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copied from: http://www.customsims3.com/forum1/YaBB.pl?num=1214408105

Properties files


Properties files have a very simple structure, or at least in principle they do. The general idea is they consist of a set of "variable=value" items. The number of variables is the first value in the file, and everything after that is data, up to the end of the file. Unfortunately, the name of these variables are hashed or taken from a look-up list, so they're encoded. Even more unfortunate, there are several different types of variables -- integer, float, boolean, et cetera. And yet /more/ unfortunate, Maxis couldn't decide how to store the data, so they used several different strategies. Oh well. Let's see if I can put it together.

A Properties file -- a file of type 0x00b1b104 in the Packages -- starts with a uint32 containing the number of following variables. This uint32 is stored "BIG-ENDIAN" -- Motorola style (as well as English), with its highest byte stored first. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endianness for a full explanation. In short, it means Windows users have to write a routine to read in 4 bytes in the correct order. Go ahead and write it; you will need it later on to read a few more numbers. And if you happen to use a system that uses big-endian number storage (perhaps you're using a Mac or a *nix machine), you will need a routine to do the reverse, as not all numbers are stored the same way(!) I will tell which numbers are stored BIG-ENDIAN below; the other numbers are stored, evidentally, LITTLE-ENDIAN.

A simple diagram to illustrate our progress (this will be expanded further down below):

  NumberOfItems * [Item: ...]

Every single item defines one single variable, but that doesn't mean you have a simple list of "variable=value". First off, an item starts with its 4 byte identifier. This may be a hashed value from its full ASCII form, or just a number someone at Maxis thought up without any relation to the actual name (i.e., for "missionStarMapEffectGroup", its hashed value 0xf924ebf3 is used; for "cameraZoomScale" I found the non-related value 0x00c7c4f8). The hashed ID is stored BIG-ENDIAN.

The NumberOfItems may actually be zero -- in that case, the file ends there and then.

Following that comes a ushort16 value (also BIG-ENDIAN) that sets the value type. Next is a ushort16 value (again BIG-ENDIAN) that serves as some kind of array specifier.


The type is one of these:

   1: bool      
   9: int32     
0x0a: uint32    
0x0d: float     
0x12: string8   
0x13: string    
0x20: key       
0x22: texts     
0x30: vector2   
0x31: vector3   
0x32: colorRGB  
0x33: vector4   
0x34: colorRGBA 
0x38: transform 
0x39: bbox      

and they come with some caveats!

Before we jump into the types, let's talk a bit more about that ushort16 specifier. If this value is 0 (0000h), the following data is a single value of its type, and this value immediately follows the specifier. If it is 0x9C (009Ch), an array of values follows (all of the same variable type), and two more items are provided: a uint32 (BIG-ENDIAN) ArrayNumber and a uint32 (BIG-ENDIAN) ArraySize. The ArrayNumber specifies how much values follow; the ArraySize (the size of each single value in bytes) is probably not necessary, since each type already has a well-defined size, but you might find it useful for debugging purposes. If you do so, note that it contains the wrong value for string and string8 -- it's always "16" (no suprise, because each following string can have a different length). I think I saw a few values other than 0 and 0x9C, but so far, 0x9C is the only "special" one, and all others work for a single value only.

So our little ASCII diagram looks like this


for the specifier value 0x9c; for other specifiers, omit the ArrayNumber and ArraySize members.

Right after this little structure, the data itself follows; a single value, or, for an array, all of its members. Sometimes padding is added, right after the data proper; if so, it is noted per item. The ArrayNumber may be "0", and in that case no item data follows at all (Hey!) and the next data is an entirely new item.


Let's start simple, shall we. Just a single byte, a boolean value, 0 or 1. I haven't seen any other values. An array of these simply looks like the byte sequence "0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1"; no binary packing of any kind is used.


A signed 4 byte integer, stored BIG-ENDIAN. This value is stored as a number, but that number may signify just about anything. You might find, for example, it refers to another file (so it should be interpreted as an 8-char wide hex 'name'), as a color value (0xffffff00), or as an enumerated value ("modelFloraType: 1/2/3 = small/medium/large"); usually, though, it's just a number, as in "screenWidth 800".


An unsigned 4 byte integer (stored BIG-ENDIAN). The big brother of the above, used if the sign of the number doesn't matter.


An IEEE 754 single precision floating point number, as it officially is known (stored BIG-ENDIAN). C/C++ users can safely assume it's a 4 byte single float.


A simple ASCII string. It starts off with its length -- a uint32 (BIG-ENDIAN) --, followed by "length" ASCII characters. There is no terminating character.


This one is probably used in the interface, to account for all possible languages Spore may be translated to. It also starts with its length (a uint32, BIG-ENDIAN), but this time it is followed by "length" 2-byte Unicode characters, each of which is 2 bytes long. That means the string buffer should be at least (2*length) long. It also doesn't end with a terminating character.

key --- Slightly getting complicated. It consists of 3 uint32s (each stored LITTLE-ENDIAN, apparently), and these might be interpreted in several ways. Most commonly, it is a File/Type/Group identifier (in that order). For example,

DB107981h 2F7D0004h 0355BA26h

is a PNG file (type 0x2f7d0004) in group 0x0355BA26, with id 0xDB107981. (This one is a "creatureAbilityIcon", apparently.) However, the numbers may also mean something else; as far as I can see, they're not exclusively file specifications.

It gets complicated from here, because its storage differs whether it appears in an array or not. If it's NOT an array, it is followed by a single uint32, with no apparent value at all -- it might just be padding. If it is stored as an array, only the triplets of values appear.


This one has, so far, the most complicated setup yet. If it appears in an array, the text is encoded as uint32 FileSpec, uint32 Identifier, (ArraySize - 8) bytes of Unicode characters (that means the Unicode string length is (ArraySize-8)/2 characters long -- although usually, most of it is padding zeroes). If it appears as a single item, it starts again with a uint32 ArrayNumber and uint32 ArraySize. Following that is the FileSpec / Identifier / String as above.

The FileSpec is the file identifier of a regular text file, containing full text strings (these might be translations). Each text string there starts with the same identifier as specified here, so the program can find the correct translated string for this one.


Back to a regular one. This contains 2 IEEE floats (this time stored LITTLE-ENDIAN). If they appear as a single item, they are followed by 2 uint32s of padding (most likely); if they are in an array, they are not padded.


This one contains, not surprisingly, 3 IEEE floats (also LITTLE-ENDIAN). If it appears on its own, it is followed by a single uint32 of padding; in an array, all vector3s are stored sequentially with nothing inbetween.


Stored the same as vector3 (including a padding uint32 when appearing single). The values typically are between 0.0 and 1.0, perfectly valid for an RGB value stored as floats.


These are 4 IEEE floats, and this time no padding in sight. Apparently, 4 floating point numbers form a quaternion, or so I'm told.


Here we have again 4 IEEE floats (also without padding), and it seems these are RGBA values in the range 0.0..1.0.


I wonder how to interpret this one (I didn't make up the name). It's a uint32 value (perhaps two uint16s), followed by no less than 13 float numbers.

bbox 24 bytes 6 single float numbers

This one is needlessly complicated :-) It always starts with a uint32:ArrayNumber / uint32:ArraySize pair, as if they always form an array of the 0x9C type. I haven't found an array of bboxes, so I can't check. The number/size pair is followed by (ArrayNumber) times 6 floats, and, as it says in "properties.txt", these define a bounding box with size "(min_x, min_y, min_z) (max_x, max_y, max_z)". Although "ArrayNumber" is usually 1, it also may be more; these other bounding boxes follow immediately after the first one, without any padding.

Sample file

File: DD91AC58-BB85808E-00B1B104 ("Charge1.prop")

00 00 00 09 00 B2 CC CB 00 20 00 00 4F F2 1B AE
00 00 00 00 62 B2 FC D2 FC 1A 9A 00 01 B7 C5 44
00 22 00 1C 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 08 B1 BB 53 71
17 00 00 00 43 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 67 00 65 00
20 00 28 00 50 00 4C 00 41 00 43 00 45 00 48 00
4F 00 4C 00 44 00 45 00 52 00 29 00 00 00 00 00
... and 1136 more values like these.

Properly written out, it appears as

00 00 00 09
    Number of items: 9
00 B2 CC CB 00 20 00 00 4F F2 1B AE 00 00 00 00 62 B2 FC D2 FC 1A 9A 00
    "parent" key AE1BF24Fh 00000000h D2FCB262h; padding 009A1AFCh
01 B7 C5 44 00 22 00 1C 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 08
    "creatureAbilityName" texts -- 1 item, 520 bytes each
B1 BB 53 71 17 00 00 00 43 00 68 00 61 00
72 00 67 00 65 00 20 00 28 00 50 00 4C 00
41 00 43 00 45 00 48 00 4F 00 4C 00 44 00
45 00 52 00 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (lots of zeros omitted)
    7153BBB1h 00000017h "Charge (PLACEHOLDER)"
01 B8 34 6A 00 0D 00 00 3F 80 00 00
    "creatureAbilityDamage" float 1.000000
02 15 4C 2A 00 0D 00 00 40 00 00 00
    "creatureAbilityEffectDuration" float 2.000000
04 05 2B 30 00 30 00 9C 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 08
    "creatureAbilityRequiredCAPsSumValueRange" vector2 -- array of 1 item, 8 bytes each
00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F
   (1.000000, 1.000000) ## note: no padding, as this is an array
04 23 BC 51 00 0A 00 9C 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 04
   "creatureAbilityCombatEffectEffectIds" uint32 -- array of 4 items, 4 bytes each
00 00 00 00 8A DA 66 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
   0 ## these are the 4 uints
04 A3 5E E9 00 0D 00 00 40 A0 00 00
   "creatureAbilityRangeMin" float 5.000000
04 D7 FF 37 00 20 00 00 20 73 DD 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FC 1A 9A 00
   "verbIconRepresentativeAnimation" key 04DD7320h 00000000h 00000000h; padding 009A1AFCh
32 49 A3 20 00 22 00 1C 00 00 00 01 00 00 02 08
   "creatureAbilityDescription" texts -- 1 item, 520 bytes each
B1 BB 53 71 18 00 00 00 42 00 75 00 6C 00
6C 00 64 00 6F 00 7A 00 65 00 20 00 79 00
6F 00 75 00 72 00 20 00 77 00 61 00 79 00
20 00 6F 00 76 00 65 00 72 00 20 00 73 00 (lots of others omitted)
   7153BBB1h 00000018h "Bulldoze your way over smaller creatures. (PLACEHOLDER)"

Property IDs

One of the files in the main.package is coded "0x00000000-0x658B0AB2-0x024A0E52" (this most likely just means "properties.txt"), and contains a lot of definitions and examples of various ids. Other ids could be weeded out in tons of other files, all over the place -- I can't even guarantee they're all correct. The first 70-odd listed here, being rather small values, are in decimal; the rest is in hexadecimal. The stuff after the number sign # are comments which were in the original file, or something I thought of while putting the list together. Some values may appear double, either because of spelling variants ("modelLightColor" vs. "modelLightColour"), or (apparently) because they only can appear in a certain context ("wireframe" is such one, although I'm not sure as well how or where it may be "Global").

