User talk:Kacheek22

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Revision as of 14:17, 15 November 2008 by Whiterider (Talk | contribs)

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IMPORTANT NOTICE to all "Sims 2 Model" page writers

Sims2Wiki staff will no longer clean up your mess.

All sims 2 show pages must use the Sims Show: namespace - when creating an article, you must name it "Sims Show:Sims 2 Next Top Something", or whatever your show is called.

In addition, there appear to be many versions of these shows. Take a moment to think about whether or not your show's name is unique, and if isn't, make it unique - add "by YourName" to the end of the title, or somesuch.

Any articles created in breach of the above will be deleted. Continual breaking of these rules may result in a ban.

Thankyou to those who have already taken note of the above and are using the namespace correctly.

- whiterider 07:17, 15 November 2008 (CST)

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