MTS2:Creator Guidelines/Neighborhood Numbers Repository
Neighborhoods have to have unique numbers in game. When creating a new hood for upload please do not use any of these numbers. If/when your hood is approved, your number will be added to this list.
Hoods use 4 digits to be recognized in game. You may use any four digits, but we prefer the game standard. Regular hoods use the letter N in front of their number, Universities use U, Downtowns use D, Sub-hoods use B, and Vacation hoods use A (asian), M (mountain), and T (beach). Other EPs gave us hidden subhoods which we don't create.
Main Hoods
0-40 (reserved for normal game play)
N045 Monopoly Game Town by d_dgjdhh
N050 Baliwag by NickM406
N073 Pirripirri Beach by keef1973
N106 Golden Creek by himawara106
N155 City of Carnen by zaxis
N156 Carnen by zaxis
N157 Portland by zaxis
N158 Mayhaven by zaxis
N174 Acorn Bend by QBuilderz
N299 Black Mesa by HugeLunatic
N327 West Weasels by Phaenoh
N372 Megahood by HystericalParoxysm
N373 Uber-Megahood by HystericalParoxysm
N491 Port White Water by Qbaliki
N513 Baskerville by plasticbox
N514 Middleground by plasticbox
N515 Elsewhere by plasticbox
N532 Orville by The Sim Supply
N742 Bonito by Flabaliki
N849 Pleasantview v3.5 by Flabaliki
N999 St. Hubert by seren
G999 SimVille by MaryLou
Uni Hoods
MooU Brainania University by Mootilda
Shopping District
B002 Sedona by cwykes
Vacation Hoods
M409 Isle St. Croix by lechapeau