         0  Global
         0  wireframe   # bool false
         1  showFPS   # bool false
         2  renderUI   # bool true
         3  renderEffects   # bool true
         4  renderTerrain   # bool true
         5  renderModels   # bool true
         6  renderDebugDraw   # bool true
         9  showProfiler   # int 1 # 0=hide, 1=self 2=hier
        10  showProfilerGraph   # bool false
        11  cullingLevel   # int 3 # 0=none, 1=flat 2=hier, 3=occluders
        12  showCulling   # bool false
        13  showBBoxes   # bool false
        14  showPicking   # bool false
        15  showHulls   # bool false
        16  showGrid   # bool false
        17  textureStats   # bool true
        18  modelStats   # bool true
        19  renderStats   # bool true
        20  effectStats   # bool true
        21  showPropEditor   # bool false
        22  disableSkinning   # bool false
        23  profilerReportLength   # int 1 # 0 - short, 1 - medium, 2 - long
        24  profilerLogFactor   # float 0 # if non-zero, a frame that takes this times more time than average will generate a profile dump. E.g., 2
        25  profilerLogTime   # float 0 # if non-zero, a frame that takes longer than this (in seconds) will generate a profile dump. E.g., 0.1
        26  memoryProfilerMore   # bool false
        27  memoryProfilerSort   # int 3
        28  memoryProfilerLogSize   # int 0 # if non-zero, absolute size (KB) of allocations size spike to log a frame. E.g., 2000
        29  memoryProfilerLogFactor   # float 0 # if non-zero, spike factor over average allocation size to log a frame
        30  memoryProfilerWatchLines   # int 5 # number of watch window lines to use >=1 and <= 20
        31  memoryProfilerSmoothing   # float 0.2 # (from [0, 1] - 1 is the smoothest)
        32  memoryProfilerBySystem   # bool false # whether to show a detailed memory-usage breakdown by system
        33  terrainLODThreshold   # float 500 # LOD threshold
        34  terrainLODMorphDistance   # float 100 # How rapidly we morph between LODs after a change
        35  terrainLODAspect   # float 0.25 # how much to weigh horizontal distance over vertical
        36  disableLogging   # bool false # disables all logging when set (including asserts)
        37  substituteMissingResources   # bool false # whether to substitute a dummy resource for missing models, textures, etc.
        38  shadows   # bool false # controls editor shadows
        39  modelLODDistanceScale   # float 1 # scale on model manager LOD values
        40  appModeControlsCamera   # bool false #
        41  MRT   # bool true # Does your graphics card support Multiple Render Targers (GeForce FX 5900 Ultra does not)
        42  dumpMemoryLeaks   # bool true # Dump memory leaks on shutdown (overridden to false by default for non-Debug builds)
        43  softwareCursor   # bool false # On some builds, enable software cursor
        44  frameLimitMS   # int 33 # if non-zero, the main game loop will always take at least this long, i.e., frame rate will be constant apart from long frames
        45  memoryLimit   # int 768 # if non-zero, we will report out-of-memory and do a memory dump when we hit this many MB
        46  uiScissor   # bool true # if true, use scissor rectangle instead of pixel-shader clipping
        47  EditorShowAnimSelecter   # bool false
        48  EditorShowRolloverInfo   # bool true
        49  EditorAutoZoomCameraEnabled   # bool true
        50  EditorDebugDrawRigblockAxis   # bool false
        51  EditorDebugDrawModel   # bool false
        52  EditorDebugDrawRigblockNames   # bool true
        53  EditorDebugDrawHierarchy   # bool true
        54  EditorDebugDrawBoneCount   # bool true
        55  EditorAnimateWhileEditing   # bool true
        57  EditorAutoCollapsePalette   # bool false # False == Manual Collapse mode, True == Auto Collapse
        58  DumpBaketimeTextures   # bool false # If true, it will save ambient occlusion, splatter and composite textures to Data dir
        59  EditorDebugDrawPhysicsHulls   # bool false
        60  disableBoneUploads   # bool false # whether to disable uploading bone constants
        61  SporeLiteIsOnlineHost   # bool false
        62  SporeLiteIsOnlineEnabled   # bool false
        63  PlayModeOn   # bool true
        64  EditorNewPalettes   # bool true
        65  EditorNewDataFiles   # bool true
        66  PaletteFeedMaxItems   # int 24
        68  BakingTemplateType   # int 0 # currently 0=normal, 1=minspec
        69  EditorEnablePanning   # bool false
        71  ShowTextLocations   # bool false
        72  showObstacleRadii   # bool false
        73  EditorAllowAsymmetry   # bool false
        74  EditorDebugDrawRigblockForZCorp   # bool false
0x00b1fc43  missionGenerousRewardunlockCount   # int 0
0x00b2ccca  description   # string "No description" # Description of the property list. Excluded from binary format.
0x00b2cccb  parent   # key
0x00b2cccb  template   # key
0x00b33bb5  InitialMode   # string ""
0x00c7c4f8  cameraZoomScale   # float
0x00c7c4f9  cameraRotateScale   # float
0x00c7c4fa  cameraInitialTarget   # float
0x00c7c4fa  cameraTranslateScale   # float
0x00c7c4fb  cameraInitialZoom   # float
0x00c7c4fc  cameraInitialPitch   # float
0x00c7c4fd  cameraInitialHeading   # float
0x00d77e98  RefreshRate   # int 60
0x00d77e99  Adapter   # int 0
0x00d77e9a  ReferenceDevice   # bool off
0x00d77e9b  HardwareVP   # bool on
0x00d77e9c  PureDevice   # bool off
0x00d77e9d  VSDebugging   # bool off
0x00d77e9e  PSDebugging   # bool off
0x00d77e9f  LowResMode   # bool off
0x00dd53f4  missionTargetAnimalSpecies   # key
0x00e5de84  ModelToLoad   # string
0x00e5de85  MVHandleSize   # float
0x00ed3775  Cameras
0x00ed3928  cameraType   # uint
0x00ed3929  cameraName   # string16
0x00ed392a  cameraBackgroundColor   # colorRGBA
0x00f75fb6  defaultMinChange   # float 0.05
0x00f761e5  keyboardRotationSpeed   # float 1.0
0x00f761ee  keyboardRotationLerpSteps   # uint 20
0x00f761f4  keyboardRotationLerpMinChange   # float 0.05
0x00f761fb  keyboardTranslationSpeed   # float 0.0
0x00f761ff  keyboardTranslationLerpSteps   # uint 20
0x00f76204  keyboardTranslationLerpMinChange   # float 0.05
0x00f76208  keyboardZoomSpeed   # float 5.0
0x00f7620d  keyboardZoomLerpSteps   # uint 20
0x00f76211  keyboardZoomLerpMinChange   # float 0.05
0x00f76215  keyboardZoomScale   # float 1.0
0x00f76218  subjectTrackingDeadZoneMagnitude   # float 1.0
0x00f9efb9  modelBoundingRadius   # float # overrides normal version from the associated mesh(es)
0x00f9efba  modelBoundingBox   # bbox # overrides normal version from the associated mesh(es)
0x00f9efbb  modelMeshLOD0   # key # High LOD mesh to use
0x00f9efbc  modelMeshLOD1   # key
0x00f9efbd  modelMeshLOD2   # key
0x00f9efbe  modelMeshLOD3   # key
0x00f9efbf  modelMeshLowRes   # key # used in lowres mode
0x00f9efc0  modelMeshHull   # key # physics hull for the editor
0x00fba610  modelOffset   # vector3
0x00fba611  modelScale   # float
0x00fba612  modelColor   # colorRGBA
0x00fba613  modelRotation   # vector3 # euler angles specified in degrees
0x00fba614  modelZCorpMinScale   # float 1.0 # minimum scale for printing in zcorp
0x00fc4b86  rotationPitchRatioMax   # float 1.0
0x00fc4c71  cameraPitchScaling   # float 0.005
0x00fc4c7f  continuousRotationScaling   # float 0.003
0x00fc4ca3  maxRotationDelta   # float 3.0
0x00fc5228  smoothCamZoomLevels   # floats 68.0 49.0 28.0 18.3 12.0
0x00fc6857  smoothCamFOVLevels   # floats 32.2 28.6 23.0 22.3 21.8
0x00fc7047  smoothCamNearClipLevels   # floats 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0x00fc704c  smoothCamFarClipLevels   # floats 500.0 500.0 500.0 500.0 500.0
0x00fc71fc  smoothCamMinPitchLevels   # floats 30.0 26.0 22.5 19.0 15.0
0x00fc7205  smoothCamMaxPitchLevels   # floats 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0
0x00fc78e7  smoothCamOrientations   # floats 10.0 55.0 100.0 145.0 190.0 235.0 280.0 325.0
0x00fe23b2  cameraMinZoomDistance   # float 10
0x00fe2437  cameraMaxZoomDistance   # float 200
0x00fe243b  cameraMinPitch   # float 0
0x00fe243f  cameraMaxPitch   # float 90
0x0100eab6  skylight   # colorRGB
0x0100eab7  skylightStrength   # float
0x0100eab8  lightSunDir   # vector3
0x0100eab9  lightSunColor   # colorRGB
0x0100eaba  lightSunStrength   # float
0x0100eabb  lightSkyDir   # vector3
0x0100eabc  lightSkyColor   # colorRGB
0x0100eabd  lightSkyStrength   # float
0x0100eabe  lightFill1Dir   # vector3
0x0100eabf  lightFill1Color   # colorRGB
0x0100eac0  lightFill1Strength   # float
0x0100eac1  lightFill2Dir   # vector3
0x0100eac2  lightFill2Color   # colorRGB
0x0100eac3  lightFill2Strength   # float
0x0100eac4  exposure   # float
0x0100eac5  shCoeffs   # colorRGBs # array of raw sh coeffs
0x0100eac6  cameraSpaceLighting   # bool
0x0100eac7  pointLightPos   # vector3
0x0100eac8  pointLightColor   # vector3
0x0100eac9  pointLightStrength   # float
0x0100eaca  pointLightRadius   # float
0x0100eacb  envHemiMap   # key # devebec-style light probe image
0x0100eacd  atmosphere   # vector4s # list of (r, g, b, phase)
0x0100eace  diffBounce   # colorRGB
0x0100eacf  specBounce   # colorRGB
0x0101de7d  TMCacheFrames   # int 10
0x0101fc2b  FluidEnabled   # bool false
0x010ae0ec  planetHeightMapRes   # uint
0x010ae0f5  planetControlMapRes   # uint
0x010b0aac  kHighestTesselation   # uint
0x010b0ac4  kHighestFaceQuadTesselation   # uint
0x010b0aca  kHighestAtmosphereFaceQuadTesselation   # uint
0x010b0acf  kNumLODs   # uint
0x010b0ad6  kNumFaceLODs   # uint
0x010b0adb  kQuadDimPerFace   # uint
0x010b0ae1  kFaceQuadLODDistance   # float
0x010b0ae7  kLODDistanceNormalizer   # float
0x010b0aeb  kLODTable   # floats
0x010b0af0  kFaceLODTable   # floats
0x010b0af4  kAtmosphereLODTable   # floats
0x010b0afa  kUseLayer1   # bool
0x010b0b00  kUseLayer2   # bool
0x010b0b05  kUseAtmosphere   # bool
0x010b0b0c  kUseLowLODShaders   # bool
0x010ebd75  kNightLighting   # float
0x010ebd87  kB2Range   # vector2
0x010ebd8e  kB3Range   # vector2
0x010ebd97  kB4Range   # vector2
0x010ebd9e  kAtmLuminenceRange   # vector2
0x010ebdad  kBelowTexTiling   # float
0x010ebdb6  kWaterTexTiling   # float
0x010ebdbe  kCliffTexTiling   # float
0x010eddbb  kUseCamGeometricDistToQuad   # bool
0x01102b20  cameraNearClip   # float
0x01102b2f  cameraFarClip   # float
0x01132287  RTTMPageSize   # int 1024
0x011322a0  RTTMNumPages   # int 0
0x01142594  ParticleSizeThreshold   # float 1
0x01142595  ParticleDensity   # float 1
0x01142596  ParticleScale   # float 1
0x01142597  ParticleMultThreshold   # int 20
0x01142598  MaxParticlesTarget   # int 100000 (200000?)
0x01142599  ParticleDamping   # float 0.9
0x0114259a  LODOffset   # float 0
0x0114259b  PriorityLevel   # int 3
0x0114259c  EffectLODSoftTransition   # bool true
0x0114259d  EffectMaxTimeDelta   # float 0.4
0x0114259f  LODDistanceScale   # float 1
0x011425a0  EffectsMaxEffects   # int 0
0x011425a1  EffectsMaxComponents   # int 0
0x011425a2  EffectsMaxSamples   # int 10000 (3000?)
0x0122c6c0  kOverrideGonzagoPlanetConfig   # bool
0x0122c6c9  kNumHeightMipMaps   # uint
0x0138fdbe  MultiblenderDisabled   # bool false
0x013bd056  profilerAlpha   # float 0.9
0x013d7382  FrustumPlaneOffset   # float 0
0x014140dd  editorPaintModeLight   # key # the name of the light to be used by the editor in paint mode
0x01481824  shoppingUILayoutID   # key # instance ID for UI layout
0x01524f2e  kPlanetElevationTable   # floats
0x0153c178  StretchWindow   # bool off # stretch window rather than requiring underlying buffer to be resized.
0x015a2e6a  MotiveMin   # float
0x015a2e78  MotiveMax   # float
0x015a2e80  MotiveHigh   # float
0x015a2e81  MotiveLow   # float
0x015a2e82  MotiveCritical   # float
0x015a2e83  MotiveTakeAction   # float
0x015a2ea2  TribeHungerDrain   # float
0x015a4cb4  SleepEnergyDelta   # float
0x015a4cc9  SleepCost   # float
0x015a4cca  SleepCostSpace   # float
0x015a4cd6  SleepCapacity   # int
0x015a4cde  SleepMinimumStay   # float
0x015a4ce7  SleepMaximumStay   # float
0x015a4cfa  RoomsPerHouse   # int
0x015a4d88  CultureCost   # float
0x015a4d8f  CultureCapacity   # int
0x015a4d98  CultureMinimumStay   # float
0x015a4d9f  CultureMaximumStay   # float
0x015a4db7  IndustryCost   # float
0x015a4db8  IndustryCostSpace   # float
0x015a4dbf  IndustryCapacity   # int
0x015a4dc8  IndustryMoneyDeltaCity   # float
0x015a4dce  IndustryMoneyTime   # float
0x015a4dd5  IndustryMinimumStay   # float
0x015a4ddb  IndustryMaximumStay   # float
0x015a4e27  FarmCost   # float
0x015a4e2f  FarmCapacity   # int
0x015a4e37  FarmFoodDeltaCity   # float
0x015a4e3d  FarmMinimumStay   # float
0x015a4e45  FarmMaximumStay   # float
0x015a4e64  MarketFoodBundleCapacity   # int
0x015a4e6d  MarketCost   # float
0x015a4e74  MarketCapacity   # int
0x015a4e7c  MarketMinimumStay   # float
0x015a4e82  MarketMaximumStay   # float
0x015a4e89  MilitaryCost   # float
0x015e0f54  cameraExponential   # bool false
0x015e688f  cameraWheelZoomScale   # float # separate scale for wheel zoom; if absent, uses cameraZoomScale
0x015e6baa  cameraExpPanScale   # float 1
0x015e84cd  cameraPanSubjectPos   # bool false # if true, pan the subject position instead of the screen offset
0x0170a7ae  clickDragDistance   # float
0x01745531  hairDensity   # float
0x01745539  hairLength   # float
0x01749124  numSectionsPerHair   # int
0x0175a15c  hairWidth   # float
0x0175ae53  creatureAvatarMinMouseRadius   # float
0x0175ae5d  creatureAvatarMaxMouseRadius   # float
0x0179ada3  ShowInvalidMaterials   # bool false
0x017dc905  creatureSpeedMediumLODMultiplier   # float
0x017eda5f  kAboveDetailHighTiling   # float
0x017eda6b  kAboveDetailLowTiling   # float
0x017ee0d3  halfWidth   # float
0x017ee154  halfHeight   # float
0x017ee15a  lookDirection   # vector3
0x017ee160  lookDistance   # float
0x017ee163  nearClip   # float
0x017ee169  farClip   # float
0x017f2798  flipUpVector   # bool
0x01803694  PlanBuildBuilding   # float
0x01803c91  PlanWorkerTask   # float
0x01803c98  BuildingTypeHouse   # float
0x01803c9d  BuildingTypeFarm   # float
0x01803dc6  TaskSellBundle   # float
0x01803dcb  TaskRecruitTribe   # float
0x01803dcf  TaskAttackTribe   # float
0x01803dd3  TaskRaidTribe   # float
0x01803dd8  TaskWorkAtFarm   # float
0x018071e8  ContextCivilization   # float
0x018071ed  ContextCity   # float
0x018071f4  ContextTribe   # float
0x01808550  BuildingTypeFactory   # float
0x01808557  BuildingTypeMarket   # float
0x0180855d  BuildingTypeMilitary   # float
0x01808566  BuildingTypeTemple   # float
0x0180856a  BuildingTypeTurret   # float
0x01819c7a  orthoProjection   # bool
0x0186609d  modelRigBlockType   # key # the type (door, eye, window, roof, etc.) of the block
0x0186c5df  BuildingTypeCityHall   # float
0x0186fa82  PlanBuildVehicle   # float
0x0186fab4  VehicleTypeMilitary   # float
0x0186fac1  VehicleTypeMissionary   # float
0x0186fad4  VehicleTypeTrade   # float
0x0186fafd  VehicleLand   # float
0x0186fb03  VehicleAmphibious   # float
0x0186fb08  VehicleAir   # float
0x01886648  ContextForeignCity   # float
0x018ab9f9  PlanVehicleTask   # float
0x018aba10  TaskEstablishMission   # float
0x018aba22  TaskCultureConvoy   # float
0x018c2955  TaskAttackCity   # float
0x018c2973  TaskTradeWithCity   # float
0x018c298f  TaskBuyBundle   # float
0x018c299f  TaskWorkAtFactory   # float
0x01905e20  AiHawk   # float
0x01905e2f  AiDove   # float
0x01905e41  AiPreacher   # float
0x01905e43  CommunitySize_Tribe2   # int
0x01905e44  CommunitySize_Tribe3   # int
0x01905e45  CommunitySize_City1   # int
0x01905e46  CommunitySize_City2   # int
0x01905e47  CommunitySize_Civ1   # int
0x01905e48  CommunitySize_Civ2   # int
0x01905e49  CommunitySize_Civ3   # int
0x01944fe7  MilitaryLandSpeed   # float
0x01944fe8  MilitaryAmphSpeed   # float
0x01944fe9  MilitaryAirSpeed   # float
0x01944fea  MilitaryLandCost   # float
0x01944fee  MilitaryAmphCost   # float
0x01944ff1  MilitaryAirCost   # float
0x01944ff3  CulturalLandSpeed   # float
0x01944ff4  CulturalAmphSpeed   # float
0x01944ff5  CulturalAirSpeed   # float
0x01944ff6  CulturalLandCost   # float
0x01944ffa  CulturalAmphCost   # float
0x01944ffd  CulturalAirCost   # float
0x01944fff  DiplomaticLandSpeed   # float
0x01945000  DiplomaticAmphSpeed   # float
0x01945001  DiplomaticAirSpeed   # float
0x01945002  DiplomaticLandCost   # float
0x01945006  DiplomaticAmphCost   # float
0x01945008  DiplomaticAirCost   # float
0x0195a000  galaxyMaxRadius   # float 1500.0 #
0x0195a001  galaxyMinRadius   # float 10.0 #
0x0195a002  galaxyMouseClicks   # float 10.0 #
0x0195a020  solarMaxRadius   # float 800.0 #
0x0195a021  solarMinRadius   # float 25.0 #This cooresponds to the planet size, probably don't want to change too much #
0x0195a040  allianceTiltMinAngle   # float 25.0
0x0195a041  allianceTiltMaxAngle   # float 70.0
0x0195a042  allianceTiltMaxAlpha   # float 0.35
0x0195a050  spaceFOV   # float 60.0
0x0195a051  spaceNearClip   # float 0.1
0x0195a052  spaceFarClip   # float 1500.0
0x0195a060  planetCameraDistanceFOV   # vector4s (500, 100, 45, 0)
0x0195a061  horizonAngle   # float 0.5
0x0195a064  planetCameraRotationSpeed   # float 180.0
0x0195a065  planetCameraMouseRotationSpeed   # float 0.5
0x0195b000  debugDrawSpaceRelations   # bool true
0x0195c000  spaceEconomyDebugDrawEconomy   # bool false
0x0195c001  spaceEconomyTravelCost   # float 1.0
0x0195c002  spaceEconomyTravelDamage   # float 1.0
0x0195c003  spaceEconomyStartingMoney   # int 1000
0x0195c004  spaceEconomyBuildingIncome   # float 10.0
0x0195d000  ufoMinAltitude   # float 20.0
0x0195d002  ufoMaxAltitude   # float 1000.0
0x0195d010  ufoVelocityFactor   # float 500.0
0x0195d011  ufoAccelerationFactor   # float .001
0x0195d012  ufoKeyboardMovementSpeedZoomedOut   # float 30.0
0x0195d013  ufoKeyboardMovementSpeedZoomedIn   # float 3.0
0x0195d014  ufoMouseMovementSpeedZoomedOut   # float 6.0
0x0195d015  ufoMouseMovementSpeedZoomedIn   # float 1.0
0x0195d030  ufoWidthFactor   # float 1.0
0x0195d031  ufoHeightFactor   # float 1.0
0x0195d032  ufoDistFactor   # float 1.0
0x0195d033  ufoHeightOffset   # float 7.0
0x0195d034  ufoSmoothingFactor   # float .1
0x0195d035  ufoTiltFactor   # float 1.0
0x0195d036  ufoCameraAngleSpeed   # float 1.0
0x0195d037  ufoDamageToDestScale   # float 3.0
0x0195d038  ufoDamageToVelocityScale   # float 2.0
0x0195d039  ufoVerticalAccelerationUp   # float 0.3
0x0195d03a  ufoVerticalAccelerationDown   # float 0.2
0x0195d03b  ufoCollisionRestitution   # float 0.2
0x0195d03c  ufoTrailEffectAlwaysOn   # bool true
0x0195d03d  ufoTrailEffectMinSize   # float 0.25
0x0195d03e  ufoTrailEffectMaxSpeedPlanet   # float 100.0
0x0195d03f  ufoTrailEffectMaxSpeedSolar   # float 100.0
0x0195d040  ufoTrailEffectMaxSpeedGalaxy   # float 100.0
0x0195e020  galacticRevolutionMinDistance   # float 1000.0
0x0195e021  galacticRevolutionMaxDistance   # float 1500.0
0x0195e022  galacticRevolutionRateMin   # float 0.0
0x0195e023  galacticRevolutionRateMax   # float 1.0
0x0195e030  planetStartingOrientation   # float 0.0
0x0195e031  grobEmpireSize   # int
0x0195e032  grobStarsSpreadRadius   # float
0x0195e033  grobColor   # colorRGB
0x0195e034  grobOnlyRadius   # float
0x0195e035  grobSpecies   # key
0x0195f000  galaxyOpacityGraph   # vector2s (0, 1)
0x0195f001  planetScaleGraph   # vector2s (0, 1)
0x0195f002  planetScaleFromPlanet   # float 0.0
0x0195f003  moonScaleGraph   # vector2s (0, 1)
0x0195f004  moonScaleFromPlanet   # float 0.0
0x0195f005  starScaleGraph   # vector2s (0, 1)
0x0195f006  starScaleFromPlanet   # float 0.0
0x0195f007  gasGiantScaleGraph   # vector2s (0, 1)
0x0195f008  gasGiantScaleFromPlanet   # float 0.0
0x01960000  orbitEccentricity   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x01960001  orbitPlanarDeviation   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x01960010  rotationAxisDevation   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x01960011  rotationPeriod   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x01960020  averageMoonOrbitPeriodGasGiant   # float 100.0
0x01960021  averagePlanetaryOrbitPeriod   # float 300.0
0x019952f4  TribeMode   # int
0x019952f5  CityMode   # int
0x019952f6  SpaceMode   # int
0x019952f8  CivMode   # int
0x01995c3d  editorRolloverGlowColor   # colorRGBA
0x01995c43  editorSelectedGlowColor   # colorRGBA
0x019ab26a  TaskGiftTribe   # float
0x019ab28d  TaskGiftCity   # float
0x019bdd9c  cameraEnableTreeAvoidance   # bool
0x019c2aa6  CreatureHealth   # int
0x019c2aa7  VehicleHealth   # int
0x019c2aa8  BuildingHealth   # int
0x019d778a  cameraEnableTreeHiding   # bool
0x01a28c84  creatureAvatarKeyboardControl   # bool
0x01a2b977  kMungeAlphaNoiseStrength   # float
0x01a57b85  cameraMaxAcceleration   # float
0x01a57b91  cameraApproachTime   # float
0x01a57b9b  cameraVelocityDecayTime   # float
0x01a57f38  gameModelIntersectionRadius   # float .00001
0x01a7f10c  MarketBundleSellPriceCity   # float
0x01a81ba1  MarketBuyFoodCost   # float
0x01a821c5  EntertainmentDelta   # float
0x01a821c9  EntertainmentCost   # float
0x01a821ca  EntertainmentCostSpace   # float
0x01a821cd  EntertainmentCapacity   # int
0x01a821d1  RoomsPerEntertainment   # int
0x01a821d4  EntertainmentMinStay   # float
0x01a821d9  EntertainmentMaxStay   # float
0x01abc7ea  InitialWealth   # int
0x01abc7ec  InitialCreatures   # int
0x01abc7ed  InitialTribeCreatures   # int
0x01abc7ee  InitialTribes   # int
0x01abc7f0  CityHallMoney   # float
0x01abc7f1  CityHallMoneyTime   # float
0x01abc7f2  CityPopulationGoal   # int
0x01abc7f4  RefundFraction   # float
0x01abc7f5  HappinessTotalCalculationTime   # float
0x01abc7f6  HappinessUnitCalculationTime   # float
0x01abc7f7  HappinessBarRange   # float
0x01abc7f8  MaxCityUpgradeLevel   # int
0x01abc7f9  EventLogTimeoutInMS_Red   # int
0x01abc7fa  EventLogTimeoutInMS_Blue   # int
0x01abc7fb  EventLogTimeoutInMS_Yellow   # int
0x01abc7fc  HappyIdleThresholdCity   # float
0x01abc7fd  ProductivityThresholdCity   # float
0x01abc7fe  EntertainmentThresholdCity   # float
0x01abc7ff  ProtestDuration   # float
0x01abc800  LurkDuration   # float
0x01abc801  LurkDetectRadius   # float
0x01abc802  WanderDuration   # float
0x01abc803  MaxDistanceForInteractWithTribes   # float
0x01abc804  PartySupplyTime   # float
0x01abc805  SmallPartyAttractedChance   # float
0x01abc806  SmallPartyAttractionRadius   # float
0x01abc809  SmallPartyCost   # int
0x01abc80d  SmallPartyCapacity   # int
0x01abc80e  SmallPartySupplies   # int
0x01abc80f  PartyBonusHappiness   # float
0x01abc810  PartyBonusDuration   # float
0x01abc816  MinDistanceBetweenCities   # float
0x01abc817  MinDistanceBetweenTribes   # float
0x01abc818  AngleForProtestGroup   # float
0x01abc819  AngleForSleepingGroup   # float
0x01abc81a  AngleForIdleGroup   # float
0x01abc81b  AngleForHappyIdleGroup   # float
0x01abc81c  IdleAtCityHallMinDistance   # int
0x01abc81d  IdleAtCityHallMaxDistance   # int
0x01abc81e  RadiusFromCityHall   # float
0x01abc824  RoadCost   # int
0x01abc825  RoadRefundFraction   # float
0x01abc826  RoadSpeedMultiplier   # float
0x01abc82a  EstablishTempleSingTime   # float
0x01abc82b  CounterConversionInterval   # float
0x01abc82e  WallBuildingBuffer   # float
0x01abc82f  RaidRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc830  TradeRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc831  RecruitingRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc832  GiftRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc833  VehicleGiftRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc834  VehicleTradeRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc835  VehicleGiftCost   # float
0x01abc836  FailedMissionRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc837  CivAttackRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01abc838  TimeBetweenAttacksForRelationshipPenalty   # float
0x01abd3f2  CityUpgrade1   # float
0x01abd3f3  CityUpgrade2   # float
0x01abd40f  MarketMaxNPCsPerWorker   # int
0x01ac13b9  HappyIdleThresholdCiv   # float
0x01ac13ba  ProductivityThresholdCiv   # float
0x01ac13bb  EntertainmentThresholdCiv   # float
0x01ac582b  MinNumWallSegments   # float
0x01ac5a97  DistBetweenWallPosts   # float
0x01ad0639  creatureAvatarDamageMultiplier   # float 1.5
0x01ad0705  creatureAvatarSpeedMultiplier   # float 1.5
0x01b53f12  civCityRolloverPopulationPerIcon   # int 5 # people/icon city rollover population icons
0x01b68db4  Creature_Abilities
0x01b7c544  creatureAbilityName   # text
0x01b7dd74  creatureAbilityReqAnyParts   # keys
0x01b7e1a2  DiplomacyCost   # float
0x01b7e1ac  DiplomacyMinimumStay   # float
0x01b7e1b4  DiplomacyMaximumStay   # float
0x01b7e7ef  DiplomacyCapacity   # int
0x01b8346a  creatureAbilityDamage   # float
0x01b8346e  creatureAbilityRefresh   # float
0x01b83470  creatureAbilityRange   # float
0x01b846e2  TaskUseEntertainment   # float
0x01b846e3  TaskSellFoodMarket   # float
0x01b846e4  TaskBuyFoodmarket   # float
0x01b846e5  TaskWorkMarket   # float
0x01b847b6  BuildingTypeEntertainment   # float
0x01b847bb  BuildingTypeDiplomatic   # float
0x01b930a8  creatureAbilityReqAllParts   # keys
0x01b937f7  UseAStar   # bool true # If false A* will not be init'd and calls to the path-planner will return a straight line
0x01b9777b  CivAttackTradePartnerRelationshipEffect   # float
0x01ba3d45  criticalhealthlevel   # int
0x01ba3d4f  tribePopulationStart   # int
0x01ba3d50  tribePopulationGoal   # int
0x01ba3d54  costFoodStorage1   # float
0x01ba3d55  costFoodStorage2   # float
0x01ba3d56  costFoodStorage3   # float
0x01ba40e0  IndustryMoneyDeltaCiv   # float
0x01ba4aee  MarketBundleSellPriceCiv   # float
0x01ba5251  DefenseCost   # float
0x01ba5252  DefenseCostSpace   # float
0x01ba8c38  creatureAbilityType   # int
0x01bae779  cursorMgrAttachmentOffsetX   # float 25 # how much a cursor attachment offset away from the cursor tip
0x01bae783  cursorMgrAttachmentOffsetY   # float 25 # how much a cursor attachment offset away from the cursor tip
0x01bae8bd  crtAttackChargedColor   # int 0xff00af00 # charged area of the attack dial
0x01bae8be  crtAttackChargingColor   # int 0xffaf0000 # charging area of the attack dial
0x01bae8bf  crtAttackUnchargedColor   # int 0xff3f0000 # uncharged area of the attack dial
0x01bae8c0  crtAttackSeparatorColor   # int 0xFF1F1F1F # dial section separators' color
0x01bae8c1  crtAttackSelectionColor   # int 0xFFFFFFFF # selected attack color
0x01bae8c2  crtAttackDialPosAnimTime   # float 0.25 # time taking for a dial to slide into it's final
0x01bae8c3  crtAttackDialBlinkTime   # float 0.15 # time of a blink for the dial when used for attacks
0x01bae8c4  crtAttackDialHighlightTime   # float 0.15 # time of a highlight for an attack dial
0x01bae8c5  crtAttackDialHaloColorNormal   # int 0xFF2F2F3F # color of normal halo
0x01bae8c6  crtAttackDialHaloColorActive   # int 0xFFCFFF00 # color of halo in blink or highlight mode
0x01bae8c7  crtAttackDialDefaultIcon   # string "crg-level-icon" # color of halo in blink or highlight mode
0x01be3105  listeneroffset   # vector3
0x01be464b  editorRolloverSelectedGlowColor   # colorRGBA
0x01c1067a  TaskEstablishTradeRoute   # float
0x01c2301b  creatureUntargetDistance   # float
0x01c291d8  creatureAbilityEnergyCost   # float
0x01c29571  ArtistAsserts   # bool false
0x01c29572  SpaceStartupLocation   # int 0 # 0-planet 1-solar 2-galactic
0x01c38187  CityHallZoomOutScale   # float
0x01c3818d  VehicleZoomOutScale   # float
0x01c387e7  kAboveColorRampSeaScaleBaseVal   # float
0x01c387f2  kAboveColorRampSeaScaleScaleVal   # float
0x01c6a8f5  creatureAbilityIcon   # key
0x01c6c623  creatureAbilityDuration   # float
0x01c71aad  cameraEnableMiddleMouseLook   # bool true
0x01c7b96b  CityMapZoomLevel   # float
0x01ca5c7a  PlumpDistance   # float
0x01ca5e86  BuildingType1ZoomOutScale   # float
0x01ca5e8e  BuildingType2ZoomOutScale   # float
0x01cb785c  crtAttackHaloHighColor   # int 0xFFFFFFFF # highlighted dial color
0x01cb785d  crtAttackHaloLowColor   # int 0xFFFFFFFF # lowlighted dial color
0x01cb785e  crtAttackHaloBlinkColor   # int 0xFFFFFFFF # blink dial color
0x01cb9d08  MarketMoneyDeltaCity   # float
0x01cb9d1a  MarketMoneyDeltaCiv   # float
0x01cb9d21  MarketMoneyTime   # float
0x01cbb8a7  spineNewVertebraRelativeScale   # float
0x01d0c155  editorShadowLight   # key # Key to a prop file containing shadow camera parameters
0x01d0c413  zoomVal   # float
0x01d1176d  PlanetModelDepthOffset   # int 10 # avoids z-fighting with the terrain on zoom out.
0x01d34ec9  FarmFoodDeltaCiv   # float
0x01d379fa  RolloverRltnshpVBadCap   # float -7
0x01d37a06  RolloverRltnshpNeutralCap   # float 3
0x01d37a0c  RolloverRltnshpGoodCap   # float 7
0x01d37a15  RolloverVUnhappyCap   # float 15
0x01d37a1a  RolloverUnhappyCap   # float 35
0x01d37a1f  RolloverNeutralHappyCap   # float 65
0x01d37a23  RolloverHappyCap   # float 85
0x01d37be0  RolloverRltnshpBadCap   # float -3
0x01e623e1  impostorResolution   # int 128
0x01ef3be2  creatureAbilityCategory   # int
0x01efa141  memoryProfilerWatchFilter   # string8 "EAPd rw:: EAVariant Anon"
0x01efa142  memoryProfilerTraceFilter   # string8 ""
0x01f4b274  ProfilerDumpTag   #  string8 "" # custom string to include on first line of heirarchical dumps
0x01fb1887  tribeSpeed1   # float
0x01fb1888  tribeSpeed2   # float
0x01fb1889  tribeSpeed3   # float
0x01fb188a  tribeSpeed4   # float
0x01fb2b46  citySpeed1   # float
0x01fb2b47  citySpeed2   # float
0x01fb2b48  citySpeed3   # float
0x01fb2b49  citySpeed4   # float
0x01fb2b4a  civSpeed1   # float
0x01fb2b4b  civSpeed2   # float
0x01fb2b4c  civSpeed3   # float
0x01fb2b4d  civSpeed4   # float
0x01fb2b4e  tribeGridScale   # float
0x0201636b  modelRemainUpright   # bool # forces the block to remain upright while pinning
0x0209f3e3  missionAccidentProneRewardTool   # keys
0x020c2988  HappinessForFood   # float
0x020c2989  HappinessForHousing   # float
0x020c298a  HappinessForStructure   # float
0x020c298b  HappinessForLifestyle   # float
0x020c298c  MaxProtestorFraction   # float
0x020c298d  PopulationFedPerFarmWorker   # int
0x020c298e  PopulationHappyPerEntertainmentBuilding   # int
0x020c298f  MoneyPerIndustryWorkerPerSecond   # float
0x020c2990  MoneyPerMarketWorkerPerSecond   # float
0x021126c2  kMinMaxAlt   # float
0x021126ce  kMidMaxAlt   # float
0x021126e3  kMaxMaxAlt   # float
0x0213a120  modelSnapToParentCenter   # bool false # snap block to the center of the parent
0x021545da  creatureAbilityEffectType   # int
0x02154c2a  creatureAbilityEffectDuration   # float
0x02166464  modelPrice   # int # how much this block sells for in the editor, also makes block appear "tuned" if set
