Game Help Talk:TS3 Patching Find Gameversion

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Revision as of 09:10, 6 February 2011 by EllaCharm3d (Talk | contribs)

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This files contains the version number of the last game to run. For example, it said (1.18 series patch for Fast Lane Stuff):

Latest =

Then I ran the fully patched Late Night expansion and it changed to:

Latest =

As far as patching is concerned, it is pretty useless and I think it would be best to omit it. At bare minimum, put it last. --FordGT90Concept 16:13, 3 February 2011 (UTC)

I disagree with the placement, as there's a method to my madness. I've put all OSX-specific related information at the end of pages for a reason, so as to be consistent with other pages. So that OSX users need not scroll all over the place and have to read through the clutter that is Windows-specific info.

The page is now grouped by
  • Windows only
  • Windows & Mac
  • Mac only
There's no specific order of merit to these things as players just need to choose one method, not try all of them by going down the list. And as a documenter, I do not decide what is useful or useless, I just provide all options available.
~ ellaCharm3d 13:10, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
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