Sims 2 My

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There are lots of fields here that can be accessed through the My variable.

Hex # Name Description
0x0000 graphic This is a number which represents the model or mesh that the object is currently using / made of. For example, love letters are cards when set upon a table, but envelopes when on the floor – two different meshes. The names of these meshes are taken from Text List (STR#) resource 0x00000085 (see String Resources for all the different Text List usages) and this attribute contains the number which points at the correct string.

Of course, in general you don't see graphic being set-up unless an object has multiple meshes to choose between. This is because the default graphic is used. This is set in the OBJD Resource, RAW Data section, Resource cross-refs

0x0001 direction
0x0002 container id Some objects must be on or in something, for example, the coffee maker must be on a counter. The counter would be represented by the container id.
0x0003 slot number
0x0004 allowed height flags
0x0005 all adjancency flags
0x0006 Stop Base Interaction
0x0007 Niceness Score
0x0008 flags
0x0009 footprint index
0x000A route penalty
0x000B object id The run-time ID that represents this object or Sim.
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