Game Help:Sims 2 Cheats

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MTS's Sims 2 Q&A Help Forums



  • Help: I can't place objects diagonal/45 degrees/tilted!
RightArrow.gif See allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation
  • Help: I can't place doors or windows!
RightArrow.gif See snapObjectsToGrid
Sims 2 Cheats
Basegame.gif UNI-ep1.gif NL-ep2.gif OFB-ep3.gif Pets-ep4.gif


To use cheats

Bring up the cheat console by holding down CTRL, SHIFT, C at the same time. This will bring a small white box up at the top of your screen. Type the cheats in there and hit ENTER. Cheats may be case sensitive, so make sure you enter the cheats with the capital letters as shown. Don't enter the brackets around the variables when you enter the cheat.

If you don't get the cheat box when you do CTRL, SHIFT, C, then look here.

Some cheats are expansion-pack specific, and you must have the expansion pack that cheat was released in (or any expansion pack released afterward) for it to work in your game. The icon(s) with each cheat denote which EPs that cheat is included in. If a cheat just has an icon for the base game (original), it will work even if you just have the base game installed, and will work with any and all EPs.

If you would like to make a user startup cheat file (so you don't have to enter certain cheats every time you play) you can do so by following this.

Build Cheats

Cheats that are helpful in building on lots. For specific tutorials on using these cheats to create your dream lot, see: Tutorials:Build Mode Tutorials.

RightArrow.gif boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation [true/false]


Allows users to rotate any object in 45 degree increments. Use the < and > (, and .) keys to rotate the objects; clicking and dragging to rotate will only rotate in 90 degree increments.

  • Sims may have problems using some objects placed at a 45 degree angle, like televisions and appliances. Plan for objects placed at an angle to be purely decorative.
  • This cheat can be used even if you have no expansion packs by using this hacked object.

RightArrow.gif boolProp snapObjectsToGrid [true/false]

TBase Game

Toggles the ability to fine-tune the placement of items, instead of being limited to just placing them at certain spots on the grid.

  • If you find you can't place windows and doors because they won't snap properly onto walls, disable this cheat (and/or remove it from your user startup.cheat file) and try again.

RightArrow.gif deleteAllFences


Remove all fences from the lot. You must be in build mode to use this cheat.

RightArrow.gif deleteAllWalls


Remove all walls from the lot. You must be in build mode to use this cheat.

RightArrow.gif deleteAllHalfWalls


Remove all half-walls from the lot. You must be in build mode to use this cheat.

RightArrow.gif deleteAllAwnings


Remove all awnings from the lot. You must be in build mode to use this cheat.

RightArrow.gif deleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs]


Removes all build mode objects of the chosen type from the lot. You must be in build mode to use this cheat.

RightArrow.gif individualRoofSlopeAngle [15-75]


Similar to the roofSlopeAngle cheat from Nightlife, this cheat allows you to change individual pieces of roof, separate from the other roof parts. To use, first build the roof. Then enter the cheat. Acceptable values are 15-75 (degrees). While the roof tool is still selected, hold down CTRL and ALT and click on the the section of roof that you want to change. The roof will change angles.

  • This cheat was broken when Pets shipped - you could change the angle but it would not save with the lot. You must download and install the Pets Patch for it to save properly.

RightArrow.gif Multi-placement on walls (not entered into the cheat console - see description)


Press the CTRL + ALT keys while trying to place an object on a wall. Placement rules on walls will be removed, and you will be able to place any wall object on a wall already occupied by another object.

RightArrow.gif roofSlopeAngle [15-75]


Adjust angle of all roofs on the lot. Acceptable values are 15-75, which seem to equate to the angle in degrees.

RightArrow.gif changeLotZoning [residential/community/greek/dorm/secretsociety]


Changes the zoning type of the lot. Before rezoning a lot using this cheat, make sure there are no Sims currently living in the lot. To use this cheat, enter the lot that you would like to rezone, and then enter the cheat, choosing one of these zoning options. Save and exit to neighborhood and re-enter the lot. More specific information on using this cheat can be found at: Game Help:Change Lot Zoning.

