have "Evil Slumber". The animations on these altered menu options are not different, however.

Additionally, they have Evil interactions uniquely suited them such as: "Steal Candy" (available on babies, toddlers, and children), "Troll on Forum" (available through computers), and "Scare" and "Mastermind Plot" (available through social interactions with other Sims).

Excitable.jpg Excitable Grumpy Mental Excitable sims get excited about... pretty much everything. They enjoy an extra dose of self-satisfaction when good things happen for them in life. Your Sim will cheer for and be excited about doing the basic things in life. Yay! Wooo!
Family-Oriented.jpg Family-Oriented Dislikes Children Lifestyle Family-Oriented sims make great parents. They love big families and being surrounded by their children. Your sim's interactions with family members will have better results.

Your sim is better at teaching toddlers life basics, like how to walk.

Expect your sim to want to have kids and grandkids

Flirty.jpg Flirty Unflirty Social Flirty sims are constantly looking for romance and are often quite successful in this endeavor. Your sim can flirt with others early in a relationship.

Your sims flirts will be accepted more often!

Your sim is particularly gifted at giving massages.

Friendly.jpg Friendly Mean-Spirited Social Friendly sims love being around friends, and are great at making and keeping friendships. Your sim's friendly social interactions are accepted more often.

Your sim is a good listener, even when others repeat themselves.

Frugal.jpg Frugal Lifestyle Frugal sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal, and hate being wasteful. Your Sim can clip coupons from the newspaper for deals at the store.

Your Sim will receive a Got a Good Deal moodlet when using coupons at the store.

Your Sim also really enjoys buying things that are on sale!

Genius.jpg Genius Mental Geniuses are brilliant logical thinkers, masters of chess, and excellent hackers. They savor pursuits of the mind. Your Sim will learn the Logic skill much faster than other Sims.

Your Sim enjoys playing chess and will improve at it quickly!

Your Sim can solve crazy mathematical problems on the computer for cash!

Good.jpg Good Evil Lifestyle Good sims go out of their way to help friends and family in need, are charitable with their money, and frequently comfort those around them. Your sim can donate to charities by clicking on the mailbox.

Your sim doesn't even consider doing mean interactions to other sims.

Your sim gives other sims the comforted moodlet when doing a friendly social interaction with them.

GoodSenseofHumor.jpg Good Sense of Humor No Sense of Humor Social Sims with a Good Sense of Humor tell the best jokes that never fall flat or fail to entertain. Other Sims laugh at your jokes more often!

Your Sim's jokes strengthen relationships more than normal.

GreatKisser.jpg Great Kisser Social Great Kissers kiss better than any other sim. They give kisses that are not easily forgotten. Your Sim is amazing at kissing! Smooch away!
GreenThumb.jpg Green Thumb Mental Green Thumbs are the best gardeners. They find solace and comfort amongst their gardens and can revive plants in the worst of conditions. Your sim will learn the Gardening skill faster than other sims.

Your sim's natural talent causes plants to grow higher qualith harvestables more often.

Your sim can talk to plants in their garden.

With enough Gardening skill, your sim can even revive dead gardening plants.

Grumpy.jpg Grumpy Excitable, Hot-Headed Social Grumpy sims are rarely in a good mood. It's quite difficult to make them happy, because they simply don't want to be happy. Your Sim will usually get sad before getting angry or uncomfortable...

It's more difficult to get your Sim into a good mood.

Handy.jpg Handy Mental Handy sims are the best tinkerers. They will never fail when repairing or upgrading a household item, which makes electrical objects far less dangerous! Your Sim will always succeed when repairing or upgrading objects.

Your Sim learns the Handiness skill more quickly than other Sims.

When your Sim repairs an object, it's as good as new!

HatestheOutdoors.jpg Hates the Outdoors Loves the Outdoors Lifestyle Sims that Hate the Outdoors despise being outside and will always remain indoors whenever possible. When outside, your Sim will receive the Plagued by Nature moodlet and their mood will drop.

Your Sim prefers to do indoor activities.

HeavySleeper.jpg Heavy Sleeper Light Sleeper Physical Heavy Sleepers will sleep through any situation, no matter how loud or alarming. They also tend to snore. Your Sim can sleep through loud music and crying youngsters.

Be careful, becuase your Sim might sleep through fires and burglaries!

HopelessRomantic.jpg Hopeless Romantic Commitment Issues Social Hopeless Romantics passionately seek their soul mate. They want romance, true love, and surround themselves with cheesy romantic television and novels. Sims are more receptive to your Sim's romantic advances.

Your Sim will be in a better mood around Sims that they are romatically interested in.

Romance with your Sim will always seem to go well.

Your Sim preferes to read Romance novels.

HotHeaded.jpg Hot-Headed Grumpy Lifestyle Hot-Headed sims are quick to anger. Broken household items, conversations gone awry, or even the slightest negative moodlet will all send them into a boiling rage. Your Sim will bypass getting sad or uncomfortable, and just get really mad.

