Sims 3:0x067CAA11
From SimsWiki
BGEO (Body Geometry)
Researched by Karybdis
Here's the preliminary structure. Due to apparent invariance in some of the values, they cannot be decoded at the moment.
DWORD - Magic (BGEO) 4 BYTES - Version? (768 or 0x00030000) DWORD - Section 1 Count (56 bytes each) DWORD (0x04, invariant?) DWORD - Section 2 Count (Words) DWORD - Section 3 Count (6 BYTES) DWORD (0x08, invariant?) DWORD (0x0C, invariant?) DWORD - Section 1 offset (from beginning) DWORD - Section 2 offset (from beginning) DWORD - Section 3 offset (from beginning) -56 byte entries -WORD Entries WORD -S3 Entries WORD WORD WORD
Still working on the 56 byte entries, but I believe they contain some format data as well as counts and offsets into the S2 and S3 parts.