Fansite:Mia Sims 2

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Revision as of 18:54, 27 September 2007 by Whiterider (Talk | contribs)

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Mia Sims 2 is a fansite offering 100% free sims 2 content.


Mia Sims 2 offers clothing for men and women, makeup, skin, eyes, hair, objects for build and buy mode, houses, lots, and sims

Terms of Use

You may:

  • include Mia Sims 2 stuff in your packaged lots or sims and put them to entirely FREE sites (please add a functional link to Mia Sims 2)
  • use the pictures for "finds", recommendations or other (don't hotlink = don't use direct links to the files)
  • use the stuff for your pictures, stories or other screenshots

You may not:

  • include the stuff in your packaged lots or sims and put them to the PAY SITES
  • publish the content as your work and redistribute them anywhere(including and
  • hotlink to the pictures and files

External Links

Mia Sims 2

Personal tools

game select