Content List:Hacks and Hacked Objects/Miscellaneous
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Revision as of 17:15, 15 October 2006 by HystericalParoxysm (Talk | contribs)
Items which didn't fit into any other category.
Hacked Objects
- Air Conditioner: Sim Slice ($$$)
- Automated Workout Machine (Workout, take shower/pee, workout again): christianlov at MTS2
- Bookcase as Stack of Books: 4ESF
- High Stakes Poker Table: Morague at InSIM
- Ironing Board & Iron (Usable): by Katy_76 & Smithycpl
- Laundry (Usable Washer/Dryer): by Katy_76 & Smithycpl
- Magic Wand with Spells: Carrigon at S2W
- Permanent Thinking Cap and Noodlesoother: christianlov at MTS2
- Transporter/Teleporter: Paladin at SimWardrobe, Monique at MTS2, monique at MTS2, jordi at MTS2 (also allows you to turn sims into downtownies)
- Summoner/Teleporter: Inge Jones at Nectere, Inge's teleporters updated by Jordi at MATY
- Try on Clothes Longer: christianlov at MTS2
- Vacuum (Usable): by Katy_76 & Smithycpl
- Anti-Waistline and Anti-Curtain Shadow: Shiny Sims
- CAS - Original CAS Screens: FalseZen at MTS2
- CAS - Empty CAS Screen: Windkeeper at MTS2
- CAS - Empty YACAS Screen: Windkeeper at MTS2
- Clothing Equality Mod (adult clothes for elders, buyable maternity and work clothes): Motoki at MATY
- Cruise in Car as Long as you Want: Squinge at InSIM
- Deliveries Dropped at Front Door: Squinge at InSIM
- Easel Paintings Default Replacements: saramkirk at MTS2
- Enable Save During Special Events: the InSIMenator
- Flush Toilet & Wash Hands Every Time: TwoJeffs at MATY
- Front Door Hack: JM Pescado at MATY
- Give Gift: Carrigon at S2W
- Live-in Maid/Butler/Housekeeper: DMA Sims
- Live-In Servants: It is also very easy to create your own live-in maid, butler, nanny or housekeeper with no mods at all. Create a new sim in Create a Sim. Make them look correctly servant-like and give them an appropriate name. Give them full neat points, fairly active, and set the rest however you want. If you have Nightlife, try to set the attractions so they won't be swooning over the boss (unless that's what you want). Add the new sim to the family that needs a servant. Then on the lot, build them a little room of their own and you're pretty much set. They will happily clean the house, gaining fun for doing so. If you want to keep the rest of the family out of their room (and keep them from sleeping in the boss's or boss's kid's bed) you may want to get some keyholder doors or resevable beds. If you would like to simulate the feeling of having the live-in sim as an NPC, you can make them unselectable, so they will continue to live in the house but you cannot control them, using the testingcheatsenabled cheat or the InSIMenator.
- Local-Only Walkbys (No sims from other sub-hoods in walkbys): JM Pescado at MATY
- "Military Time"/12 to 24 hour Time Fix: Pilot76103 at MTS2
- No Autonomous Napping: twojeffs at MATY
- No Autonomous Mourning: conker87 at MTS2
- No Autonomous (Whatever): Squinge at InSIM
- No Corrupted Death Memory (CRITICAL!): JM Pescado at MATY
- No Fires: Squinge at InSIM
- No Privacy (Shooing from Bathroom): LizzLove at MTS2
- No Walkby Actions (Kicking trashcan, gnome stealing, etc.): Squinge at InSIM
- No "What's This": JM Pescado at MATY
- NPC/Services Scheduler: DJS Sims
- NPCs and Townies - Change Appearance: Christianlov at MTS2
- NPCs - All-in-One and Nanny NPCs: Christianlov at MTS2
- Obstacle Course - Run in Choice of Clothing: Bobcatben at MTS2
- Paintings Viewable When Walls Are Down: TwoJeffs at MATY
- Parties - Always Accept Party Invitations: Squinge at InSIM
- Pee in Shower Enabled for All Sims: Squinge at MTS2
- Phone Hack (adjustable ringer, ringer off and more): JM Pescado at MATY
- Plants Require No Care: TwoJeffs at MATY
- Plastic Surgery for Teens: TwoJeffs at MATY
- Prison: Nectere (from SimLogical)
- Reservable Beds: Squinge at InSIM
- The Roboticizer (makes sims look like robots - but does not turn them into servos): Bobcatben at MTS2
- Robots Never Break: Squinge at InSIM
- Run Everywhere: XPTL297 at InSIM
- Sleep in Any Outfit: Smonaff at MTS2
- Sleep on Floor at Home: Squinge at InSIM
- Streak Interaction Enabled on All Lots: Squinge at MTS2
- Streak Fully Clothed: Smonaff at MTS2
- Townies - Grow up: syberspunk at MATY
- Tuck In Anyone: Squinge at InSIM
- Visitor Controller (Ban, prisioner, and curfew options. Plus control what sims wear when appearing on community lots): TwoJeffs at MATY
- Wall Electronics Hider: Merola64 at MTS2
- Watch TV Sitting on Floor: Squinge at InSIM
- Write Novels Faster: Squinge at InSIM
- Write Novels on Any Lot: Squinge at InSIM
- Write Novels with Progress Bar: JM Pescado at MATY