Game Help:TS3 Bypassing the Launcher

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Bypassing the Launcher

There are many reasons people want to bypass the game launcher. Whatever your reason, it is quite easy to accomplish with just a few clicks.


  • Navigate to the drive on which you have installed your game.
  • If you are playing just the base game, the .exe file will be found in program files/electronic arts/sims3/game/bin. It is named TS3.exe.
  • If you are playing an expansion pack you will use the .exe file for the latest expansion pack you are playing. eg: program files/electronic arts/Sims 3 World Adventures/Game/Bin - find the TS3EP01.exe file. I will assume that subsequent EPs will follow the same numbering system: TS3EP02, TS3EP03 etc.
  • Right click the .exe file and chose Send to>desktop (create shortcut). In the future, use that shortcut to launch your game.
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