Game Help:GCCTSU11
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Object Recolours Don't Show Up
If you're downloading recolours for objects, and they're not showing up on the object...
Looking in the Right Place?
Object recolours will show up under the object, in its description panel. Look at the pic below, at the three recolours in the description panel. Recolours will show up on custom objects and Maxis objects in the same way, like this.
Reinstall/Install CEP
The main reasons that object recolours won't show up in your game (assuming you've installed them properly) are:
- You haven't installed CEP
- Your install of CEP has become corrupted
- You've moved, deleted, or otherwise lost the _EnableColorOptionsGMND.package - an essential file for CEP that should be in your Downloads folder.
CEP stands for "Color Enable Package" and is essential to the proper function of object recolours. You need CEP!