0x021953e9  paletteItemHeight   # float
0x021953ea  paletteItemWidth   # float
0x02196ad5  paletteItemType   # key
0x021b35a0  editorBackgroundModel   # key # the key for the rdx9 file to be used for the background in the editor
0x021d798c  creatureAbilityEffectKind   # int
0x02233661  palettePaletteThumbnailGroupID   # key
0x0224fea2  modelPaletteRotation   # vector3
0x0226c551  paintMaterialSpecExponent   # float
0x02280abf  paramOffsets   # ints
0x02280ac8  paramNames   # string8s
0x0228d235  kMinCliffGradient   # float
0x0228d23f  kMaxCliffGradient   # float
0x02294de1  modelCapabilityLiquid   # int 1
0x022cfea6  timeOfDayMultiplier   # floats
0x022e7777  modelCapabilityNightVision   # int 0
0x022e7847  modelCapabilityCarnivorous   # int 0
0x022e785c  modelCapabilityHerbivorous   # int 0
0x022e7977  modelCapabilityDayVision   # int 0
0x022e8410  modelBlockAssemblyFile   # key # file name for full assemblies. points to a .crt file
0x02321686  kUseWaterRefraction   # bool
0x023227b9  kWaterRefractionStaticTexture   # bool
0x023227ba  kSynthesizeAboveTexture   # bool
0x023227bc  kSynthesizeAboveTextureRes   # uint
0x023227bd  kWaterPCAAnimationFPS   # float
0x02327a87  paintMaterialInvBumpiness   # float
0x0235f87f  kWaterRefractionMapSize   # uint
0x023ba1fb  AngrySpaceMode   # int 0 # 0-normal 1-immediate combat
0x023ba1fc  InvincibleSpaceMode   # int 0 # 0-normal 1-invincible
0x023f27b9  kHeightmapTextureIsFloat   # bool
0x023fa66c  modelUseDummyBlocks   # bool true # specifies whether a block should fill sockets with dummy blocks
0x023fbb0e  spaceToolWeaponSubType   # key # projectile, etc
0x023fbe00  toolProjectileType   # key # artillery, pulse
0x023fbe01  toolProjectileSpeed   # float # projectile speed
0x0241149f  tuningDistanceFromOriginalPosition   # float
0x0241204b  tuningChangeInPreviousLimb   # float
0x02412051  tuningChangeInNextLimb   # float
0x0242175b  tuningDistanceFromCameraPlane   # float
0x02421763  tuningChangeInDistanceFromParallelPlane   # float
0x02421767  tuningArmAngle   # float
0x0242176c  tuningBoneLength   # float
0x02421776  tuningChangeInDistanceFromSymmetryPlane   # float
0x0242177b  tuningPlaneOfSymmetryAlignment   # float
0x0242359a  tuningArmAngleChange   # float
0x0242359e  tuningCameraAngle   # float
0x024235a4  tuningInvalidLength   # float
0x02423fda  tuningUpperLimbLength   # float
0x02423fe1  tuningLowerLimbLength   # float
0x02424655  skinpaintDiffuseTexture   # key
0x02424656  skinpaintSpecBumpTexture   # key
0x02424657  skinpaintTintMaskTexture   # key
0x02437197  modelIsNullBlock   # bool false # flags a block as a null block (used as place holders on limbs)
0x02438a8b  cameraPitchScale   # float
0x0243c000  colonyTerritoryRadius   # float 50.0
0x0243c001  colonyTerritorySamplePoints   # int 12
0x0243c002  colonyTerritoryHeightOffset   # float 10.0
0x0244ea3d  AaShotsPerTurret   # int
0x02478ed7  planetAtmosphere   # float
0x02478ed8  planetSunBoost   # float
0x02478ed9  planetNightTimeStrength   # float
0x02478eda  planetBounceDiff   # float
0x02478edb  planetBounceSpec   # float
0x02478edc  planetSunBoost   # vector4
0x02478edd  planetTransitionBoost   # vector4
0x02478ede  planetNightBoost   # vector4
0x02478edf  planetDayStart   # float
0x02478ee0  planetDayRange   # float
0x02478ee1  planetNightStart   # float
0x02478ee2  planetNightRange   # float
0x02478ee3  planetSaturation   # float
0x02478ee4  planetFogStrength   # float
0x0248f226  UILocalizedResourceGroups_TypeID_CSS   # uints
0x0249f0d1  babyJointSize   # float
0x024a0740  SdrBeamLifetime   # float
0x024ca4c9  creatureGoalDistanceLimit   # float 50.0
0x025476fc  creatureAvatarDeathEffectScaleMultiplier   # float 1.0
0x0254cf89  obstacleBaseCollisionRadius   # float # radius at the base of the obstacle
0x0254cf8f  obstacleCanopyCollisionRadius   # float # radius at the canopy level of the obstacle
0x0254cf97  obstacleCollisionHeight   # float # height of the obstacle
0x0254cf9e  obstacleSpeciesType   # key # species type (This is the hashed value of the creature species prop filename.)
0x0254ed95  CloudsMaxMaintain   # float
0x0254edba  CloudsMaxAlpha   # float
0x0255d634  tuningSnapToCardinalOrientations   # bool false # snaps limbs to cardinal orientations
0x0257035a  kParticleMaxDistance   # float
0x0257036b  kSkyScaleDist   # float
0x02570373  kSkyBrightness   # float
0x0257037c  kTerrainScaleDist   # float
0x02570386  kTerrainBrightness   # float
0x02570391  kP1ScaleDensity   # float
0x0257039b  kP2ScaleDensity   # float
0x025703a4  kP3ScaleDensity   # float
0x025703ad  kP1Phase   # vector3
0x025703b9  kP1Brightness   # vector3
0x025703c1  kP2Phase   # vector3
0x025703cc  kP2Brightness   # vector3
0x025703d6  kP3Phase   # vector3
0x025703e1  kP3Brightness   # vector3
0x025b688b  obstacleModelData   # key # ID of the model prop file holding model LOD info
0x025c6878  modelCapabilityDetail   # int 0
0x025c88bc  babyDetailSize   # float
0x025c8a16  babyDetailHandles   # float
0x025cb344  faunaChanceSpread   # float 0 # percent chance animal will spread to neighboring cell this tick.
0x025e49bb  paintMaterialCol1BlendFactor   # float
0x025e6ef5  AmbOccContrastLow   # float
0x025e6ef9  AmbOccContrastHigh   # float
0x025f0761  creatureTreesEnabled   # bool # determines whether creature trees will spawn in the game
0x02648458  creatureAvatarWASDTurningSpeed   # float
0x0265fb07  paintMaterialCol2BlendFactor   # float
0x0269988a  creatureStepEffectMinSpeed   # float
0x026b7d69  PlanetHorizonCullFactor   # float 100 # Assume there is this much flat ground around a model, for horizon culling
0x026cabbf  AmbOccAOMul   # float
0x026cabdc  AmbOccSplatterMul   # float
0x026cd3a5  UseModelCache   # bool true # Use model cache, be it memory or disk
0x026cd3c9  CacheModelsToDiskCache   # bool true # Save newly-baked models to disk
0x026dc91e  AmbOccAOBias   # float
0x026dc924  AmbOccSplatterBias   # float
0x026edb8f  CPUMorphsEnabled   # bool true
0x026efc89  starNames   # keys
0x026efc90  planetNames   # keys
0x026efc92  blackHoleNames   # keys
0x026f3355  editorTestEnvironmentModel   # key # the key for the rdx9 file to be used for the test environment in the editor
0x026f337b  editorSkyBoxEffect   # key # the key for the sky box effect
0x026f5adc  PlanetAxis   # vector3 (1, 0, 0) # axis of rotation for planet
0x0270a758  creatureSetupEmergeFromWaterMoment   # bool
0x0275b79a  creatureAvatarGoalStopDistance   # float
0x0275b79f  creatureAvatarAcceptableStopDist   # float
0x0276abef  ShadowWorlds   # bool false # game shadowing
0x0276abf0  ShadowWorldsSupported   # bool true # whether or not shadows are supported by graphics card
0x0276abf8  ShadowNestedMaps   # bool false
0x0276ac00  ShadowWorldMapResolution   # int 512
0x02784061  modelSoundScale   # string8 # the sound a model should play when it gets scaled
0x0278408a  modelSoundMorphX   # string8 # the sound a model should make when its X morph handle is pulled
0x027840af  modelSoundMorphY   # string8 # the sound a model should make when its Y morph handle is pulled
0x027840b3  modelSoundMorphZ   # string8 # the sound a model should make when its Z morph handle is pulled
0x02797fff  cameraAnchorInterpDistMultiplier   # float
0x0279a9c8  obstacleAlphaModelID   # key # ID of the alpha model used for swapping when obstacle is between avatar & camera
0x027b6c6e  obstacleOcclusionMinAlpha   # float 0.25 # [0..1] alpha value of models that completely occlude the avatar
0x027b6d2a  obstacleOcclusionAlphaConvergenceSpeed   # float 0.3 # [0..1] convergence speed; fraction of difference between old and new alpha value, applied per frame
0x027b6d44  obstacleOcclusionRadiusBlendFactor   # vector3 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # [0..1] effective radius of occlusion cylinder; blend between inner- and outer-most radius of tree obstacle [large|medium|small]
0x027c3d61  modelSoundRotation   # string8 # the sound a model should play when it gets rotated
0x027c5cef  UILocalizedResourceGroups_TypeID_TTF   # uints
0x027c7387  AmbOccBlurAmount   # float
0x027d5eef  SolarSystemPrerollMS   # int 50
0x027ec600  kNightLightingMax   # float
0x027f36b9  shadowCameraRange   # vector2
0x027f36ba  shadowScaleCurve   # floats
0x027f36bb  shadowStrengthCurve   # floats
0x0281899e  toolBeamPassThrough   # bool false # if the beam effect passes through any combatants to hit the terrain or water
0x0282ce9c  BuildingPadBorderSize   # float
0x02840048  TMMIPLOD   # int 0
0x02842c05  ProfilerFreezeTime   # float 0 # in seconds. if non-zero, freeze the profiler if a frame takes more than this amount of time.
0x028524d6  ProfilerFreezeScope   # string8 "" # name of prof scope to break on if the profiler ProfilerFreezeTime is exceeded
0x02858ea9  CityWallSinkDepth   # float
0x0285a1bc  EffectSnapshotMimicCamera   # bool true
0x0289453d  spaceCombatAirRaidSirenTime   # float 4.0 # time to wait before cities attack
0x028bd2fd  maxActiveCreaturePlants   # int 5 # The total number of active creature plants allowed at any given time.
0x028bf456  spaceToolRaiseWaterDelta   # float # the amount of raise of water
0x0295c001  grobInitialRelationship   # float 0.0
0x0295c002  empireSizeRatioMinCap   # float 0.0
0x0295c003  empireSizeRatioMaxCap   # float 1000.0
0x02979cd6  maxActiveCreaturePlantRadius   # float (20) # The max radius from the active point within which the plant controller will attempt to swap effect plants into creature plants
0x029eb123  animID   # uint
0x02a907b5  modelEffect   # keys # effect to attach to model.
0x02a907b5  modelEffects   # keys # list of effects to attach to model
0x02a907b6  modelEffectTransforms   # transforms # corresponding effect transforms
0x02a907b7  modelEffectSeed   # uint32 # if present, seed to use for effects.
0x02a907b8  modelEffectRange   # float # if present and non-zero, effects are turned off outside this range.
0x02aa514a  universeSimulatorNewEventFrequency   # float# in seconds
0x02aa5151  universeSimulatorMaxEventCount   # float
0x02aa515b  universeSimulatorChanceOfNoEvent   # float # percent chance with respect to all other chances
0x02aa5160  universeSimulatorChanceOfRaidEvent   # float
0x02ae25ab  tribeGotoWaitTime   # float
0x02af772f  CivicObjectCost   # float
0x02afaddf  HappinessForCivicObject   # float
0x02afb20c  PopulationHappyPerCivicObject   # int
0x02afb212  SecondsHappyAfterParty   # int
0x02afc090  spaceToolAmmoUsedPerShot   # int # the amount of ammo each shot consumes
0x02b0c627  CityHappinessForFood   # float
0x02b0c62e  CityHappinessForHousing   # float
0x02b0c633  CityHappinessForStructure   # float
0x02b0c639  CityHappinessForLifestyle   # float
0x02b0c63e  CityHappinessForCivicObject   # float
0x02b0c642  CityHappinessForParty   # float
0x02b24d49  spaceToolMaxAmmoCount   # int # the maximum ammo for the tool
0x02b7ab6c  BuildingTypeCivicObject   # float
0x02b8cda4  spaceTerraformSimpleFloraDecayRate   # float
0x02b8cda5  spaceTerraformSimpleFloraGrowthRate   # float
0x02b8fc0b  spaceTerraformFloraChanceSpread   # float
0x02b8fc48  spaceTerraformAnimalChanceSpread   # float
0x02b909c7  CitySpecialtyProduction   # int
0x02b909c8  CitySpecialtyDefense   # int
0x02b909c9  CitySpecialtyHappiness   # int
0x02b9e519  missionRaidBuildingsDestroyed   # float # number of buildings destroyed if the raid is completed
0x02b9e51f  missionRaidBuildingsSavedPerTurret   # float # number of buildings saved per turret if the raid is complete
0x02b9e524  missionRaidDuration   # float # seconds
0x02ba603e  spaceUItravelTrailLength   # int 5
0x02bb8697  eventDescription   # text # the description of the event that the player will see
0x02bb870e  eventStartFadeTime   # float # the time (in seconds) to display the event before it begins fading
0x02c08dc2  eventIsShown   # bool # whether or not this event should be shown
0x02c08e1e  spaceUnlockableTools   # keys # the configuration array of unlockable tools
0x02c0ec43  TaskBuyCity   # float
0x02c1e020  InterCityRoadInitialWidth   # float
0x02c36526  SizeTribe1   # float
0x02c36527  SizeTribe2   # float
0x02c36528  SizeTribe3   # float
0x02c36529  SizeCity1   # float
0x02c3652a  SizeCity2   # float
0x02c3652b  SizeCiv1   # float
0x02c3652c  SizeCiv2   # float
0x02c3652d  SizeCiv3   # float
0x02c378c2  weightTerrestrial1   # int
0x02c378fc  weightGasGiant   # int
0x02c37907  weightAsteroidBelt   # int
0x02c60a0e  colonyMaxSpiceStoredPerColony   # int 200
0x02c73027  creatureEvoPointsToLevel_2   # float
0x02c73028  creatureEvoPointsToLevel_3   # float
0x02c73029  creatureEvoPointsToLevel_4   # float
0x02cb2281  badgeToolReward   # keys
0x02cb2284  badgeUnlockString   # text
0x02cb2286  badgeLockedImageID   # key
0x02cb228a  badgeUnlockedImageID   # key
0x02cb589b  VehicleCapPerCity   # int
0x02cc641b  badgeRequirementList   # keys # this array of keys should only list properties included below that are required for the current badge
0x02cc9739  creatureAbilityJumping   # float
0x02cc974a  creatureAbilityGliding   # float
0x02cccf5c  creatureAbilityFlapping   # float
0x02cdd894  numPlanetsMin   # int 2
0x02cdd8d3  numPlanetsMax   # int 5
0x02cdd8d4  empireSizeWeights   # ints
0x02cdd8d5  distanceOfT3Companion   # float
0x02df5282  hairPrintThickness   # float
0x02e057f0  universeSimulatorArtifactFrequency   # float # average seconds between artifacts
0x02e0583d  universeSimulatorArtifactMinTime   # float # seconds
0x02e05842  universeSimulatorMaxArtifactsPerPlanet   # int # maximum artifacts on a single planet
0x02e06e31  spaceToolMinDiscoveredAmmo   # int # the minimum amount of ammo if this tool is discovered on a planet
0x02e06e36  spaceToolMaxDiscoveredAmmo   # int # the maximum amount of ammo if this tool is discovered on a planet
0x02e06ece  spaceDiscoverableTools   # keys # the list of special tools that can be randomly discovered on planets
0x02e0712e  hairPrintModeOn   # bool
0x02e33a81  modelLODDistances   # floats
0x02e5710a  artifactPlumpDistance   # float
0x02e57110  artifactPlumpSize   # float
0x02e5b3f0  wallStyleListNames   # strings
0x02e5b3f1  wallStyleListLevel1   # keys
0x02e5b3f2  wallStyleListLevel2   # keys
0x02e5b3f3  wallStyleListLevel3   # keys
0x02e5b3f4  wallStyleListIcons   # keys
0x02e6fabc  debug_numflags   # uint
0x02e6fac7  debug_flags   # uint
0x02e6fbe5  debug_dimensions   # vector4
0x02e765cf  modelLODFactor0   # float -1.0 # specific LOD factor to use for this model's LOD0 (highest LOD)
0x02e765d0  modelLODFactor1   # float 1.0 # specific LOD factor to use for this model's LOD1
0x02e765d1  modelLODFactor2   # float 0.3 # specific LOD factor to use for this model's LOD2
0x02e765d2  modelLODFactor3   # float 0 # no model at all. specific LOD factor to use for this model's LOD3
0x02e84ae4  CivColors   # colorRGBs
0x02e9c0cb  nounDefinition_ClassID   # uint
0x02e9c0d2  nounDefinition_ResourceID   # uint
0x02e9c0dc  nounDefinition_ResourceKey   # key
0x02e9c159  nounDefinition_ResourceDescription   # string8
0x02e9eda0  nounDefinition_ID   # uint
0x02f045b7  empireRadiusMean   # float 20
0x02f045c9  empireRadiusVariation   # float 10
0x02f04616  homeStarBuffer   # float 5
0x02f235d0  modelDiffuseTexture   # key
0x02f35189  modelDetailThreshold   # float # threshold for baking -- rigblocks below this size are ignored.
0x02f3b25a  modelEmissiveTexture   # key
0x02f3b8ec  modelNMapSpecTexture   # key
0x02f827ce  weightTechLevelCiv   # int
0x02f827d5  weightTechLevelEmpire   # int
0x02f827d6  chanceStarIsHomeStar   # float
0x02f827d7  desireToGrowInfluence   # float
0x02f8299a  weightTechLevelCreature   # int
0x02f8353b  weightTechLevelTribe   # int
0x02f98dae  traitWeightNone   # int 10
0x02f98db1  traitWeightStingy   # int 10
0x02f98db3  traitWeightGenerous   # int 10
0x02f98db5  traitWeightAccidentProne   # int 10
0x02fa794e  UFOHealthPlayer   # float 5000
0x02fa986a  ufoFighterVelocityFactor   # float 500.0
0x02fa986f  ufoAccelerationFactorNPC   # float .001
0x02faa5d7  ufoPlumpScale   # float 2.0
0x02faa5db  ufoPlumpDistance   # float 550.0
0x02fac27c  UseCityPads   # bool
0x02fc233b  warThreshold   # float -7.0
0x02fc2520  warTimeDelay   # float 10.0
0x02fc258c  warPassiveThreshold   # float -5.0
0x02fd1ef6  missionRaidMinBombers   # int 10 # minimum number of NPC UFOs on a raided planet
0x02fd1efa  missionRaidMaxBombers   # int 15 # maximum number of NPC UFOs on a raided planet
0x02fd600f  UseCityWalls   # bool
0x02fd82cd  modelWindowEmissiveTexture   # key # Artist assigned texture to control night lights in building windows
0x0301542f  spaceEconomyAllianceTravelDiscount   # float 1.0
0x0301739a  spaceEconomyTribeMemberIncome   # float 0.004
0x0301739b  spaceEconomyMaxMoneyStoredPerTribe   # float 200.0
0x03025b0b  toolProjectileEffectID   # key # effect that plays as the projectile flies through the air
0x03025b14  toolMuzzleEffectID   # key # effect that is emitted from the shooter
0x0302842a  createRandomNames   # bool true
0x03028839  excludedWords   # keys
0x03028846  excludedSubstrings   # keys
0x0302aa89  fruitPropMinHangingTime   # float
0x0302aa8f  fruitPropMaxHangingTime   # float
0x0302aa93  fruitPropMaxOnGroundTime   # float
0x0302aa97  fruitPropMaxRegrowthTime   # float
0x0302aa9b  fruitPropMaxRottingTime   # float
0x0302d75b  spaceEconomyColonyTravelDiscount   # float 1.0
0x0303bef4  ufoBasePlanetScale   # float 2.0
0x0304039c  spaceCombatEnemyUFOAttackRange   # float 150.0 # enemy UFOs will wait until they are within this range before firing on the player
0x03066aa0  ufoTargetFallOffRadius   # float 20.0
0x0306b131  weightTerrestrial2   # int
0x0306b133  weightTerrestrial3   # int
0x0306b188  weightBarren   # int
0x030bc65a  cameraMaterialLODs   # vector4 (10000, 10000, 10000, 10000)
0x030c073a  toolProjectileExplosionExpansionRate   # float # rate at which a projectile's explosion spreads (use a high number for instantaneous)
0x030d28c1  toolProjectileTimeOut   # float #time in seconds before the projectile will explode naturally
0x030fd84d  toolHitGroundAtmosphereVelocity   # float # velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool is used on the ground
0x030fd85a  toolHitGroundWaterVelocity   # float # velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on the ground
0x030fd85d  toolHitGroundTemperatureVelocity   # float # velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on the ground
0x030fd861  toolHitWaterAtmosphereVelocity   # float # velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool is used on the water
0x030fd864  toolHitWaterWaterVelocity   # float # velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on the water
0x030fd868  toolHitWaterTemperatureVelocity   # float # velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on the water
0x030fd86b  toolHitCombatantAtmosphereVelocity   # float # velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool is used on a combatant
0x030fd86e  toolHitCombatantWaterVelocity   # float # velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on a combatant
0x030fd872  toolHitCombatantTemperatureVelocity   # float # velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on a combatant
0x030fe481  toolHitAirAtmosphereVelocity   # float # velocity added to atmosphere terraforming element when the tool that detonates in air
0x030fe485  toolHitAirWaterVelocity   # float # velocity added to water terraforming element when the tool is used on detonates in air
0x030fe488  toolHitAirTemperatureVelocity   # float # velocity added to temperature terraforming element when the tool is used on detonates in air
0x0314f32a  toolIsHoming   # bool
0x03162992  spaceUIEmpireOverlap   # float 150.0
0x03162993  spaceUIEmpireNodeScale   # float 500.0
0x03162994  spaceUIEmpireRadius   # float 1000.0
0x03162995  spaceUIEmpireSampleDist   # float 50.0
0x0317b2cc  toolTargetEffectID   # key # effect that is pinned to the terrain for the duration of a deep space projectile's life
0x0317c936  toolProjectileMotion   # key
0x0319169e  TempHackEditorShoppingBake   # bool false
0x0319266b  universeSimulatorGenericPressureFrequency   # float 600
0x0319296b  MissionGenericPressureTimeToRespond   # int 120
0x031d2791  modelDefaultBoundingBox   # bbox # acts as a default, if there is no model.
0x031d2792  modelDefaultBoundingRadius   # float # acts as a default, if there is no model.
0x031e1d79  kNightLightingTint   # vector4
0x031e761f  universeSimulatorPirateRaidMinTime   # float 300
0x031e7620  universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency   # float 600
0x031e7621  universeSimulatorPirateRaidDefendedRatio   # int 500
0x031e94b7  universeSimulatorWarAttackMinTime   # float 100
0x031e94b8  universeSimulatorWarAttackFrequency   # float 300
0x031e94b9  universeSimulatorGrobTeaseAttackFrequency   # float 100
0x031e94c0  universeSimulatorGrobTeaseAttackMinTime   # float 300
0x031e94c1  universeSimulatorGrobWarAttackFreqExtremelyAware   # float 40
0x031e94c2  universeSimulatorGrobWarAttackFreqVeryAware   # float 80
0x031e94c3  universeSimulatorGrobWarAttackFreqAware   # float 160
0x031e94c4  universeSimulatorGrobWarAttackMinTime   # float 60
0x031f7668  ufoEscapeSequenceVelocity   # float 1000.0
0x031f7670  ufoEscapeSequenceSpinRate   # float 10.0
0x032254e6  wallStyleDefaultBuildingPadMaterial   # key
0x032254e7  wallStyleDefaultBuildingPadTexture   # key
0x032254e8  wallStyleCityHallPadTexture   # key
0x032254e9  wallStyleHousePadTexture   # key
0x032254ea  wallStyleFarmPadTexture   # key
0x032254eb  wallStyleIndustryPadTexture   # key
0x032254ec  wallStyleMarketPadTexture   # key
0x032254ed  wallStyleEntertainmentPadTexture   # key
0x032254ee  wallStyleDefensePadTexture   # key
0x032254ef  wallStyleMilitaryTexture   # key
0x032254f0  wallStyleCulturePadTexture   # key
0x032254f1  wallStyleDiplomacyPadTexture   # key
0x032254f2  wallStyleGatePadTexture   # key
0x03277323  solarPullOutUp   # float 1.4 # this is a measure of how quickly the camera focuses on the sun when zooming out
0x03277324  solarPullOutRight   # float 1.4 # this is a measure of how quickly the camera focuses on the sun when zooming out
0x0328a103  kEffectAtmosphereLowRange   # vector2
0x0328a10c  kEffectAtmosphereMedRange   # vector2
0x0328a115  kEffectAtmosphereHighRange   # vector2
0x0328a11d  kEffectTemperatureLowRange   # vector2
0x0328a125  kEffectTemperatureMedRange   # vector2
0x0328a12f  kEffectTemperatureHighRange   # vector2
0x032a4b09  spaceTerraformMinWaterWithPerfectScore   # float 0.4
0x032a4b27  spaceTerraformMinWaterRadius   # float 0.4
0x032a4b46  spaceTerraformMaxWater   # float 0.7
0x032a4b62  spaceTerraformMaxWaterThreshold   # float 0.7
0x032a52a3  spaceTerraformLavaThreshold   # float 0.8
0x032a52a9  spaceTerraformLavaMaxCoverage   # float 0.4
0x032a54b9  effectSpawnedRocksEnabled   # bool # determines whether physics rocks will be spawned from rock distribute effects
0x032a54be  spaceTerraformLevel1Threshold   # float 0.1
0x032a5609  spaceTerraformLevel2Threshold   # float 0.2
0x032a560a  spaceTerraformLevel3Threshold   # float 0.3
0x032f4549  modelRuntimeEffect   # keys # effect to attach to model at runtime
0x032f4549  modelRuntimeEffects   # keys # effects to attach to model at runtime
0x032f7c06  ufoKeyboardAccelerationZoomedIn   # float 10.0 #divide by speed to see how long it takes to reach max speed
0x032f7c0a  ufoKeyboardAccelerationZoomedOut   # float 30.0 #divide by speed to see how long it takes to reach max speed
0x032f92e6  modelCapabilityCellFlagella   # int 0
0x03308805  ufoBrakeFactor   # float 2.0 #factor by which velocity is cut when a destination is set with the braking flag
0x03309693  ufoMouseRotationSpeedZoomedOut   # float 6.0 # scale how fast the ufo rotates when holding down the mouse (when zoomed out)
0x03309697  ufoMouseRotationSpeedZoomedIn   # float 1.0 # scale how fast the ufo rotates when holding down the mouse (when zoomed in)
0x03309d37  ufoMaxRotation   # float 9.0 #maximum rotation in degrees
0x0330d208  ufoRotationPercentageRate   # float 2.0 # percentage per second that the UFO will rotate
0x0331dd2a  toolDestroysFloraAndFauna   # bool true # does this tool destroy flora and fauna?
0x0331e543  ufoHitSphereRadius   # float 2.0 # size of picking spheres for NPCs
0x0331e892  BakeLscmZpr   # bool # Bake model when exporting to ZPR (false for multitexture)
0x0331e8cf  ufoHitSphereActiveDistance   # float 50.0 # distance of camera from NPC before spheres are used
0x0332b28b  palettePaletteStartupCategory   # int
0x033368ae  wallStyleCityPadTexture   # key
0x03337396  ufoNoseTiltFactor   # float 5.0
0x033373a9  ufoMaxNoseTilt   # float 45.0
0x033375f6  ufoNoseTiltRate   # float 5.0
0x03337809  fruitEnabled   # bool # controls dynamic enable/disable of fruit and associated cleanup/init work.
0x033385cd  fruitAutoDroppingEnabled   # bool # determines if fruit will drop from trees periodically
0x0333864d  ufoBrakeOvershootFactor   # float 2.0
0x0333abe8  spaceTerraformMinWaterIceThreshold   # float 0.2
0x0333ade9  spaceTerraformMinWaterIceAtmosphere   # float 0.4
0x0333af28  spaceTerraformMinWaterIceVacuum   # float 0.1
0x0333b2c0  spaceTerraformMinWaterAtmosphere   # float 0.8
0x0333b6e5  spaceTerraformMinWaterVacuumThreshold   # float 0.2
0x033472cb  wallStyleCityPadTileScale   # float
0x03348701  toolDeselectsAfterUse   # bool true # if the player uses a tool with this flag then their tool will be deselected after use
0x03349823  spaceTerraformMinWaterHeatThresholdLow   # float 0.7
0x0334982b  spaceTerraformMinWaterHeatThresholdHigh   # float 0.8
0x0337bf31  paletteCategoryPaintByNumber   # bool
0x0338c458  wallStyleCityPadBorderWidth   # float
0x0338d246  ufoBomberScale   # float 2.0
0x0338d24d  ufoFighterScale   # float 0.8
0x0339b716  ufoBomberVelocityFactor   # float 500.0
0x0339b758  ufoVelocityFactorNPC   # float 500.0
0x0339bbc1  missionRaidMinFighters   # int 10 # minimum number of NPC UFOs on a raided planet
0x0339bbc5  missionRaidMaxFighters   # int 15 # maximum number of NPC UFOs on a raided planet
0x0339d3cb  toolPicksFlora   # bool false # does this tool need to interact with creature trees?
0x0339ddf2  clickFruitOrTrees   # int # Allows for fruit interaction either by clicking fruit or by clicking trees. ( 0 = fruit, 1 = trees )
0x0339ff24  modelBakeRubble   # bool false
0x0339ffa9  modelRubbleType   # int 0
0x033a8ec2  palettePageNumColumns   # int
0x033b0a8d  UFOHealthFighter   # vector2
0x033b0a90  UFOHealthBomber   # vector2
0x033b1de9  ufoBankTiltFactor   # float 5.0
0x033b1dec  ufoMaxBankTilt   # float 45.0
0x033b1df1  ufoBankTiltRate   # float 5.0
0x033b351c  animRuntimeList   # ints
0x033c591d  ufoMinExtent   # float 1.0 #minimum dimension that must be exceeded by a UFO
0x033ce6a8  obstacleBaseHideableRadius   # float # radius at the base of the obstacle beyond the collision radius where a creature can hide
0x033dda25  defaultDayLength   # float 1320.0
0x0341eb76  toolInterruptedByDamage   # bool true # gives the tool the opportunity to cancel if the player is damaged
0x0344436f  ufoLeavePlanetTimePad   # float 1.0 # time in seconds before the player can exit the planet
0x034ee1cb  timeOfDayMultiplierCreature   # floats
0x034ee1d3  timeOfDayMultiplierTribe   # floats
0x034ee1d6  timeOfDayMultiplierCityCiv   # floats
0x034ee1d9  timeOfDayMultiplierSpace   # floats
0x034f1a49  spaceTradingAbundance   # float 5.0
0x034f1a4a  spaceTradingBaseCost   # float 10.0
0x034f1a4e  spaceTradingChance   # float 0.0
0x034f1a4f  spaceTradingType   # key 0
0x034f1a50  spaceTradingAlliesOnly   # bool false
0x034f4970  monolithWorshipTimeSeconds   # float
0x034f5a45  monolithCircleRadius   # int
0x035494e3  maxSmallTreeFruitPerGrove   # int
0x035494e6  maxMediumTreeFruitPerGrove   # int
0x035494e9  maxLargeTreeFruitPerGrove   # int
0x03570ad0  badgeCargoReward   # int # number of cargo slots (please use multiples of 10)
0x035831fe  CityPadTextureSize   # int
0x0358756c  sueForPeaceMinPayoutBase   # int 1000 #starting payout
0x03587651  sueForPeaceMaxPayoutBase   # int 2000
0x03587659  sueForPeaceMinPayIncrease   # float 1.1 #multipliers on success
0x0358765e  sueForPeaceMaxPayIncrease   # float 1.2
0x03587661  sueForPeaceSuccessChanceBase   # float 0.5 #initial chance of success
0x03587666  sueForPeaceDecayFactor   # float 0.5 #multiplier decay on success chance
0x03593710  maxdistance   # float
0x035d5cb4  spaceTradingExchangeFor   # key 0
0x035d67a6  sueForPeaceDestructionPercentage   # float 0.5 # building destruction at which a planet sues for peace
0x035ebc26  creatureAvatarWASDReleaseStopDist   # float
0x035f26c8  creatureAbilityMuzzleEffectId   # uint
0x035f26cc  creatureAbilityTrailEffectId   # uint
0x035f26d2  creatureAbilityImpactEffectId   # uint
0x0360179b  spaceEconomyProductionBuildingCost   # int 103
0x0360179f  spaceEconomyDefensiveBuildingCost   # int 103
0x03601c39  creatureAbilitySpeed   # float
0x036801e8  spaceTradingNoNeed   # text "tradetext"
0x036801e9  spaceTradingNeed   # text "tradetext"
0x036a0ac2  editorVerbIconFile   # key # key to a verb icon config for this editor
0x036ac28f  weatherAccelFactor   # float
0x036ad4db  baby_scale   # float
0x036ad4db  creatureBabyScale   # float
0x036ad587  creatureScale   # vector2
0x036bfc39  TribeGameIdentityColorSkin   # bool true
0x036bfc3a  CivGameIdentityColorSkin   # bool true
0x036c3b4a  buddyFeeds   # strings
0x036c4148  badgeReplacesBadge   # key 0
0x0370040a  toolDiscoverableRarity   # key #common, uncommon, rare, superRare
0x03704e55  modelBakeComplete   # bool false
0x037120db  toolDiscoverableCommonChance   # float 60.0
0x037120e2  toolDiscoverableUncommonChance   # float 30.0
0x037120e6  toolDiscoverableRareChance   # float 8.0
0x037120ea  toolDiscoverableSuperRareChance   # float 2.0
0x03712dc0  spaceToolDetectableRange   # float # the range at which cities can detect the usage of weaponry.
0x03741e69  crtAttackHaloFlashColor   # int 0xFFFF0000 # flash dial halo color
0x03744099  crtAttackPerimFlashColor   # int 0xFFFF0000 # flash dial perimeter bars color
0x03749179  editorCurrencyIcon   # key # key to png icon for editor currency
0x0375418a  newTribeFood   # int
0x037575e5  rockObstacleAllowed   # bool # flag that will allow this rock type to be added as obstacle
0x037575eb  rockPhysicsModelAllowed   # bool # flag that determines if this rock can be switched out for a physics rock
0x037936cb  weatherLowAtmoEffect   # uint
0x037936cf  weatherMidAtmoEffect   # uint
0x037936d3  weatherHighAtmoEffect   # uint
0x0379371c  weatherAtmoTempChange   # float
0x0379762b  ptolemaicSunScale   # float .6
0x037af33c  weatherCloudTrailDecay   # float
