Tutorials:Career Tutorials Custom Careers

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Tutorials by Category

Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims  Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring  Building: Building | Landscaping | Walls & Floors | Other: Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods



This page contains all the information you will need to make a career in the sims 2, this does not require any expansion packs! The frist section is where you should start and learn the step by step method well, then you can move onto the bottom section with the more aqdvanced modding.

What you will need


Full Career Creation Tutorials

Tutorials On Making Better Careers

Video Tutorials

General Tips and Tricks

  • Visit the Hints and Tips section for more idea on how to do little things to improve your careers, you can also go to the careers & majors section and check out some of the other tutorials.
Tutorials by Category

Body Shop: Recolouring | Meshing | Modding | Sims  Objects: Object Creation | Recolouring  Building: Building | Landscaping | Walls & Floors | Other: Careers & Majors | Hacks and Game Mods

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