Content List:Animals
There are two types of animals: pre-Pets expansion pack or decorative animals and actual pets made with the Pets expansion pack. Pet accessories and add-ons are also included.
- Bears: Polar, Brown, Black, Panda Solgaya MTS
- Bunny Rabbit: Meiun MTS
- Civet: spark13 MTS
- Fox (One Red, One White): Reyn MTS
- Garfield: Hostel at MTS, Pieja Lepar at MTS
- Lemur: by Thomus MTS
- Lion: Christian221987 MTS
- Momo: from Avatar Kenji336 MTS
- Mountain Lion: vVv_Klawz_vVv MTS
- Ocelot: by vVv_Klawz_vVv MTS
- Panda: by Munchies at MTS
- Phoebe the Snow Leopard: CynicalChick MTS
- Polar Bear: Starrats MTS
- Porcupine aimlesscoyote MTS
- Red Fox: MsBarrows MTS, & Spongeeh MTS ontological MTS
- Roscoe the Ferret: HystericalParoxysm MTS
- Scooby Doo: Kenji336 Sapphire Sims 2,
- Serval Cat:DarkSister MTS
- Skunk (Cat Version): ranatsu-chan MTS
- Spotted Hyena TheFreer MTS
- Tiger FireDemon9 MTS
- Zebra: GrandDuchessEmerald Sapphire Sims 2
Authentic cat breeds
- British Shorthaired Tabby Cat: sallyhails at MTS
- Mud-Pawed Tabby: Evanescencefan1 at MTS
Authentic dog breeds
- Border Terrier: Munchies at MTS
- Bull Terriers: 4 by Fling-89
- Chocolate Labrador Puppy: Munchies at MTS
- Dalmation Pup: Munchies at MTS
- English Springer Spaniel: sallyhails MTS
- Great Danes by Orodruin at MTS
- Ibizan Hounds (both smooth and wire coat): aquila0989 at MTS
- Husky, Miniature: Munchies at MTS
- Jack Russell Terrier: Munchies at MTS
- Maltese, Long-Haired: Munchies at MTS
- Sheltie or Collie, Miniature: Munchies at MTS
- Neapolitan Mastiff: Lust MTS
- Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Munchies at MTS
- Pugs: 4 from Fling-89 at MTS
Mixed Dog Breeds
- Blue Brindle Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Fling-89 at MTS
- German Shepherd Collie: Fling-89 at MTS
Body Shop Content
Do you want to make your Sim look beastly? Do you like furries, anthros, or the idea of giving your Sim a more wild look? Try some of this stuff!
There are currently no items in this catalog. Please check back next time!
- Bat Wings: SaraCentner at SS2
- Bear/Mouse Ears: Atreya at MTS
- Bunny Ears and Tail: Atreya at MTS
- Cat Ears and Tail: saracentner at MTS
- Cat Tail: Atreya at MTS plus recolours by Morganthe at MTS
- Claws: Generalzoi at MTS
- Cow Ears and Tail: Generalzoi at MTS
- Crab Legs and Hand Pincers: Generalzoi at MTS
- Dog Ears: atreya at MTS
- Fluffy Tail: atreya at MTS
- Fins: Generalzoi at MTS
- Fins - Spined: Generalzoi at MTS
- Fox Ears: Atreya at MTS plus recolours by Morganthe at MTS and at Genensims
- Fox Tail: Atreya at MTS
- Fur: Generalzoi at MTS
- Insect Wings: Generalzoi at MTS
- Ram Horns: Generalzoi at MTS
- Rhino Horn: Generalzoi at MTS
- Scorpion Stinger Tail: Generalzoi at MTS
- Small Tail: Atreya at MTS
- Webbed Fingers: Generalzoi at MTS
- Wolf Snout: Generalzoi at MTS
- Animal Print Clothing: Parsimonious
- Leopard Print Hair (Female): Adjiumi
- Brown Ape: emino at MTS, with matching SimCribbling Elf Ear recolors by: emino at MTS
- Fire Fox: emino at MTS, with matching SimCribbling Elf Ear recolors by: emino at MTS
- Golden Lion: emino at MTS, with matching SimCribbling Elf Ear recolors by: emino at MTS
- Silver Squirrel: emino at MTS, with matching SimCribbling Elf Ear recolors by: emino at MTS
Build Mode Content
- Animal Costume Party - Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
- Bats, Cats, and Spiders - SIMcredible!
- Bunny - Wall Mural SIMcredible!
- Butterflies - Any Order Garden Murals; These mural panels can be used in any order, mix it up any way you like and it still looks great and tiles perfectly. SIMcredible!
- Children's Animal Theme - Wallpaper with an Animal theme for Sim children MTS by SaraF
- Dolphins - Mosaic Wall and Floor sets SIMcredible!
- Dolphins - Turtles - Fish - Mermaid Walls - Any Order - Underwater Mural; These mural panels can be used in any order, mix it up any way you like, and it still looks great and tiles seamlessly. RiosMom@ MTS
- Ducks - Wall and Floors Sets SIMcredible!
- Fish - Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
- Flamingos - Murals SIMcredible!
