Lovelove bittymitten

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Revision as of 17:35, 2 February 2008 by Lalachloe (Talk | contribs)

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<a href="">Lovelove Bittymitten</a>, or LLBM is a Sims 2 website that offers stylish clothing for male and female sims. This site offers original designs as well as replicas of real-life couture designer's clothing; such as Marc Jacobs, Chloe, Juicy, and others. LLBM launched in January 2008 and hails from Vancouver, BC Canada.

Interestingly, the face of LLBM, a blonde sim with a black headband known as LoLo has a <a href="">myspace</a> page for the clothing company. This myspace page has its own cult following with the sims-on-myspace community. <p> The creator of Lovelove Bittymitten can also be found at The Sims resource under the name bittymittenz. [1] [2]

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