0x037be084  creatureAbilityAlwaysVisible   # bool
0x037bf84b  weatherCloudMapWriteAge   # float
0x037bf851  weatherCloudMapWriteVal   # float
0x037c0bfb  weatherMaxVelocity   # float
0x037d1a65  weatherStormEmitDecay   # float
0x037d2e70  weatherMinStormCoriolis   # float
0x037d2e83  weatherMinStormCloudAge   # float
0x037d32f3  weatherColdStormEffect   # uint
0x037d3ee5  chanceGasGiantHasMoon   # float 0.6
0x037d3eee  chanceGasGiantHasRings   # float 0.8
0x037d3ef2  chanceTerrestrialHasRings   # float 0.1
0x037d5830  ufoMaxAltitudeDestinationDelta   # float 30.0
0x037e593a  planetTransitionDistance   # float 2000.0
0x037e6bb6  ufoInitialPlanetZoom   # float 0.3
0x037ed1d8  weatherWriteForceDecay   # float
0x0383cd6f  solarStarRadius   # float 30
0x0383cd7c  solarStarMass   # float 1
0x0383cd8d  solarStarRotationRate   # float 6
0x03855aec  spaceEconomyCheatMoneyAmount   # int 10000
0x0387d0a9  disableRedPauseBorderUI   # bool false
0x038bb621  solarStarTemperature   # float 1
0x038d0588  xmlExceptionReports   # bool false
0x038d0a06  screenWidth   # int 800 # initial values only
0x038d0a07  screenHeight   # int 600
0x038d0a08  screenDisplay   # int 0
0x038d0a09  fullscreen   # bool false
0x039620a6  universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency   # float 600
0x039620ae  universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyMinTime   # float 300
0x03963050  weatherStormMapWriteVal   # float
0x03965482  weatherMaxNumStorms   # int
0x039787ae  missionRaidAllyFailRelationshipDelta   # float
0x039787b3  missionRaidAllyCompleteRelationshipDelta   # float
0x039787b4  missionRaidUFOsLeaveOnArrival   # bool false
0x0397a072  universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency   # float 600
0x0397a073  universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderMinTime   # float 300
0x0398db08  missionRaidMinPirates   # int 1 # minimum number of NPC UFOs on a raided planet
0x0398db09  missionRaidMaxPirates   # int 1 # maximum number of NPC UFOs on a raided planet
0x0398f85c  UFOHealthPirate   # vector2
0x039a4caf  toolRelationshipDelta   # float 0.0 #how much relationship changes when this tool hits
0x039a73f3  weatherLoopBoxGroundEffect   # uint
0x039a7491  weatherLoopBoxAtmoEffect   # uint
0x039f727c  creatureAbilityDNAPoints   # float
0x039fa312  weatherIceAmbientEffect   # uint
0x039fa31e  weatherColdAmbientEffect   # uint
0x039fa326  weatherWarmAmbientEffect   # uint
0x039fa32d  weatherHotAmbientEffect   # uint
0x039fa331  weatherLavaAmbientEffect   # uint
0x039fb03d  spaceToolMaxProjectileScale   # float # maximum projectile scaling for this tool
0x03a0ed2a  weatherEvaporationEffect   # uint
0x03a0ed39  weatherFreezeEffect   # uint
0x03a23f97  terrainScriptEffectTimes   # floats # times for above
0x03a23f98  terrainScriptWTALevels   # vector3 # initial water height, temperature, atmosphere
0x03a23f99  terrainScriptPlanetInfo   # vector3 # terrain/dead/atmosphere types
0x03a26418  ToolLevel1Cost   # int
0x03a26419  ToolLevel2Cost   # int
0x03a2641a  ToolLevel3Cost   # int
0x03a2641b  tribeFlavorIdleMin   # int
0x03a2641c  tribeFlavorIdleMax   # int
0x03a2641d  tribeHutLevel1Health   # float
0x03a2641e  tribeHutLevel2Health   # float
0x03a2641f  tribeHutLevel3Health   # float
0x03a26420  tribeToolHealth   # float
0x03a26421  tribeToolHiDamage   # float
0x03a26422  tribeToolLoDamage   # float
0x03a26423  tribeHutHiDamage   # float
0x03a26424  tribeHutLoDamage   # float
0x03a289ac  itemUnlockLevel   # int 1
0x03a289c3  itemUnlockFindPercentage   # float 1.0
0x03a36e7c  VehicleWeaponCycleTime   # float
0x03a38abe  missionRaidAllyWaitDuration   # float #seconds
0x03a39c47  interactiveOrnamentType   # int
0x03a74c3e  BuildingPadScale   # float
0x03a77d75  weatherAtmoScoreDarken   # float
0x03a788a6  eventLogSound   # key
0x03a8b696  terrainScriptTimeLimit   # float 10 # limit on generation time
0x03a8b697  terrainMaxPlayerEffects   # int 50 # maximum number of player-added terrain effects
0x03a8b698  terrainPlayerEffectRamp   # int 5 # when we've hit the limit, first 'n' effects are ramped down in strength.
0x03a8dee8  galaxyCameraPhi   # floats # this array of floats specifies the curve of phi for the galaxy camera from zoomed in to zoomed out
0x03a9006c  weatherWarmStormEffect   # uint
0x03a9006f  weatherHotStormEffect   # uint
0x03a90c57  terrainScriptModels   # keys # terrain models for a particular script
0x03a90c5f  terrainScriptModelTransforms   # transforms # transforms for the above
0x03ab589e  electric_range_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x03abb0af  terrainScriptAmbientEffects   # keys # effects to run on this planet
0x03abc381  modelPaintDecalTexture   # key # decal to place
0x03abc382  modelPaintDecalParams   # vector3 # params: (size, rotation, alpha)
0x03abc383  modelPaintDecalColor   # colorRGB # (r, g, b)
0x03abc384  modelPaintDecalAlpha   # float # a
0x03abc385  modelUsesDeadColor   # bool # true if the decal should be modulated with the dead color before being writtin into the terrain's color texture
0x03ad5568  terrainPlayerEffects   # keys # terrain modification effects from the player.
0x03ad5569  terrainPlayerEffectTransforms   # transforms
0x03ad556a  terrainPlayerModCount   # uint32 # count to enable consistency checks with cached planets.
0x03b079a7  shadowDepthOffset   # float
0x03b22e4b  ThrowOutMultipleUsedEdges   # bool true
0x03b28c1b  modelStampTexture   # key # height texture for terrain stamp
0x03b28c1c  modelStampParams   # vector3 # params: (size, rotation, intensity)
0x03b28c1d  modelLevelParams   # vector3 # params for gaussian terrain levelling: (size, rotation, intensity)
0x03b4de49  weatherCloudType   # int
0x03b4f7c6  terrainThemeLayer1   # key # textures for live/dead planet
0x03b4f7c7  terrainThemeLayer2   # key
0x03b4f7c8  terrainThemeAboveDetail1   # key
0x03b4f7c9  terrainThemeAboveDetail2   # key
0x03b4f7ca  terrainThemeAboveDetailNoise   # key
0x03b4f7cb  terrainThemeBelow   # key
0x03b4f7cc  terrainThemeBeach1   # key
0x03b4f7cd  terrainThemeBeach2   # key
0x03b5ebc9  terrainThemeDetail1Low   # colorRGB
0x03b5ebca  terrainThemeDetail1Mid   # colorRGB
0x03b5ebcb  terrainThemeDetail1High   # colorRGB
0x03b5ebcc  terrainThemeDetail2Low   # colorRGB
0x03b5ebcd  terrainThemeDetail2Mid   # colorRGB
0x03b5ebce  terrainThemeDetail2High   # colorRGB
0x03b5ec4a  terrainThemeLightingState   # key
0x03b5ec4b  terrainThemeSunColor   # colorRGB
0x03b5ec4c  terrainThemeNightColor   # colorRGB
0x03c5407b  editorDisableAnimations   # bool # whether this editor should allow animations
0x03c5e2f2  spaceTerraformExtinctionDelay   # float 0.0
0x03c72dc4  spaceTradingRareGroup   # text "Rares"
0x03c72dc5  spaceTradingRareCount   # int 1
0x03c72dc6  spaceTradingRareGroupID   # int 0
0x03cc5498  EditorSupportUnlockPoints   # bool true
0x03cc9447  interactiveOrnamentDisablePickup   # bool
0x03cc94df  interactiveOrnamentLifetime   # int #input in sec
0x03cdbce4  alliedUFOHealthMultiplier   # float 25
0x03d03b03  nounDefinition_GameplayTrigger   # uints
0x03d03d69  creatureAvatarWASDSlowTurningSpeed   # float
0x03d03f84  terrainScriptSource   # key
0x03d08e15  nounDefinition_FixedSpatialObject   # bool
0x03d17d44  rockModelData   # key # ID of the model prop file holding all model info
0x03d1bc93  PartsModeColor   # bool true
0x03dad600  treeOrnamentsEnabled   # bool # determines if ornaments (sticks/flowers) will be automatically placed around trees as they come in and out of high lod
0x03dd8e59  terrainScriptEffectSeeds   # uint32s
0x03dd8e5a  terrainScriptEffectIntensities   # floats
0x03dd900c  terrainPlayerEffectTimes   # floats
0x03dd900d  terrainPlayerEffectSeeds   # uint32s
0x03dd900e  terrainPlayerEffectIntensities   # floats
0x03e0a564  paletteCategorySkinPaintIndex   # uint
0x03e2fee2  editorPlayModeLight   # key # the name of the light to be used by playmode
0x03e42efa  cacheXHTML   # bool true
0x03e96904  editorPlayModeCollisionBG   # key
0x03e99069  chanceTerrestrialHasMoon   # float 0
0x03e99308  chanceAdditionalPlanetsAreSpaceTech   # float 0.3
0x03eaeafd  percentChanceCivPlanetIsGonnaDoTransitionMiniGame   # int
0x03eb2e21  obstacleUses2DFootprint   # bool false # whether or not an obstacle will use a 2D footprint, by default, false
0x03ebebb3  creatureAbilityOnlyInSpace   # bool true
0x03ebeecc  EffectsLevel   # int 1
0x03ec0401  creatureAbilityStandStill   # bool true
0x03ec8755  HarvesterCost   # float
0x03ecb7c0  HarvesterCapPerCity   # int
0x03ed642b  HarvesterLandSpeed   # float
0x03f10658  nearbyEmpiresSearchRadius   # float
0x03f124f6  LengthGame   # int 1
0x03f12f88  DistanceStartGame   # float 100.0
0x03f1314a  DistanceQuitGame   # float 150.0
0x03f13615  TimeInAlmostConvert   # float
0x03f13616  TimeInAlmostDestroy   # float
0x03f13617  TimeInConverted   # float
0x03f2a24e  VehicleTypeHarvester   # float
0x03f2bb86  HighlightUIButtons   # bool true
0x03f32ad2  modelBakeSprites   # bool false # triggers extra capture of top-down and cross-tree sprites
0x03f3fa37  missionGeneratorMissionIDs   # keys
0x03f3fa44  missionGeneratorWeightColony   # ints
0x03f3fa4b  missionGeneratorWeightColonyDuringWar   # ints
0x03f3fa52  missionGeneratorWeightColonyDuringAlliance   # ints
0x03f6937c  SoundGateConvertingPos1   # key
0x03f6937d  SoundGateConvertingPos2   # key
0x03f6937e  SoundGateConvertingPos3   # key
0x03f6937f  SoundGateConvertingNeg1   # key
0x03f69380  SoundGateConvertingNeg2   # key
0x03f69381  SoundGateConvertingNeg3   # key
0x03f6af12  InitialCameraPolarCoords   # vector3
0x03f6d22a  terrainScriptModelIsResource   # bool # whether model is a resource/honeypot
0x03fa69b8  NoteWaitTime   # int 500
0x03fd0826  ResourceRegenerationPerSecond   # float
0x03fd7424  editorBGEntryEffect   # key
0x03feb3cf  editorCrossFadeSnap   # key
0x03febc27  editorBGThumbNail   # key
0x03ffad0a  weatherLevel   # int 2 # how much , 0 = minspec
0x0400178a  EditorRenderingQuality   # int 1 # 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high
0x0402cc7d  eventCategory   # key # the category event - info, warning, mission, tutorial, reward
0x0404213f  ConvertCitizenRelationshipDelta   # float
0x04042140  ConvertVehicleRelationshipDelta   # float
0x04042141  BribeVehicleRelationshipDelta   # float
0x040512ef  UserName   # string8
0x040512f4  Password   # string8
0x04052a6b  creatureAbilityRequiredCAPs   # uints
0x04052a86  creatureAbilityRequiredCAPsMaxValueRange   # vector2s
0x04052b30  creatureAbilityRequiredCAPsSumValueRange   # vector2s
0x040534b0  spaceEconomyVehicleCost   # int 103
0x040539d4  terrainScriptAmbientSoundEffects   # keys # list of sound effect keys to be played on planet entry for ambient sound
0x04057881  floraImposterScale   # float 10 # scale of imposter textures
0x0406e3f9  ForceModelsVisible   # bool off
0x04079544  CasualsBackground   # key
0x04079570  CasualsLight   # key
0x04080a76  CasualsCreature   # key
0x0408e26e  spaceEconomyCivicObjectCost   # int 103
0x040a1775  creatureAbilityCAPToAnimationMap   # uints
0x040cbd94  modelRotationRingXAxisOffset   # float 0.0
0x040cbd95  modelRotationRingYAxisOffset   # float 0.0
0x040cbd96  modelRotationRingZAxisOffset   # float 0.0
0x040cf84e  terrainScriptAmbientEffectSelect1   # keys # list of ambient effects to randomly select one effect from
0x040cf84f  terrainScriptAmbientEffectSelect2   # keys # list of ambient effects to randomly select one effect from
0x040cf850  terrainScriptAmbientEffectSelect3   # keys # list of ambient effects to randomly select one effect from
0x040cf851  terrainScriptAmbientEffectSelect4   # keys # list of ambient effects to randomly select one effect from
0x040d6a39  terrainScriptPlanetInfoSelect   # vector3s # list of terrain/dead/atmosphere types, one will be randomly selected for the terrainScriptPlanetInfo
0x040e3d98  PlayOffline   # bool
0x040e7f66  editorBGOrder   # int
0x040fb917  modelIgnoreForStatsCalculation   # bool false # informs stats calculator to ignore this block
0x04120847  colorpickerGapPercent   # float
0x041295c9  modelRotationRingXAxisScale   # float 1.0
0x041295ca  modelRotationRingYAxisScale   # float 1.0
0x041295cb  modelRotationRingZAxisScale   # float 1.0
0x04162887  modelPlacementSpacingRing   # float # only used in the terrain editor to show how far objects should be from each other
0x04163a04  spaceToolDisableOnHomeworld   # bool true #disable this tool on the users homeworld.
0x04163a05  spaceToolDisableOnSaveGames   # bool false #disable this tool when visiting savegame worlds.
0x04179ecb  CasualsLayout   # key
0x041a05e5  empireSizeRatioFactor   # float 1
0x041a05e6  currentRelationshipFactor   # float 1
0x041a05f5  largeGiftAmount   # int 3000
0x041a05f6  mediumGiftAmount   # int 2000
0x041a05f7  smallGiftAmount   # int 2000
0x041a05f8  largeGiftRelationshipMultiplier   # float
0x041a05f9  mediumGiftRelationshipMultiplier   # float
0x041a05fa  smallGiftRelationshipMultiplier   # float
0x041a06f8  createAllianceBase   # float 3.0
0x041a06f9  createAllianceChance   # float 0.3
0x041a06fa  endAlliance   # float 1.0
0x041b8f40  tribeIDColorBrightness   # float
0x041b8f45  civIDColorBrightness   # float
0x041b8f48  spaceIDColorBrightness   # float
0x041bacb8  creatureIDColorBrightness   # float
0x041c3428  colorpickerDoubleClickInterval   # int
0x041f92d9  minTime   # int 0
0x041f92e1  maxProbability   # float 0
0x041fb3ff  maxTime   # int 0
0x041fbf3d  TerrariumInvIcon   # key
0x041fbf60  TerrariumInvIconHilite   # key
0x0420dc18  modelRotationRingXAxisActLikeBall   # bool false
0x0420dc19  modelRotationRingYAxisActLikeBall   # bool false
0x0420dc1a  modelRotationRingZAxisActLikeBall   # bool false
0x04233ced  warEndThreshold   # float -3.0
0x04233e37  DistributeRocksAffectPathfindingData   # bool true # if set, then when distribute rocks come into existence, they will mark up the A* map
0x042340bb  evolutionTickFrequency   # int 0
0x04235438  TerrariumInvObjID   # key
0x04239b99  modelFloraType   # int 0 # flora variant type: 1/2/3 = small/medium/large
0x0423bc50  creatureAbilityCombatEffectPercentages   # floats
0x0423bc51  creatureAbilityCombatEffectEffectIds   # uints
0x0423bc52  creatureAbilityCombatEffectTypes   # uints
0x042452bf  ShowAvatarDamage   # bool false
0x04245bb4  modelCanUseIdentityColor   # bool true
0x0424be05  RectangleSelectBoundingBox   # bool true
0x0424be14  RectangleSelectBoundingBoxScale   # float 0.75
0x0424e4df  openingMovies   # keys
0x04294750  toolData_ToolType   # uint 0
0x04294751  toolData_ToolClass   # uint 0
0x04294752  toolData_RackModelKey   # key
0x04294753  toolData_ThumbnailKey   # key
0x04294754  toolData_DefaultToolIdle   # uint
0x04294755  toolData_LookaroundToolIdle   # uint
0x0429d67b  tickFrequencyEGS   # int 0
0x0429d68c  minTimeEGS   # int 0
0x0429d69c  maxTimeEGS   # int 0
0x0429d6ae  maxProbabilityEGS   # float 0
0x042a2267  weightArtDirected   # int
0x042c3672  RectangleSelectColor   # colorRGBA (1, 1, 0.2, 1.0)
0x042c38ab  RectangleSelectLineWidth   # float 2.0
0x042c9060  tribeNames   # keys
0x042c9065  cityNames   # keys
0x043333dd  badgePointValue   # int 0
0x04334f33  ExtensionMap   # strings
0x04334f34  DefaultGroup   # key
0x0435b5a7  ufoNPCPlumpScale   # float 2.0
0x0435ba69  movieFadeOutLength   # float
0x0435d996  herd_call_frequency   # uint
0x04363000  ShowNetworkBlinky   # bool false
0x043afa7e  modelName   # string16 # name of original baked model.
0x043b1ec5  UILocalizedResourceGroups_TypeID_OTF   # uints
0x043b29e1  terrainModelFootprints   # keys # game-model-attached footprints, e.g. cities, huts
0x043b29e2  terrainModelFootprintTransforms   # transforms # transforms for the above
0x043b3dc0  badgeName   # text
0x043c4e1f  Turrets   # vector3s
0x043c4e68  Side_Gates   # vector3s
0x043c4e76  Main_Gate   # vector3
0x043c4e94  Freight_Gate   # vector3
0x043c4e95  Harvest_Gate   # vector3
0x043c4e96  Sea_Gate   # vector3
0x043c4e97  City_Hall   # vector3
0x043c4e98  Buildings   # vector3s
0x043c5160  ShowPartUnlockUI   # bool true
0x043c8c00  CasualModule   # key
0x043c8c14  TerrariumModuleBackground   # key
0x043c96fa  TerrariumModuleLight   # key
0x043deda6  TerrariumModuleObjID   # key
0x043dedd9  TerrariumModuelObjPos   # vector3
0x043dedec  TerrariumModuleObjRot   # float
0x043dedf6  TerrariumModuleObjScale   # float
0x043dee4a  TerrariumModuleObjProp   # keys
0x043df563  TerrariumModuleObjType   # int
0x043e0122  RenderScreenEffects   # bool true
0x043e0123  RenderEffectScreensBG   # bool true # note -- doesn't currently work because the render flag is broken, use RenderScreenEffects instead
0x043e0124  RenderEffectScreensFG   # bool true # ditto
0x043e0125  RenderEffectQuadSets   # bool true # all effect quads -- particles, distributes, etc.
0x043e0126  RenderEffectModelSets   # bool true # all effect particle/distribute models
0x043e0127  RenderEffectModels   # bool true # all effect standalone models (model component)
0x043eefca  ShowCreatureEncounteredCard   # bool true
0x043f419b  editorShowBoneLengthHandles   # bool false # tells the editor whether or not to show the bone length handle
0x044041e3  Plazas   # vector3s
0x04408ed6  radiusInner   # float
0x04408ed7  radiusOuter   # float
0x0440a514  PromptOnStartup   # bool
0x0442151e  modelLevelTexture   # key # texture for terrain levelling
0x044449ba  InlandModelSmall   # key
0x044449bb  InlandModelLarge   # key
0x044449bc  CoastalModelSmall   # key
0x044449bd  CoastalModelLarge   # key
0x044449be  TurretModel   # key
0x044449bf  TurretModelDestroyed   # key
0x0444d5b0  MaxClusterError   # float 0.5 # error threshold for clusters -- smaller = more charts but better quality
0x04457909  shoppingCanMakeNew   # bool true # means there will be a "make new" button in the preview pane
0x0445791d  shoppingBanButton   # bool true # means there will be a "ban" button in the preview pane
0x04458574  eventSporeGuidePage   # text
0x04460b63  modelBakeLevel   # int 0 # 0 = full runtime block, 1 = single bone static, 2 = baked into parent
0x0446ff4e  Decorations   # vector3s
0x04471acd  CivicFlora   # keys
0x04471ace  CivicLamps   # keys
0x04471acf  CivicMisc   # keys
0x04474195  ChartPackType   # int 1 # 0 = horizon loose, 1 = horizon greedy, 2 = k-d rect packer
0x04488192  universeSimulatorBiosphereCollapseTime   # float 600
0x044881a3  universeSimulatorBiosphereCollapseFrequency   # float 300
0x04496ebe  ufoHitTerrainDamage   # float 800.0
0x044978e6  missionBiosphereCollapseAnimalTime   # float 120
0x0449793e  missionBiosphereCollapsePlantTime   # float 30
0x04498e8a  eventCinematicTrigger   # string8
0x044c6220  cameraInitialFOV   # float 1
0x044d8d26  creatureAbilityAllowedInSpace   # bool true
0x044dcd0a  modelTypesNotToInteractWith   # keys # block types that this block should not pin/stack on
0x044eb82c  PerfDisplayScale   # float 1.5 # scale perf warning display
0x044eff59  shoppingTutorialInstance   # key # instance ID for the shopping tutorial file
0x044f217a  editorTutorialPartMode   # key # instance ID for part mode tutorial
0x044f21a7  editorTutorialPlayMode   # key # instance ID for play mode tutorial
0x044f21ab  editorTutorialPaintMode   # key # instance ID for paint mode tutorial
0x044f6c09  paletteCategoryIconList   # keys
0x045061c1  shoppingEditorTypeOverride   # key # instance ID for the editor prop file to use to edit these shopping items
0x0452027c  modelLODFlags0   # uint32 # LOD flags for generating this model's LOD0
0x0452027d  modelLODFlags1   # uint32 # LOD flags for generating this model's LOD1
0x0452027e  modelLODFlags2   # uint32 # LOD flags for generating this model's LOD2
0x0452027f  modelLODFlags3   # uint32 # LOD flags for generating this model's LOD3
0x0452eedd  shoppingOKButton   # bool true # should this shopping window have an OK button or not
0x04531c33  eventCinematicObjectNameGUID   # uint # e.g. (hash("myObjectName")) -- register the userdata of the event with the cinematic manager as a referenceable object
0x0456b66a  modelGonzagoClassID   # key
0x0456f974  recordMovieLength   # float 60
0x0456f975  recordMovieWidth   # uint32 320
0x0456f976  recordMovieHeight   # uint32 240
0x0456f977  recordMovieFPS   # float 15.0
0x0456f978  recordMovieQuality   # float 0.8
0x0456f979  recordMovieAudio   # bool true
0x0456f97a  recordMovieNoUI   # bool false # don't capture UI
0x04587227  defaultTerrainEditorFlora   # keys
0x04598a6f  otdbRefillThreshold   # ints
0x04598a70  otdbRefillAmount   # ints
0x04604b00  modelRotationRingXAxisIsHidden   # bool false
0x04604b01  modelRotationRingYAxisIsHidden   # bool false
0x04604b02  modelRotationRingZAxisIsHidden   # bool false
0x04604b03  modelRotationBallHandleIsHidden   # bool false
0x04604b04  modelHandleIsHidden   # bools # array defining which handles are hidden. if empty, all handles are not hidden
0x04613a09  DirectArenaLoads   # bool false # allow loading an arena with no .prop, for dev-time purposes. No LOD, immediate stall.
0x046149df  UnlockAllLevels   # bool false # whether to default to all levels playable
0x0461709d  OptionDefaultsSet   # bool
0x0461709e  OptionShadows   # uint32
0x0461709f  OptionTextureDetail   # uint32
0x046170a0  OptionEffects   # uint32
0x046170a1  OptionScreenSize   # uint32
0x046170a2  OptionFullScreen   # uint32
0x046170a3  OptionBakeQuality   # uint32
0x046170a4  OptionDiskCacheSize   # uint32
0x046170a6  OptionLighting   # uint32
0x046170a7  OptionPlanetQuality   # uint32
0x04617bf6  modelRotationRingXAxisAllowHidden   # bool true
0x04617bf7  modelRotationRingYAxisAllowHidden   # bool true
0x04617bf8  modelRotationRingZAxisAllowHidden   # bool true
0x04617bf9  modelRotationBallHandleAllowHidden   # bool true
0x0463cda3  planetFruitModel   # key # Key for the fruit model used on this planet
0x0463cdb4  planetFruitDistributeEffect   # key # distribute effect script ID that uses the same fruit model as what's listed in planetFruitModel
0x0463d294  creditsNames   # keys
0x0463d9ba  planetFruitModelRotten   # key # Key for the fruit model (when rotten) used on this planet
0x046425b0  movieRes   # int
0x046425ce  photoRes   # int
0x046522eb  creatureEvoPointsToMigrate_1   # float
0x046522ec  creatureEvoPointsToMigrate_2   # float
0x046522ed  creatureEvoPointsToMigrate_3   # float
0x046522ee  creatureEvoPointsToMigrate_4   # float
0x04657fb9  solarZoomRateMin   # float 100.0
0x04658312  planetZoomRateMin   # float 10.0
0x04691389  solarPullOutDebugDraw   # bool false # help for tuning the above
0x04691528  starNamesWordOne   # keys
0x0469152e  starNamesWordTwo   # keys
0x04691532  starNamesWordThree   # keys
0x0469153d  spaceCameraDebugMouseWheel   # bool false
0x046a3e56  starNamesFallback   # key
0x046a3e66  planetNamesFallback   # key
0x046a3e6a  planetNamesWordOne   # keys
0x046a3e6d  planetNamesWordTwo   # keys
0x046a3e71  planetNamesWordThree   # keys
0x046a3e75  tribeNamesFallback   # key
0x046a3e78  tribeNamesWordOne   # keys
0x046a3e7d  tribeNamesWordTwo   # keys
0x046a3e80  tribeNamesWordThree   # keys
0x046a3e84  cityNamesFallback   # key
0x046a3e86  cityNamesWordOne   # keys
0x046a3e8b  cityNamesWordTwo   # keys
0x046a3e8e  cityNamesWordThree   # keys
0x046a4ab3  creatureNamesWordOne   # keys
0x046a4ab7  creatureNamesWordTwo   # keys
0x046a4abb  creatureNamesWordThree   # keys
0x046a4abf  creatureNamesFallback   # key
0x046a6e76  eventAllowDuplicates   # bool # allows triggering of multiple events with the same event ID
0x046ab5aa  solarZoomRateMax   # float 10000.0
0x046b02c5  modelSymmetryRotationSnapAngle   # float # the angle at which a part is no longer symmetric
0x046bb221  galaxyZoomRateMin   # float 100.0
0x046bb224  galaxyZoomRateMax   # float 10000.0
0x046bf76c  associatedPartUnlocks   # keys # 1st array of associated blocks that will be unlocked
0x046c050c  shoppingSizeSmall   # vector2 # size of the main shopping window at 800x600
0x046c0537  shoppingSizeLarge   # vector2 # size of the main shopping window at 1024x768 and above
0x046c082b  planetZoomRateMax   # float 1000.0
0x046c0c15  minScreenWidth   # int 800
0x046c0c16  minScreenHeight   # int 600
0x046cca29  GameLoadsWaitForBaking   # bool false
0x046d0560  soundId   # uint
0x046d0572  soundPriority   # float
0x046d2b71  disableFruit   # bool false #override game mode current settings & enable/disable fruit in game
0x046d60ad  planetCameraMaxAltitudeForRotation   # float 200.0
0x046dbf25  creatureHealthRecoveryNoDamageTime   # float
0x046dbf26  creatureHealthRecoveryNoDamageMultiplier   # float
0x046dbf27  creatureHungerCostForBuildNest   # float
0x046dc07f  creatureHungerDrain   # float
0x046dc080  creatureStarvationPain   # float
0x046dc081  creatureRestingHealthRecovery   # float
0x046dc082  creatureHealingHealthRecovery   # float
0x046dc088  creaturePosseHealthRecovery   # float
0x046dc280  hungerDecayDelay   # float
0x046dd2d0  creatureStartingMotive_HealthMin   # float
0x046dd2d1  creatureStartingMotive_HealthMax   # float
0x046dd2d2  creatureStartingMotive_HungerMin   # float
0x046dd2d3  creatureStartingMotive_HungerMax   # float
0x046e82d7  toolPassThroughAll   # bool false # if the projectile ignores all collisions
0x046ec65e  cameraMomentumScale   # float
0x0473b870  playmodeVideoRes   # int 1
0x0473b871  playmodePhotoRes   # int 800
0x0473b872  RecordMovieWidth   # int 160
0x0473b873  RecordMovieHeight   # int 120
0x0473b8cb  OptionPhotoRes   # uint32
0x0473b8cc  OptionVideoRes   # uint32
0x0475062d  turret_muzzle_position   # vector3
0x04754439  OptionVersion   # uint32
0x0477d61d  envCubeMap   # key # HDR cubemap
0x04780d12  MaxInstancingTris   # uint32 1000
0x04780d18  MinInstancingCount   # int 8
0x047be907  modelCapabilityToPropFileMap   # keys #maps capabilities to prop files: <capability id>!<propfile id>
0x047be908  modelCapabilityAnimKeys   # keys #array of anim keys a given capability has
0x047be96f  modelCapabilityDefaultAnimValues   # floats #array of default anim values for a capability
0x047c1d1b  editorBoneComplexityLimit   # int # Maximum bone complexity of blocks allowed in this editor
0x047e6c1d  shoppingPublishButton   # bool true # means there will be a "publish" button in the preview pane
0x047f7359  toolHitPlayerEffectID   # key # effect component for hitting the player
0x047f7383  toolProjectileLobAngle   # float # degree angle up from horizontal that the projectile will be lobbed from
0x047fa997  shoppingDeleteButton   # bool true # means there will be a "delete" button in the preview pane
0x047fd3b5  editorCSABrowserURL   # string16
0x0480bc3d  spaceEconomyMaxCargoCount   # int 50
0x0480cb2b  spaceUICommMaxBlinkCount   # int 20
0x0486039f  editorPlayAnimName   # key
0x04864a96  editorButtonImageNormal   # key
0x04864a97  editorButtonImageDisabled   # key
0x04864a98  editorButtonImageHighlighted   # key
0x04864a99  editorButtonImageActive   # key
0x048665c7  vi_tableau   # uint # 0 = facing center, 1 = facing forward
0x04866690  vi_animations_0   # uints
0x04866691  vi_animations_1   # uints
0x04866692  vi_animations_2   # uints
0x04866693  vi_animations_3   # uints
0x04866694  vi_animations_4   # uints
0x04866695  vi_animations_5   # uints
0x04866696  vi_animations_6   # uints
0x04866697  vi_animations_7   # uints
0x04866698  vi_animations_8   # uints
0x04866699  vi_animations_9   # uints
0x0486669a  vi_animations_10   # uints
0x0486669b  vi_animations_11   # uints
0x048666a0  vi_loops_0   # uints
0x048666a1  vi_loops_1   # uints
0x048666a2  vi_loops_2   # uints
0x048666a3  vi_loops_3   # uints
0x048666a4  vi_loops_4   # uints
0x048666a5  vi_loops_5   # uints
0x048666a6  vi_loops_6   # uints
0x048666a7  vi_loops_7   # uints
0x048666a8  vi_loops_8   # uints
0x048666a9  vi_loops_9   # uints
0x048666aa  vi_loops_10   # uints
0x048666ab  vi_loops_11   # uints
0x048666b0  vi_effects_0   # uints
0x048666b1  vi_effects_1   # uints
0x048666b2  vi_effects_2   # uints
0x048666b3  vi_effects_3   # uints
0x048666b4  vi_effects_4   # uints
0x048666b5  vi_effects_5   # uints
0x048666b6  vi_effects_6   # uints
0x048666b7  vi_effects_7   # uints
0x048666b8  vi_effects_8   # uints
0x048666b9  vi_effects_9   # uints
0x048666ba  vi_effects_10   # uints
0x048666bb  vi_effects_11   # uints
0x048666c0  vi_effect_limbs_0   # uints
0x048666c1  vi_effect_limbs_1   # uints
0x048666c2  vi_effect_limbs_2   # uints
0x048666c3  vi_effect_limbs_3   # uints
0x048666c4  vi_effect_limbs_4   # uints
0x048666c5  vi_effect_limbs_5   # uints
0x048666c6  vi_effect_limbs_6   # uints
0x048666c7  vi_effect_limbs_7   # uints
0x048666c8  vi_effect_limbs_8   # uints
0x048666c9  vi_effect_limbs_9   # uints
0x048666ca  vi_effect_limbs_10   # uints
0x048666cb  vi_effect_limbs_11   # uints
0x04867421  ufoVelocityFactorZoomedOut   # float 1
0x048676c2  editorAnimInfo   # keys
0x048775d9  planetCameraDistanceInterpolationRate   # float 1.0
0x048775e6  planetCameraTerrainInterpolationRate   # float 1.0
0x048775e8  planetCameraFOVInterpolationRate   # float 1.0
0x04877bf5  vi_actor_sequences   # uints # which sequence below to use for each actor
0x04879ca4  editorPlayAnimBabyName   # key
0x04879ca5  editorPlayAnimBabySpeed   # float
0x04879ca6  editorPlayAnimBabyDelay   # float
0x04879d5a  vi_actor_offsets   # vector2s # offset from center in creature-radii
0x0487a133  vi_name   # string
0x0488bb2c  toolCulturalRewardCount   # int # how many charges rewarded to the player on civ transition
0x0488bb52  toolMilitaryRewardCount   # int # how many charges rewarded to the player on civ transition
0x0488bb57  toolEconomicRewardCount   # int # how many charges rewarded to the player on civ transition
0x0488bb99  spaceTransitionRewardTools   # keys # the list of possible rewards to be considered when transitioning to space
0x0488bd8d  spaceTransitionEconomicReward   # int 0 # money rewarded on transition from civ based on play style
0x0488bd91  spaceTransitionCulturalReward   # int 0 # money rewarded on transition from civ based on play style
0x0488bd95  spaceTransitionMilitaryReward   # int 0 # money rewarded on transition from civ based on play style
0x0489164a  modelWarpCursorToPinPoint   # bool false #moves the cursor to the pinning point on a block as the player manipulates it
0x048a40a6  vi_min_happy   # float
0x048a40a7  vi_max_happy   # float
0x048a66ea  creatureHealthPointsPerCarcass   # float
0x048a66ee  creatureHealthPointsPerFruit   # float
0x048e2a2e  modelTypesToSnapReplace   # keys # block types that this block can snap replace
0x048e2cb7  Gamma   # float 1
0x048f5b53  modelMaxWidth   # vector3 # maximum size for a category of model (buildings, vehicles, etc)
