Content List:Character Sims/C
From SimsWiki
- Castlevania, Symphony of the Night:
- Alucard: Akito at MTS2, Devil Cloud at Fantasy LostWorld
- Maria Renard: oat at SS2
- Walter Bernhard: oat at SS2
- Cinderella:
- Cinderella: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Clue Game:
- Colonel Mustard: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Miss Scarlet: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Mr. Green: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Mrs. Peacock: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Mrs. White: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Professor Plum: Jessica at Wicked Sims
- Chobits:
- Chrono Cross:
- Serge: AmandaPanda1988 at MTS2
- Count Cain/God Child:
- Cain Hargreaves: taintedvirtue at MTS2
- Riff: taintedvirtue at MTS2
- Cowboy Bebop:
- Edward: Ladysims33 at MTS2
- Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV: Binxy801 at The Exchange, grenbby at MTS2
- Faye Valentine: Ladysims33 at MTS2 - (wearing Session 15 dress), grenbby at MTS2 - (wearing My Funny Valentine dress)
- Spike Spiegel: Ladysims33 at MTS2
- Cutie Honey:
- Aki Natsuko: thunderbreak at MTS2
- Kisaragi Honey: thunderbreak at MTS2