Game Help:CAW Framework
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Making Create-a-World Recognize Custom Content
Create-a-World (CAW) just like The Sims 3 game system, relies on DBPF package system. Previously Fresh-Prince found that CAW recognize custom content installed via Sims3Pack installer or Sims 3 Launcher. Later after the discovery of Unknown7 usage on OBJD entry, it is found out that we can create a framework similar to Old Framework system inside CAW installation folder (default: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create a World Tool\).
Manual Installation
Currently only manual installation available for this method.
Step 1: Edit Resource.cfg
Inside CAW program folder, there is already Resource.cfg created by CAW installation. Copy it into another folder, then edit it using Notepad or your desired text editor. Leave all content that already in Resource.cfg! Only append the text below in the end of Resource.cfg file.
Priority 501 DirectoryFiles Files/... autoupdate Priority 500 PackedFile Packages/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package
After you finish appending those text above, replace the original CAW's Resource.cfg with the edited one. Don't forget you should back up the original file.
Step 2: Create Packages Folder
You may choose between these two methods to create Packages folder for CAW.
Step 2a: Create "Normal" Packages Folder
Just create a folder named Packages inside the CAW program folder. You need to put all custom content inside this folder in order to be recognized by CAW
Step 2b: Create a Symbolic Link to Packages folder in The Sims 3 Framework
This method is slightly advanced but useful, which you will not need to maintain redundant copy of Packages folder inside your computer. This method only works with Windows Vista, 2008, or 7.
- Run Command Prompt as Administrator (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt , right click the icon then chose Run As Administrator)
- Type MKLINK /D "[CAW Program Folder]\Packages" "[The Sims 3 Framework/Packages Folder]" then press enter. In example if you have the old framework style where your packages located in The Sims 3 program folder: MKLINK /D "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 Create a World Tool\Packages" "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages". Remember that if you use Ambitions style of framework, the Packages folder should be located inside your Documents folder.
- If step 2 is succeed, it will says "The symbolic link created ..."
After that the program will recognize that Packages folder is exist inside CAW program folder, which actually linked to The Sims 3 package folder. It works so much like a shortcut but slightly different. All the CC you installed inside The Sims 3 package folder will be linked automatically to CAW package folder. So you will need to maintain only one Package folder, the The Sims 3 one.