Sims 3:Modding

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Revision as of 12:09, 22 August 2009 by Deluxe Designs (Talk | contribs)

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Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns | Objects | Building | Worlds | Modding | Modding Reference 


This page is designed to help you learn any new techniques and gain a better understanding of The Sims 3 and its utilities and tools. Please feel free to browse around all of the sections to find appropriate tutorials and information, main sections are outlines below to guide you.

Don't Panic!

Is this your first visit to the tutorials section of the wiki? Well do not fear, we shall have you modding in no time, each tutorial is given a ratings and information page of its own that will help you gain an overall understand of what each tutorial aims to teach.

Tutorial Sections:


CAS Tutorials

Things you can stick on your sims - skintones, clothing, and more.


Pattern, Wall and Floor Tutorials

Create a Style patterns for use on all manner of items in-game, plus wallpapers and floor coverings.


Object Creation Tutorials

New objects that can be placed in game as furniture or build mode objects.


Building Tutorials

Instructions and help on building the perfect lot in Sims 3.


Create a World Tutorials

Sculpt and paint your very own world for your game.


General Modding Tutorials

Creating gameplay modifications and the like.


Advanced Modding Reference

If you are interested in all the file formats that go to make up the game.

Tutorials by Category

CAS | Patterns | Objects | Building | Worlds | Modding | Modding Reference 

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