0x048f5b54  modelMinWidth   # vector3 # minimum size for a category of model (buildings, vehicles, etc)
0x048f6ee9  missionRaidBuildingsForMaxRaiders   # int 20
0x048f6eee  missionRaidMaxBombersPerPlanet   # int 2
0x048f6eef  missionRaidMaxPiratesPerPlanet   # int 2 # used to distribute Pluder Misssions
0x048f914e  eventCinematicAutoDeleteEvent   # bool # Automatic deletion of the event when the cinematic starts
0x048f934d  missionRaidBuildingsForMinRaiders   # int 20
0x049218c6  modelReplaceSnapDelta   # float # the distance from the center at which a part snaps to replace another part
0x04935a7f  missionMinBuildingsForAdditionalPlanet   # int 52
0x04935a80  missionBuildingsPerAdditionalPlanet   # int 12
0x0493691f  modelHideRotationHandles   # bool false # forces the rotation handles of a block to be hidden
0x04973416  associatedPartUnlocks2   # keys # 2nd array of associated blocks that will be unlocked
0x04978d39  DirectArenaLoadWarning   # bool true # warn when we load an arena directly, provide a starter .prop.
0x0499eb12  CasualsCreatureOpp   # key
0x049a1d5e  planetTransitionTime   # float 5
0x049a1e30  TerrariumInvUnlockLevel   # int
0x049a2146  vi_actor_orientations   # floats # initial orientations offset from tableau settings, 0-359 degrees
0x049a3514  vi_city_specialty   # uint # 0 = any (default), 1 = military, 2 = religious, 3 = diplomatic
0x049b293f  spacePirateMoneyPenalty   # int 100 # amount each pirate takes when you fail to stop them airlifting....
0x049b3d7e  ufoPlumpTransitionScale   # float 8.0
0x049b48ee  modelPreloads   # keys # list of models to preload, as per cIModelWorld::PreloadModels().
0x049b51d4  LightDurationRound1   # int 500
0x049b51d9  LightDurationRound2   # int 500
0x049b51e3  LightDurationRound3   # int 500
0x049b51e7  LightDurationRound4   # int 500
0x049b51f7  LightDurationRound5   # int 500
0x049b51ff  LightDurationRound6   # int 500
0x049b5205  LightDurationRound7   # int 500
0x049b520d  LightDurationRound8   # int 500
0x049b5212  LightDurationRound9   # int 500
0x049b521a  LightDurationRound10   # int 500
0x049b71de  terraformClearFloraRadius   # float 0
0x049b94d4  lightingCel   # float
0x049b94d5  planetCelRange   # vector2
0x049c8899  toolButtonImageIDs   # keys # array of 9 image keys to be used to construct an 8 state button with hit mask.
0x049fc837  modelLightStrength   # floats # light sizes
0x049fc837  modelLightStrengths   # floats # light sizes
0x049fc838  modelLightColor   # vector3s # light colors
0x049fc838  modelLightColors   # vector3s # light colors
0x049fc838  modelLightColour   # vector3s # light colours
0x049fc838  modelLightColours   # vector3s # light colours
0x049fc839  modelLightSize   # floats # light sizes
0x049fc839  modelLightSizes   # floats # light sizes
0x049fc83a  modelLightOffset   # vector3s # offsets relative to model
0x049fc83a  modelLightOffsets   # vector3s # offsets relative to model
0x04a06d7b  ufoSolarSpeed   # float 0.1
0x04a06d84  ufoSolarAcceleration   # float 0.001
0x04a06d8b  ufoGalaxySpeed   # float 0.0001
0x04a06d94  ufoGalaxyAcceleration   # float 0.000001
0x04a0b118  planetTransitionEnable   # bool true
0x04a1b727  lategameTools   # keys #array of tool keys to give.
0x04a1b728  lategameTutorialMissionsToComplete   # uint
0x04a1b729  lategameDistance   # float
0x04a1b72a  lategameOutposts   # uint
0x04a1b72b  lategameT1Colony   # uint
0x04a1b72c  lategameT2Colony   # uint
0x04a1b72d  lategameT3Colony   # uint
0x04a1b72e  lategameAllies   # uint
0x04a1b72f  lategameEnemies   # uint
0x04a1b730  lategameMoney   # uint
0x04a20fe1  verbTrayLayout   # key #points to the layout file for the verb icon tray
0x04a20fe7  verbIconLayout   # key #points to the layout file for a single verb icon
0x04a20feb  verbIcons   # keys #Array of abilities for a verb icon tray. The order in the array defines the order in the tray
0x04a213b2  verbTrayJustification   # key #Left, Right, Top, or Bottom
0x04a310d1  badgeInitiallyHidden   # bool false
0x04a3386d  modelActsLikeGrasper   # bool false
0x04a33896  modelActsLikeFoot   # bool false
0x04a35ee9  creatureAbilityRangeMin   # float
0x04a37dfb  badgeDescriptionString   # text
0x04a37dfc  badgeHintAction   # text
0x04a3b2f8  creatureAbilityRushingAnimationID   # uint
0x04a3b36c  creatureAbilityRushingRange   # float
0x04a4b35f  universeSimulatorMinTimeBetweenDisasters   # int
0x04a4bb05  planetTransitionCheatToDaylightOnce   # bool false
0x04a4bb09  planetTransitionCheatToDaylightAlways   # bool false
0x04a4bb1c  planetTransitionZoomControl   # bool false
0x04a4bb23  planetTransitionEnterOnDaySide   # bool false
0x04a4bb27  planetTransitionExitOnNightSide   # bool false
0x04a4ce5a  creatureAbilityEffectDamage   # float
0x04a5b8d2  modelSound   # uint32 # sound to start when model is high LOD visible
0x04a5bf9e  maxAnimalsPerStage   # int 20
0x04a5c051  verbIconButtonImages   # keys # array of images for a verb icon button
0x04a5d46d  spaceTerraformT2ColonyMaxBuildings   # int 10 # includes the city hall
0x04a5d473  spaceTerraformT1ColonyMaxBuildings   # int 5 # includes the city hall
0x04a5e5bb  universeSimulatorMinTimeAfterColonyPlacement   # int
0x04a5e5bc  grobShockDuration   # float
0x04a5e5bd  grobThresholdNotAware   # float
0x04a5e5be  grobThresholdAware   # float
0x04a5e5bf  grobThresholdVeryAware   # float
0x04a5e5c0  grobThresholdExtremelyAware   # float
0x04a5e5c1  grobAwarenessDecayRate   # float
0x04a5e5c2  grobAwarenessAdjustmentAngeredGrob   # float
0x04a5e5c3  grobAwarenessAdjustmentVisitedGrobPlanet   # float
0x04a5e5c4  grobAwarenessAdjustmentVisitedGrobStar   # float
0x04a5e5c5  grobAwarenessAdjustmentVisitedStarNearGrob   # float
0x04a5e5c6  grobAwarenessAdjustmentEnteredGrobStar   # float
0x04a5e5c7  grobAwarenessAdjustmentAttackedGrobUFO   # float
0x04a5e5d0  grobAwarenessCap   # float
0x04a5e5d1  grobDetectionRadius   # float
0x04a5e5d2  grobDelayBetweenHighAwarenessUpdates   # float
0x04aa3838  verbTrays   # keys # array of verb tray prop files to display
0x04aa3989  verbTrayCollection   # key #points to the file that specifies the verb tray collection
0x04aa4002  verbCollectionAnimateValues   # bool false #used to make verbs animate when they change
0x04ab07c9  vi_vox   # string # A vox sound to play over the whole vignette after assembly
0x04ab0daf  creatureAbilityRushingSpeed   # float
0x04ab1bb7  TScoreTribePlanet   # int
0x04ab1bc0  TScoreCivPlanet   # int
0x04ab1bc8  TScoreColonyPlanet   # int
0x04ab1bce  TScoreEmpireHomeWorld   # int
0x04ab1bcf  TScoreGrobPlanet   # int
0x04ab4745  spaceEconomyHomeWorldBuildingMultiply   # int 20
0x04ab54c1  verbIconImageGroup   # key #specifies the group to go to find the icons.
0x04ab611c  verbTrayIcon   # key #specifies the image for the base of a verb tray
0x04ab7609  TerrariumModuleGround   # key
0x04ab8fc7  verbIconImage   # key # image to use for static verb icon
0x04abbb0d  verbIconCategory   # key #the verb icon category a given ability is in
0x04abc0f1  verbTrayOverrideCategory   # key #category the verb tray should pull its level from instead of adding up the contents of its tray
0x04ac8850  secondsBetweenColonySimulatorTicks   # int 29
0x04ac8d53  creatureAbilityAttackStatSumValueRange   # vector2
0x04ac8d56  creatureAbilitySocialStatSumValueRange   # vector2
0x04acac4d  tribeRepairDelay   # uint
0x04acea45  verbIconRolloverLayout   # key #the layout file to use for the verb icon rollover
0x04acedf4  verbTrayName   # text #name of the verb tray
0x04acedf9  verbTrayDescription   # text #description of the verb tray
0x04adacd8  terrainLightEnabled   # bool # do lights automatically spawn terrain light decals?
0x04adacd9  terrainLightStrength   # float # global multiplier
0x04adacda  terrainLightSize   # float # global multiplier
0x04adacdb  terrainLightHeightDropoff   # float # 0 = none, otherwise multiplier
0x04adb304  paletteItemIsDraggable   # bool true
0x04af5171  BuildingLink0   # bools
0x04af5174  BuildingLink1   # bools
0x04af5178  BuildingLink2   # bools
0x04af517a  BuildingLink3   # bools
0x04af517e  BuildingLink4   # bools
0x04af5181  BuildingLink5   # bools
0x04af5183  BuildingLink6   # bools
0x04af5186  BuildingLink7   # bools
0x04af5189  BuildingLink8   # bools
0x04af518c  BuildingLink9   # bools
0x04af518e  BuildingLink10   # bools
0x04af5191  BuildingLink11   # bools
0x04af545e  BuildingLink12   # bools
0x04af5466  BuildingLink13   # bools
0x04af5469  BuildingLink14   # bools
0x04af546c  BuildingLink15   # bools
0x04b2df7c  eventRemoveTime   # float # the time (in seconds) to display the event before removing it
0x04b43aa3  verbCollectionLayoutStyle   # key #Fill, Centered, Justified
0x04b5e5c5  grobHintChanceLow   # float 5
0x04b5e5c6  grobHintChanceHigh   # float 15
0x04b5e5c7  grobHintT1   # float 60
0x04b5e5c8  grobHintT2   # float 120
0x04b5e5c9  meaningOfLifeHintChanceLow   # float 0
0x04b5e5ca  meaningOfLifeHintChanceHigh   # float 25
0x04b5e5cb  meaningOfLifeHintT1   # float 180
0x04b5e5cc  meaningOfLifeHintT2   # float 240
0x04b8e99d  paletteOutfitWhichEditor   # key
0x04bd8026  CasualCombatAnimIDs   # keys #array of animIDs
0x04bd8044  CasualCombatAnimSpeedScales   # floats #array of speedscale
0x04bdb74a  RenderDebugPick   # bool off
0x04bdb74b  RenderPicked   # bool on
0x04bdc904  verbTrayRepresentativeAnimation   # key #animation id that the tray should play if it's the highest tray total
0x04bef1ee  verbTrayLargeSwatchCollection   # key #verb tray collection layout for the large shopping swatch
0x04bef203  verbTraySmallSwatchCollection   # key #verb tray collection layout for the small shopping swatch
0x04bf0dac  empireLinesMaxAngle   # float 45.0
0x04bf0dbd  empireLinesMaxDetour   # float 1.5
0x04bf1b5f  verbIconShowRollover   # bool true #turns the rollovers on and off
0x04bf2278  modelUseInBaseCollisionCalc   # bool true
0x04c08536  highlightCurve   # floats
0x04c08537  highlightLife   # float
0x04c1ab51  verbIconShowLevel   # bool true #has the verb icon display the level
0x04c1e837  ProfilerDumpLines   # int -1 # if positive, max number of lines to show during a profiler dump
0x04c6ba29  modelBakeTextureSize   # int # stick this in editorModel prop to control diffuse map sizes
0x04c6ba3c  modelBakeQuality   # int # 0, 1, 2 for diffuse only, diffuse + bakeInfo, diffuse + bakeInfo + normalMap
0x04c6df19  obstacleBaseRadiusCalcHeights   # floats # defines a list of positions as a percent of total height for calculating obstacle base radius (default, small, medium, large)
0x04c6ee01  spaceTerraformIceThreshold   # float 0.2
0x04c6efb4  toolProjectileEccentricity   # float
0x04c71061  modelWindowTransforms   # transforms # list of transforms associated with windows on buildings
0x04c71062  modelDoorTransforms   # transforms # list of transforms associated with doors on buildings
0x04c8b6ae  verbIconHasCharge   # bool false #whether the verb icon has a charge meter
0x04c8b6b3  verbIconForceEnabled   # bool false #if the verb icon should force itself to be enabled
0x04c94363  spaceCityAngerTime   # float 20.0 # time in seconds that a city stays mad
0x04c98240  TerrariumInvName   # string
0x04c98265  TerrariumInvCost   # uint32
0x04ca3377  paletteAssetSwatchEditTooltip   # text
0x04caccce  modelToolAnimGroups   # int32s # Corresponding list of animation groups for that tool
0x04cad19b  spaceToolDetailDescription   # text # expanded rollover description
0x04cb27fd  verbTrayIsHealthBar   # bool false #turns the verb tray into a health bar
0x04cd6efe  CostToBuyCityModifier   # float
0x04cd7226  ConversionConversionGroupPowerModifier   # float
0x04cd7227  ConversionConversionGroupSizeModifier   # float
0x04cd7228  BaseConversionStrength   # float
0x04cd7229  CrowdReationModifier   # float
0x04cd722a  CrowdReationOffset   # float
0x04cd722b  CrowdDPSOffset   # float
0x04cd722c  CrowdDPSModifier   # float
0x04cd722d  CrowdDPSBase   # float
0x04cd722e  CrowdConvertOffset   # float
0x04cd86a3  HarvestMinLoad   # float
0x04cd86a4  HarvestMaxLoad   # float
0x04cd86a5  HarvestResourceLoss   # float
0x04cda095  MilitaryProb   # float
0x04cda096  CulturalProb   # float
0x04cda097  MilitaryProbMajorNPC   # float
0x04cda098  CulturalProbMajorNPC   # float
0x04cda099  MilitaryProbMinorNPC   # float
0x04cda09a  CulturalProbMinorNPC   # float
0x04cdad7d  SecondsNextCityEarly   # float
0x04cdad7e  SecondsNextCityLate   # float
0x04cdad7f  EarlyLateCityThreshold   # float
0x04ce873a  terrainScriptModelType   # uint # type for the model, so game code can do cool stuff
0x04ce8c24  CityHappyIncome   # float
0x04ce8c25  CityBoredIncome   # float
0x04ce8c26  CityTiredIncome   # float
0x04cec9c3  spaceDefaultMainTool   # key # Scan.prop
0x04cec9ca  spaceDefaultWeaponTool   # key # Laser.prop
0x04cec9ce  spaceDefaultCargoTool   # key # Abduct.prop
0x04d036b3  verbIconRolloverImage   # key #the key for the image to be used in rollovers
0x04d04a47  obstacleOcclusionObjectRadiusMultiplier   # float 1.0 # object (avatar, tribe member, ect.) radius that is multipled to expand alpha region around object
0x04d164aa  toolMinimapSlotsToggleEffect   # uint # hash of slots, map, or none
0x04d16cc0  verbTrayTypeToSingleOut   # key #the verb tray type to single out and special case
0x04d1a4ee  verbTrayShowVerbIconWhenCollapsed   # bool false #has the tray show the first verb icon if not showing verb icons
0x04d4190d  toolDamagesFriendlies   # bool true # if the projectile damages friendlies
0x04d7dbe9  ufoSolarMinPlump   # float 1.0
0x04d7dbea  ufoSolarMaxPlump   # float 10.0
0x04d7dbeb  ufoGalaxyMinPlump   # float 1.0
0x04d7dbec  ufoGalaxyMaxPlump   # float 10.0
0x04d7f317  eventCinematicAutoStart   # bool # Start cinematic automatically when event is triggered.
0x04d7ff37  verbIconRepresentativeAnimation   # key #animation id a verb should play to show off the verb icon
0x04d80588  tribeFeedbackActivationDistance   # float 25.0
0x04d805be  runTribeGameBehaviors   # bool true
0x04d805bf  missionThreshold   # float -7.0
0x04d8076d  tribeFeedbackDeactivationDistance   # float 75.0
0x04d83d74  TurretThumbnail   # key
0x04d8f5e6  TribeGamePaths   # bool true
0x04d92f82  editorDefaultModelName   # text #default name for new models
0x04d972e7  ufoGalaxyMinPlumpDistance   # float 1.0
0x04d972e9  ufoGalaxyMaxPlumpDistance   # float 500.0
0x04da5b79  TribeGamePic   # bool false
0x04daaefc  ufoBaseDamagePush   # float 2.0
0x04dad031  verbIconTriggerKey   # int #the ascii value of the key that triggers this ability. -1 means "use the tray index" and -2 means "no hot key"
0x04dbc51f  editorMaxBakedBlocks   # int # Maximum number of baked blocks allowed in this editor
0x04dbcdd2  modelBlockAssemblyBlockCount   # int # number of blocks contained in an assembly's .crt file
0x04dbf457  CityCivilianOverallScale   # float
0x04dbf458  CityCivilianSizeRange   # float
0x04dbf459  CityCivilianMinRadius   # float
0x04dbf45a  CityCivilianMaxRadius   # float
0x04dc0642  ufoMaxDamagePush   # float 2.0
0x04dc41d1  verbTrayCollectionShoppingSmall   # key #points to the file that specifies the verb tray collection for the small shopping swatch
0x04dc41d2  verbTrayCollectionShoppingLarge   # key #points to the file that specifies the verb tray collection for the large shopping swatch
0x04dc44cb  tuningSpineHandleColor   # colorRGB # Color of unselected spine handle
0x04dc44cc  tuningSpineHandleSize   # float # Scale used on spine handle
0x04dc44cd  tuningSpineHandleAlpha   # float # Alpha on an unselected spine handle
0x04dc44ce  tuningSpineHandleOverdrawAlpha   # float # Alpha on an unselected overdraw spine handle
0x04dc44cf  tuningSpineHandleDistance   # float # Distance between last vertebra and spine handle
0x04dcfba7  ufoDamageVelocityDecayRate   # float 1000.0
0x04dd703a  TerrariumInvXMLFileName   # string
0x04e13cb7  terrainThemeFlora   # keys #ids of flora used on a specific terrain scripted planet
0x04e2bf28  modelForcePinningAgainstType   # key 0xb6f87eb0 # sets the pinning type for the given model: PinningGeometry (default) or PinningPhysics
0x04e3eca1  toolPlacedModelKey   # key
0x04e6a105  ufoMaxVerticalTilt   # float 45.0
0x04ea47b4  paletteTribeToolImageList   # keys
0x04ea4823  ufoUberTurretScale   # float 1.0
0x04ea5863  ufoVerticalTiltFactor   # float 0.1
0x04ea6acf  ufoUberTurretVelocityFactor   # float 500.0
0x04ea8a07  grobUFOInstance   # int
0x04ea8f1a  GrobCityHallInstance   # int
0x04ea96cb  OptionTutorialsEnabled   # uint32
0x04eb8e7a  modelAllowAsymmetricalRotationOnPlaneOfSymmetry   # bool false # if true then the when the model is rotated off the plane of symmetry its symmetric twin remains invisible
0x04eb9e2d  paletteTribeToolDisabledImageList   # keys
0x04ebb27e  modelRigBlockAMTag   # string16
0x04ece315  modelNumberOfSnapAxes   # int # defines the number of axis to snap to (4 would be the cardinal axes, 0 would be a circle with no snapping)
0x04ecf388  modelLockedAbilityList   # keys # key list of abilities to show when item locked
0x04ecf389  modelCreateNewAbilityList   # keys # key list of abilites for create new case in planners
0x04ecf38a  modelMainAbilityList   # keys # key list of abilities to show when item is unlocked
0x04ed02d2  TerrariumBadgeIconOff   # key
0x04ed02d3  TerrariumBadgeIconOn   # key
0x04ed2f4f  toolMeaningOfLifeRewardCount   # int # how many charges rewarded to player when they discover the meaning of life (enter the galactic core)
0x04ed333f  meaningOfLifeRewardTools   # keys # when you discover the meaning of life, you get these tools
0x04ed4312  TerrariumBadgeEnum   # uint32
0x04ed4c40  modelCircularTopAlignment   # bool false # makes blocks aligning on the top of this block align their orientation circularly (instead of angularly)
0x04ed8506  modelRemainUprightOnTop   # bool false # remain upright, but only when on top of blocks
0x04ee6c47  TerrariumBadgeTooltip   # string
0x04ee8a87  AmbOccViewWindow   # float
0x04ee9169  carryBundleAmountMax   # float
0x04ee9f45  obstacleObjectExclusionRadius   # float # radius that the obstacle "takes up" in the world, where no game object will be placed within (game will use the max of this and the obstacleBaseCollisionRadius)
0x04efaf18  AmbOccSamplesType   # int # 0- sphere 1- top hemisphere 2 - bottom hemisphere
0x04efbdc8  AmbOccSamplesZOffset   # float # lower or raise all the lights
0x04efd359  AmbOccSamplesInvert   # int # some value n, where every nth sample's z is inverted based on SamplesType
0x04f38120  vi_capture_event   # uint # as above
0x04f38139  vi_time_of_day   # uint # 0 = any time, 1 = day only, 2 = night only
0x04f3b63e  universeSimulatorHappinessDisasterMinTime   # float 100
0x04f3b63f  universeSimulatorHappinessDisasterFrequency   # float 300
0x04f4c626  toolDoActionPostEffect   # bool true # if the tool waits for the hit effect to resolve
0x04f4d188  modelCapabilityWing   # int 0
0x04f4e1b4  modelCapabilityGlide   # int 0
0x04f639fc  ufoCollisionElasticity   # float 1.0
0x04f7ae2c  modelSnapAxisPickHeightPercent   # float 0.5 # the height up the structure to base the picks for the alignment (0 is bottom, 1 is top)
0x04f7b20c  modelSnapAxisRotation   # float 0.0 # extra rotation to offset the snap axes by
0x04f7dc1d  modelSnapAxes   # floats # overrides modelNumberOfSnapAxes with had set axes
0x04f8c0a8  TerrariumBadgeType   # uint32
0x04f8e875  loyaltyBoosterTimeBonusFactor   # float
0x04f8e87b  bioStabilizerInfectionTimeBonusFactor   # float
0x04f8e88b  bioStabilizerCollapseTimeBonusFactor   # float
0x04f8e892  uberTurretProtectionFactor   # float
0x04f8f83a  TerrariumBadgeOrder   # uint32
0x04fcf3ff  TerrariumBadgeTooltip2   # string
0x04fd5acc  CasualsBigMomentInterval   # float
0x04fe1603  tuningVertebraTorsoRolloverColor   # colorRGBA # Vertebra color when torso is rolled over
0x04fe1604  tuningVertebraTorsoSelectedColor   # colorRGBA # Vertebra color when torso is selected (but vertebra is not)
0x04fe1605  tuningVertebraHighlightColor   # colorRGBA # Vertebra color when a vertebra is highlighted
0x04fe1606  tuningVertebraUnselectedColor   # colorRGBA # Vertebra color when vertebra should be hidden (used to fade to and from)
0x04fe1607  tuningVertebraFadeTime   # float # Seconds for vertebra to fade from full to zero
0x04fe5f63  InlandModelSmallIntroEffectID   # uint32
0x04fe5f6a  InlandModelLargeIntroEffectID   # uint32
0x04fe5f70  CoastalModelSmallIntroEffectID   # uint32
0x04fe5f75  CoastalModelLargeIntroEffectID   # uint32
0x04fea946  TerrariumBadgeIconDim   # key
0x04ff6215  inventoryItemExtraEffect   # key 0 # an additional effect physical inventory items can play when on the planet surface (eg rare decals)
0x04ff954a  modelStaticEffectKeys   # keys # array of keys for the effects that have alternative static models
0x04ff9582  CastingManager_AnimalsAtMaxDensity   # float 10
0x04ffccf5  CastingManager_AnimalStageMaxSlope   # float 30.0
0x05008313  CastingManager_AnimalStageHerdDistances   # vector2 (0, 0.75) # how far away from the stage center a herd can be (0.0 to 1.0)
0x05008412  CastingManager_AnimalStageHerdTerritory   # float 100.0
0x0500849f  CastingManager_AnimalStageHerdPositionTries   # uint 5
0x0501197b  modelAlternativeStaticEffectModel   # key # key of alternate model to show in the place of an animated effect in render windows without effects
0x0508662a  PlayerStartingPositionIndex   # int -1
0x0508af89  CastingManager_CityRadiusBuffer   # float 75.0
0x0508d625  vi_effects_general   # keys
0x0508d626  vi_effects_general_offsets   # vector2s
0x0509beb7  CastingManager_DistanceThresholds   # vector2 (200.0, 300.0)
0x050b6163  spaceEconomyTradeSpecialsOffered   # ints
0x050b6164  spaceEconomyTradeMaxSpiceBought   # int
0x050b6764  timelineImages   # keys
0x050b6794  timelinePositions   # vector2s
0x050b67a1  timelineRotations   # floats
0x050b67b9  timelineScales   # vector2s
0x050b67c7  timelineLayerOrders   # uints
0x050b68c1  timelineCircleNumber   # uints
0x050fc187  tuningEditorHandleColorDefault   # colorRGB
0x050fc188  tuningEditorOverdrawHandleColorDefault   # colorRGB
0x050fc189  tuningEditorHandleColorRollover   # colorRGB
0x050fc18a  tuningEditorOverdrawHandleColorRollover   # colorRGB
0x050fc18b  tuningEditorHandleColorActive   # colorRGB
0x050fc18c  tuningEditorOverdrawHandleColorActive   # colorRGB
0x050fc1d0  tuningEditorHandleAlphaDefault   # float
0x050fc1d1  tuningEditorOverdrawHandleAlphaDefault   # float
0x050fc1d2  tuningEditorHandleAlphaRollover   # float
0x050fc1d3  tuningEditorOverdrawHandleAlphaRollover   # float
0x050fc1d4  tuningEditorHandleAlphaActive   # float
0x050fc1d5  tuningEditorOverdrawHandleAlphaActive   # float
0x050fc24d  tuningEditorHandleDefaultScale   # float
0x050fc283  editorSpineHandleTuningFile   # key
0x050fc284  editorBallConnectorHandleTuningFile   # key
0x050fc285  editorRotationBallHandleTuningFile   # key
0x050fc286  editorRotationRingHandleTuningFile   # key
0x050fc287  editorDeformHandleTuningFile   # key
0x050fc326  tuningEditorHandleDefaultModel   # key
0x050fc327  tuningEditorHandleDefaultOverdrawModel   # key
0x050fc33e  tuningEditorHandleHasOverdraw   # bool
0x050fc37a  tuningEditorHandleAnimateInTime   # float
0x050fc37b  tuningEditorHandleAnimateOutTime   # float
0x050fc37c  tuningEditorHandleFadeInTime   # float
0x050fc37d  tuningEditorHandleFadeOutTime   # float
0x05107706  spaceTradingRequires   # key 0
0x05107707  spaceTradingRequiresAnd   # key 0
0x05107708  spaceTradingRequiresOr   # key 0
0x05107709  spaceTradingRequiresBadge   # key 0
0x0510770a  spaceTradingRequiresBadgeAnd   # key 0
0x0510770b  spaceTradingRequiresBadgeOr   # key 0
0x05107b17  dialogButton0   # text
0x05107b18  dialogButton1   # text
0x05107b19  dialogButton2   # text
0x05107b1a  dialogButton3   # text
0x05107c07  vi_protest_event   # bool
0x05107f8a  editorAnimationInterruptDistance   # float # the distance the mouse has to travel to interrupt a reactive animation
0x05108509  dialogOKButton   # bool false
0x0510859c  CreatureSocialFeedback   # bool true
0x0510a385  dialogSelectedButton   # int
0x0511f4a9  CastingManager_MaxVisualizedTribes   # uint 4
0x05134bdf  editorUseBoundsForDelete   # bool true # has the editor use the bounds as a deletion option
0x0518bb40  Ter_Inv_CanPickup   # bool #creature can pickup the item
0x0518bb41  Ter_Inv_CanThrow   # bool #creature can throw the item
0x0518bb42  Ter_Inv_CanTwirl   # bool #creature can twirl the item
0x0518bb43  Ter_Inv_CanClimb   # bool #creature can climb on the item
0x0518bb44  Ter_Inv_CanAttemptEat   # bool #creature can try to eat the item
0x0518bb45  Ter_Inv_CanEat   # bool #creature can actually eat the item
0x0518bb46  Ter_Inv_CanPoke   # bool #user can poke the creature with item
0x0518bb47  Ter_Inv_CanSleepOn   # bool #creature can sleep on the item
0x0518bb48  Ter_Inv_CanRcvFromUser   # bool #creature can receive the item from user
0x0518bb49  Ter_Inv_CanPush   # bool #creature can "push" the item
0x0518bb4a  Ter_Inv_IsFoodDish   # bool #used for testing whether food dish
0x0518bb4b  Ter_Inv_IsAmbientCreature   # bool #used for testing whether ambient creature
0x0518bb4c  Ter_Inv_EatValue   # float #amount to ease hunger when eaten
0x0518bb4d  Ter_Inv_ExcludeCreatureCheck   # bool #used when item is the cursor and checking to see if it is over something
0x0518bb4e  Ter_Inv_InfiniteMass   # bool #used to set Havok mass value -- for items to not be bounced against the floor
0x0518bb4f  Ter_Inv_PinnedToFloor   # bool #used to specify keeping on floor when moving it as a cursor
0x0518bb50  Ter_Inv_CanCollide   # bool #used to set whether we should check creature collision against item
0x0518bb51  Ter_Inv_Cylindrical   # bool #used to specify model type in havok
0x0518bb52  Ter_Inv_PlacementRestricted   # bool #used to restrict placement in the terrarium
0x0518bb53  Ter_Inv_Rotation   # float #initial rotation value when model loaded
0x0518bb54  Ter_Inv_CursorHeightOfsScale   # float #used to offset the cursor when item is the cursor (see InteractionMgr::Update)
0x0518bb55  Ter_Inv_OffsetClickPos   # bool #use to indicate whether the clickPos should be offset when clicked on item (for larger items)
0x0518bb56  Ter_Inv_ClickPosOffsetRadius   # float #used to specify how much to offset from the center of the object if above is true
0x0518bb57  Ter_Inv_InMouthOffset   # vector3 #offset values when picked up with mouth
0x0518d236  Ter_Inv_InMouthRot   # float #rotation value (degrees) when picked up with mouth
0x0518fdf5  allowMissingThumbnails   # bool false # show all assets in shoppers, even if they're missing a thumbnail
0x05190356  Ter_Inv_Movable   # bool #specify whether item can be moved by creature (e.g. tree and bed are not)
0x0519e304  modelAimPoints   # vector3s
0x051a065b  Ter_Inv_Axis   # int #axis used for initial rotation - 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z
0x051a0f42  Ter_Inv_CanToss   # bool #user can toss this item
0x051a1610  Ter_Inv_PokeRotation   # float #angle of rotation (degrees) when poking with item
0x051a1631  Ter_Inv_PokeAxis   # int #axis of rotation when poking with item
0x051adf81  animalPenPosition   # vector3
0x051c10c3  TrackNounLeaks   # bool false
0x051c534d  GonzagoDebugging   # bool false
0x051c61a5  RelationshipSpaceDecayPeriod   # uint
0x051c61c2  RelationshipCivDecayPeriod   # uint
0x051cae56  SpiceMinePumpOffset   # vector3
0x051cae57  SpiceMinePumpRadius   # float
0x051cddbc  toolAbility   # key
0x051ce36a  editorModelTranslationOptions   # uint32 # translation flags
0x051cf3d3  editorTranslateModelOnSave   # bool #tells the editor to apply the translation options on save
0x051dd6a1  accessoryEffectSmoke   # bool false
0x051dddd5  creatureAbilityConeDamageDist   # float
0x051dddda  creatureAbilityConeDamageRadius   # float
0x052047f7  creatureAbilityAnimationIDs   # uints
0x05204800  creatureAbilityFollowerAnimationIDs   # uints
0x0520f199  modelDefaultMouseOffset   # vector3 #mouse offset to use when pulling block out of pallet
0x0521abf7  toolTerraformingIconKey   # uint32
0x0521fc0e  modelAmbientOcclusion   # bool # Bake with ambient occlusion? Pour some of that special sauce? hmm?
0x0522de07  hintConditionsPresent   # keys
0x0522de08  hintConditionsAbsent   # keys
0x0522de09  hintConditionsCancel   # keys
0x0522de0a  hintPeriod   # float
0x0522de0b  hintLife   # float
0x0522de0c  hintWait   # float
0x0522de0d  hintPriority   # uint
0x0522de0e  hintText   # text
0x0522de10  hintIcon   # key
0x0522de11  hintFlashWindow   # key
0x0522de12  hintTextColor   # uint
0x05234ce1  hintType   # key false
0x052583bc  creatureSimulationLOD_MinDistanceLow   # float 100.0
0x052583d4  creatureSimulationLOD_MinDistanceMed   # float 75.0
0x0525ea2e  editorCreatureIdleActivationTime   # float # time to wait before starting animated creature (in milliseconds)
0x0526e4e5  RelationshipEventCompliment   # floats
0x0526e4ee  RelationshipEventTrade   # floats
0x0526e4f2  RelationshipEventGift   # floats
0x0526e4f5  RelationshipEventBuyCityOver   # floats
0x0526e4f8  RelationshipEventJoinedAlliance   # floats
0x0526e4fb  RelationshipEventBribeNode   # floats
0x0526e4fe  RelationshipEventInsult   # floats
0x0526e501  RelationshipEventHostility   # floats
0x0526e504  RelationshipEventReligion   # floats
0x0526e50a  RelationshipEventBuyCityUnder   # floats
0x0526e50e  RelationshipEventDemandRejected   # floats
0x0526e512  RelationshipEventDeclaredWar   # floats
0x0526e519  RelationshipEventSpaceMissionComplete   # floats
0x0526e51c  RelationshipEventSpaceMissionFailed   # floats
0x0526e51f  RelationshipEventSpaceGiveGift   # floats
0x0526e521  RelationshipEventSpaceBreakAlliance   # floats
0x0526e524  RelationshipEventSpaceCreateAlliance   # floats
0x0526e527  RelationshipEventSpaceTradeComplete   # floats
0x0526e52a  RelationshipEventSpaceTradeDeclined   # floats
0x0526e52d  RelationshipEventSpaceCityPanicked   # floats
0x0526e531  RelationshipEventSpaceTerraformWorsened   # floats
0x0526e535  RelationshipEventSpaceTerraformImproved   # floats
0x0526e537  RelationshipEventSpaceTerraformExtinction   # floats
0x0526e53c  RelationshipEventSpaceDestroyBuilding   # floats
0x0526e542  RelationshipEventSpaceDestroyAllyUFO   # floats
0x0526e545  RelationshipEventSpaceBadToolUse   # floats
0x0526e56a  RelationshipEventSpaceGoodToolUse   # floats
0x0526e5cf  RelationshipEventSpaceFloodCity   # floats
0x0526e5d4  RelationshipEventSpaceAbductCitizen   # floats
0x0526e5d8  RelationshipEventSpaceStealCommodity   # floats
0x0526e5dc  RelationshipEventSpaceCheatGood   # floats
0x0526e5f3  RelationshipEventSpaceCheatBad   # floats
0x052b1f40  badgeMissionRewardMultiplier   # float 1.0
