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Revision as of 20:51, 25 January 2012 by Twallan (Talk | contribs)

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A screenshot of the NRaas front page as at 7th Aug 2011.

NRaas is Twallan's site hosted by Wikispaces.

Twallan is a well-respected modder in the Sims Community who has developed the reputation as the go-to guy for mods that fixes all sorts of bugs in The Sims 3.

He also offer mods that enhances your game, mostly through menu interactions added via his non-core scripting mods.


The forum is mostly centered around mods created by twallan, with various pages hosting the mods themselves, tutorials and tuning for said mods, and translation information for localizing the mods to your language.

There are also general chatter and discussion forums available, if the user wishes to pose questions to the community at large.


NRaas Industries


NRaas is hosted by Wikispaces. If you are unable to view the website, or are unable to register, email [email protected] .


  • Mods were originally hosted at More Awesome Than You, back in mid 2009
  • Hosting moved to a more controlled environment at Crazy Town, administered by The-ISZ
  • The inundation of so many new users had an adverse impact on that forum, and hosting was later moved to The Simmer's Club - The Sims Exchange forum
  • Due to some concerns regarding the administration (or lack thereof), hosting was once again brought under the umbrella of The-ISZ, this time as a web-forum separate of Crazy Town (The Simmer's Club folded a few months later).
  • With the retirement of The ISZ from hosting, hosting for the mods was moved to a Wiki system.
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