Game Help:Sims 3 Tricks

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RightArrow.gif Pizza Hoarding

When you order pizza, don't accept the delivery. The delivery person will leave it in a spot next to your door, where they will stack pizzas whenever you order them. The pizzas will never get old.

RightArrow.gif Free Objects for a Day

How much money you get back when you sell an objects is not determined by how many times or how long you use it, but by how many days you own it. If you sell it in the same day as buying, you will get a full refund.

RightArrow.gif Get The Most Out of Life Fruit and Ambrosia

Life Fruit gives one day of youth back to your sim. When you change Sim Lifespan in Game Options, however, they have the same percentage of time before their next age transition. A Young Adult sim with a Short lifespan would get back one day of life, or 1/8th of her age. if you then dial the Lifespan up to Epic in Game Options, the sim will still have 1/8th of her life back--over 100 days!

Clear as mud? Here's a step-by-step:

  1. Get some life fruit or ambrosia.
  2. Change life span to Short in Game Options.
  3. Eat the Life Fruit or Ambrosia to get one day (or two weeks) of life back.
  4. Change life span to Epic in Game Options (or back to wherever you had it).
  5. Your sim will now have many more days left before aging up.

Naturally, this won't work if you're already playing with Short Lifespans.

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