RightArrow.gif boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled [true/false]


Enables build/buy mode tools that would normally be disabled when in a dorm lot. This will also allow you to enable build/buy mode when on a community lot, though your changes will not save with the lot.

RightArrow.gif setHighestAllowedLevel [number]


Sets the amount of floors allowed (so you can build higher). You cannot go higher than 16 or the game will crash.

  • The Dormer Trick: If you do not have any expansions (you only own the base game) OR if this cheat does not function for you (it appears to work only occasionally or not at all in later expansions) then you can try the following trick:
    • Build up to the highest level you can.
    • On that top level, place a dormer (they're in with the roofs and such). This will let you build one more level up.
    • Put a wall or something up on that next level.
    • Remove the dormer (ctrl-click and drag with the wall tool, remove roofs).
    • Continue building on your new level.
    • Repeat as necessary.

RightArrow.gif boolProp lotTerrainPaints [true/false]

TBase Game

Set to false to turn off viewing terrain paints (ground cover) on the lot. This cheat does not appear to remove them, just makes them invisible.

RightArrow.gif boolProp lotWater [true/false]

TBase Game

Set to false to remove water (ponds) on the lot.

RightArrow.gif boolProp lockTiles [true/false]

TBase Game

Set to false to place floor tiles at the very edge of the lot and to change the tiles of the road and sidewalks.

RightArrow.gif moveObjects [on/off]

TBase Game

Allows you to move and delete objects in build mode that you cannot normally move or delete. Mainly used in building to overlap objects to create interesting effects.

  • Use with caution: deleting certain items such as the mailbox, trashcan, and community phone can cause problems with a lot.
  • Deleting a sim living on your lot, saving, and exiting will result in that sim being restored and standing at the mailbox when you re-enter the lot, which can be useful if they're stuck or otherwise bugged.

TBase Game boolProp constrainFloorElevation [true/false] - Toggles the ability to change the elevation of floor tiles in areas that already have walls, floors, and foundations on them.

Movie/Picture Cheats

Cheats that may be of use in movie-making and picture-taking.

OFB Pets Plumbbobtoggle [on/off] - Toggles display of the plumbbob. Will not work in a user startup cheat file; must be entered in-game.

NL OfB Pets showHeadlines [on/off] - Removes thought and speech balloons as well as relationship gain/loss graphics. Will not work in a user startup cheat file; must be entered in-game.

NL OfB Pets setLotLightingFile [filename] - Allows the player to create a new lighting file with specific lot lighting values. Used to make special light settings per lot.

TBase Game slowMotion [speed] - Use to slow down the game speed to aid in capturing a picture at just the right moment. 0 is normal speed, 8 is slowest.

TBase Game boolProp objectShadows [true/false] - Toggles display of shadows from objects outside the house.

TBase Game boolProp guob [true/false] - Toggles display of shadows from objects inside the house.

TBase Game boolProp simShadows [true/false] - Toggles display of shadows from sims.

TBase Game floatprop particleDensity [0-15] - Changes the amount of stink in green clouds in the game. 1 is default, 0 is no visible stink cloud at all. The game will allow very high numbers but there isn't really a visible difference past 10.

TBase Game boolProp enablePostProcessing [true/false] - Enables the use of postprocessing cheats. You must have a video card that can handle pixel shaders in order to successfully use this cheat. If you use the cheats and you don't have pixel shaders, the screen will most likely go partially dark, and will not come back until you turn off enablePostProcessing. If you turn on postprocessing, and you turn on cinematics, and a cinematic plays, you may also experience unwanted graphical glitches.

