Game Help Talk:Cheat Box Won't Appear

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I have HP Health Check on my laptop...can't get the cheat box either. How do I disable it? I can't find a way within Health Check to change the shortcut. Is there a way to change the Ctrl/Shift/C shortcut to something else within Sims 2? Please help...this is so frustrating! Thanks so Much!


Please ask questions on MTS2 in the Game Help section. We don't answer questions here - talk pages are just for adding or correcting info.

HystericalParoxysm 15:59, 9 December 2008 (CST)

Hope you've found the answer already, but if not, this is what helped me. Right Click HP Health Check, and go to properties, click the short cut tab, and then go down to the short cut window. The short cut for this program is also ctrl+shift+c, right? Obviously. So just change it or dodn't even have a short cut key for it at all. it's what I did.

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