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Revision as of 07:33, 29 December 2004 by Delphy (Talk | contribs)

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This article is imported from the old MTS2 wiki. You can help Sims2Wiki by cleaning it up. It's original page with comments can be found at http://old_wiki.modthesims2.com/4F424A44

64 - Filename (null terminated) 4 - Version (139) 2 - Initial Stack Size 2 - Default Wall Adjacent Flags 2 - Default Placement Flags 2 - Default Wall Placement Flags (null) 2 - Default Allowed Height Flags (null) 2 - Interaction Table ID Pointer to the TTAB interaction information (a value of 1 for objects with no interactions) 2 - Interaction Group (null) 2 - Type Type of object (a buyable object has value 4) 2 - Multi-Tile master id (null) 2 - Multi-Tile sub index (null) 2 - Use Default Placement flags (null) 2 - Look At Score 4 - GUID A unique ID number for each object. May also be a Sim ID (you can find this value in the Neighborhood FAMI and 0xAACE2EFB files) 2 - Item Is Unlockable 2 - Catalog Use Flags (null) 2 - Price The price of the object 2 - Body strings ID Pointer to STR# resource for sims (null for objects) 2 - Slot ID Pointer to a SLOT resource 4 - Diagonal selector GUID 4 - Grid-aligned selector GUID 2 - Object ownership flags (null or 1) 2 - Ignore GlobalSim field in CAS Lot (null) 2 - Cannot Move Out With (null) 2 - Hauntable (null) 4 - Proxy GUID 2 - Slot group (null) 2 - Aspiration Flags (null) 2 - Memory Nice/Bad (null) 2 - Sale Price Different for each type of removal? (Some have a value, trees have null) 2 - Initial depreciation Sale price loss after first day of purchase 2 - Daily depreciation Loss of sale price after each successive day 2 - Self depreciating Has a value if the object calculates its own depreciation, null if the game calculates it 2 - Depreciation limit The lowest price the object can be sold for 2 - Room sort flags The room category (bit0=Kitchen, bit1=Bedroom, bit2=Bathroom, bit3=Family Room, bit4=Outside, bit5=Dining Room, bit6=Misc, bit7=Study) 2 - Function sort flags The object type (bit0=Seating, bit1=Surfaces, bit2=Appliances, bit3=Electronics, bit4=Plumbing, bit5=Decorative, bit6=General, bit7=Lighting) 2 - Catalog strings ID Pointer to the objects CTSS catalog details 2 - Is global sim object (null) 2 - ToolTip Name Type - 0 default (null) 2 - Template Version (null) 2 - Niceness Multiplier (variable) 2 - No Duplicate On Placement (null) 2 - Want Category (variable) 2 - No New Name from Template (null) 2 - Object version (null) 2 - Default Thumbnail ID (null) 2 - Motive effects ID (null) 4 - Job Object GUID 2 - Catalog popup ID (null) 2 - Ignore Current Model Index In Icons (null) 2 - Level offset (null) 2 - Shadow type Object has a shadow? (null if no shadow, FFFF if has a shadow) 2 - Num attributes (variable) 2 - Number of object arrays (variable) 2 - Unused 2 - Front direction (null) 2 - Unused 2 - Multi-tile lead object (null) 2 - Unused - dynamic sprites base id (Sims1) 2 - Unused - num dynamic sprites (Sims1) 2 - Chair entry flags So you enter the chair from the correct side (null) 2 - Tile width (null) 2 - Inhibit suit copying (null) 2 - Build mode type The build mode type (1=door,2=window,3=stair,4=plant,5=fireplace,6=column,7=pool) 4 - Original GUID Unique ID of the source object, ie the object this one was based off 4 - Object model GUID 2 - Build Mode Subsort (null) 2 - Unused - thumbnail graphic (Sims1) 2 - Unused - shadow flags (Sims1) 2 - Footprint mask (null) 2 - Unused 2 - Unused - shadow brightness (Sims1) 2 - Unused 2 - Unused - wall style sprite id (Sims1) 2 - Hunger rating (null) 2 - Comfort rating (null) 2 - Hygiene rating (null) 2 - Bladder rating (null) 2 - Energy rating (null) 2 - Fun rating (null) 2 - Room rating (null) 2 - Skill Flags The skills this object gives (bit0=Cleaning, bit1=Cooking, bit2=Mechanical, bit3=Logic, bit4=Body, bit5=Creativity, bit6=Charisma, bit7=School Study?) 2 - Num type attributes (Some have 3, trees have null) 2 - Misc flags (Some have 16, trees have null) 4 - Unused - type attr guid (Sims1) 2 - Function Sub-Sort Sub-type of the object eg. Electronic sub-sort are entertainment, video, audio, phone (bit1=first, bit2=second,...bit8=last) 2 - Downtown Sort (null) 2 - Keep Buying (null) 2 - Vacation Sort (null) 2 - Reset Lot Action (null) 2 - 3D Object Type 2 - Community Sort Community categories (bit0=, bit1=, bit2=, bit3=, bit4=, bit5=, bit6=, bit7=) 2 - Dream Flags (null) 12 - unused, reserved

  • - Filename (Pascal string with first 4 bytes as length)
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