Hey, where has my stuff gone? Who is that guy wearing striped clothes and why is he in my house?
What are they and what do they do?
Burglars are NPC Sims which sneak into your house at night and steal your Sim's possessions, regardless of locked doors.
How do I protect against my Sim's stuff being stolen?
The best way is to buy a burglar alarm. These can be find in Buy Mode>Electronics and cost 250 simoleans each. Expensive if your Sim family is poor, but it'll be more expensive if a burglar does rob your Sims. You need to place one burglar alarm in each room which has a door leading to outside of the house, i.e. front doors, doors leading to the garden, etc.
Locking the doors so that only your Sim's household can use them will not protect against Burglars.
If a burglar tries to rob your house when you have an alarm, the police will be alerted immediatly and will come and catch the thief.
However, if you don't have an alarm and a robber appears, your only option is to phone for the police, as soon as possible; otherwise the robber will have time to grab your Sim's stuff and run. The police will arrive quickly when you ring them.
What happens when the police arrive?
When the police arrive, the policeman/woman will attack the burglar. Hopefully, the theif will then be arrested and taken into the police car, and you will get a message saying thanks from the policeman/woman.
However, sometimes (at least when a robber appeared while I was playing) even if the policeman/woman defeats the robber in a fight, the robber will still run away afterwards. However the chances of this happening is small, and as long as you phone the police ASAP you'll catch your burglar. Yay!
If the police is successful, you may get your stolen possessions back.