Sims 3:0xD382BF57

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DWORD - Version

BYTE - EntryCount
-Entries // Footprint/shape related areas
	DWORD Name (Hash 32)
	BYTE // Always zero?
	DWORD Type flags // 1 = placement, 2 = pathing, 4 = shape, 8 = ??

	BYTE - points
	-point entries // Closed polygon

	DWORD // Placement flags 1
	DWORD // Placement flags 2
	DWORD // Placement flags 3
	BYTE  // Always zero?
	FLOAT X // Bounding box lower X
	FLOAT Y // Bounding box lower Y
	FLOAT X // Bounding box upper X
	FLOAT Y // Bounding box upper Y

BYTE - EntryCount2
-Entries2 // Slot related areas
	DWORD Name (Hash 32)
	BYTE // Always zero?
	DWORD Type flags // 1 = placement, 2 = pathing, 4 = shape, 8 = ??

	BYTE - points2
	-point2 entries // Closed polygon

	DWORD // Placement flags 1
	DWORD // Placement flags 2
	DWORD // Placement flags 3
	BYTE  // Always zero?
	FLOAT X // Bounding box lower X
	FLOAT Y // Bounding box lower Y
	FLOAT X // Bounding box upper X
	FLOAT Y // Bounding box upper Y

Placement flags values seen

Flags 1 Flags 2 Flags 3 Seen on Placement notes
0x00 0x03 0x03 Most items
0x08 0x03 0x03 Most items
0x08 0x00 0x03 Hot beverage machine
0x00 0x43 0x03 Paintings, wall hangings (Various) House walls, intersects
0x08 0x43 0x03 Paintings, wall hangings, clocks (Various)
0x08 0x20 0x03 Pool rules, life preserver House or pool wall
0x8a 0x43 0x03 Curtains (Various) House walls, no intersection with anything (Including other curtains and perpendicular walls)
0x0a 0x20 0x07 Shutters House walls, intersects
0x48 0x43 0x03 Wall lights (Various)
0x4a 0x23 0x07 Window (2x1, 3x1)
0x4a 0x20 0x07 Window (1x1)
0x4a 0x43 0x03 Window (3x1 diagonal)
0x00 0x43 0x03 Window (3x1 diagonal/tile), wall clocks (Various), ceiling lights
0x98 0x23 0x03 Chimneys (Various parts)
0x18 0x03 0x07 Chimneys (Ground level)
0x08 0x01 0x06 Plants
0x08 0x0c 0x06 Waterlilly Only in ponds
0x08 0x04 0x03 Pool light Pool walls only
0x00 0x04 0x03 Pool ladder Wet side of the ladder
0x00 0x07 0x03 Pool ladder Dry side of the ladder
0x00 0x20 0x03 Computer, laptop
0xdc 0x03 0x03 Most rugs
0xdc 0x04 0x03 Pool mosaic Bottom of pools only
0xfc 0x3f 0x07 Sprinkler "dome"
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