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EP2-NL 0xCD7FE87A 0x1C0532FA 0x3D102419 0xFF164DEA # floor # # Shaders for indoor & outdoor tiles; i.e., "Floors". # # seti gridLayer 5 seti floorLayer -4 setf floorMaterialScaleU 1.0 # defaults for Floor materials without these defined setf floorMaterialScaleV 1.0 # defaults for Floor materials without these defined setb floorHighlightOn false setc floorHighlightIntensity (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0) # attenuation of the floor highlight texture setf floorGridAlpha 0.775 seti previewLayer 0 # -28 # debug options for PS hardware only, only set one of these to true setb debugShowFloorIncidence false # shows the incidence maps as color setb debugShowFloorNormalMap false # shows the raw normal map (if it exists) setb debugFloorLighting false # no base texture, only lighting results setb debugShowLightMapTexcoords false # texcoords as color setb floorCausticsPass false seti floorRenderStyle 0 include PixelShaderFloors.matShad #beginshader Floor #description Basic floor tile shader; texture + floor gradient + shadows #extraparam float floorMaterialScaleU 1 0.125 64 ; no. tiles to map across U axis, use any positive number #extraparam float floorMaterialScaleV 1 0.125 64 ; no. tiles to map across V axis, use any positive number define Floor() material if ($stdMatLightingDebug) create LightingDebugStandardMaterialOverrides() endif create FloorShaders() end enddef #endshader #beginshader FloorPool #description Pool tile shader, with caustics. #extraparam bool floorCausticsPass 1 ; set to true to add water caustics. define FloorPool() material if ($stdMatLightingDebug) create LightingDebugStandardMaterialOverrides() endif create FloorShaders() end enddef #endshader # # Standard floor shaders # define FloorShaders() setb bumpMapFloors false create DetermineHardwareSupport() setb hasTexcoord2 (hasVertexFormat(texcoord,1)) # check for the page, the global bumpmap glag, and for the normal map in the material if (varExists(page) and $bumpMapping and $stdMatNormalMapTextureEnabled and $hasTexcoord2) setb bumpMapFloors true endif if ($useHWShader1Path or $useHWShader2Path) create PixelShaderFloors($bumpMapFloors) else # fixed function paths NEVER get bump mapping due to fill rate and memory concerns. create FixedFunctionFloorShader() # ultimate fallback pass? no light map, one stage. shader -layer $floorLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat normal 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType viewerRenderType pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() create AttenuatedMatCoef(1) fillmode $stdMatFillMode stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev (1/$floorMaterialScaleU, 1/$floorMaterialScaleV) textureTransformType vector2 ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiplyScale2(texture diffuse) select(outRegister) end end create HighlightPass() end endif enddef # # Standard floor shader, # define FixedFunctionFloorShader() setb lightMapAvailable false if (varExists(page)) setb lightMapAvailable true endif setb caustics false if ($floorCausticsPass and $causticsEnabled) setb caustics true endif shader -layer $floorLayer validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat position 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -vertexFormat texcoord 0 required validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType viewerRenderType set stdMatSpecCoef (0, 0, 0) set stdMatSpecPower 0 if ($caustics) pass -fixedFunction -modifiedEachFrameHint else pass -fixedFunction endif ffDepthOffset 0 # empirically, Floors seem to only take 3 inputs # the base texture # the light map # the material color, which seems to act as a 'tune' value. # Lightmaps are scaled by 0.5, so this must multiply by 2 to get to the correct brightness. # No alpha blending is required, nor is alpha scaling required. # # don't pre-scale -- that's in the texture. fillmode $stdMatFillMode if ($lightMapAvailable) colorScalar ($stdMatDiffCoef) 1 stage create SelectFloorLightMap() # add the lightmap lighting to any direct lights. # the light map has been prescaled by 0.5 textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) select(texture) end stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev (1/$floorMaterialScaleU, 1/$floorMaterialScaleV) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiplyScale2(texture outRegister) select(colorScalar) end else # no lightmap case: colorScalar ($stdMatDiffCoef) 1 stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} textureAddressing tile tile ffTextureMatrix -scalev (1/$floorMaterialScaleU, 1/$floorMaterialScaleV) ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiply(colorScalar texture) select(colorScalar) end endif end if ( $lightMapAvailable) # thumbnails don't have lightmaps, causing this to fail without them, so assume no work to be done without lightmaps. if ($lmIntegratedShadows ) # Still experimental pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() fillmode $stdMatFillMode alphaBlend srcFactor(destColor) add dstFactor(zero) alphaTest true 100 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater colorScalar (0.61, 0.61, 0.61) # needs to be set by tsUserEtc ffDepthOffset 1 stage create SelectFloorLightMap() textureBlend select(colorScalar) select(texture) end end elseif ((not ($useHWShader2Path or $useHWShader1Path))) # Mark the depth buffer where the shadow is so object shadows # do not overlap. pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(zero) add dstFactor(one) fillmode $stdMatFillMode ffDepthOffset 1 depthTest true -enableDepthWrite true alphaTest true 100 alphaTestFunction acceptIfLess stage create SelectFloorLightMap() textureBlend select(texture) select(texture) end end endif endif create HighlightPass() end enddef #beginshader FloorReflective #description Basic floor tile shader with reflection; texture + floor gradient + shadows #extraparam float floorMaterialScaleU 1 0.125 64 ; no. tiles to map for U axis, use any positive number #extraparam float floorMaterialScaleV 1 0.125 64 ; no. tiles to map for V axis, use any positive number #extraparam float reflectStrength 1 0 1 ; strength of reflection, in range 0 to 1 set ratioH 1 # default material parameter value set ratioW 1 # default material parameter value set useReflectionFloors 0 # default material parameter value define FloorReflective() material shader #reflective floors are currently dead. might ressurect them in an expansion pack end end enddef # # gridMaterial -- composites the alpha grid texture over the normal floor texture # NOTE: In order to guarantee this is drawn on top of the normal # floor tile textures, the layer has to be higher than that for # the normal floor textures. define TileGridMaterial() material if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeNormal) shader -layer $gridLayer # this is using modifiedEachFrameHint, because when the pool tool # is used it does not invalidate the entire terrain or invalidate the frame. pass -fixedFunction # -modifiedEachFrameHint validateRenderShaderContext -viewerRenderType $kRenderTypeNormal # normal render create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) # Add an alpha test to avoid processing fully transparent pixels alphaTest true 0 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater # Since the terrain has identical geometry, and is assumed to be rendered # before the grid, there is no need to write to the z-buffer again. If # the geometry of the grid diverges from the geometry of the terrain, we # *may* want to reenable depth writes here. depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false fillmode $stdMatFillMode colorScalar (0,0,0) $floorGridAlpha stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) multiply(texture colorScalar) end end end #shader else shader end endif end #mat enddef # # inverseGridMaterial -- composites the inverse of the alpha grid texture over the normal floor texture # NOTE: In order to guarantee this is drawn on top of the normal # floor tile textures, the layer has to be higher than that for # the normal floor textures. define InverseTileGridMaterial() #trace "$currentMaterialName inverse tile grid material" material shader -layer $gridLayer if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeNormal) create DetermineHardwareSupport() if ($useHWShader1Path or $useHWShader2Path) create PixelShaderInverseTileGridRendering() else # this pass draws the completely opaque region of the grid line # hiding the incorrect sorting behavior of the second pass at high # resolution mipmap levels pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaTest true 192 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater fillmode $stdMatFillMode stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture:invert) select(texture) end end # this pass draws the transition region along the edges of the grid lines # this provides a blurry grid at lower mipmap levels (where the solid grid # line disappears entirely) pass -fixedFunction create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) alphaTest true 192 alphaTestFunction acceptIfLess depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false fillmode $stdMatFillMode stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend select(texture:invert) select(texture) end end endif end else shader end endif end enddef define TileLocalGridMaterial() material # 7/26/04 This material should only be reinstated if the cursor moves a part that causes # visible damage to be updated with respect to where it is moved. Marking all the # terrain tiles with this modifiedEachFrameHint is too slow. For now this material # is disabled. if (viewerRenderType = $kRenderTypeNormal) attributes attribute alphaScale float1 attribute alphaTrans float2 end shader -layer $gridLayer vertexFormatPred blendindices 0 false vertexFormatPred targetindices 0 false # Local grid is revelated