TBase Game bloom [R G B X] - Adds a blur effect, like a sitcom flashback moment, with a tint if you so choose. Acceptable values are from 0.0 - 1.0. To calculate RGB value, divide each number by 255. X is the amount of bloom. Must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

TBase Game vignette [centerX centerY X] - Adds a blur effect from the specified center. Using "vignette 0.5 0.5 0.5" should put some blurry bits at the edge of the screen. "vignette 0.5 0.5 1.0" will give the maximum edge blurryness. Acceptable values are from 0.0 - 1.0. X is the amount of vignetting effect to apply. Must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

TBase Game filmGrain [amount] - This cheat makes the screen grainy. Acceptable values are from 0.0 - 1.0. Must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

TBase Game letterBox [amount] - Adds a letterbox effect to the view. Acceptable values are from 0.0 - 1.0. Must have entered boolProp enablePostProcessing true for this cheat to work.

Neighborhood Cheats

Cheats which must be applied at neighborhood view, or change the neighborhood view.

NL OFB Pets familyFunds [familyname] [amount] - Sets the chosen family's funds to the given level (does not add the amount given, but sets it). If the family name has a space in it, you can put it in quotes - i.e. to set the di Marco family's funds to 30000 you'd do: familyFunds "di Marco" 300000

NL OFB Pets terrainType [Desert/Temperate/Dirt/Concrete] - Change the neighborhood's terrain type. You will have to exit the neighborhood (by entering another one) and return to it before your changes will be visible. Only seems to work for the whole neighborhood when changing to desert. Entering any other type reverts to grass except for lots themselves, but not the neighborhood terrain.

basegame boolProp lotTerrainLighting [true/false] - Toggle lots lighting up when highlighted.

basegame boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel [true/false] - Toggle bridges showing up in neighborhood.

basegame boolProp displayLotImposters [true/false] - Toggles buildings showing up in neighborhood.

basegame boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater [true/false] - Toggles display of water in neighborhood.

basegame boolProp displayNeighborhoodFlora [true/false] - Toggles display of trees and plants in neighborhood.

basegame boolProp displayNeighborhoodRoads [true/false] - Toggles display of roads in neighborhood.

basegame boolProp displayNeighborhoodProps [true/false] - Toggles display of neighborhood props like rocks and towers in neighborhood.

basegame boolprop nhoodWaterReflection [true/false] - Toggles reflection on water in neighborhood view.

basegame boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled [true/false] - Toggles camera movement when idle in neighborhood view.

basegame boolProp carsCompact [true/false] - Toggles detail level of cars in neighborhood.

basegame boolProp carsOnRight [true/false] - Toggles cars driving on left/right in neighborhood view.

basegame boolProp lotInfoAdvancedMode [true/false] - Toggles display of lot information in neighborhood. Didn't seem to do anything during testing.

basegame boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename [true/false] - Toggles display of lot's filename when lot is highlighted in neighborhood.

basegame deleteAllCharacters - Deletes all sims including NPCs and townies from the neighborhood. Useful if you have new facial defaults and replacement townie names you would like to apply to everyone in a new neighborhood to regenerate all prettier townies with better names at once. Not for use on played, inhabited neighborhoods.

Gameplay Cheats

Cheats that make the game easier.

Pets boolProp petActionCancel [true/false] - Allows the user to cancel pet actions in the queue.

Pets boolProp ControlPets [on/off] - Control your pets and assign them actions.

Pets boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging [true/false] - Toggle aging for puppies and kittens. Does not work on adult animals.

Pets boolprop PetsFreeWill [true/false] - Toggle free will for pets.

OFB Pets AddneighbortoFamilycheat [on/off] - Enables an interaction on non-controllable Sims to add them to your family.

OFB Pets Forcetwins - When a Sim is pregnant, this Sim has to be selected and the cheat entered. The Sim will automatically deliver twins.

OFB Pets setHour [0 - 23] - Sets the hour of the day.

NL OFB Pets unlockCareerRewards - For the currently selected sim, they immediately gain access to all career reward objects in the catalog.

