Tutorials Talk:Building an Apartment

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Revision as of 12:56, 13 September 2008 by Whiterider (Talk | contribs)

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I had some questions about Apartment Life I hope someone can answer...

Can I convert an existing Pre AL lot to an apartment lot? Is there anyway to use a beach lot as an apartment lot??? Iam having all kinds of issues!!

What I want to do is have an apartment lot that is for all family members and have it expand as the generations move on.. If I start with one family can I add more later.. for example

Mom and Dad have baby.. baby grows up and goes to college.. child returns to family and moves into a separate apartment on the same lot.. Child gets married.. has children.. process repeats...

I did read that you can have an unlimited amount of apartments on a lot but is there a cap on the number of playable familes on the same apartment lot?

Can I do more construction on my apartments after its zoned as an apartment?? Change them or make them bigger to accomdate more children etc...



This is not the correct place to ask these questions. Please use MTS2's Game Help forum. - whiterider 06:54, 13 September 2008 (CDT)
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