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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/9bffc10d
cIndexedMeshBuilder 9bffc10d
1 $len(0x13)
19 "cIndexedMeshBuilder"
4 BlockID: 0x9bffc10d
4 version: 0x9
1 $len(0x10)
16 "cGeometryBuilder"
4 BlockID: 0
4 version: 3
4 count 
n array 12*count(an array of count items each 12 bytes long)
4 count
n array 12*count
4 count
n array 8*count
20 zeros
4 repeat of last count
4 0x41
20 zeros
4 count
n array 4*count
n array 4*count
4 count 
n array 4*count
n array 4*count
4 count 
n array 4*count
n array 4*count
2048 unknown(could this be a transformation matrix?)
4 count
  1 $len
  n $
  1 $len
  n $
  4 count
  n array 4*count
  n array 12*count
  4 unknown 0
4 1
4 3
4 count
n array 4*count
4 count
n array 4*count
4 count
n array 4*count
4 count
n array 4*count
4 1
4 0
4 0
4 0
4 repeat of last count?
4 1
1 $len
n $"face"
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