Game Help:Sims 3 Pushable Statues
To identify a pushable statue, hover your mouse over the statue. If the cursor comes with an asterisk (*), this means the statue is selectable. This statue can be moved.
There are 2 main actions associated with a statue - push and pull. Of the selection menu, four options are available : push, push far, pull, and pull far. When selecting the far options, your Sim will push or pull the statue until they hit a wall. They will not stop automatically even if they trigger floor switches; you must manually cancel the action.
When your cursor hovers on the pushable statue, you will see a little red arrow that denotes the direction you can push or pull in. If the red arrow shows a direction that you do not wish to pull, simply shift your mouse a little and the arrow would change.
There is no diagonal movement for statues; you can only move forwards or backwards, left or right.