Sims 3:0x01D0E723
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Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:RCOL
Vertex Format
This is a Sims 3:RCOL chunk found embedded in MODL and MLOD resources.
DWORD // 'VRTF' DWORD // 00000002 DWORD // Vertex data length (Bytes) DWORD // Declaration count DWORD // Unknown (0) For each count vertex declaration, a packed form of D3DVERTEXELEMENT BYTE Usage // 0=position, 1=normal, 2=UV, 3=assignment, 4=skin weight, 5=tangent BYTE UsageIndex BYTE Type // compression format (see below) BYTE Offset // Offset into the vertex declaration for the data
Compression formats: 07 = 3 floats in 4 words. The fourth word is an unsigned scaler, multiply each signed word by 1/scaler (or use 512 if zero) 06 = 2 floats in two words. Multiply the signed values by 1/32767 05 = 3 floats in 4 bytes. Order is little-endian, use the low order byte (4th) as an unsigned scaler value. For each remaining signed byte, if negative, add it, if positive, subtract it, then multiple the result by 1/scaler, or by 1/127 if scaler is 0 04 = 4 small ints.
Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:PackedFileTypes
Sims 3:Main Page -> Sims 3:RCOL