NL OFB Pets maxMotives - Maxes the motive bars of all sims currently on the lot (controllable and uncontrollable).

NL OFB Pets motiveDecay [on/off] - Stops/Starts motive decay for all sims currently on the lot.

NL OFB Pets lockAspiration [on/off] - Stops aspiration decay/gain.

NL OFB Pets aspirationPoints [amount] - Assigns the chosen aspiration points to the currently selected sim to buy aspiration reward objects. Does not effect the sim's aspiration level.

NL OFB Pets aspirationLevel [0-5] - Effects the currently selected sim's aspiration level. 0 will drop them into the red, 5 will put them in platinum. Does not effect their pool of aspiration points to buy aspiration reward objects.

NL OFB Pets agesimscheat [on/off] - Enables "Set Age" when clicking on a sim, which will let you easily change their age group (and allow you to de-age them as well) The "Set Age" interaction will also appear on all objects until you turn off the cheat.

basegame aging [on/off] - Disables aging for all sims on the lot.

basegame kaching - Add 1000 simoleons to the current family's funds.

basegame motherlode - Add 50,000 simoleons to the current family's funds.

basegame intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims [number] - Allows you to have a decent-sized party, instead of just being able to invite two sims. You may have to leave and re-enter the lot or enter this cheat in the neighborhood screen before entering the lot to be able to invite more party guests.

Miscellaneous Cheats

basegame help - Lists all the cheats.

basegame help [cheatname] - Displays specific information about the cheat.

basegame exit or ESC - Closes the cheat window.

basegame expand - Expands or contracts the cheat window.

basegame clear - Clears the cheat log from the expanded cheat window, but any cheats are still in effect.

basegame autoPatch [on/off] - This cheat lets you enable notification of when there is a game update available for The Sims 2. To check for a patch, set to "on" and go to the Custom Content Browser (the little snowflake button on the User Control Panel in the neighborhood view). If there's an update available you'll be asked whether you want to download it.

basegame boolProp renderSelectedSimLevel [true/false] - Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected sim.

basegame boolProp renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel [true/false] - Toggle showing objects only on the level the currently selected sim is on (similar to object hiding in the game's graphical options).

basegame boolProp displayPaths [true/false] - Set to true to see the path where the selected sim walks to.

basegame boolProp displayLookAtBoxes [true/false] - Set to true and blocks appear on sims faces and on parts where sims are looking.

basegame boolProp allObjectLightsOn [true/false] - Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used.

basegame vsync [on/off] - Set to off to slightly improve graphics performance, but you may experience graphics glitches.

basegame boolProp guob [true/false] - Toggle shadows on objects inside houses.

basegame boolProp objectShadows [true/false] - Toggle shadows on objects outside houses.

basegame boolprop reflectionWithExtraViewer [true/false] - Toggle reflection on mirrors.

basegame stretchSkeleton [value] - Use to stretch or squash your sims to change their height. Acceptable values are from 0.0 - 2.0. 1 is normal. Sims will revert to their default heights upon exiting the lot. You must use SimPE to make their height changes permanent. Information on doing so can be found here.

basegame faceBlendLimits [on/off] - Toggles facial bounding limitations. Set to off to remove the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.

basegame floatProp tvVolume [number] - Allows you to change the volume of the television. Acceptable values are 0.0 - 1.0 (a good low level is 0.2).


Warning! This cheat is for advanced users, and improper use of it may cause problems in the game. Use at your own risk!!!

basegame boolProp testingCheatsEnabled [true/false] - Used by Maxis for testing certain aspects of the game. This cheat has many, MANY uses, not all of them useful for the player, and some of them potentially harmful. If you must use the testingCheatsEnabled cheat, only enable it for exactly as long as you need to use it, then turn it back off. You will likely experience errors if you leave this cheat on - the cheat itself does not cause errors, but shows you errors that were happening anyway. If you do get errors, click CANCEL or RESET on them.

A guide to the testing cheats is available here


Originally written by HystericalParoxysm

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