0x052b1f59  badgeMissionDurationMultiplier   # float 1.0
0x052b1f60  badgeHintEnabled   # bool true
0x052c57aa  paintRegionMapping   # ints
0x052c6cc0  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock   # int 0 # if set to > 0, the num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc1  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock2   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc2  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock3   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc3  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock4   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc4  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock5   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc5  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock6   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc6  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock7   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cc7  numPartsToRandomlyUnlock8   # int 0 # num (up to total num in rand part array) will be selected for unlock.
0x052c6cda  associatedRandomPartUnlocks   # keys # 1st array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6cdb  associatedRandomPartUnlocks2   # keys # 2nd array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6cdc  associatedRandomPartUnlocks3   # keys # 3rd array array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6cdd  associatedRandomPartUnlocks4   # keys # 4th array array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6cde  associatedRandomPartUnlocks5   # keys # 5th array array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6cdf  associatedRandomPartUnlocks6   # keys # 6th array array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6ce0  associatedRandomPartUnlocks7   # keys # 7th array array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c6ce1  associatedRandomPartUnlocks8   # keys # 8th array array of associated blocks that can be randomly unlocked
0x052c798e  palettePageIgnoreOverrideThumbnailGroup   # bool
0x052d8d4a  numberOfBaseRadCalcsToAvg   # int # the number of base obstacle radiuses that should be taken to produce an average.
0x052dc39e  terrainWaterScoreAndHeightRange   # vector3 # initial (authored) water score and height range of planet.
0x052f046e  spaceTerraformT3ColonyMaxBuildings   # int 15 # includes the city hall
0x052f0f6a  universeSimBuildingsForTargetingHomePlanet   # int 100
0x052f1c91  classifierList   # ints
0x052f2304  classifierTypes   # ints
0x052f2455  classifierWeights   # floats
0x052f7b17  modelBakeTextureDXT   # int # 0 = no compression, 100-199 = DXT1, 300-399 = DXT3, 500-599 = DXT5
0x05304e04  IllegalCharacters   # string16 ""
0x0530593e  minnumblocks   # int 2
0x05309c7d  nounDefinition_HasAttractorEffect   # bool
0x0530cf00  RelationshipEventTribeAttack   # floats
0x0530cf01  RelationshipEventTribeKill   # floats
0x0530cf02  RelationshipEventTribeRaid   # floats
0x0530cf03  RelationshipEventTribeStealBaby   # floats
0x0530cf04  RelationshipEventTribeAttackToolOrHut   # floats
0x0530cf05  RelationshipEventTribeDestroyTool   # floats
0x0530cf06  RelationshipEventTribeGift   # floats
0x0530cf07  RelationshipEventTribeSocial   # floats
0x0530cf08  RelationshipEventTribeRecruit   # floats
0x0530cf09  RelationshipEventTribeConvert   # floats
0x0530cf0a  RelationshipEventTribeCheatGood   # floats
0x0530cf0b  RelationshipEventTribeCheatBad   # floats
0x053194f7  RelationshipTribeDecayPeriod   # uint
0x0532d802  modelHavokShape   # key # shape used for CRG
0x0534192a  editorTransition   # key #points to a prop file detailing how to transition
0x053419da  editorTransitionAnimation   # key #the animation to play on an editor transition
0x053419f1  editorTransitionEffect   # key # the effect to play on an editor transition
0x05341b56  editorTransitionHideUI   # bool # tells us to hide the UI on transition
0x05341b5a  editorTransitionCenterCamera   # bool # whether or not to center the camera on transition
0x0534676f  AMTuningVersion   # uint
0x0535a500  toolTerrainColorIndex   # int
0x0535a50b  toolWaterColorIndex   # int
0x0536250c  terrainAtmosphereType   # uint32 # atmosphere colour type, 0-16
0x0536250d  terrainWaterType   # uint32 # water colour type, 0-16
0x0536250e  terrainWaveFreqAmp   # vector2 # (frequency, amplitude) for water waves
0x0536c50c  modelDefaultScale   # float 1.0 #the scale the block is set to in the palette
0x05371343  editorNamePrompt   # text # text shown for the naming window
0x0537293a  tribeMatingTimers   # ints
0x05383435  palettePagePartPriority   # int 0
0x05384c3f  pollinatorAPIHost   # string8 "pollinator.spore.beta.online.ea.com"
0x05387295  insecureHTTP   # bool false
0x053878d0  validEditorKeys   # keys
0x0538a895  modelIsAllowedOutOfBounds   # bool #lets the model live outside the bounds
0x0538b031  editorMinPlayableHeight   # float #min height a model has to be to be playable
0x0538b032  editorMinPlayableWidth   # float #min width a model has to be to be playable
0x0538b033  editorMinPlayableDepth   # float #min depth a model has to be to be playable
0x0538b034  editorMinPlayableHeightAboveGround   # float #min depth a model has to be to be playable
0x0539d9e5  renderBlobShadows   # bool false
0x053d4c67  toolAtmosphereColorIndex   # int
0x053dd8c2  communityHost   # string8 "community.spore.beta.online.ea.com"
0x053efdea  plannerNamePrompt   # text
0x054030ee  spaceUIStarmapFilterZoom   # float 100
0x054046ee  planetUnderwaterCullRadius   # float 25.0
0x054046fa  planetUnderwaterCullRadiusMultiplier   # float 1.0
0x05404855  includeTerrainWorldAsUnderwaterWorld   # bool true
0x05407d4b  verbIconIgnoreTriggerKey   # bool false #if the verb icon should ignore the trigger key
0x05408a6c  terrainAllowUnderwaterModels   # bool
0x05408a93  allowUnderwaterTerrainObjectsGlobal   # bool true
0x05417d08  creatureAbilityRecharge   # float
0x0541a775  facingCullTerrain   # bool false
0x0541ac31  terrainHorizoncull   # float 0.2
0x0542db1b  GGE_SkipWriteStarDB   # bool false # if true, generate a new galaxy every time until you save. Also means you won't get ptolemaic imposters in creature/tribe/civ
0x0542ed1b  editorZCorp3D2RealWorldRatio   # float # ratio between 3d and real world for z-corp printing testing
0x05433c88  activeXactMin   # uint
0x05433ca3  activeXactMax   # uint
0x05469bf8  spaceTerraformZooSpecies   # int 100
0x0546e93d  useDebugServer   # bool true # run with http debug server on by default
0x054818ba  spaceEconomyTravelFuelCost   # float
0x05483e7f  verbIconUseDescription   # bool true #if we should show the description or the name in rollovers
0x05490c40  spaceEconomyFuelRechargeTime   # float
0x054ba6b0  CastingManager_UpdateTime   # float 1.0 # amount of time between animal herd updates for the POIs
0x054fc890  solarSpeedMultiplier   # float 10.0
0x0550f101  ProcLevelGenDebugging   # bool false
0x05515ffd  IdentityColors   # colorRGBs
0x055165f5  RelationshipEventSpaceUpliftedCiv   # floats
0x05517b69  weatherStormThreshold   # float
0x0551979b  averageMoonOrbitPeriodRocky   # float 500.0
0x0551bf16  modelCapabilityPerch   # int 0
0x05527d05  vehicleNames   # keys
0x05527d06  buildingNames   # keys
0x05529c6a  vehicleNamesFallback   # key
0x05529c6b  buildingNamesFallback   # key
0x0552ab54  editorRandomNameType   # key # enum Name_Type used for the randomize button in the editor, or 0 for no randomize button
0x0552b4af  blurRefractionMap   # bool true
0x0552c0ba  weatherColdStormLoopbox   # uint
0x0552c0bf  weatherWarmStormLoopbox   # uint
0x0552c0c2  weatherHotStormLoopbox   # uint
0x0553c23a  minNameLength   # int 4
0x0553c24b  maxNameLength   # int 10
0x0553cc2e  colonizationWeightsNormal   # ints
0x0553cc2f  outpostWeightsNormal   # ints
0x0553cc30  attackWeightsNormal   # ints
0x0553cc31  selfColorWeights   # ints
0x0553cc32  selfRelationshipWeights   # ints
0x0553ecca  interactiveOrnamentIsPickable   # bool #sets pickable flags. True by default.
0x055500bf  archetypeWarrior   # int 10 # Curmudgeon Military
0x055500cd  archetypeTrader   # int 10 # Curmudgeon Trade
0x055500d5  archetypeScientist   # int 10 # Robotic Explorative
0x055500dc  archetypeShaman   # int 10 # Robotic Cultural
0x055500e2  archetypeBard   # int 10 # Flowery Sporty
0x055500e9  archetypeZealot   # int 10 # Flowery Military
0x055500ee  archetypeDiplomat   # int 10 # KissAss Diplomatic
0x055500f6  archetypeEcologist   # int 10 # KissAss Explorative
0x05556581  tradeCaptureBadOfferDelta   # int -1000
0x05556595  tradeCaptureVeryBadOfferDelta   # int -2000
0x0555659a  tradeCaptureGoodOfferDelta   # int 1000
0x0555659d  tradeCaptureCostBuildingCountFactor   # float 200.0
0x055565a7  tradeCaptureCostTurretCountFactor   # float 200.0
0x055565aa  tradeCapturePerMS   # float 0.001
0x055565ac  tradeCaptureDistanceFactor   # float 0.001
0x055565b4  tradeCaptureOfferPrices   # ints # must always be 5 entries
0x055570e8  tradeCaptureDistanceBase   # float
0x055570f0  tradeCaptureMinRate   # float
0x055570f3  tradeCaptureMaxRate   # float
0x0558e32a  creatureAbilityRangedDamage   # float
0x0558e337  creatureAbilityRazeDamage   # float
0x05590199  RelationshipEventSpaceBadSystemPurchaseOffer   # floats
0x055901b3  RelationshipEventSpaceGoodSystemPurchaseOffer   # floats
0x05590946  missionVisibleInUI   # bool true
0x055962f7  MaxVehicleStatLimit   # float
0x05596301  MaxVehicleStatTotal   # float
0x05597b70  ToolClub   # float
0x05597b71  ToolAxe   # float
0x05597b72  ToolSpear   # float
0x05597b73  ToolHorn   # float
0x05597b74  ToolMaraca   # float
0x05597b75  ToolDidgeridoo   # float
0x05597b76  ToolHeal   # float
0x05597b77  ToolGather   # float
0x05597b78  ToolFish   # float
0x05597b79  ToolFirepit   # float
0x05597b7a  UpgradeHut   # float
0x055a7c84  dialogEscButton   # int
0x055a7c85  dialogEnterButton   # int
0x055a847e  colorpickerAddCustomColor   # bool
0x055a847f  colorpickerAddDefaultColor   # bool
0x055aa173  colorPickerAllowExpansion   # bool
0x055ab884  weatherColdLocalStormEffect   # uint
0x055ab88b  weatherWarmLocalStormEffect   # uint
0x055ab88e  weatherHotLocalStormEffect   # uint
0x055ace95  editorAllowNameEdit   # bool # Allow name editing in this editor
0x055b9cce  spaceMilitaryCaptureFactor   # float
0x055b9d9c  empireDetectionRadius   # float
0x055b9d9f  empireAwarenessDecayRate   # float
0x055b9da2  empireAwarenessCap   # float
0x055b9da4  empireThresholdExtremelyAware   # float
0x055b9da5  empireThresholdVeryAware   # float
0x055b9da7  empireThresholdAware   # float
0x055b9da9  empireThresholdNotAware   # float
0x055b9db4  empireAwarenessAdjustmentVisitedStarNearEmpire   # float
0x055b9dbb  empireAwarenessAdjustmentAttackedEmpireUFO   # float
0x055b9dc0  empireAwarenessAdjustmentEnteredEmpireStar   # float
0x055b9dc4  empireAwarenessAdjustmentVisitedEmpireStar   # float
0x055b9dc7  empireAwarenessAdjustmentVisitedEmpirePlanet   # float
0x055b9dc9  empireAwarenessAdjustmentAngeredEmpire   # float
0x055b9e4b  empireAwarenessAdjustmentPlacedColony   # float
0x055bbd02  missionVisitCities   # bool
0x055bbd03  missionCityEffectNonVisited   # key
0x055bbd04  missionCityEffectVisited   # key
0x055bbd05  missionVisitRadius   # float
0x055bbd06  missionCityEffectHeight   # float
0x055bbd07  missionNumCitiesToVisit   # int
0x055bbd08  missionExploreType   # key
0x055bdfd6  youTubeHost   # string8 "www.google.com"
0x055c1350  obstacleHeightPercentToCanopyAlpha   # float 0.9 # LOS obstacle penetration height percent to add canopy alpha multiplier
0x055c1357  obstacleCanopyAlphaMultiplier   # float 0.25 # alpha multipler when interpenetrating canopy
0x055cea88  totemPolePosition   # vector3
0x055d0bfe  sporepediaConfigEnableEditButton   # bool
0x055d0bff  sporepediaConfigEnablePublishButton   # bool
0x055d0c00  sporepediaConfigEnableBanDeleteButton   # bool
0x055d0c01  sporepediaConfigEnableCloseButton   # bool
0x055d370e  modelCapabilityTribeAttack   # int 0
0x055d3747  modelCapabilityTribeSocial   # int 0
0x055d374c  modelCapabilityTribeArmor   # int 0
0x055d3750  modelCapabilityTribeGather   # int 0
0x055d3754  modelCapabilityTribeFishing   # int 0
0x055d3d82  paintMaterialGlossiness   # float
0x055d7ca1  disableValidation   # bool false
0x055dca4c  paletteItemModelKey   # key # used to point the palette item at a static model
0x055e7dad  galaxyInterceptRange   # float 10
0x055e9027  youTubeUploadHost   # string8 "uploads.gdata.youtube.com"
0x055e9ee4  Ter_Inv_Spherical   # bool #used to specify model type in havok
0x056242c6  missionDropOffRequired   # bool
0x056242c7  missionDropOffRadius   # float
0x05629cff  galaxyInterceptFireRange   # float 1
0x05629d2d  galaxyInterceptDamage   # float 20
0x0562a106  paintMaterialBumpiness   # float
0x0562a3b7  paintMaterialSpecStrength   # float
0x0563886c  terrainReduceFlatQuads   # bool true
0x0563886d  terrainDestroyUnusedQuads   # bool true
0x0563886e  terrainSeabedVB   # bool true
0x0563c03f  spaceWarSurrenderThreshold   # float
0x0563ec02  sporepediaConfigShowPreviousFeed   # bool
0x0563ff0b  Ter_Inv_IsToy   # bool #side effect of increasing happiness if tossed/given
0x0564cc3e  vi_attitude_towards_player   # uint # -1 = don't care, 0 = furious, 1 = annoyed, 2 = cautious, 3 = pleased, 4 = friendly
0x0564e207  vi_has_mouth_type   # uint # 0 = don't care, 1 = herbivore, 2 = carnivore
0x0564f152  creatureAbilityConeDamageMultiplier   # float
0x05653d86  sporepediaConfigEditorTypeOverride   # bool
0x05655ab5  peaceOfferPrices   # ints # must always be 5 entries
0x0565605e  peaceBadOfferDelta   # int -1000
0x05656063  peaceVeryBadOfferDelta   # int -2000
0x05656066  peaceGoodOfferDelta   # int 1000
0x05661a77  RelationshipEventSpaceBadPeaceOffer   # floats
0x05661a7c  RelationshipEventSpaceGoodPeaceOffer   # floats
0x05662552  peacePricePlayerSizeFactor   # float
0x05662556  peacePriceEnemySizeFactor   # float
0x05662559  peacePriceCaptureFactor   # float
0x05662560  peacePriceRelationshipFactor   # float
0x0566274e  peacePriceElapsedSecondsFactor   # float
0x0566387e  enableYouTubeVideoUpload   # bool false
0x05664a8b  OptionLoggedInYouTube   # uint32
0x05664bf5  YTUserName   # string8
0x05664bf6  YTPassword   # string8
0x05665599  YouTubeKeepLogIn   # bool false
0x05666daf  spaceMilitaryCaptureDecayTime   # int
0x0566a42f  spaceEconomySpiceModifiers   # floats
0x0566cae9  shAreaLights   # vector4s # list of (r, g, b, intensity) (dx, dy, dz, sharpness)
0x0566caea  shHemiLight   # vector3s # upper hemisphere light, optionally lower hemisphere light
0x05676f3e  tradeRouteShipInterval   # float 5
0x0567704f  tradeRouteBundleInterval   # float 60
0x056778c1  tradeCaptureCostT0   # int 0
0x056778c3  tradeCaptureCostT1   # int 0
0x056778c5  tradeCaptureCostT2   # int 0
0x056778c6  tradeCaptureCostT3   # int 0
0x05678419  shAreaLightsScale   # colorRGB # scale by (r, g, b)
0x0567841a  shAreaLightsZRM   # vector3 # (zrotate, reflectInZ, multiply)
0x056784b9  shCoeffsScale   # colorRGB # scale by (r, g, b)
0x056784ba  shCoeffsZRM   # vector3 # (zrotate, reflectInZ, multiply)
0x056784c9  envHemiMapScale   # colorRGB # scale by (r, g, b)
0x056784ca  envHemiMapZRM   # vector3 # (zrotate, reflectInZ, multiply)
0x056784d9  envCubeMapScale   # colorRGB # scale by (r, g, b)
0x056784da  envCubeMapZRM   # vector3 # (zrotate, reflectInZ, multiply)
0x056784e9  atmosphereScale   # colorRGB # scale by (r, g, b)
0x056784ea  atmosphereZRM   # vector3 # (zrotate, reflectInZ, multiply)
0x056784f9  shHemiLightScale   # colorRGB # scale by (r, g, b)
0x056784fa  shHemiLightZRM   # vector3 # (zrotate, reflectInZ, multiply)
0x0567ddd0  spaceTradingChanceWarrior   # float 0
0x0567ddd1  spaceTradingChanceTrader   # float 0
0x0567ddd2  spaceTradingChanceScientist   # float 0
0x0567ddd3  spaceTradingChanceShaman   # float 0
0x0567ddd4  spaceTradingChanceBard   # float 0
0x0567ddd5  spaceTradingChanceZealot   # float 0
0x0567ddd6  spaceTradingChanceDiplomat   # float 0
0x0567ddd7  spaceTradingChanceEcologist   # float 0
0x0567ddd8  spaceTradingChanceGrob   # float 0
0x0567ddd9  spaceTradingRequiresTier   # int 1
0x056b734f  spaceCombatFighterBackgroundDPS   # floats
0x056b7354  spaceCombatBomberBackgroundDPS   # floats
0x056b7358  spaceCombatTurretBackgroundDPS   # floats
0x056b7ae6  spaceCombatUberTurretBackgroundDPS   # float
0x056b8d5e  feedListItemTelemetryQueryType   # key
0x056b9d88  Ter_Inv_IsEdible_Carnivore   # bool #is this edible by a carnivore, if false, assume that it's edible by herbivore
0x056bf073  obstacleMaxDistToCanopyAlpha   # float 75.0 # max dist from camera to allow extra canopy alpha
0x056bf5d7  editorBGLighting   # key
0x056c4406  validationLoadableTests   # ints
0x056c4407  validationEditableTests   # ints
0x056c4408  validationPlayableTests   # ints
0x056c4409  validationPollinatableTests   # ints
0x056c440a  validationWarningTests   # ints
0x056c440b  validationEditorToIgnoreTests   # ints
0x056c5721  enableEditorDevUIButton   # bool false
0x056cd5ea  vi_required_tools   # uints # 1 = clubs, 2 = axes, 3 = spears, 4 = horns, 5 = maracas, 6 = didgeridoo, 7 = gather, 8 = fish, 9 = heal
0x056e2538  niceWeightsNormal   # ints
0x056e61e1  NPCActionRulesMilitary   # string8s
0x056e61e2  NPCActionRulesColonise   # string8s
0x056e61e3  NPCActionRulesEconomic   # string8s
0x056e61e5  NPCForcedTurnCount   # int
0x056e787c  expansionHighlight   # keys
0x056e8657  palettePageNoResolutionScale   # bool
0x0574c702  tradeRouteMaxNumber   # int 5
0x0574d7f3  sporepediaConfigFeedListID   # key
0x05760d54  missionGeneratorWeight   # ints
0x05760d66  missionGeneratorWeightDuringWar   # ints
0x05760d6d  missionGeneratorWeightDuringAlliance   # ints
0x0576373a  tradeChance   # float 1
0x05765a32  terrainEditorShadows   # bool true
0x05774da3  spaceMilitaryCaptureRemainingPlanetRatio   # float 1.0 # zero to one, will always leave one
0x05774db2  spaceMilitaryCaptureRemainingCityRatio   # float 1.0 # zero to one, will always leave one
0x05774e0c  tradeRouteRemainingPlanetRatio   # float 1.0 # zero to one, will always leave one
0x05774e13  tradeRouteRemainingCityRatio   # float 1.0 # zero to one, will always leave one
0x05774e18  tradeRouteRemainingBuildingRatio   # float 1.0 # zero to one, does not include city halls
0x05776d99  RelationshipEventUsedNuclearWeapon   # floats
0x05777f17  foodMatPosition   # vector3
0x0577909a  RelationshipEventSpaceBeNice   # floats
0x0577909b  RelationshipEventSpaceBeNasty   # floats
0x0577ec83  paintThemeOverrideThumbnail   # key
0x05786667  TribeChatAreas   # vector3s
0x0578ce0c  UFOHealthUberTurret   # vector2
0x0578d297  spaceCombatMinGalaxyRadius   # float 30 # anything below this radius is at hardest setting
0x0578d2a2  spaceCombatMaxGalaxyRadius   # float 300 # anything beyond this radius is at easiest setting
0x0578e8dc  spaceshipWeaponRadii   # floats
0x0578e8f0  weaponEnemyLaser   # keys
0x0578e921  weaponEnemyPulse   # keys
0x0578ec56  weaponEnemyMiniPulse   # keys
0x0578ec62  weaponAllyLaser   # keys
0x0578ec6c  weaponAllyMiniPulse   # keys
0x0578ec76  weaponEnemyGalaxy   # keys
0x0578f417  weaponDefenderLaser   # keys
0x0579017f  toolProjectileTurnRate   # float #how fast it can turn, used by turret defense missiles
0x05790183  toolProjectileMaxAltitude   # float # altitude at which it explodes
0x05790187  toolProjectileDetonationDistance   # float # distance from target, inside of which it explodes
0x0579ef6c  modelOverrideFootprintRadius   # float # the 2d footprint radius you want to use
0x057b4514  RelationshipEventSpacePushedTooFar   # floats
0x057b4eec  spaceToolEnergyCost   # float 0 #energy required per use.
0x057b9100  RelationshipEventSpaceCapturedASystem   # floats
0x057de1d6  numDefensiveUFOs   # vector2
0x057e01e8  numRaidUFOsMultiplier   # float 1
0x057e1655  spaceEconomyMaxRechargeCostNPC   # int 200
0x057e1656  spaceEconomyMaxRechargeCostPlayer   # int 0
0x057e291e  weaponTurretDefenseMissle   # keys
0x057e2933  weaponTurretFlak   # keys
0x057e293d  weaponTurretLaser   # keys
0x057e2cff  turretHealth   # vector2
0x057e4fe3  RelationshipEventSpaceWasAtWar   # floats
0x057e9439  editorBaseConfigUnlocks   # uints # array of palette categories number of parts to randomly unlock (currently called only in certain instances)
0x057f3498  spaceTradingChanceUser   # float 0
0x057f3499  spaceTradingQuantityToOffer   # uint 3
0x057f5959  Ter_Inv_Affinity   # float #creature's affinity for the inventory item 0.0 - 1.0 (higher means likes it), if not specified, defaults to 0.5 (neutral)
0x057fa8dd  empireStartLocations   # floats
0x057fb0b6  vi_fourCC   # string
0x057fb25a  paletteItemTriggerBehavior   # key # None, Drag, Click: used to specify how the item triggers
0x0580b099  weaponEnemySolar   # keys
0x0580bc29  toolOnlyOnPlayerColonies   # bool
0x0580bc3d  toolOnlyOnNPCColonies   # bool
0x0580dfe7  embassyUpdateRate   # float 30.0
0x0580e23b  RelationshipEventSpaceEmbassyBonus   # floats
0x05820b5e  spacePhiOffsetGalaxy   # float 0
0x05820b65  spacePhiOffsetSolar   # float 0
0x058389eb  WonLastCivGame   # bool
0x058389f0  WonSecondToLastCivGame   # bool
0x0587348d  weaponAllySolar   # keys
0x058734a1  weaponAllyGalaxy   # keys
0x05877fb5  weaponPlayerSolar   # keys
0x05877fc0  weaponPlayerGalaxy   # keys
0x05879277  ShadowBlurMaps   # bool false
0x05879278  shadowTargetSnap   # float
0x05879279  shadowDirSnap   # float
0x0587927a  shadowDirLerp   # float
0x0587927b  shadowScaleSnap   # float
0x05879d94  spaceToolGroupNames   # texts # list of tool group names for ui.
0x05879d95  spaceToolGroupList1   # keys # list of tools for each group in 'groupnames'
0x05879d96  spaceToolGroupList2   # keys
0x05879d97  spaceToolGroupList3   # keys
0x05879d98  spaceToolGroupList4   # keys
0x05879d99  spaceToolGroupList5   # keys
0x05879d9a  spaceToolGroupList6   # keys
0x05879d9b  spaceToolGroupList7   # keys
0x05879d9c  spaceToolGroupList8   # keys
0x0588ba0e  spaceToolHide   # bool false #if true the tool will not appear in the ui until aquired.
0x0588bf6d  weatherOn   # bool true # if weather is on at all
0x0588c721  sporepediaConfigFilterUIVisibility   # bool
0x05893ed4  GIFOutputSize   # uint32 100
0x05893ee8  GIFNumFramesPerRow   # uint32 6
0x05893ef5  GIFLength   # uint32 2
0x05893f01  GIFOutputFPS   # uint32 20
0x0589c626  percentChanceStarHasRare   # int 0
0x0589e78c  modelLevelToWater   # bool # level to water height plus a bit instead of current terrain height
0x058a10be  shadowDarkness   # float
0x058b92cd  feedListItemSporeguideStringTable   # key
0x058cbb72  spaceEconomySpiceHomeworldMultiplier   # float 0.50
0x058cbb73  spaceEconomySpiceProductionMultiplier   # float 0.01
0x058cbb74  spaceEconomySpiceStorageMultiplier   # float 2.0
0x058cd55b  spaceTradingBonusTool   # key 0
0x0590aa7f  modelMeshUseHavokMesh   # bool # create a havok mesh in the editor?
0x0591a0ca  RelationshipDispositionThreshold   # float 0
0x0591f833  RelationshipEventSpaceDestroyUFO   # floats
0x05931133  toolUseOnActivate   # bool true # when this tool is selected in the interface, it will be automatically used and deselected
0x059346d9  exactlyOneOf   # string
0x059348b4  modelCreatureStaticPoseAnim   # uint32s
0x059348b5  modelCreatureStaticPoseTime   # floats
0x05944e2e  duplicateSuffixes   # strings
0x05949bf1  EditorShowTutorialOnStart   # bool false
0x0594a0fb  EditorAllowXMLFileDrop   # bool false
0x0594a718  npcGiftAmount   # int 1000
0x0594a71c  npcTributeAmount   # int 5000
0x0594afff  RelationshipEventSpaceWitholdTribute   # floats
0x0594b017  RelationshipEventSpaceAcceptGift   # floats
0x0595d661  npdTributeTimeLimit   # float 60
0x05AEE941  modelEditorInitialRotation   # vector3 # initial rotation coming off the palette, euler angles specified in degrees
0x05a3dc9e  renderTerrainRoutes   # bool true
0x05a5df68  toolProjectileAcceleration   # float # projectile acceleration
0x05a5f41e  verbIconShowZeroLevel   # bool false #has the verb icon display itself it its value is zero
0x05a71ab3  IdleThreshold   # int # how many seconds being idle trigger a hint in SPG
0x05a72fa9  spaceTerraformHotColdZoneBias0   # float 0
0x05a72fad  spaceTerraformHotColdZoneBias1   # float 0
0x05a72fb0  spaceTerraformHotColdZoneBias2   # float 0
0x05a753ae  DisablePropPreload   # bool false
0x05a82cb4  toolProjectileMinAltitude   # float # lowest altitude the projectile can explode at
0x05ac7e77  verbTraySoundKey   # key #the uint32 key under which to send the value of the tray to the sound system
0x05ad6f10  missionCityEffectHeightJitter   # float
0x05adb0aa  RelationshipEventBrokeDeal   # floats
0x05adc149  palettePageBorder   # vector4 #left, top, right, bottom
0x05adc172  palettePageItemPercentageWidth   # float
0x05adc18d  palettePageItemAspectRatio   # float 1.0
0x05adc53b  palettePageUseRelativeLayout   # bool
0x05adcd6e  colorPickerDefaultColorWindowSizePercent   # float
0x05adcd6f  colorPickerImageDefaultColor   # key
0x05adcd70  colorPickerDefaultColorWindowGapPercent   # float
0x05adcd71  colorpickerImageDefaultFrame   # key
0x05adcd72  colorpickerImageDefaultFrameGlow   # key
0x05adcd73  colorpickerImageDefaultShine   # key
0x05add3c4  paletteDebug   # bool false
0x05aee406  modelToolOffset   # vector3 # offset from object origin for the tool placement hardpoint
0x05aeeaa2  sporepediaConfigExpandCategories   # bool
0x05af1baf  feedListItemHeader   # text
0x05b05121  vi_actor_offsets_unscaled   # bool # the actor offsets are not scaled by creature radii
0x05b0797f  spaceToolSetiChanceFalsePositiveRare   # float
0x05b07982  spaceToolSetiChanceFalseNegativeRare   # float
0x05b07984  spaceToolSetiChanceFalsePositiveEmpire   # float
0x05b07986  spaceToolSetiChanceFalseNegativeEmpire   # float
0x05b14955  spaceEconomyEnergyRechargeRate   # float 0.1
0x05b14971  spaceEconomyEnergyRechargeDelay   # float 5.0
0x05b5566e  palettePageUseAbsoluteItemSize   # bool
0x05b5575e  GrassTrampling_MaxNumPositions   # uint 8
0x05b55d89  palettePageUseAbsoluteBorderSizes   # bool
0x05b567d1  modelLocomotionHint   # uint32 0
0x05b56990  AtlasCostType   # int 1 # different cost metrics
0x05b56b19  ufoAllyScale   # float 1.0
0x05b56cc8  GrassTrampling_RadiusCheck   # float 50
0x05b58961  GrassTrampling_AdditionalFootprintRadius   # float 0.5
0x05b59e03  obstacleCameraAlphaRadius   # float 5.0 # radius around camera alpha position
0x05b5bb5e  OptionShowHints   # bool
0x05b5bca8  showHintsOn   # bool true
0x05b694ba  ufoAllyVelocityFactor   # float 500.0
0x05b6b8b4  verbIconAlertID   # key #if this icon is showing on a collapsed tray, show the alert window
0x05b6ce81  RelationshipEventSpaceMissionStarted   # floats
0x05b6cf09  RelationshipEventSpaceCommunicated   # floats
0x05b6fcc9  RelationshipEventSpacePersonalityNice   # floats
0x05b6fcd4  RelationshipEventSpacePersonalityMean   # floats
0x05b70ec7  editorSporepediaConfigID   # key #the id for the sporepedia config to launch from the editor
0x05b7e4f5  escortThreshold   # float -3.0
0x05b7e516  hostileThreshold   # float -5.0
0x05b80b32  spaceTradingCostMultiplierWarrior   # float 1
0x05b80b33  spaceTradingCostMultiplierTrader   # float 1
0x05b80b34  spaceTradingCostMultiplierScientist   # float 1
0x05b80b35  spaceTradingCostMultiplierShaman   # float 1
0x05b80b36  spaceTradingCostMultiplierBard   # float 1
0x05b80b37  spaceTradingCostMultiplierZealot   # float 1
0x05b80b38  spaceTradingCostMultiplierDiplomat   # float 1
0x05b80b39  spaceTradingCostMultiplierEcologist   # float 1
0x05b80b3a  spaceTradingCostMultiplierGrob   # float 1
0x05b80b3b  spaceTradingCostMultiplierUserEco   # float 1
0x05b80b3c  spaceTradingCostMultiplierUserMil   # float 1
0x05b80b3d  spaceTradingCostMultiplierUserCul   # float 1
0x05b942d0  RelationshipEventSpaceAvoidedContact   # floats
0x05b96972  spaceColonyObjectHealth   # float 2000.0
0x05b98d30  spaceToolLockedDescription   # text # if present,this text is shown in the ui to describe the tool if it is not yet earned/unlocked. if not present detaildescription is used instead.
0x05b99de4  AmbOccNumSamples   # int # how many AO passes? 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024?
0x05b99ecd  eggPenPosition   # vector3
0x05b9a1ec  modelAmbOccStreamMesh   # bool true # Use StreamMeshToRW instead of Modelworld->Drawlayer
0x05b9a4fb  modelAmbOccTuningFile   # key # The file in Data\Lighting that holds the above tunings, specify this in the model prop
0x05b9a649  palettePageItemMaxPercentageHeight   # float #don't let the palette scale the height greater than this percent
0x05baca1f  editorSporepediaCanSwitchConfigID   # key #the id for the sporepedia config to launch from the editor when you can switch editors
0x05baf74b  planetCameraAlternateEnable   # bool false
0x05baf74c  planetCameraDistanceHorizon   # vector4s (500, 100, 45, 0)
0x05baf74d  planetCameraFarZoomDistance   # float 600.0
0x05baf74e  planetTransitionAlternateDistance   # float 1200.0
0x05bb023a  EditorShadowQuality   # int 2 # 0 = low, 1 = medium, 2 = high
0x05bef2bb  automaticAchievement   # bool false
0x05bef2cd  gameScopeAchievement   # bool false
0x05bef2dd  accumulatorGuid   # uint
0x05bef2f7  accumulatorTriggerOp   # uint 0 # 0: >=, 1: >, 2: ==, 3: <, 4: <=, 5: !=
0x05bef305  accumulatorTriggerValue   # uint
0x05bf66e0  modelCreatureEffectOffset   # vector2s # alias for modelCreatureEffectOffsetYZ
0x05bf66e0  modelCreatureEffectOffsetYZ   # vector2s # amount of (Y,Z) offset for attachment point; for baked creatures, an array paired with the next prop
0x05bf66e1  modelCreatureEffectOffsetBoneIdx   # ints # for baked creatures, an array of rigblock indices paired with the previous prop
0x05c01583  ShowTutorials   # bool true
0x05c08c60  modelDoNotFlipBasedOnSurfaceNormalOnPlaneOfSymmetry   # bool false # Makes parts not flip forward/backward on plane of symmetry when facing slightly backward
0x05c159c7  EditorConvolutionShadows   # bool true
0x05c271f4  ProfilerGraphScale   # float 1.0 # how much to scale the y-axis of the graph
0x05c29d33  pollinatorHTTPTimeout   # uint
0x05c2cb4c  ufoAlternatePlumpDistance   # float 500.0
0x05c2cb4d  ufoAlternateMaxAltitude   # float 1000.0
0x05c2cb4e  ufoAlternateVelocityFactorZoomedOut   # float 20.0
0x05c2cbc5  spaceCombatRespawnTime   # float 30.0
0x05c2cbd6  spaceCombatReinforceTime   # float 30.0
0x05c2cbea  spaceCombatReinforceSecondTime   # float 60.0
0x05c2cc0e  spaceCombatReinforceCount   # int 3
0x05c3eb47  animButtonTooltip   # text
0x05c408e3  ShowMatchingArchetypesInCRE   # bool false
0x05c43a40  editorAnimPanelOrder   # int
0x05c54e7e  editorAnimPanelIcon   # key
0x05c54e7f  editorAnimPanelIconShadow   # key
