Sims 3:0x01D0E75D

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Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes
Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:RCOL

Material Definition

This is a Sims_3:RCOL chunk.

DWORD version
DWORD // Either some sort of hash or 0 - Material name?
DWORD // Either some sort of hash or 0 - Shader type
DWORD length // Length of data that follows
IF version >= 0x301
Various data

The various data can be one of the following

if version < 0x103
if version >= 0x103
if version < 0x103
if version >= 0x103
  DWORD datasize // Size of the following data block
DWORD count
count repeats of
  DWORD field type hash // Not sure of the sources or names
  DWORD data type // 1 = float, 2 = dword, 4 = dword
  DWORD data count
  DWORD offset // From the start of MTRL
count repeats of
  data count repeats of
    type defined data
    padding to DWORD boundry

Shader Types

The following are all the known values for shader types. Not all of these make sense for objects to use.

Data Hash
additive 0x5af16731
BasinWater 0x6aad2ad5
BrushedMetal 0x3fd7990d
BurntTile 0x690fdf06
CasSilk 0x0072aa53
CasSimEyes 0xb51ec997
CasSimHair 0xfcf80ce1
CasSimHairSimple 0xa7b368fb
CasSkin 0x01772897
Counters 0xa4172f62
DropShadow 0xc09c7582
ExteriorCeiling 0xd2ac4914
ExteriorWalls 0xcd677552
Fence 0x67107fe8
FlatMirror 0xa68d9e29
Floors 0xbc84d000
FloorsVisualizer 0x2b1f3aec
Foliage 0x4549e22e
FullBright 0x14fa335e
Gemstones 0xa063c1d0
Ghost 0x2b1f3aec
GhostEyes 0x8c88b4a8
GhostHair 0x00c394a6
GlassForFences 0x52986c62
GlassForObjects 0x492eca7c
GlassForObjectsTranslucent 0x849cf021
GlassForPortals 0x81dd204d
GlassForRabbitHoles 0x265ffaa1
ImpostorColorDefault 0xed4fb30e
ImpostorColorGlow 0x9661e300
ImposterLightingDefault 0x5f03f969
ImpostorLightingGlow 0x05954911
Instanced 0x0cb82eb8
InstancedImpostorColor 0xe7abde9c
LotImposter 0x68601de3
LotPondWater 0xe1386384
LotTerrain 0x11d0b721
LotTerrainImposterMaker 0xaee088f0
Occluder 0x071fd3d4
OutdoorProp 0x4d26bec0
Painting 0xaa495821
Particle 0x6da87a9b
ParticleAnim 0x460e93f4
ParticleLight 0xd9a8e549
phong-alpha 0xfc5fc212
Phong 0xb9105a6d
PickCASSim 0x26d1704a
PickCounters 0xce0c0dc1
PickDefault 0x9017b045
PickInstanced 0xb7178269
PickRug 0x18120028
PickSim 0x301464c3
PickTerrain 0x0f49bea1
PickWater 0xc107590f
PickWalls 0xb81ad379
Plumbob 0xdef16564
Ponds 0x79c38597
PreviewWallsAndFloors 0x213d6300
RabbitHoleHighDetail 0x8d346bbc
RabbitHoleMediumDetail 0xaede7105
Roads 0x5e0ac22e
RoadsCompositor 0x7c8b3791
Roofs 0x4c0628aa
RoofImpostorLighting 0xcb14114c
Rug 0x2a72b9a1
ShadowMapMerged 0xe2918799
SimEyes 0xcf8a70b4
SimEyelashes 0x9d9da161
SimHair 0x84fd7152
SimHairVisualizer 0x109defb6
SimSilk 0x53881019
Simple 0x723aa6e7
SimSkin 0x548394b9
SimSkinThumbnail 0x9eff872b
SimSkinVisualizer 0x969921ad
Stairs 0x4ce2f497
StandingWater 0x70fde012
StaticTerrain 0xe05b91aa
StaticTerrainLowLOD 0x413d7051
Subtractive 0x0b272cc5
TerrainLightFog 0x69eb86e4
TerrainVisualization 0xc589e244
TreeBillboard 0xedd106f2
TreeShadowCompositor 0x974fba48
ThumbnailShadowPlane 0xd32eec7b
VertexColor 0xb39101ac
Walls 0x974fba48

Field Types

Field types have been observed as the following values (Under construction)

Data Hash
AlphaMaskThreshold e77a2b60
Ambient 0x04a5daa3
Diffuse 0x637daa05
DiffuseMap 0x6cc0fd85
DiffuseUVScale 0x2d4e507e
DiffuseUVSelector 0x91eebaff
Emission 0x3bd441a0
FresnelOffset 0xfb66a8cb
ImposterDetailTexture 0x56e1c6b2
ImposterTexture 0xbdcf71c5
ImposterTextureAOandSI 0x15c9d298
ImposterTextureWater 0xbf3fb9fa
MaskHeight 0x849cdadc
MaskWidth 0x707f712f
NormalMap 0x6e56548a
NormalMapScale 0x3c45e334
NormalUVScale 0xba2d1ab9
Reflective 0x73c9923e
Shininess 0xf755f7ff
Specular 0x2ce11842
SpecStyle 0x9554d40f
SpecularMap 0xad528a60
SpecularUVScale 0xf12e27c3
SpecularUVSelector 0xb63546ac
TextureSpeedScale 0x583df357
Transparency 0x05d22fd3
Transparent 0x988403f9
UVScrollSpeed 0xf2eea6ec
UVScales 0x420520e9

Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes
Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:RCOL

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