Watch out! Certain things can make your Sim really upset, like when something breaks or when another Sim is not being nice.

Hydrophobic.jpg Hydrophobic Physical Hydrophobic sims are terrified of swimming. They loathe every second they have to spend in the pool. Your Sim most definately does not enjoy swimming!
Inappropriate.jpg Inappropriate Social Inappropriate sims talk about the wrong thing at the wrong time, never think to dress properly, and never think to apologize when they've wronged someone. They enjoy mocking others with harsh words. Your Sim always has the ability to Insult other Sims.

Your Sim sometimes doesn't dress properly for all occasions.

Your Sim can try to kiss, tickle, or even propose marriage when other Sims wouldn't dare!

Your Sim has a special "Make Fun Of" interaction on other Sims.

Insane.jpg Insane Mental Insane sims respond to events in life unpredictably. They say what they want, do what they want, and even wear what they want, even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else. When choosing clothes, your Sim picks what feels right, and not neccessarily what *is* right.

Your Sim makes decisions on a whim!

Your Sim's wishes may not always make sense.

Kleptomaniac.jpg Kleptomaniac Lifestyle Kleptomaniacs "accidentally" end up with things owned by others. They often "permanently borrow" items from work, school, or even their neighbors' homes! Throughout life, your Sim will be prone to swipe others' things. It's genetic!
LightSleeper.jpg Light Sleeper Heavy Sleeper Physical Light Sleepers toss and turn throughout the ngiht and are woken up by the slightest bump in the night. Your Sim's sleep is a bit restless and easily disturbed.

Your Sim is like a Sim burglar alarm! If a robber even steps on the lot while asleep, your Sim will be up in a flash!

Loner.jpg Loner Party Animal Social Loners enjoy spending time alone more than time spent with others. Quite shy, they will never approach anyone who isn't a close friend. They prize their solitude and get nervous around large groups. Your sim is in the best mood when alone, and you will receive the Enjoying Solitude moodlet.

Your sim doesn't feel the need to seek out social interaction as often as other sims.

Your sim prefers to spend time in their bedroom, rather than more social areas.

Loser.jpg Loser Brave, Charismatic Social Losers encounter woe and misfortune throughout their lives, beginning with school and continuing into their career. They will fail, and fail often. They won't get mad even when life falls apart. They'll just cry. Your Sim has been dealt a bad hand in life... don't expect things to go well!
LovestheOutdoors.jpg Loves the Outdoors Hates the Outdoors Lifestyle These sims love spending time outdoors and find a special joy amidst nature that others do not. Your sim is always in a better mood when outside.

Your sim can perform outddoor skills like Fishing and Gardening better than most other sims.

Lucky.jpg Lucky Physical Lucky sims are closely followed through life with a comforting sense of luck. They win often and they win big. Your Sim is more likely to get good results from career events.

Your Sim is less likely to burn food.

Your Sim is more likely to get raises at work.

Your Sim is less likely to get robbed!

MeanSpirited.jpg Mean Spirited Friendly Social Mean sims love to fight, mostly because they never lose in a brawl. They take satisfaction with every new enemy made and dream of new ways to be nasty to others. More enemies mean a better mood for your Sim!

Your Sim is more likely to win at fights.

Mooch.jpg Mooch Social Mooches can mooch food and money from their neighbors, who for the most part just go along with it. Your Sim can mooch cash off other Sims!

When visiting other Sims' lots, your Sim can mooch food from the fridge.

Your Sim can mooch food directly off other Sims!

NaturalCook.jpg Natural Cook Mental Natural Cooks are able to kick any dish up a notch, making their food the most delicious to eat. They learn to cook more quickly than others, and never burn the kitchen down in the process! Your Sim can learn the Cooking skill faster than other sims!

Your Sim can easily make higher quality food!

Your Sim will never cause a fire when cooking!

Your Sim will never burn food!

Neat.jpg Neat Slob Physical Neat sims always find time to clean, regardless of their mood. They are easily devastated by filthy surroundings, but will never leave a mess behind. Your Sim will always clean up messes they have made.

Your Sim actually has fun while cleaning, and the objects will be more clean than normal.

Your Sim can clean even while being in a bad mood!

Neurotic.jpg Neurotic Mental Neurotic sims will freak out at the most minor of provocations. They become stressed easily and can be difficult to mellow. Luckily they take solace in sharing their worries with others. Your Sim often can't quite get a grip on life.

You can click on your Sim to get a "Freak Our" interaction. Other Sims will be disturbed, but your Sim will become Tranquil.

It takes a while for your Sim to destress, but your Sim can "Share Worries" with other Sims to help relax.

Your Sim won't get sad or angry, just stressed out!