across the multiple tiles and it does not track damage. # Using modifiedEachFrameHint so that grid lines are not left behind. pass -fixedFunction # -modifiedEachFrameHint create LightingStatesNoStdLights() alphaBlend srcFactor(srcAlpha) add dstFactor(invSrcAlpha) # Add an alpha test to avoid processing fully transparent pixels alphaTest true 0 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater # Since the terrain has identical geometry, and is assumed to be rendered # before the grid, there is no need to write to the z-buffer again. If # the geometry of the grid diverges from the geometry of the terrain, we # *may* want to reenable depth writes here. depthTest true -enableDepthWrite false fillmode $stdMatFillMode ffDepthOffset 2 # above the shadow/overlay layer. colorScalar (0,0,0) $floorGridAlpha stage texture "localgrid-alphafadeout" ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureAddressing clamp clamp textureTransformType vector2 ffTextureMatrix -scale @alphaScale -trans @alphaTrans textureBlend select(outRegister) multiply(texture colorScalar) end stage texture $stdMatBaseTextureName ${stdMatBaseTextureParam} ffTextureCoordsSource 0 textureBlend multiply(texture colorScalar) multiply(texture outRegister) end end end else shader end endif end enddef define SelectFloorLightMap() texture "floorLightMap_${page}" ffTextureCoordsSource 1 enddef define SelectFloorIncidenceMap() texture "floorIncidenceMap_${page}" ffTextureCoordsSource 1 enddef # PS highlighting done in the shader instead of normal maps. define HighlightPass() if ($floorHighlightOn) # pass for the additive part of the highlight texture pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) add dstFactor(one) # just add the highlight to whatever was there # Add an alpha test to avoid processing fully transparent pixels alphaTest true 0 alphaTestFunction acceptIfGreater fillmode $stdMatFillMode colorScalar ($floorHighlightIntensity) # adjust highlight texture brightness stage texture "floor_selection_colors" ffTextureCoordsSource 0 # use the floor pattern texture coordinates textureBlend multiplyAdd(texture colorScalar outRegister) select(texture) end end # pass for the subtractive part of the highlight texture pass -fixedFunction create LightingStates() alphaBlend srcFactor(one) sub dstFactor(one) # just add the highlight to whatever was there # Add an alpha test to avoid processing fully transparent pixels alphaTest true 0 alphaTestFunction acceptIfEqual fillmode $stdMatFillMode colorScalar ($floorHighlightIntensity) # adjust highlight texture brightness stage texture "floor_selection_colors" ffTextureCoordsSource 0 # use the floor pattern texture coordinates textureBlend multiplyAdd(texture colorScalar outRegister) select(texture) end end endif enddef # Empty tile materialDefinition tileshaderempty setDefinition Null end materialDefinition tileShaderMayLevel_0 setDefinition SolidColorMaterial addParam scLayer $previewLayer addParam color (0,1,0) end materialDefinition tileShaderMayNotLevel_0 setDefinition SolidColorMaterial addParam scLayer $previewLayer addParam color (1,0,0) end # Terrain grid materialDefinition floorGridBlack setDefinition TileGridMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-grid end # Local Terrain grid materialDefinition floorLocalGridBlack setDefinition TileGridMaterial # TileLocalGridMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-grid end # Upper floor grid materialDefinition floorGridWhite setDefinition InverseTileGridMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-grid end # Active-level Terrain grid materialDefinition floorGridBlackActiveLevel setDefinition TileGridMaterial # TileLocalGridMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-grid-active end # Active-level Local Terrain grid materialDefinition floorLocalGridBlackActiveLevel setDefinition TileGridMaterial # TileLocalGridMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-grid-active end # Active-level Upper Floor grid materialDefinition floorGridWhiteActiveLevel setDefinition InverseTileGridMaterial addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-grid-active end materialDefinition floor_oak_seethrough setDefinition FloorReflective addParam stdMatLayer 2 addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-oak addParam reflectStrength .3 end materialDefinition floor_mountainFogTile setDefinition FloorReflective addParam stdMatLayer 2 addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-mountainFogTile addParam reflectStrength .1 end materialDefinition floor_brickPatio setDefinition Floor addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-brickPatio addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.63, 0.63, 0.56) end materialDefinition FloorThickness setDefinition StandardMaterial addParam stdMatSpecPower 0 addParam stdMatDiffCoef (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) addParam stdMatBaseTextureName floor-edge addParam stdMatBaseTextureEnabled true end