User talk:MogHughson

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Revision as of 15:39, 17 January 2010 by MogHughson (Talk | contribs)

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Heya Mog,

I've noticed all the variable pages you've been creating - useful info, but they'd be even more useful if they were prefixed with the game they apply to (i.e. Sims 2:Stack Object's definition or Sims 3:Stack Object's definition); and hopefully indexed somewhere to make them easier to find. I can't remember if regular users can move pages or if that has to be done by a sysop (mod); if it's the latter, poke me and I'll add whichever prefix you tell me is needed. :)


whiterider 09:05, 4 January 2010 (CST)


They are indexed off of Sims 2 Variables (recently renamed) and I am working my way through them renaming to be prefixed with "Sims 2". Once I'm don't I'm gonna have to get you to delete the by then unrequired redirect pages that it automatically generates on a move. They are useful for finding all the links, but should be removed once they are not linked to. I'll make a list and post on here later.

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