Tutorials:Object Creation Tutorials
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These tutorials teach you how to make actual objects from scratch, using 3d modelling and other advanced topics. You must have SimPE and a.
Tutorial Sections
Basic Object CreationStarter modeling tutorials for static objects and the like. Start here! Extended MeshingTweaking objects, messing with shadows, wall masks, diagonals, decent uv maps, adding subsets, transparency, etc. |
Advanced Object CreationSimantics and bhavs, slots, working with animated objects (car tutorials, armoires with meshtool, etc.) View AllSee All Object Creation Tutorials. |
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Tutorials by Category | |
Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring Building: Building | Landscaping | Walls & Floors | Other: Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods |