Sims 3:0x067CAA11

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Revision as of 03:56, 10 June 2009 by Karybdis (Talk | contribs)

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BGEO (Body Geometry)
Researched by Karybdis

Here's the preliminary structure. Due to apparent invariance in some of the values, they cannot be decoded at the moment.

DWORD - Magic (BGEO)
DWORD - Version (768 or 0x00030000)
DWORD - Section 1 Count (56 bytes each)
DWORD - Section 1 SubEntry count (0x04, invariant?)
DWORD - Section 2 Count (Words)
DWORD - Section 3 Count (6 BYTES)
DWORD - Section 1 Pre-SubEntry size (0x08, invariant?)
DWORD - Section 1 SubEntry entry size (0x0C, invariant?)
DWORD - Section 1 offset (from beginning)
DWORD - Section 2 offset (from beginning)
DWORD - Section 3 offset (from beginning)

-Section 1 56 byte entries
DWORD AgeGender Flags
DWORD FacialRegion/BodyRegion
--Section 1 Subentries
	DWORD Index to WORD Entries (Index in Face indexers list?)
	DWORD Index to S3 Entries (Index in Blend Vector list?

-WORD Entries (Face Indexes?)
	WORD (Face Index?)

-S3 Entries (Blend Vectors?)
	WORD (Vector Vertex1?) (I think this is a 16bit float)
	WORD (Vector Vertex2?) (I think this is a 16bit float)
	WORD (Vector Vertex3?) (I think this is a 16bit float)

Much thanks to Rick for figuring out Section1 parsing structure (Karybdis)

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