Tutorials:Changing Lot Pictures
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Revision as of 00:22, 27 July 2006 by TatianaDokuchic (Talk | contribs)
When a lot is uploaded to The Sims2 Exchange a number of pictures are automaticly generated so that they can be used in the presentation of that lot. This includes, for example, an overall view of the lot which will appear both as a thumbnail on the Lot Listing page and full sized on the Lot Detail page. These images often leave much to be desired, especially if the lot is smaller in size. This article describes the use of SimPE to change these default pictures, replacing them with a user's customized image. Note that the original research for this article was conducted and documented by Stw402 aka Tamlo31.
- Before starting it is very important that a backup of the lot is made.
- SimPE must be installed on your machine.
- Enter the game.
- Move the desired lot into the lot bin. This has the effect of timestamping the lot making it easier to locate within SimPe.
- Exit the game.
- Enter SimPE
- Select File > Open
- Go into my documents/sims 2/LotCatalog
- Select Details > Date Modified
- The lot should be the most recent lot changed since it was just moved into the lot bin.
- Load the lot
- On the left of the screen select Filetypes > Jpg/tga/png image
- Select Plugin view