NeverNude.jpg Never Nude Physical Never Nudes despise nudity and will never, ever, completely remove all of their clothing. Your Sim doesn't like being naked, it's that simple (and complicated)!
NoSenseofHumor.jpg No Sense of Humor Good Sense of Humor Social Sims with No Sense of Humor tell terrible jokes, so they tend to not tell them. They also don't tend to enjoy the jokes of others. Humor is simply wasted on them. Your Sim doesn't really enjoy jokes very much...
OverEmotional.jpg Over-Emotional Lifestyle Over-Emotional sims experience greater mood swings than other sims when both good and bad things happen to them. they are constantly shedding tears of joy, whether it's at a wedding or just on their couch watching romantic television. Your Sim finds the most beautiful joy in many things, and often cries to express delight!

All moodlets contribute more to your Sim's moods... the good things are better, and the bad are worse.

PartyAnimal.jpg Party Animal Loner Social Party Animals love to party, and others love to party with them. When a Party Animal hosts a party, everyone comes and has a great time. Woo! Anyone your Sim invites to a party will attend!

Guests attending your Sim's parties are more likely to bring gifts!

Your Sim has the "Woo!" interaction on other Sims during parties.

Perfectionist.jpg Perfectionist Lifestyle Perfectionists spend more time cooking, writing, or even painting, but what they eventually finish is noticeably better than something created by other sims. Perfectionists accept nothing shy of perfection. Your sim does most things better than other sims, but sometimes it just takes a bit longer...

Your sim can paint higher quality paintings.

Your sim can prepare better quality food.

Your sim can write better novels.

Schmoozer.jpg Schmoozer Social Schmoozers are really good at brefriending neighbors, co-workers, and sucking up to their bosses. They love to flatter and are very good at it. Your Sim gets increased relationship gains with the boss and co-workers when socializing.

Your Sim has the "Schmooze" interaction with bosses and co-workers.

Your Sim can "Praise" and "Flatter" other Sims.

Your Sim has better results when asking for things from other Sims.

Slob.jpg Slob Neat Physical Slobs constantly leave messes in their wake. To make matters worse, they won't offer to pick up or clean! Luckily, common filth won't offend their senses. Your Sim makes messes, but thats just fine. Your Sim wont feel any differently about the surroundings.

Your Sim can lick a plate clean to satisfy hunger.

Your Sim will have no problem eating spoilt or burnt food! It's good!

Snob.jpg Snob Easily Impressed Social Snobs are very hard to impress, though they love hearing about themselves and will never turn down a compliment. They dream of owning only the finest things and being associated with the highest echelon of neighborhood sims. Your Sim loves to gloat!

Your Sim will be happy when you purchase expensive things!

Your Sim will get the "I am Beautiful" moodlet when looking in the mirror.

Your Sim loves a house fill with mirrors, so they can see how great they are!

Technophobe.jpg Technophobe Computer Whiz, Couch Potato Lifestyle Technophobe sims hate all things technological. They will never watch television or use the computer except in dire circumstances and will always look for an alternative source of entertainment. Your Sim wont have any fun while watching TV...

Your Sim is a bit scared of using computers.

Your Sim has the ability to sabotage electronics...

Unflirty.jpg Unflirty Flirty Social Unflirty sims do not appreciate the romantic advances of others and will be difficult to woo. It's not that they don't want to love, just that it's difficult for them. Your Sim just isn't into all that flirting nonsense. Your Sim must really like another Sim to open up to that!
Unlucky.jpg Unlucky Lucky Physical Things rarely go right for Unlucky sims. They often lose at everything they touch, though some do take pity on their misfortune... Your Sim is more likely to have bad things happen... fire, burglaries, losing, "repairing" objects...

When everything is lost, there's nothing to lose. Your Sim's got nothing to lose...

Vegetarian.jpg Vegetarian Lifestyle Vegetarian sims never choose to eat meat, and doing so causes them to quickly become ill. Your Sim will learn vegetarian alternatives to common meat dishes when practising the Cooking skill.

Vegetarians are said to live longer lives...

As implied, Vegetarian Sims cannot eat meat without becoming ill. Watch out -- meat is found in unexpected places, such as the muffins created with toddlers' play ovens.

Vegetarian Sims have vegetarian options of some of the foods available: Veggie Burgers replace Hamburgers, Tofu Dogs replace Hot Dogs, and Spaghetti with Veggie Sauce replaces regular spaghetti in their cooking repertoires.

Virtuoso.jpg Virtuoso Mental Virtuosos have a natural gift with musical instruments and are often considered the best musicians. As such, they earn more as musicians when playing for tips and learn more quickly. Your Sim can learn the Guitar skill at a faster pace than most Sims!

Your Sim gets more tips and cash from playing at venues becuase others love your Sims music!

Workaholic.jpg Workaholic Lifestyle Workaholics love to work and rarely become stressed from working. Their mood suffers when they miss work, but they are able to make it up by working from home. Workaholics make the best employees! Your Sim is more successful at asking for promotions and raises.

Your Sim gets less stressed from working and even gets the "Likes Work" moodlet.

Your Sim can work from home on the computer!

Sims can "check up on work" on the phone.
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