0x05c80689  ufoGalaxyWarpMultipliers   # floats
0x05c8077c  ufoGalaxyWarpTimes   # floats
0x05c8390d  CastingManager_MaxAnimalPoolSize   # int 100
0x05c8af84  AntiAliasPlayModePhotos   # bool true
0x05c9482d  OptionGameQuality   # uint32
0x05c9621f  TMAnisotropic   # bool true
0x05c97448  NumFramesToBuffer   # int 1
0x05c9d1be  FlushGPU   # bool off # Flush GPU after each layer is drawn, for better profiling of render costs
0x05c9d1c7  DisableFill   # bool off # Disable fill, to test fill rate limitations.
0x05caa7c3  spaceTradingToolReofferRate   # int 0
0x05cac14f  pollinatorHTTPLog   # bool true
0x05cac167  browserHTTPLog   # bool true
0x05cad54a  CityPopulationScale   # float 1.0 # multiplier to scale number visualized citizens
0x05cb6033  UseImageSpaceFraming   # bool true
0x05cd5658  ThumbnailFramingType   # int 0 # 0 = simplest 1 = dual frustum
0x05cd5de9  modelThumbnailZoom   # float # Thumbnail zoom tweak, specify for each rigblock so automated thumbnail capture looks best
0x05d1a718  paletteSetSequenceNumber   # int
0x05d1b951  shadowCasterDistance   # floats
0x05d1b952  shadowDepthRange   # floats
0x05d2c031  GIFPaletteMethod   # uint32 1 # 0- 216 websafe, 1 - Wu with alpha
0x05d2c085  GIFDither   # uint32 0 # 0-none, 1- FloydSteinberg, 2- Burkes, 3- Stucki
0x05d2c51b  GIFAntiAlias   # bool false # Will "antialias" GIF, but works better with a background color since no translucency in GIF
0x05d2c54b  GIFBGColor   # colorRGBA(0,0,0,0) #colorRGBA (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0) #(0.9, 0.7, 0.2, 1)
0x05d2c827  GIFFilter   # uint32 0 # 0 - downsample, 1- cartoon
0x05d2cbfb  GIFFramingPad   # float 1.1 # values greater than one push camera back, smaller than one push camera in
0x05d2e2a7  GIFAngle   # float 0 # an offset on the initial angle in degrees
0x05d2e91b  GIFAnimIndex   # uint32 0 # value between 1 - 10 will play animation at that index, 0 will cycle throught them in order
0x05daa925  editorCurrencyChar   # uint # unicode character for editor currency
0x05daaffe  OptionListTarget   # key
0x05daafff  OptionIDs   # uint32s
0x05dab000  OptionStartSettings   # uint32s
0x05dab001  OptionEndSettings   # uint32s
0x05dd4647  AlwaysFullscreen   # bool false # do not support windowed mode (for mac)
0x05dfef47  paletteSetButtonLayout   # key
0x05dfef48  paletteSetButtonBackgroundIcon   # key
0x05e4de4e  paletteSetButtonIcon   # key
0x05f5f97b  editorCSATrialPartsPalette   # key # To filter out parts from validity and palette in Trial version
0x05f5f97c  editorCSATrialPaintPalette   # key # To filter out paint swatches from validity and palette in Trial version
0x05fb85a3  FragmentCompilation   # bool true # whether on-the-fly fragment shader compilation is supported
0x05fb85a4  FragmentCacheLimit   # int 512 # if non-zero limit fragment shader cache size to this
0x0604a51a  OptionExplainSporepedia   # uint32
0x0604a561  OptionExplainPaintLikeThis   # uint32
0x0604a630  ShowDialogExplainSporepedia   # bool true
0x0604a631  ShowDialogExplainPaintLikeThis   # bool true
0x0615c643  spineMinCollisionDeadZoneDistance   # int
0x061b67b6  MacSpecificText   # bool false
0x06390ede  EntitlementApplied   # bool
0x063ab656  Support51Audio   # bool true # whether 5.1 audio is supported (off for mac)
0x06f7f0ed  badgeEmpiresize   # int
0x08AE332A  ESC_KeyButtonIDs   # unsure
0x09591f67  palettePageSequenceNumber   # uint
0x09a0474a  AudioVOXVolume   #  float
0x0A97C583  creatureSightRadius   # float?
0x0DA61D1C  DrawMesh
0x0a15b885  footcurvemasstopitch   # floats
0x0aacb7e2  badgeReqFoodWebsComplete   # int
0x0cbf6b46  missionMultiDeliveryMaxNumItems   # int
0x0d403154  badgeSightseer   # int
0x0d8800eb  modelIsPlantRoot   # bool false # if a block is a root block for the flora editor
0x0deb318a  reverbtime   # float
0x0e40c402  mouthtype   # string
0x0e67bc3a  editorCellPinningToRigBlocks   # bool false # causes blocks to pin to both the skin and rigblocks in the cell editors
0x0f48eb09  modelLeftFile   # key # optional file specifies a prop file to be used for left-handed blocks for symmetry
0x0f616b72  mindistance   # float
0x0f70317c  atmospheric   # floats
0x0f950df0  kMungeDebugMaps   # bool
0x100de9e3  editorUseSpine   # bool true # if the model uses the spine by default
0x100f0f5a  modelCapabilitySpine   # int 1
0x100f322f  editorSaveExtension   # key # the save extension key which will be parsed both into a key and a three letter extension
0x10119203  editorEnabledManipulators   # keys # the list of keys that correspond to the manipulator classes to enable for this editor
0x1022adb0  editorShowVertebrae   # bool true # if the model shows the vertebra by default
0x1029774e  shoppingCancelButton   # bool true # should this shopping window have a cancel button or not
0x10596926  creatureSetupAskWhichScenario   # bool
0x105f5302  muscleRadii   # floats # size of each metaball
0x105f5303  muscleOffsets   # vector3s # offset from percentage computed position
0x105f5304  musclePercentages   # floats # percentage along the muscle (0 is internal end, 1 is external end)
0x105f54ff  modelMinMuscleFile   # key # path to min muscle prop file
0x10609edf  spaceToolUseCost   # int # the cost to use the tool once
0x10609ee4  spaceToolContext   # key # defines where the tool can be used (always, planet, space, passive)
0x1063d416  CreaturesToFoodRatioMax   # float
0x1063d453  DecoSurplusDelta   # float
0x1063d480  DecoShortageDelta   # float
0x1063d481  DecorationToNeedRatioMin   # float
0x10652354  cameraBreathFrequencyMin   # float
0x106913eb  cameraShakeAmplitudeMin   # float
0x10b535f0  babyBoneLength   # float
0x10b535f1  babyBoneSize   # float
0x10b535f2  babyBoneThickness   # float
0x10b535f3  babySpineSize   # float
0x10b535f4  babySpineThickness   # float
0x10b535f5  babyMouthSize   # float
0x10b535f6  babyGrasperSize   # float
0x10b535f7  babySenseSize   # float
0x10b535f8  babyAttackSize   # float
0x10b535f9  babyFlySize   # float
0x10b535fa  babyWalkSize   # float
0x10b535fb  babyMouthHandles   # float
0x10b535fc  babyGrasperHandles   # float
0x10b535fd  babySenseHandles   # float
0x10b535fe  babyAttackHandles   # float
0x10b535ff  babyFlyHandles   # float
0x10b54cd3  babyWalkHandles   # float
0x1106a9e2  npc_turn_factor   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x11074694  creatureEvoPointsToLevel_1   # float
0x11074696  nerfMultForBabies   # float
0x112590ed  syms   # strings
0x1138c0b9  toolBeamEffectID   # key # effect component for beam style weapons
0x119c4ad5  separationDistance   # float
0x11b148cd  creatureEvoPointsPerFruit   # float
0x11b78a70  modelCapabilitySpeed   # int 0
0x11b78a71  modelCapabilityDefense   # int 0
0x11b78a72  modelCapabilityPower   # int 0
0x11b79301  modelCapabilityCellMouth   # int 0
0x11b79302  modelCapabilityCellMovement   # int 0
0x11b79303  modelCapabilityCellWeapon   # int 0
0x11b79304  modelCapabilityCellWeaponCharging   # int 0
0x11b79a70  modelCapabilityCellFilter   # int 0
0x11b79a71  modelCapabilityCellSpike   # int 0
0x11b79a72  modelCapabilityCellJet   # int 0
0x11b79a73  modelCapabilityCellEye   # int 0
0x11b79a74  modelCapabilityCellJaw   # int 0
0x11b79a75  modelCapabilityCellElectric   # int 0
0x11b79a76  modelCapabilityCellPoison   # int 0
0x11b79a77  modelCapabilityCellCilia   # int 0
0x11b79a78  modelCapabilityCellPoker   # int 0
0x11d27e35  forceDelta   # float
0x11d39e51  draftingDistance   # float
0x11d3a085  draftingForce   # float
0x1204a915  creatureNames   # keys
0x121d3184  editorCameraPalette   # key # palette camera, this is the camera that will be used to take thumbnails and display 3d swatches in the editor
0x12292735  creatureEvoPoints_S   # float
0x12292738  creatureEvoPoints_XL   # float
0x122a4a7b  editorMoveModelToCenterOfMass   # bool false # tells the editor to move the origin of the object to the center of mass
0x126ECC27  avatarCenterCloseUpDistFromCenter   # unsure
0x126eaae3  editorSubtractPartsCostOnLoad   # bool false # if this is true, subtract cost of all rigblocks on model load
0x126eaae4  editorSpineScalingNeighborInfluence   # int # number of neighbors to influence when scaling the spine
0x12d2a4d4  is3d   # bool
0x12ef44d9  editorShowAbilityIcons   # bool true # Show any ability icons in editor palettes
0x1331b443  kDayShadowColor   # vector3
0x133c3cab  paletteAssetSwatchHeaderIcon   # key
0x133c3cac  paletteAssetSwatchLockedIcon   # key
0x133c3cad  paletteAssetSwatchBackgroundImage   # key
0x1368995D  creatureSummaryVersionForPollinator   # uint32?
0x13c6a371  modelAlternativeStaticModel   # key # key of alternate model to show spinning in the palette (and for thumbnail capture)
0x13e2bdfc  editorAssembledContentDirectory   # string # string pointing to directory that contains assembled content for current editor type
0x1446e317  duckcurve   # floats
0x144d3099  sporepediaConfigRootFilterID   # key
0x144d309a  sporepediaConfigEditorForMakeNew   # key
0x144d7575  feedListItemMessageID   # key
0x14593fac  browserFilterArcheTypeID   # key
0x14975ade  validationSporepediaViewableTests   # ints
0x149a5cfc  missionWarTurretsOnly   # bool false
0x149a7260   spaceshipsCollide   #  bool false
0x149c4d69  editorSwatchPedestalModel   # key # rdx9 to be loaded as pedestal while viewing model inside a swatch
0x149c4d75  editorSwatchBackgroundModel   # key # rdx9 to be loaded as background while viewing model inside a swatch
0x14D9CF40  begin   # unsure
0x14d805b0  missionManagerMaxNumMissions   # uint 0
0x14d805b1  missionManagerGapBetweenNPCMissions   # float 0.0
0x14d805b2  missionManagerGapBetweenColonyMissions   # float 0.0
0x14d805b3  missionManagerMaxNumCompletedMissions   # uint 0
0x1625a62d  missionAccidentProneRewardUnlock   # keys
0x1625a62e  missionOnRejectUnlockTool   # keys
0x1631804d  spineHingeMaxAngleLimit   # float
0x165f0e1e  modelBottomEdgeDistanceAdjustment   # float # a constant amount to move a block using modelMoveBottomEdgeToSurface out from the surface
0x17128238  LODMaxHigh
0x17706bf8  missionRangeMin   # float 0.0
0x185A7A14  types   # strings
0x18C01E40  LODCutoffMedium
0x18b75c47  time_dilation   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x18c1dbe0  modelRightFile   # key # optional file specifies a different prop file to be used for right-handed blocks for symmetry
0x19254599  gameplayBrushTriBudget   #  int 5000
0x1C7D9D9D  CardMovementSpeed   # unsure
0x1F92FC44  end   # unsure
0x1a34e253  ShaderPath   #  int 0 # shader path, set by config system.
0x1a91189c  DownSampleBake   #  bool false # splatter to BakeTextureSize, then downsample
0x1b8716d6  palettePageSetId   # int
0x1c76d9b5  skinpaintPartBumpScale   #  float 0.8
0x1cbb2f62  modelDefaultChannelsBBox   # bbox # bounding box for block
0x1ce679bf  kNightShadowColor   # vector3
0x1e4db1eb  attenuation   # floats
0x1e88407e  tutorialText   # uints
0x1f6ee366  badgeReqRaresCollected   # int
0x1f6ef3d1  dacoutputmode   # string
0x1f707856  missionRangeMax   # float 2.5
0x1f707857  missionPickClosestStar   # bool false
0x1f707858  missionNumJumps   # int 2
0x1f7aaaaa  missionPickTargetPlanet   # key
0x1f7aaaab  missionPickTargetAnimalSpecies   # key
0x1f7d3cf3  palettePagePartParentPage   # key
0x1ff96460  missionGenerousRewardTool   # keys
0x213EB74F  DefaultFillerAnimationID
0x21d55d8c  modelMaxBallConnectorScale   # float 3.0 # maximum ball connector scaling allowed in the editor
0x22c47931  palettePagePartItemColumns   # ints
0x23179da5  spineVertebraAllowedPenetrationDepth   # float
0x23A13B31  Palette_EditorModelType   # unsure
0x23fc767e  modelHandlePlacementTypes   # keys # individual overide for the placement type for this handle
0x2406a047  rolloff   # float
0x24CB8070  creatureHerdSizeFallback   # float?
0x24b0e0e4  missionGenericRewardMoney   # float 0.0
0x25df0108  gain   # float
0x25f2300a  badgeToolspurchased   # int
0x25f2aaa0  spaceToolArtifactModel   # string # the name of the model of the artifact if the tool is related to an artifact
0x2690B86E  FeedListScrollButtonPixelsPerSecond   # unsure
0x2695D23C  FeedTextColorDefault   # unsure
0x2704959d  editorMaxHeight   # float # the height of the cylinder
0x27eb756a  missionStingyRewardTool   # keys
0x2853e342  skinpaintAmbOccEnabled   #  bool true
0x2955532f  dumpTerrainMaps   #  bool false
0x298c3112  pulseFrequency   # float
0x29e8b9f8  startdelay   # float
0x2EEB1C55  FeedColorRollover   # unsure
0x2F0BDB17  PopupMenuBackgroundWindowExtraHeight   # unsure
0x2FBA3A11  FeedColorSelected   # unsure
0x2c574746  jet_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x2c66e2c5  kFogMinDensity   # float
0x2c66e2c6  kFogMaxDensity   # float
0x2dc2a89d  weapontype   # string
0x2e1942a8  paletteCategoryName   # text
0x2e853adb  modelPinningType   # key 0xb6f87eb0 # sets the pinning type for the given model: PinningGeometry (default) or PinningPhysics
0x2ef68471  cilia_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x2f45f0a4  badgeReqEcoDisasterMissionsComplete   # int
0x2ff325cd  modelOrientToSurfaces   # bool true # does dragging this object around make it pin to surfaces?
0x300db745  editorCameraUI   # key # ui camera, controls initial state and constraints on user camera inside editor
0x300dd020  editorUseSymmetry   # bool true # if the model has symmetry enabled by default
0x300de90b  editorUseSkin   # bool true # if the model uses skin by default
0x3022c4b9  editorOnlyEditFromPalette   # bool true # only blocks which are present in the palette can be modified if this flag is set
0x303eb34d  cameraMinDistance   # float
0x303ee4a4  cameraInterpolatePitchTime   # float
0x3061e2b3  modelMinSocketConnectorOffset   # vector3 # REQUIRED: minimum offset from origin for the socket, if non-animated bone set both of these to the same value
0x3061e2b8  modelMaxSocketConnectorOffset   # vector3 # OPTIONAL for animated bones: maximim offset from origin for the socket, if non-animated bone set both of these to the same value
0x30628002  RecentAttackDelta   # float
0x3063d320  FoodShortageDelta   # float
0x3063d451  RubbleToUsefulBuildingRatioMax   # float
0x3065235a  cameraBreathAmplitudeMax   # float
0x306536a3  cameraPrintDebugData   # bool
0x3068d95c  spaceToolImageID   # key # corresponds to the guid in the UI layout file for the icon image for this tool.
0x3068d95d  spaceToolDescription   # text # rollover description
0x306c86ef  toolGenericEffectID   # key # the name of the effect to be bound to this tool's use
0x306d1e9e  cameraMouseSensitivityY   # float
0x30723c1d  cameraEnableAutoPitch   # bool
0x307b704e  NewPositiveEventDelta   # float
0x307b705a  NewNegativeEventDelta   # float
0x3099deac  TaskGatherFruit   # float
0x30a95517  palettePageNumRows   # int
0x30d8f515  editorStatsFile   # key # Key to a prop file declaring which stats are visible for this editor
0x30eb73bd  ImplicitSurfaceIsoValue   # float 0.01 # Metaball "goopiness" for Ocean to fiddle with
0x310f0044  editorPaintSwatchModel   # key # key to a model used for generating paint swatches
0x31192468  spaceToolMinRange   # float # min range for a tool to be fireable (-1 means no range constraint)
0x3119246d  spaceToolMaxRange   # float # max range over which a tool can fire (-1 means no range constraint)
0x3119246e  spaceToolDamageRadius   # float # damage radius (only used by Area of Effect weapons)
0x3138c0bf  toolHitGroundEffectID   # key # effect component for beam style weapons
0x3138c0c2  toolHitWaterEffectID   # key # effect component for beam style weapons
0x3138c0c6  toolHitCombatantEffectID   # key # effect component for beam style weapons
0x3138c9b1  toolHitOrientsToTerrain   # bool true # if the beam takes the surface orientation on hit or uses the beam
0x31611e3a  badgeReqPlanetsColonized   # int
0x317a429d  skinpaintIgnoreParticles   # bool
0x319c4a93  separationForce   # float
0x319c4adf  avoidStrangerForce   # float
0x31b02eea  tooCloseToGoalToFlock   # float
0x31b148cc  creatureEvoPointsPerCarcass   # float
0x31b7b15b  modelPointForward   # bool # forces the block to point forward while pinning
0x31c3e5b2  modelCapabilityHealth   # int 0
0x31c7c1f3  modelSellBackFactor   # float 1.0 # Part sell back value multiplier for blocks
0x31d2512f  maxSpeedVariance   # float
0x31d515ae  creatureEvoPointsPerEgg   # float
0x31d51f1d  creatureEvoPointEffectDelay   # uint
0x31ff02ba  statsTooltips   # texts
0x32292736  creatureEvoPoints_M   # float
0x32380e2c  herd_audio_on   # bool
0x3249a320  creatureAbilityDescription   # text
0x324b1ebe  editorDisableCreatureAnimIK   # bool # used for cell editor, turns off certain features of anim IK
0x3269b6a1  creatureAbilityHideInEditorType   # key
0x3277992E  PopupMenuScrollButtonTimerMS   # unsure
0x32ca0de1  egg_hatch_time   # uint
0x330c117a  modelCapabilityJump   # int 0
0x33265801  unlocksPerLevel   # unsure
0x33382a22  editorMouseWheelDistanceThreshold   # float # the distance the mouse has to travel for a mouse wheel operation to register finished
0x33854b51  paletteOutfitSwatchHeaderText   # text
0x3386c531  modelCapabilitySprint   # int 0
0x33a0864a  paletteHutStyleLevels   # keys
0x33cb1dac  ShadowConvolutionMaps   # bool true
0x33cb1dad  ShadowConvolutionMapRes   # int 512
0x33f6c3c4  hatchedEggModelKeys   # keys
0x34494b57   renderTerrainWaterReflexion   #  bool true
0x3449565e  sporepediaConfigSelectedFeed   # key
0x344ec74e  sporepediaConfigCallToActionMessage   # text
0x34ce9f7f  paletteContentPackName   # text # DJM - This is mainly for the CSA packs, where we're adding more data to an existing page
0x350f8605  modelUseHullForPicking   # bool false # uses the hull instead of the visibly geometry for picking against (mouse cursor picking, not manipulator picking)
0x358902f8   DebugDrawPersist   #  bool false
0x35919809  palettePageFilter   # key
0x35b12c24  palettePageLayoutFile   # key
0x35eeb8b5  paletteCategorySequenceNumber   # uint
0x3626bb3b  jet_graph   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x3644a2c5  modelHandleStretchSounds   # string8s # the data for the sound patch controlled by this handle
0x36758b07  missionColonizePlanetFullRow   # bool true
0x3701d675  modelBoundsCheckOnlyForDelete   # bool false # tells the editors to only check the bounds when marking this block invalid
0x372f49bc  perfColors   # vector3s # colours
0x376826b0  badgeFlightsmade   # int
0x37a262d3  badgeReqBadgePointsEarned   # int
0x3872bad2  badgeTraderoutes   # int
0x38ec9850  cilia_graph   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x393f7f7d  priority   # float
0x39b853a3  footcurvenumlegstogain   # floats
0x3D781D85  DrawBodiesWhenLoading
0x3E7CF53B  eggScaleMultiplier   # float?
0x3a3b9d21  modelCenterFile   # key # optional file specifies a different prop file to be used for blocks on the plane of symmetry
0x3a7ca085  ericTools   # keys # special list of tools for testing, guid must match hash of property name
0x3af239c4  AudioSFXVolume   #  float
0x3b58c554  modelHandlePlacementTypesTemplate   # keys # template default for the placement type for this handle
0x3c2b4ea4  streambuffersize   # uint
0x3c459409  missionTargetPlantSpecies   # key
0x3c652302  modelComplexityScore   # int # complexity score for the rig block based on effects, bones, and limb segments.
0x3cd0684f  spineMouseSpringElasticity   # float
0x3da0a727  primitives   # strings
0x3dce555d  badgeReachedCash   # int
0x3dd1848d  ModelManagerBackgroundLoad   #  bool true
0x3eb161a1  missionEradicateType   # key
0x40c44a05  flashLength   # uint
0x40f5515b  tutorialSelectedLinks   # uints
0x419D8685  AssetGridVerticalSpacer   # unsure
0x41f72519  modelSoundParameters   # keys # array defining handle order for properties
0x43DA5227  MaxNumAssetsLoaded   # unsure
0x44340b8f  badgeCivspromoted   # int
0x448a1319  statsExampleAnimations   # keys
0x44c7f29f  editorMinHeight   # float # the base of the cylinder
0x45101f3e  modelHandleLinkedHandles   # keys # individual overide for the symmetric handle to link this handle to
0x45c00672  missionStarMapEffect   # key
0x4629edb4  dialogText   # text
0x467ef4e0  modelAlignLateralWith   # keys # array of block types for the given block to align laterally with
0x47da68d6  badgeReqStarsExplored   # int
0x480e0110  missionMultiDeliveryMinNumItems   # int
0x48b1e34d  badgeAestheticTools   # int
0x492d3888  hutStyleListLevel2   # keys
0x492d3889  hutStyleListLevel3   # keys
0x492d388b  hutStyleListLevel1   # keys
0x492d3892  hutDamageHiKey   # key
0x492d3893  hutDamageMdKey   # key
0x492d3894  hutDamageLoKey   # key
0x492d3895  toolDamageHiKey   # key
0x492d3896  toolDamageMdKey   # key
0x492d3897  toolDamageLoKey   # key
0x49593334  inventoryItemArtifactPlumpScale   # float -1.0 # the plumped scale of the artifact if the inventory (cargo) item is related to an artifact
0x49C7436E  creatureSightAngle   # float
0x49b76eb1  badgePlanetsconquered   # int
0x49d4c74d  AudioSpeakerMode   #  uint32
0x49eb68db  wetlevel   # float
0x4A203987  NetworkSpinnyColor   # unsure
0x4A2F63FE  cameraZoomScaleKeyboard   # unsure
0x4AE4DFCD  bullet   # unsure
0x4BCCE4E0  TooltipTimeoutTime   # unsure
0x4a6ea1a3  editorMouseWheelTimeout   # float # the amount of idle time it takes for a mouse wheel operation to register finished
0x4a77693a  pan   # float
0x4bc09757  autoduck   # bool
0x4bf10436  kFogByElevCreature   # vector3s
0x4e53ffa9  driftAmplitude2   # float 0.03
0x4e53ffaa  driftAmplitude1   # float 0.03
0x4e53ffab  driftAmplitude0   # float 0.25
0x4f2f2a48  modelShowoffAnimation   # key # the animation to be played when showing off the part
0x4f4edc94  renderTerrainAtmosphere   #  bool true
0x4ff31eec  modelHasBallConnector   # bool true # whether model has a ball connector or not
0x5016cc22  renderTerrainDecals   #  bool true
0x503d2f60  editorStartupModel   # keys # if present, will load this model on startup by default
0x503ee4a2  cameraInterpolateAzimuthTime   # float
0x503ee62b  cameraInitialRotation   # float
0x5060d0e2  muscleInterpolateDistance   # float 0.001
0x50652350  cameraEnableBreathing   # bool
0x506913ed  cameraShakeAmplitudeMax   # float
0x50692031  cameraBreathAffectsAim   # bool
0x50692288  cameraShakeAffectsAim   # bool
0x506d1ea0  cameraMouseSensitivityZ   # float
0x50723c22  cameraAutoPitchCloseMin   # float
0x5099ddfc  PlanInteractionTask   # float
0x5099ddfd  PlanTribeCheatTask   # float
0x5099de67  CheatTribeMember   # float
0x5099de68  CheatTribeFood   # float
0x5099deae  TaskTribeRecruitTribe   # float
0x5099deb2  TaskHunt   # float
0x5099deb6  TaskThrowParty   # float
0x5099deb7  TaskFish   # float
0x5099deb8  TaskIdle   # float
0x5099deb9  TaskRest   # float
0x5099deba  TaskEat   # float
0x50b5e5f3   gameplayBrushTimeBudget   #  int 80000
0x51191d87  spaceToolMinDamage   # float # minimum damage the tool will cause if it registers for damage
0x51191d8b  spaceToolMaxDamage   # float # maximum damage the tool will cause if it registers for damage
0x51191d8f  spaceToolRechargeRate   # float # the time (in seconds) that it takes the tool to recharge before it can be used again
0x51191d92  spaceToolType   # key # weapon, terraforming, special, other (a grouping for the tool in the various UI buckets)
0x51191d96  spaceToolAutoFireRate   # float # the time (in seconds) between repeat firings of a weapon (-1 means never)
0x51365d07  modelUseHullForBBox   # bool false # if true, will use the hull object for all bbox calculations
0x51375b2d  spaceToolChargeRate   # float # the time (in seconds) for the weapon to fully charge before firing.
0x518EA462  globalCreatureSpeedGear5   # float
0x518EA463  globalCreatureSpeedGear4   # float
0x518EA464  globalCreatureSpeedGear3   # float
0x518EA465  globalCreatureSpeedGear2   # float
0x518EA466  globalCreatureSpeedGear1   # float
0x518EA467  globalCreatureSpeedGear0   # float
0x51997db2  soundtype   # key
0x519c4ad7  cohesionForce   # float
0x519c4ad8  cohesionDistance   # float
0x519c4ad9  alignmentForce   # float
0x51c3e5b4  modelCapabilityStealth   # int 0
0x51cbead0  creatureNestRespawnTime_PlayerSpecies   # int
0x51d13278  localRadius   # float
0x51fa9dfa  modelRunTimeBoneCount   # int # number of runtime bones this model has
0x522A7DA1  TooltipShowDetailTime   # unsure
0x522fa340  verbIconsSize   # float
0x522fa341  verbIconsNumRows   # int
0x522fa342  verbIconsNumColumns   # int
0x522fa343  verbIconsSpeed   # float
0x522fa344  verbIconsFadeTimeMS   # int
0x5237e2d8  herd_size_range   # vector2
0x523a480e  creatureDistanceToActivateVerb   # float
0x523a8f4c  min_herd_size   # uint
0x52451E18  AnimationFileCacheLimit
0x52588d9b  solarSystemImpostors   #  bool true
0x52D669E8  Palette_EditorConfig   # unsure
0x52a39538  DumpAOPass   #  bool false # the individual shadows
0x5338876f  paletteItemModelType   # key # if this palette item happens to be an editor model, this will point to the model type
0x5382e2d7  spineVertebraeScaleOfLeastFlexibility   # float
0x53d75041  eggModelKeys   # keys
0x5446ac96  spineDampingMaxInfluenceDistance   # int
0x544e850b  voicetemplate   # key
0x54a24fae  eyeEffectEnabled   # bool true # used both in playmode and creature game
0x54b6d2b6  kDuskDawnStartEnd   # vector4
0x551398B5  CardMovementThreshold   # unsure
0x56097656  paletteAssetSwatchEditable   # bool
0x567AD0F2  DrawGround
0x56b5c1d1  badgeFlight101Complete   # int
0x57634C78  creatureBaseHealth_level4   # float?
0x57634C79  creatureBaseHealth_level5   # float?
0x57634C7D  creatureBaseHealth_Level1   # float?
0x57634C7E  creatureBaseHealth_Level2   # float?
0x57634C7F  creatureBaseHealth_Level3   # float?
0x57755dfe  minSpec   #  bool false
0x57a0c0c2  kFogBiasByElev   # vector2s
0x58DDEF24  DisabledCardColor   # unsure
0x58d751bc  kFogMinDistance   # float
0x59d61047  pulseAmplitude   # float
0x5A97FCB8  NestTypeEnum   # unsure
0x5C2EDDEA  FeedTextColorRollover   # unsure
0x5C74D18B  density   # float?
0x5a32a0ce  isaggregate   # bool
0x5a9e402d  paletteAssetSwatchNewTooltip   # text
0x5baf2e0a  UseAnimWater   # bool false
0x5c5e51ec  modelPreferToBeOnPlaneOfSymmetry   # bool false # makes the model stick to the plane of symmetry more (it'll come in on the plane from the palette, and stuff)
0x5cf5e5e0  missionStingyRewardRelation   # float 0.0
0x5dee2437  renderTerrainRibbons   #  bool true
0x5e8af796  loginCredentials   #  string8 ""
0x5e941753  editorMinimumLeglessCreatureHeight   # float # the minimum height a legless creature is allowed to be on load
0x6062A61A  SearchPauseTimeMS   # unsure
0x6081d87b  paletteAssetSwatchLoadTooltip   # text
0x61e3ee74  footcurvemasstogain   # floats
0x628b4bf5  spineHavokWorldNumSolverIters   # int
0x629375d2  NumRibbonsPerFrame   #  int 10
0x62D5C623  TooltipFastSwitchTime   # unsure
0x62e4dba8  spineVelocityLimit   # float
0x643f0973  iconLarge   # key # icon used for part unlock ui (large version)
0x64553361  spineErrorRecoveryVelocityExponential   # float
0x64d7be3c  listeneroffset   # floats
0x64fe3891  tutorialLayout   # key
0x654234db  animInterruptible   # bool true
0x657a035c  modelMoveBottomEdgeToSurface   # bool # forces the bottom of the block to align with the surface of the object it's pinned to
0x65b016dc  gameLaunchScreenImages   # keys
0x665f8a72  missionGenerousRewardMoney   # float 0.0
0x668a106a  BakeAsync   #  bool true
0x66cfc361  kIceNightLightingScale   # float
0x6701261B  ShowStats
0x6893cecb  showPlanetBudgetTimes   #  bool true
0x69089a6  ModelManagerSyncLoadResidentModels   #  bool true
0x697063d2  badgeFriendsDefended   # int
0x6998f4c3  Pow2UITextures   # bool false # force all UI textures to be a power of two. must be set on startup.
0x6A60E51D  fruit   # strings
0x6B559718  creatureBaseLoudness   # float?
0x6B6F646D  eggScaleMaxMultiplier   # float?
0x6B9F30ED  FeedColorDefault   # unsure
0x6DCFC1B5  DisplayFilterUI   # unsure
0x6F7F8EF5  CardMovementSoundProgressThreshold   # unsure
0x6b2f4d59  spineChainDamping   # float
0x6b3936a7  kWaterFogMaxDist   # float
0x6b3936a8  kWaterFogMaxDepth   # float
0x6b8241c9  dialogTitle   # text
0x6c319752  missionMultiDeliveryMaxNumBuyers   # int
0x6d03cf70  missionSubMissions   # keys
0x6dd08218  islooped   # bool
0x6dd5a65c   demo   #  bool false # set if running with -demo. This is just a placeholder -- the initial value is ignored.
0x6df5822d  audioPerformanceLevel   #  uint 3
0x6f166215  dspchain   # strings
0x6f1f48fe  missionPunishmentRelation   # float 0.0
0x6f1f48ff  missionLandmarkSearchRadius   # float 2.0
0x6f53be2f  ShowMaterialStats   #  bool false
0x6f5b6da8  footcurvefootsizetohipass   # floats
0x6f73ec7e  Editors
0x6fa6f0f4  missionGenericRewardRelation   # float 0.0
0x6fda2e1c  cameraInitialOffsetX   # float
0x6ff31f12  modelHasSocketConnector   # bool true # whether model has a socket connector or not
0x6ffded92  modelTypesToInteractWith   # keys # block types that this block can pin/stack on
0x700db77d  editorBoundSize   # float # the width of the space that the model skin is constrained to
0x700ed5e1  editorUILayoutFileName   # key #the name of the layout file expected to be in the default layout directory
0x70104290  editorSaveDirectory   # key # the save directory key
0x701ed91e  samples   # keys
0x703e542f  editorName   # text# name of what this editor edits, ie "Creature"  Vehicle"  UFO etc
0x703eb357  cameraMaxDistance   # float
0x703ee4a1  cameraInterpolateOrientationTime   # float
0x705ac46d  creatureSetupDefaultScenario   # string
0x705ac47b  creatureSetupDefaultSpecies   # string
0x70627ff6  FeastDelta   # float
0x7063d44f  RubbleToUsefulBuildingRatioMin   # float
0x7063d452  DecoNeed   # float
0x7063d568  DiminishingReturn   # float
0x70652353  cameraBreathSpeedMax   # float
0x706913e6  cameraEnableShaking   # bool
0x706913e8  cameraShakeSpeedMax   # float
0x706FC000  MigrationPointTypeEnum   # unsure
0x70723c2c  cameraAutoPitchCloseMax   # float
0x70723c32  cameraAutoPitchFarMin   # float
0x70EAB967  FeedItemSelectedHeightOffset   # unsure
0x70a3c81d  floraSpeciesBracket   # key # key to indicate which size bracket the species is in
0x70a3c826  floraMinDesiredNiche   # float # (-1.0f to 1.0f) the minimum perceived altitude required for this plant to survive
0x70adc7c2  timeBeforeBabyGrowsUp   # float
0x70adc7c3  babyGrowthBoost   # float
0x70fc1b46  faunaIsCarnivore   # bool true # flag to indicate if the creature eats other creatures
0x70fc1b50  faunaIsHerbivore   # bool true # flag to indicate if the creature eats plants
0x70fc1b55  faunaModelID   # key # ID of the animal model prop file to be used
0x7105cce0  creatureHungerSatisfiedPerMeat   # float
0x711306cd  editorSkinResolutionRealtime   # float