- Horse - Winter Wonderland Mural SIMcredible
- Kitty - Hello Kitty Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
- Lady Bug - Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
- Mickey Mouse - Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
- Sea Horse - Mosaic Walls and floors SIMcredible!
- Sea Turtles - Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
- Straw Wallpaper: Bluegenie2 at MTS
- Tropical Fish - Wall and Floor Sets SIMcredible!
Hacks and Hacked Objects
You can find hacks and hacked objects relating to the Pets expansion at: Hacks and Hacked Objects: Pets.
- EchoMickyss Farm: Luthien at MTS
- Elegant Hobby Farm: obsessisim at MTS
- Green Gables Farm: DeanaS67 at MTS
- Old Mcdonald Farm: AbstractSIMmer187 at MTS
Pets Unlock Codes
Codes to unlock special collars and fur colors in Sims 2 Pets may be found at: Pets Unlock Codes.
There are currently no items in this catalog. Please check back next time!
- Decorative Plates - Cats: SimThing
- Farm Set 1 - The Barn: roseisred at MTS
- Farm Set 2 - Bee Hive and Clover: roseisred at MTS
Decorative Non-Pets EP Animals
There are currently no items in this catalog. Please check back next time!
- Dolphins:
- suiryuue at MTS
- Dolphins (Animated) Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Fish for Pond: mickyss at MTS
- Frog for Pond: mickyss at MTS
- Sharks (Animated) Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Swan for Lake:
Fantasy & Extinct
- Direhorse from Avatar: Daislia
- Dragon:
- Aussie Topenders
- Dragon (Flyable/Rideable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Mama Dragon: q3tbo at MTS
- Dinosaurs:
- Brachiosaurus: BitzyBus at TSR (free)
- Parasaurolophus: BitzyBus at TSR (free)
- Stegosaurus: BitzyBus at TSR (free)
- T-Rex: BitzyBus at TSR (free)
- Triceratops: BitzyBus at TSR (free)
- Pegasus: MysticVelvet at Blacky'sSimsZoo
- Unicorn:
- MysticVelvet at Blacky'sSimsZoo
- Unicorns (Rideable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Chickens:
- Chicken and Chicks (Animated): rebecah at MTS
- Chickens & Chicks (Animated/Breedable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Cows:
- Cattle (Animated/Breedable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- FeeEssen
- mickyss at MTS, with recolors by: sarrla at MTS
- Cow and Calf (Rideable/Animated): rebecah at MTS
- Donkey:
- Donkey (Rideable/Animated): rebecah at MTS
- Donkey (Rideable/Animated): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Duck (rideable): rebecah at MTS
- Goose: mickyss at MTS
- Horses:
- Dragon Slave at MTS with recolors: oceanpupz at MTS and oceanpupz at MTS
- Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo (1)
- Esel - Blackypanter at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo (2)
- with Saddle - funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo (3)
- mickyss at MTS with recolors: @Broken Link@ FeeEssen
- Rideable Horse with Custom Sounds and Custom Animations: rebecah at MTS
- Horses & Ponies (Rideable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Stallion - Dragon Slave at MTS
- Lucy and Ginger by Dragon Slave at MTS with recolors:
- Rearing White Horse: Sims2Ellis Russian site, NOT a direct link
- Pigs:
- Blackypanther at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- mickyss at MTS, with recolors by: sarrla at MTS
- Pig and Piglet (Animated): rebecah at MTS
- Pigs (Animated/Breedable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Pony (Rideable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Sheep:
- Sheep (Animated/Breedable): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Sheep and Lamb (Rideable/Animated): rebecah at MTS
- Alligator: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Alpaca: Daislia
- Armadillo: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Bear: TheNinthWaveSims
- Beaver: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Black Panther: Blackypanthar at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Camel: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Chipmunk: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Crocodile: Bitzybus at TSR
- Deer: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Ducks: mickyss at MTS
- Elephant (Animated): Rebecah at Affinity Sims
- Hippo: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Iguana: Bitzybus at TSR
- Llama: Dynamic Duo at MTS
- Parakeet (In tree): Bitzybus at TSR
- Polar Bears: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Snake: by Bitzybus at TSR
- Snowy Owl: FeeEssen
- Spiders:
- Giant: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Giant Tarantula: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Squirrel: funfun at Blacky'sSimsZoo
- Tiger: very detailed, two versions Daislia
- Turtle: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Walruses: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- White Tiger: very detailed, two versions Daislia
- Wolves: BitzyBus at MTS
- Bird - Petey Bird Cage: MissWendy at The Sims Zone
- Cat: (not a direct link) All4Sims
- Cat Sitting - Stuffed and Mounted: mickyss at MTS
- Dog - Basset Hound: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Dog - Bulldog: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Dog - Dobermann Pincer: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo, q3tbo at MTS
- Dog - German Shephard: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Dog - Labs: mickyss at MTS (1), mickyss at MTS (2)
- Dog - Siberian Husky: funfun at Blacky's Sims2 Zoo
- Dog - Sleeping Dog: Aussie Topenders
Pets Expansion-Specific
There are currently no items in this catalog. Please check back next time!
