Game Help:Effect Moodlets

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Zombies are added to sims 3 with the seventh expanison pack for sims 3 called the sims 3 supernatural.

How to decome a zombie

To create your own zombie there are to ways to make them. The frist way is by a drinking a zombiefaction potion making them zombies, zombieism can be cured by drinking another potion. The second way to turn sims into zomies is to be bitten by one.Using anyone of these ways will turn your sim into zombie.

Features of zombies

Zombie Sims can try to attack Sims of any supernatural types. They tend to move slower than non zombie sims. There are other ways to have Sims to become zombies in a town. There is a cure to transform a zombie Sim to a normal sim. Sims can be transform to become permanent zombie sims. Zombies can not woohoo. Zombies will try to destroy your garden unless you have the peashooter to ward them off Zombies do not attack children.

Vampires cannot be turned into zombies though if bitten they will cough like normal sims do but do not transform,unless randomly transformed by the game at the Full Moon.


If you want zombies during the day then set it to the full moon phase and when its the full moon. Wait for zombies to appear the chanage it back to rotional lunar phases and with luck the zombies will still be there and even appear during the day.

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