0x711306ce  editorSkinResolutionHighQuality   # float
0x711d1aee  spaceToolUpgradeFile   # key # the file which serves as an upgrade to this tool
0x7163782e  creatureStartTimeOfDay   # float
0x719f6876  cropCircleDecalEffectID   # key # effect id for crop circle decals.
0x71AE0CEB  BakedAnimationCacheLimit
0x71C653B2  creatureMaxHealth   # float?
0x71b632f5  spineMouseMaxForceFactor   # float
0x71bc3009  pitch   # float
0x71cb8a60  mouse_zoom   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x71dbb4ba  creatureHungerSatisfiedPerEgg   # float
0x720be500  modelVehicleStatSpeed   # float 0.0
0x720be501  modelVehicleStatPower   # float 0.0
0x720be502  modelVehicleStatDefense   # float 0.0
0x723bbffc  creatureBattleroarDelay   # uint
0x724289fe  creatureNoAttackTimer   # float
0x72506c97  renderDepthMRT   #  bool true # Use multiple render targets for depth of field (shaderpath_3 only)
0x72a87cc2  modelSwatchRotation   # vector3 # # euler angles specified in degrees
0x72caa95f  showmindistance   # bool
0x7313b93b  statsAbilityIDs   # ints
0x73326c62  ToolPositions   # vector3s
0x73463374  socialWrongGroupMultiplier   # float
0x73561a8f  creatureAbilitySpeedGear   # uint
0x73a9f96a  editorMoveModelToGround   # bool false # tells the editor to move the edited object to the ground (so its lowest point touches the ground)
0x74163bdf  creatureAbilityUseForBabyGame   # bool
0x742b4dcf  creatureAbilityBabyGameAnimationID   # uint
0x7435a2d0  browserFilterName   # text
0x7435a2d1  browserFilterButtonGraphic   # keys
0x7435a2d2  browserFilterData   # key
0x7435a2d3  browserFilterChildrenFilters   # keys
0x744717c0  feedListCategories   # keys
0x744717c1  feedListItems   # keys
0x744717c2  feedListCategoryName   # text
0x744717c3  feedListItemType   # key
0x744717c4  feedListItemWebpageURLID   # key
0x744717c5  feedListItemName   # text
0x744717c6  feedListItemOTDBQueryType   # key
0x744717c7  feedListItemSubscriptionType   # int
0x744717c8  feedListItemNeedsRefreshing   # bool
0x7459f5de  DumpAOGather   #  bool false # the accumulation passes
0x74a47468  allowSporepediaViewableAssetsIntoOTDB   # bool true
0x7578caba  kAtmThickness   # float
0x7704db6f  spaceToolPaletteID   # int
0x771119f4  ignorecontext   # bool
0x7717409A  creatureNPCMinBabyTime   # uint32?
0x77540c34  eye_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x7794d454  ProfilerDumpToDisk   #  bool false # write a full heirarchical dump to UserData/Debug/ when Ctrl+Shift+D is used
0x77eb981b  badgeReqGrobAllied   # int
0x781900a6  missionFetchItem   # keys
0x7895f232  missionGenericRewardUnlockCount   # int 0
0x78BDDF27  Vehicle   # strings
0x7932C8C4  initialPhi   # unsure
0x79da6d74  streampoolguid   # key
0x7DFBB96A  FeedColorRolloverSelected   # unsure
0x7FD0653A  rock   # strings
0x7a2db2dd  missionEradicateDiseaseEffect   # key
0x7a2db2de  missionEradicateCanFail   # bool true
0x7a2db2ee  missionEradicateMinPerHerd   # int
0x7a2db2ef  missionEradicateMaxPerHerd   # int
0x7a926123  editorPaintPalette   # key # New palette data layout
0x7ac2e49f  anim_dilation   # (hash(anim_dilation)) vector2s (0, 0)
0x7ae23adf  BakeBeforeEnteringPlanet   #  bool true # throw up a splash screen and chug on baking
0x7aee00e7  spineHavokMetricsEnabled   # bool
0x7b02fcb3  evo_points   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x7b41f3e9  camera_lookahead   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x7bd0ca3e  modelAlwaysShowSymmetry   # bool false # Always show symmetric part, even when on plane of symmetry
0x7c9601b0  missionConversation   # key
0x7cb94bf4  spineLooseAngularDamping   # float
0x7cb9e01a  kDuskLightColor   # vector3
0x7d8ed666  OptionAudioPerformance   # uint32
0x7f00d75e  tutorialLinks   # keys
0x7f30f249  footcurveveltogain   # floats
0x8067c9b6  badgeReqTradesComplete   # int
0x81275D0A  alphaCreatureScale   # float?
0x81f2f78a  badgeReqMissionsComplete   # int
0x828f44dc  missionGenericRewardUnlock   # keys
0x82beafe0  timeinvariantpitch   # float
0x85155a0c  preloadTextures   # keys
0x85dd23eb  tutorialLinksText   # uints
0x86236D5F  findPercentageLevelMultiplier   # unsure
0x86835d38  enable   # float
0x86CF5FC5  MakeNewButtonSizeOffset   # unsure
0x86e4091f  modelSnapDownTo   # keys # array of block types for the given block to snap to vertically
0x8745441d  memoryProfilerHookDisabledDefault   #  bool false # true to disable the hook
0x874a0e6e  spineTightAngularDamping   # float
0x874b25b6  missionType   # key
0x874b25b7  missionIsEvent   # bool false
0x874b25b8  missionIsTutorial   # bool false
0x87c2473f  kDayLightColor   # vector3
0x87fe8a14  modelHandleLinkedHandlesTemplate   # keys # template default for the symmetric handle to link this handle to
0x8924fd25  badgeReqEmpiresMet   # int
0x89896BF3  TooltipHoverTime   # unsure
0x899eb157  AudioMuteAll   #  bool
0x8B80529E  VerbButtonGap   # unsure
0x8a450c3a  spineVertebraHavokPaddingFactor   # float
0x8aa0ab86  missionGenerousRewardUnlock   # keys
0x8bdd39ec  AudioMusicVolume   #  float
0x8c0d0f88  flashAmplitude   # float
0x8d4d3fcf  spineHingeMinAngleLimit   # float
0x8e31d974  modelCanBeParentless   # bool false # allows the block to be left on the ground or in the air without a parent
0x8e35c36e  kFogDistBiasByAtmosphereScore   # vector2s
0x8ecb344a  modelHandleKeys   # keys # array defining handle order for properties
0x8f189323  kFogNightScale   # float
0x8f6fc401  blockName   # text # Localization file and hash for the rig block name
0x8f92bac3  spaceToolPaletteButtonID   # int
0x8fc9308e  probability   # float
0x8fda2e23  cameraInitialOffsetY   # float
0x8ffc9e66  modelSymmetrySnapDelta   # float # the distance from the center at which a part is no longer symmetric
0x8ffcbd36  modelSymmetricFile   # key # optional file specifies a different prop file to be used when cloning for symmetry
0x90627ffa  FeastDuration   # uint
0x9064f465  ThresholdForDisplay   # float
0x90652352  cameraBreathSpeedMin   # float
0x9069c7c8  modelUseSkin   # bool
0x906dbd37  hackPlanetLoadEffectArray   # strings # list of effects to run immediately following a planet load.
0x90723c38  cameraAutoPitchFarStd   # float
0x907b7054  NewPositiveEventDuration   # uint
0x907b705e  NewNegativeEventDuration   # uint
0x9099deaf  TaskTribeAttackTribe   # float
0x9099deb3  TaskMate   # float
0x909ac99e  spaceToolDamageArea   # float # the world unit radius in which the tool will destroy game objects
0x90a2f18c  GiftAmountPerCreature   # float
0x90a3c829  floraMaxDesiredNiche   # float # (-1.0f to 1.0f) the maximum perceived altitude required for this plant to survive
0x90e064d5  floraModelIDLOD0   # key # id of the plant model prop file to be loaded
0x90f4b6b5  creatureAbilityNoRequirements   # int
0x91072941  creatureMaxGrowlDistance   # float
0x917ee1db  footcurvemasstohipass   # floats
0x9187aee3  editorComplexityLimit   # int # Maximum complexity of blocks allowed in this editor
0x91FE517B  CreatureArchetype   # unsure
0x91a570ba  modelCapabilitySocial   # int 0
0x92118fe4  hutStyleListNames   # strings
0x921a7b98  paintMaterialDefaultColor1   # colorRGB
0x921a7b99  paintMaterialDefaultColor2   # colorRGB
0x9226de4c  creatureNewbieGameTime   # int
0x92292737  creatureEvoPoints_L   # float
0x925b7301  creatureSecondsInHeat   # float
0x92baae19  poison_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0x92ddfc3e  editorPlayModeEntryEffectID   # key
0x92ddfc3f  editorPlayModeExitEffectID   # key
0x92e06ea6  socialInitialRelationship   # float
0x92fa6b4b  colorpickerExpansionValMax   # float
0x931d52b2  kMungeTempMapScale   # float
0x937e6619  editorCameraTurntableStyle   # bool # used mainly for cell editor
0x938d512b  paletteTribeToolFirstPurchasableTool   # int
0x93cab73f  kMungeLatMapScale   # float
0x9416cea1  modelHideDeformHandles   # bool false # forces the deform handles of a block to be hidden
0x943d7ed0  sporepediaConfigSelectedFilterID   # key
0x943d7ed1  sporepediaConfigEnableSelectionButton   # bool
0x943d7ed2  sporepediaConfigLockFilterUI   # bool
0x98051D6D  ENTER_KeyButtonIDs   # unsure
0x983c9f8f  paletteAssetSwatchNewIcon   # keys
0x98ac8996  fadein   # float
0x98cef991  spineTightLinearDamping   # float
0x98d0ea44  modelRotationRingXAxis   # key
0x98d0ea45  modelRotationRingXAxisRotation   # float 0.0
0x98d0ea46  modelRotationRingYAxis   # key
0x98d0ea47  modelRotationRingYAxisRotation   # float 0.0
0x98d0ea48  modelRotationRingZAxis   # key
0x98d0ea49  modelRotationRingZAxisRotation   # float 0.0
0x98f1dfd8  spaceToolPaletteList   # keys
0x9E0B246C  Image   # unsure
0x9E0B246C  image   # unsure
0x9F1EAF9D  FeedTextColorRolloverSelected   # unsure
0x9a54b3da  spineMouseSpringDamping   # float
0x9a6aaae5  paletteCategoryLayoutFile   # key
0x9df52797  skinpaintAmbOccDiffuse   #  float 0.5
0x9e076129  assetBrowserBanMode   #  bool false
0x9e1db41e  badgeReqFetchMissionsComplete   # int
0x9e3669da  time   # float
0xA22260B1  LODCutoffHigh
0xA597B8C0  creatureScaleForBrainLevel1   # float?
0xA597B8C1  creatureScaleForBrainLevel0   # float?
0xA597B8C2  creatureScaleForBrainLevel3   # float?
0xA597B8C3  creatureScaleForBrainLevel2   # float?
0xA597B8C4  creatureScaleForBrainLevel5   # float?
0xA597B8C5  creatureScaleForBrainLevel4   # float?
0xA8FA45BA  cameraRotateScaleKeyboard   # unsure
0xAAC5A161  initialTheta   # unsure
0xAC38E1CB  PopupMenuMouseWheelSkip   # unsure
0xAC40F7E5  ScrollCatchupSpeed   # unsure
0xACDAB823  PreloadAnimListIDs   # unsure
0xB2D51724  VehiclePurposeEnum   # unsure
0xB5F3DDD9  rampOffsetStartDistance   # unsure
0xB6C69EB8  AssetLoadInterval   # unsure
0xB6EC210B  creatureHealthIncrement   # float?
0xBEDADA93  InteractiveOrnament   # unsure
0xBF623956  growthRate   # float?
0xC012AE1F  MigrationPoint   # unsure
0xC1B4D580  Anim_See_animmgr_Cheat   # bool true # so something shows up in the listProps cheat
0xC2DAFABB  DrawBodies
0xCAEA3820  DrawTarget
0xCE9D3DFA  AssetGridBorderSize   # unsure
0xD2C09A86  FeedTextColorSelected   # unsure
0xD6D405AB  VehicleLocomotionEnum   # unsure
0xD899BEC5  globalCreatureSprintSpeedBoost   # float?
0xD8F99173  plantSummaryVersionForPollinator   # uint32?
0xDB61D1F4  PersonalityEnum   # unsure
0xDFB41E3F  cameraIsMayaStyle   # unsure
0xDFCB730E  GridScrollButtonPixelsPerSecond   # unsure
0xE0E98B25  TintCreaturesByAnimLOD
0xE44AEA33  tribe   # strings
0xE5B5D7A8  FeedItemNameAndCountGapPixels   # unsure
0xE7CA2D90  city   # strings
0xF29F5604  timescale
0xF2F23C29  LODMaxMedium
0xF7E0935E  initialDistance   # unsure
0xF987C782  LODMaxLow
0xFA56F65C  globalFindPercentageMultiplier   # unsure
0xFD92843D  ScrollSingleChunkAmount   # unsure
0xFFB2D688  creatureBasePerception   # float?
0xa14ad299  kNightLumBlend   # float
0xa1d9e5f7  footcurvefootsizetogain   # floats
0xa219cc45  kFogByElevSpace   # vector3s
0xa29e0098  badgeReqEradicateMissionsComplete   # int
0xa3db17be  modelAlignHeightWith   # keys # array of block types for the given block to align height with
0xa3e30892  badgeReqWarsStarted   # int
0xa52c03ab  kLODMaxProjSize   # float
0xa5bbb508  dropShadowQualityImage   #  int 3 # none-0, low-1, medium-2, high-3
0xa5f5a154  spineHavokWorldSolverTau   # float
0xa70d87ac  spaceToolStrategy   # key # strategy class to use for custom behavior beyond normal tool usage
0xa79e5398  perfLimits   # vector2s # (limit, maxLimit)
0xab73e4f9  renderTerrainWater   #  bool true
0xac10e58a  missionTypeOfFetch   # key
0xac414418  terrainModelBudget   #  int 50
0xad56080c  Creature_Game
0xadaca7eb  badgeSystemspurchased   # int
0xaded51d5  AudioMasterVolume   #  float
0xaee2835e  electric_jumps_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0xaef74c9a  missionGenerousRewardRelation   # float 0.0
0xaf5d98bd  kMungeHeightMapScale   # float
0xafff3a14  modelIsVertebra   # bool true # whether model has a ball connector or not
0xb0032aed  modelOrientWhenSnapped   # bool true
0xb00db7bd  editorPedestalModel   # key # the key for the rdx9 file to be used for the pedestal in the editor
0xb00db8c8  editorLight   # key # the name of the light to be used by the editor
0xb00f0fdf  modelCapabilityLimb   # int 1
0xb00f0fe2  modelCapabilityGrasper   # int 1
0xb00f0fe5  modelCapabilityEar   # int 1
0xb00f0fe9  modelCapabilityEye   # int 1
0xb00f0fec  modelCapabilityMouth   # int 1
0xb00f0fef  modelCapabilityFoot   # int 1
0xb00f0ff2  modelCapabilitySlash   # int 1
0xb00f0ff4  modelCapabilityPoke   # int 1
0xb00f0ff7  modelCapabilityBash   # int 1
0xb02d871c  editorCameraThumbnail   # key # thumbnail camera, when editor asset is saved, this is the camera used to generate the thumbnail
0xb02fbfa3  ExportRigblockBones   #  bool false
0xb0351b13  editorModelTypes   # keys # the list of model types that this editor supports, ie. VehicleMilitaryAir, VehicleEconomicLand, BuildingIndustry, BuildingHouse, etc
0xb03a6504  streambufferreadsize   # uint
0xb03ee61d  cameraInitialDistance   # float
0xb057d114  cameraShowDebugVisuals   # bool
0xb05ca6b1  spineHingeMinFlexFactor   # float
0xb060e649  cameraMode   # int
0xb063d417  HousingShortageDelta   # float
0xb063d44d  CreaturesToHousingRatioMax   # float
0xb0723c3c  cameraAutoPitchFarMax   # float
0xb07b21bd  modelHasRotationBallHandle   # bool # does it have a rotation ball handle for controlling object pitch, yaw
0xb07b21be  modelRotationBallHandleOffset   # vector3 # offset from object origin to place the rotation ball handle
0xb099deb0  TaskTribeRaidTribe   # float
0xb0a16109  palettePageHorizontalSpacing   # float
0xb0a1610a  palettePageVerticalSpacing   # float
0xb0a1610c  palettePageHorizontalOffset   # float
0xb0a1610d  palettePageVerticalOffset   # float
0xb0e066a0  paletteItemImage   # key # key to a texture (that will display in the palette)
0xb0e066a4  paintMaterialDiffuse   # key
0xb0e066a5  paintMaterialNMapSpec   # key
0xb0e066a6  paintMaterialEmissive   # key
0xb0e066a7  paintThemePaints   # keys
0xb0e066a8  paintThemeColor1s   # colorRGBs
0xb0e066a9  paintThemeColor2s   # colorRGBs
0xb0e066aa  paintScriptID   # key
0xb136a2d1  creatureNPCReactionTime   # int
0xb136a2d2  creatureNPCReactionTimeVariance   # int
0xb19c4ae1  alertDistance   # float
0xb19c4ae2  alertCooldown   # float
0xb1a4592f  creatureAbilityReqNumberOfParts   # keys
0xb1a4594b  creatureAbilityNumberRequired   # int
0xb1abf848  editorDefaultPaintTheme   # key # which paint theme to use when placing a new block by default (only affects non-skin editors such as building/vehicle)
0xb1b76a19  editorDefaultInitialBudget   # int # starting budget, only used if no budget is passed in when the editor is launched by an external app
0xb1c3e5b5  modelCapabilityCuteness   # int 0
0xb1c3e5b6  modelCapabilityMean   # int 0
0xb1c3e5b7  modelCapabilityBite   # int 0
0xb1c3e5b8  modelCapabilityCharge   # int 0
0xb1c3e5b9  modelCapabilitySpit   # int 0
0xb1c3e5c0  modelCapabilityStrike   # int 0
0xb1c3e5c1  modelCapabilityDance   # int 0
0xb1c3e5c2  modelCapabilityVocalize   # int 0
0xb1c3e5c3  modelCapabilityFlaunt   # int 0
0xb1c3e5c4  modelCapabilityPosture   # int 0
0xb1cb9c62  creatureHungerSatisfiedPerFruit   # float
0xb1d3a61b  draftingDotAngle   # float
0xb1e36ca3  GraphicsCacheSize   #  int 4 # size to use for GraphicsCache in 128MB chunks (not implemented yet!)
0xb23751b2  creatureAbilityHideInEditor   # bool true
0xb237e271  creature_volume_range   # vector2
0xb24a724a  spineHingeAngularLimitsTauFactor   # float
0xb2e6f0f8  shoppingAssetIcon   # key # icon for asset type, to be displayed in shopping
0xb2e6f0f9  shoppingAssetName   # text # name of asset type, to be displayed in shopping
0xb2e6f0fa  shoppingAssetDescription   # text # description of asset type, to be displayed in shopping
0xb2fa6d7b  colorpickerExpansionSatMax   # float
0xb34fe5dc  spineFrictionConstant   # float
0xb35351af  modelBaseFile   # key # optional file specifies a different prop file to be used for the base (-1) side
0xb354a87c  modelCapabilityCreatureSpeed   # int 0
0xb35d7835  paletteCategoryParentCategory   # key
0xb3a88b0b  editorScreenEffectsDistance   # float # distance from camera to play screen space FX
0xb3d5d002  gameLaunchScreenTexts   # texts
0xb3e30313  modelCapabilitySense   # int 0
0xb3fef39a  missionAccidentProneRewardUnlockCount   # int 0
0xb42c985b  editorPlayModeEnabled   # bool # is the play mode button enabled or greyed out?
0xb457c766  verbTrayCollectionSporepediaLargeCard   # key #points to the file that specifies the verb tray collection for the large card layout in sporepedia
0xb4581c25  sporepediaConfigEnableMakeNewButton   # bool
0xb4a08d14  editorSwatchCameraUI   # key
0xb4d1731e  sporepediaConfigFilterUnplayableAssets   # bool
0xb4d2057f  DumpAOShadowMap   #  bool false # shadow maps
0xb5046f83  spineHingeMaxFlexFactor   # float
0xb57d1a6d  CityFlattenSize   # float
0xb6b96595  spineVertebraInertiaScale   # float
0xb75fd502  modelAnimationSoundLinks   # keys # array mapping animation keys to sounds
0xb8864eac  skinpaintTextureSize   #  int 512
0xb9547ef2  badgeReqPlanetsTerraformed   # int
0xb9da0713  spineUseFewerAxialConstraints   # bool
0xba032ba7  spineVertebraMaxMassProportion   # float
0xba2b0967  kFogByElevTribe   # vector3s
0xbaafd251  Species
0xbaf7f4f9  polyphony   # uint
0xbb60eb9c  timeTerrainMaps   #  bool false
0xbbab1bf5  flagella_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0xbc2b0f4a  kMungeWindMapScale   # float
0xbcaa69c5  spineChainTau   # float
0xbcbd7e27  spineLooseLinearDamping   # float
0xbdc3753d  solarSystemImpostors   # bool false
0xbdd1f1e4  appendLogs   #  bool false # append to log files instead of overwriting
0xbeac6fe1  missionEradicateMaxNumHealthyKills   # int
0xbeac6fe2  missionEradicateNumKillsNeeded   # int
0xbf26a20e  spaceTerraformWaterDivergenceRate   # float
0xbf26a20f  spaceTerraformAtmosphereDivergenceRate   # float
0xbf26a210  spaceTerraformBullseyeSteepnessPower   # float
0xbf26a211  spaceTerraformFloraBullseyeRadius   # float
0xbf26a212  spaceTerraformFloraBullseyeForce   # float
0xbf26a213  spaceTerraformBullseyeMarbleMass   # float
0xbf26a214  spaceTerraformBullseyeTimeScale   # float
0xbf26a215  spaceTerraformBullseyeMarbleDamping   # float
0xbf26a216  spaceTerraformBullseyeMarbleDrag   # float
0xc0b97e13  renderTerrainLand   #  bool true
0xc14680ef  playOpeningMovie   #  bool true
0xc19db33  skinpaintBumpHeight   #  float 5
0xc1cb1d84  badgeCreaturespromoted   # int
0xc46ec042  palettePaletteLayoutFile   # key
0xc65ea1ed  kLODSeabedMaxProjSize   # float
0xc73d64d3  kLODSeabedMinProjSize   # float
0xc7a32320  missionStingyRewardMoney   # float 0.0
0xc7bd13bc  paletteAssetSwatchLargeNewTooltip   # text
0xc84067f7  palettePageParentCategory   # key
0xc8d23e7f  missionEradicateNumCreatures   # int
0xc924ebff  missionUseToolID   # key
0xc967ecff  iconSmall   # key # icon used for part unlock ui (small version)
0xcb58dfc4  assetBrowserSkipShopping   #  bool false
0xcb80d7ec  gameplayTerrainModelBudget   #  int 50
0xcccd0f38   skinpaintAmbOccSpecular   #  float 0.3
0xcd5e2038  perfPositions   # vector2s # (line#, 0|1 = left|right)
0xce31f6a1  camera_lerpfactor   # vector2s (0, 0)
0xce971565   brushTriBudget   #  int 2500
0xceb47cc0  MainThreadJobBudget   #  int 2 # max ms to spend per frame on main thread jobs.
0xd00f0ffb  modelCapabilityFruit   # int 1
0xd00f0ffe  modelCapabilityFin   # int 1
0xd02bedc8  editorInitSpine   # bool true # if the model inits the spine by default
0xd03ee49b  cameraInterpolateAnchorTime   # float
0xd0627ffd  PartyDelta   # float
0xd0628000  PartyDuration   # uint
0xd0628004  RecentAttackDuration   # uint
0xd063d3fb  FoodSurplusDelta   # float
0xd063d44c  CreaturesToHousingRatioMin   # float
0xd063d482  DecorationToNeedRatioMax   # float
0xd06913ea  cameraShakeFrequencyMax   # float
0xd06913ea  cameraShakeFrequencyMin   # float
0xd0723c18  cameraEnableFreePitch   # bool
0xd099ddfa  PlanBuyTool   # float
0xd0ad4b00  editorUseShadows   # bool false # whether shadows are on or off by default
0xd0b29520  statsPosition   # vector2
0xd0b29521  statsCaptions   # texts
0xd0b29522  statsMaxDots   # ints
0xd0b29523  statsAlwaysDisplay   # bools
0xd0b29524  statsIcons   # keys
0xd112e352  editorVertebraModel   # key # the model (prop file) that this editor uses as the vertebra
0xd11cbf2e  modelCellAllowOnTopOfBody   # bool false # allow the block to go on top of the body
0xd1241c36  editorVertebraWidth   # float # spacing between vertebra
0xd124fce0  floraModelIDLOD1   # key # id of the plant model prop file to be loaded
0xd124fce4  floraModelIDLOD2   # key # id of the plant texture prop file to be loaded
0xd124fce4  modelSprite0   # key # id of a 4-view side sprite texture to be loaded
0xd124fce7  floraModelIDLOD3   # key # id of the plant texture prop file to be loaded
0xd124fce7  modelSprite1   # key # id of a top-view sprite texture to be loaded
0xd19c4adb  avoidEnemyDistance   # float
0xd19c4adc  avoidEnemyForce   # float
0xd19c4ade  avoidStrangerDistance   # float
0xd19da711  forceToGoal   # float
0xd1b02eec  angleDifferenceToFlock   # float
0xd1d1121a  exponent   # float
0xd1fa0631  badgeReqAlliancesFormed   # int
0xd20d4636  paletteCategoryRegionFilter   # key
0xd237f426  herd_radius   # float
0xd2435f2d  modelOverrideBounds   # bool # if this is on, will set the override bounds flag on the model
0xd2916ee5  awareness_dilation   # vector2s (0, 0)
0xd29675e0  colorpickerImageGroupID   # key
0xd29675e1  colorpickerImageFrame   # key
0xd29675e2  colorpickerImageFrameGlow   # key
0xd29675e3  colorpickerImageShine   # key
0xd29675e4  colorpickerImageExpansionBackground   # key
0xd29675e5  colorpickerImageColor   # key
0xd29675e6  colorpickerRolloverMaxTime   # float
0xd29675e7  colorpickerMouseDownMaxTime   # float
0xd29675e8  colorpickerMaxInflation   # float
0xd29675ea  colorpickerExpansionSize   # float
0xd29675eb  colorpickerNumExpansionSwatches   # int # must be odd number
0xd29675ec  colorpickerColors   # colorRGBs
0xd29675ed  colorpickerExpansionSatExponent   # float
0xd29675ee  colorpickerExpansionValExponent   # float
0xd29675ef  colorpickerExpansionCatchUpSpeed   # float
0xd297bfc6  colorpickerSelectMaxTime   # float
0xd2fc2218  missionMultiDeliveryMinNumBuyers   # int
0xd3463367  socialExactMatchMultiplier   # float
0xd3a86350  editorBuyItemEffectID   # key
0xd3a86351  editorSellItemEffectID   # key
0xd3a86352  editorEscrowEffectID   # key
0xd3bcdc94  itemUnlockEffect   # key
0xd44f47b8  tutorialStringTable   # key
0xd4d2a115  kLODMinProjSize   # float
0xd5dceff5  perfLabels   # string8s # names
0xd669e3c7  skinpaintMaxOcclusion   # float
0xd71a8119  missionDuration   # float -1.0
0xd7a6baad  missionTerraformStartScore   # int -1
0xd7e85196  footcurvelentohipass   # floats
0xd8fb24c0  spineHavokWorldSimType   # int
0xd9534bb0  footcurvefootsizetopitch   # floats
0xd9a55b04  TextTest   #  text "placeholder" 0xdeadbeef!0x00badeac
0xda51ec17  editorBackgroundMusicPatch   # key # the key to the sound patch to play for the background music
0xda6c50fd  Lighting
0xdafa9ed3  kNightLightColor   # vector3
0xdafbe434  modelSnapToCenterOfEditor   # bool false # snap the block to the center of the editor
0xdb8b6bf2  dialogTimeout   # uint 0
0xdcd55da1  EffectsInstancing   #  bool false
0xdd658204  spineHavokWorldSolverDamp   # float
0xdd94fb65  foottype   # string
0xde37af7e  kAmbientLevel   # float
0xde90eeb5  NumQuadsPerFrame   #  int 20
0xe0e60974  driftFrequency0   # float 1.0
0xe0e60975  driftFrequency1   # float 1.0
0xe0e60976  driftFrequency2   # float 1.0
0xe1261ed6  missionGenericRewardTool   # keys
0xe1408308   ShaderPathLimit   #  int -1 # if >= 0, used for dialling back shader path to something faster.
0xe21c0641  badgeStorybooksvisited   # int
0xe305aafb  blockPack   # int # Pack (Content, Expansion, booster, etc) that this block belongs to
0xe30a842c   dropShadowQualityText   #  int 3 # none-0, low-1, medium-2, high-3
0xe3803d2a  modelSnapToParentTypes   # keys # parent types to apply snap to
0xe3833365  missionAccidentProneRewardRelation   # float 0.0
0xe407dbb2  kNightDotOffset   # float
0xe5015d0c  electric_recharge_count   # vector2s (0, 0)
0xe51c23d2  missionTerraformTargetScore   # int -1
0xe55e3dd4  ShowAODirections   #  bool false # put a test axes where the lights are
0xe5663079  inventoryItemArtifactNormalScale   # float -1.0 # the normal scale of the artifact if the inventory (cargo) item is related to an artifact
0xe5ac96bc  kDuskShadowColor   # vector3
0xe5d4840d  kFogByElevCiv   # vector3s
0xe6a31466  paletteCategoryIcon   # key
0xe7e95249  messageBoxOnPropertyError   #  bool true
0xe8172372  planetLODChunkRes   # int 16 # uint??
0xe827074c  EnableEventLogUI   #  bool true # enable/disable event log UI
0xe84d2d88  badgeReqGrobDefeated   # int
0xe8659522  BakeFloraImposters   #  bool false # turn on flora impostering path
0xe8970d7   BakeCreatureAsync   #  bool true
0xe8ab99b9  fadeout   # float
0xe99ed6ff  animTriggerOnBlock   # keys
0xe9cf649c  missionMultiDeliveryBuyerPaymentItem   # keys
0xea5118b1  Effects
0xea9c0417   brushTimeBudget   #  int 40000
0xeaaaac60  missionStingyRewardUnlock   # keys
0xec611fc7  modelStayAboveGround   # bool # forces the block to remain above the ground or whatever is below it
0xecdf0df2  kFogDistBiasByTimeOfDay   # vector2s
0xee0fa2ce  modelStayAbove   # keys # array of block types for the given block to snap to vertically
0xeeead734  palettePagePartItems   # keys
0xefc800f5  missionStingyRewardUnlockCount   # int 0
0xf006fffc  modelPaletteGroup   # key # key specifies palette group (movement, head, details, etc)
0xf023ed73  modelMinScale   # float 0.40 # minimum uniform scaling allowed in the editor
0xf023ed79  modelMaxScale   # float 3.0 # maximum uniform scaling allowed in the editor
0xf033ff66  shoppingCanEditExisting   # bool # true means there will be an "edit" button in the preview pane
0xf03ee4a8  cameraInterpolateDistanceTime   # float
0xf05faa79  muscleGroups   # keys # list of muscle files
0xf0609ec3  spaceEnabledTools   # keys # the configuration array of available tools
0xf0609ec8  spaceBuyableTools   # keys # the configuration array of buyable tools
0xf0609ece  spaceToolBuyCost   # int # The amount of money required to buy the tool
0xf0609ed3  spaceToolUsesAmmo   # bool true # flag if the tool requires the use of ammo
0xf0609ed9  spaceToolInitialAmmoCount   # int # the initial ammo for the tool
0xf061e767  modelMaxMuscleFile   # key # path to max muscle prop file
0xf063d415  CreaturesToFoodRatioMin   # float
0xf063d418  HousingSurplusDelta   # float
0xf063d44e  RubbleDelta   # float
0xf0652355  cameraBreathFrequencyMax   # float
0xf0652356  cameraBreathAmplitudeMin   # float
0xf06913e7  cameraShakeSpeedMin   # float
0xf0692887  cameraShakeRoll   # float
0xf06a086e  modelHasRotationRingHandle   # bool # does it have a rotation ring handle for controlling object roll
0xf06d1e9b  cameraMouseSensitivityX   # float
0xf0723c26  cameraAutoPitchCloseStd   # float
0xf0997c95  editorUseAnimWorld   # bool # whether this editor should initialize an anim world or not
0xf099deb5  TaskTribeGiftTribe   # float
0xf150ffb0  animRespondsToEvent   # keys
0xf150ffb1  animName   # string
0xf15315d0  animbuttonAnimationName   # strings
0xf15315d1  animbuttonGraphic   # keys
0xf15315d2  animbuttonCaption   # strings
0xf15315d3  animbuttonEvents   # keys
0xf15cd7e4  creatureNestRespawnTime   # int
0xf1fae962  modelTool   # key # ID of tool associated with model, used to associate rigblocks with in-game tools
0xf1fae962  modelTools   # keys # List of tools associated with model
0xf1fae963  modelToolTransforms   # transforms # Corresponding list of transforms associated with tool list
0xf21a7bdc  paintThemeRegionFilter   # bools
0xf21e733c  palettePalettePages   # keys
0xf237e2d7  average_speed_range   # vector2
0xf23a9a42  creatureAbilityHideInGame   # bool
0xf243c227  creatureAbilityInitVisible   # bool
0xf2d04406  HardCodeSpaceHomePlanet   #  bool true # if false, home planet is procedurally generated on game start
0xf2d596c3  dumpMemoryVTables   #  bool false
0xf346336e  socialSameGroupMultiplier   # float
0xf354a870  eyeOverlayEffect   # string8
0xf354a879  modelCapabilityBlock   # int 0
0xf354a87a  modelCapabilityCall   # int 0
0xf387d899   DebugPS   #  bool false # substitute debug pixel shader.
0xf38bf8e1  paletteTribeToolUpgradeList   # keys
0xf38d12d2  modelUpgradePrice   # int # upgrade price, used for tribal tools - will override in the palette item rollover
0xf3d75063  brokenEggModelKeys   # keys
0xf45f59d7  modelBlockUpgradesTo   # key # The block this block changes to, used for cell parts to creature game
0xf4906970  feedListItemIconKey   # key
0xf5447ae1  ducks   # bool
0xf5822019  messageBoxOnKeySkips   #  bool false
0xf5cbe065  editorPartsPalette   # key # New palette data layout
0xf6cf9ed5  GalaxyCamAngularVelocity   # float
0xf711981f  animConditionFOURCC   # string8
0xf7b6a107  missionAccidentProneRewardMoney   # float 0.0
0xf87abea3  modelSnapToParentSnapVectors   # bool false # snap block to the lateral center of the parent
0xf8ddbf2c  editorFeetBoundSize   # float # the width of the space that the feet are constrained to
0xf8e99c4f  palettePagePartItemRows   # ints
0xf924ebf3  missionStarMapEffectGroup   # key
0xf924ebf4  missionGiveOnAcceptTools   # keys
0xf924ebf5  missionGiveOnAcceptMoney   # float 0.0
0xf924ebf6  missionGiveOnAcceptPlants   # bool false
0xf924ebf7  missionGiveOnAcceptAnimals   # bool false
0xf924ebf8  missionNumOfRowsRequired   # int 0
0xf924ebfd  missionHideStarName   # bool false
0xf924ebfe  missionHidePlanetName   # bool false
0xf924ebff  missionNumAliensToFind   # int 1
0xf924ec00  missionContactGrob   # bool false
0xf924ecff  missionExportTargetPlanetTo   # key
0xf924ed00  missionExportTargetSpeciesTo   # key
0xf9f5c29b  badgeJoker   # int
0xfaaaebf0  missionInitDataImport   # keys
0xfaaaebf1  missionInitDataExport   # keys
0xfaaaebf2  missionExitDataExport   # keys
0xfaaaebf3  missionAcceptDataImport   # keys
0xfadf5aad  inventoryItemArtifactModel   # key # the name of the model of the artifact if the inventory (cargo) item is related to an artifact
0xfb23b7d1  modelActLikeFinOnPlaneOfSymmetry   # bool false # makes a part act like a fin on the plane of symmetry (with positive X facing forward)
0xfe04bd3e  reverbspacesize   # float
0xfe0926f6  modelMinBallConnectorScale   # float 0.40 # minimum ball connector scaling allowed in the editor
0xfe1e2bc2  paletteSetName   # text
0xff50f753  animRequiredBlocks   # keys
0xffbdc58d  SPGAutoSave   #  bool false

Signing off


Enjoy Spore!

13-Aug-2008 [Jongware]

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