- Default Replacement Noses for Cats: Strange_girl at MTS
- Default Replacement Pet Eyes:
- Free Spirit: awasegg at MTS
- More pet default replacement eyes!!: nurse4kitties at MTS
- Pet Eyes That Don't Suck!: HystericalParoxysm at MTS
- Non Default Recolorable Pet collar: Paleoanth and Wes_h at MTS
- Winged Kittums - Wings for Cats: Klinny at MTS
- Winged Wuffums - Wings for Dogs: Klinny at MTS
- Dino the Guinea Pig: Starrats at The Sims Zone
- Pet Bed Set: shufonk at MTS
- Stray Away Sign: Inge at Simlogical
Maxis Recolours
- Basic Pets Recolours Packs:
- Bed - Soft Bed with High Sides Recolours:
- Bed - Pet Pillow Recolours:
- Pawprints: j3nni at MTS
- Solids: HystericalParoxysm at MTS
- Bird - Black with Blue Plumage: fireflies at MTS
- Birds - Macaws: Sae sae at MTS
- Birds - Cockatoos: Sae sae at MTS
- Bowl - Cheapest Bowl:
- Solids: HystericalParoxysm at MTS
- Cat Climber (Los Gatos Condominiums) basic recolour packs:
- Doghouse - Midprice: HystericalParoxysm at MTS
- Litterboxes:
- Maxis Hidden Womrat Colors:
- All 3 Hidden Womrat Colors: ly_drago at MTS
- Black and White: Starrats at The Sims Zone
- Fried: Starrats at The Sims Zone
- Hamster: Starrats at The Sims Zone
- Scratching Post: HystericalParoxysm at MTS
- Seal Point Womrat: crowridgestudio at MTS
New Meshes
- 1-Tile pet beds: Paladin at SimWardrobe
- 3 Bed Set (fancy bed with canopy, metal frame daybed, couch): Macarossi at MTS
- Bone-shaped pillow: j3nni at MTS
- Custom Tailored Pet Pillows and Basket: MaryLou & Numenor at MTS (A bed size for each pet size!)
- Fire Engine Pet Bed: The Sims Zone
- Fish-shaped pillow: j3nni at MTS
- Medieval Pet Bed: JohnBrehaut1 at MTS
- Mission Match Pet Bed: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Pampered Pooch Comfort Beds (Castle, Classy, and Colonial): sgoobysnacks29 at InSIM
- Round Dog Bed: feeEssen at MTS
- Bone-Shaped Bowl: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Cats Rule/Dogs Rule Bowls: Macarossi at MTS
- Fish Shaped Bowl: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Heart Shaped Bowl: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Two-in-One Water/Food Dish: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Cave: Franky at InSIM
- Castle Dog House: Cooldadx4 at MTS
For Cats:
- Birdie stick with mouse instead of bird: Paleoanth at MTS
- Litter Box For Baby Kittens: feeEssen at MTS
- Rubik's cube (solvable!): VampCat at MTS
For Dogs:
- Dog Baths:
- Wooden/Outdoor: Meshkiste
- Wooden: MaryLou at MTS
- Dog Chew Ball: VampCat at MTS
- Dog Toy: Paleoanth at MTS
- The Chewy Ball: dynamitey10 at MTS
- Bon Voyage Crab As A Pet (In An Aquarium): Mr Ostrichbird
- Fire Hydrant (Usable by Dogs): Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
- Parrot Cage (Glass): feeEssen at MTS
- Parrot Stand: feeEssen at MTS, with wood texture recolors by: Hairfish at MTS
- Pet Treats Cookable Food: Simaddict99 at TSR ($$$)
Pet Breeds
- Alien Dog: CantTakeU at MTS
- Bobcat: tiggerypum at MTS
- Bunny Rabbit Cat: Meiun at MTS
- Darluthian Slugmar (Alien Beast): kwillag at MTS
- Panda Teddy: Munchies at MTS
- Red Deer Fawn: bubbleeye at MTS
- Serval Cat: DarkSister at MTS
- Alien Species - Feline: kwillag at MTS
- Alien Species - Kitsune/Fox: kwillag at MTS
- Alien Species - Saurian: kwillag at MTS
- Alien Species - Simian: kwillag at MTS
- Alien Species - Wolfen: kwillag at MTS
Vehicles (*Nightlife EP Required*)
- Hansom Rendezvous: hexameter at MTS
- Pioneer-HP2 Wagon: hexameter at MTS
- Pioneer-HP2 Wagon without canvas: hexameter at MTS
- Saddle-horse Thunder: hexameter at MTS
Content Lists by Category | |
Animals | Anime and Video Games | Body Shop Content | Building and Construction | Business and Financial | Celebrity Sims | Character Sims | Child-Related Objects | Corrections, Fixes and Tweaks | Crime, Punishment, and Public Service | Decorating Themes | Fantasy | Food | Hacks and Hacked Objects | Historical and Ethnic | Holidays | Maxis Match | Medical | Neighborhoods | Programs and Utilities | Religious | School | Sci-Fi | Vehicles | Weddings and Marriage | |